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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 152. Chaos Star Domain Third Heaven, Kill False Immortal Realm

More than a year later, the group finally entered the second level of the Chaos Star Domain.

At this moment, Huang Wei and Ye Qing, their faces filled with exhaustion, had become much thinner.

Looking at Wang Lin, their eyes were filled with resentment.

This is too much bullying.

We agreed to take turns controlling the flying boat, but in the end, it was only the two of them taking turns.

That’s not all, they should at least contribute some Immortal Crystals, right?

But Wang Lin, not giving them a single cent, treated them like laborers and even made them pay out of their own pockets.

After flying for more than a year, they had spent over 30 million Immortal Crystals, and that was with constantly replenishing their mana.

But then again, the semi-Dao Weapon flying Law Treasure is really powerful.

Along the way, they encountered many cultivators who tried to rob them, but they couldn’t even catch a glimpse of them.

If they had a Void Flying Boat, they could go anywhere in the world.

“It seems that the two of you have a lot of grievances against me, Wang Lin,” Wang Lin said with a light laugh.

“Wang Fellow Daoist, you’re mistaken. If it weren’t for Fellow Daoist’s flying boat, it would have taken us at least two hundred years to reach the second level,” Huang Wei forced a smile and said with clasped fists.

“Wang Fellow Daoist, when mountains and rivers meet, we shall part ways here. Farewell,” Ye Qing also hurriedly said.

“Mm!” Wang Lin nodded.

He placed a tracking mark on Ye Qing. Regardless of whether Ye Qing could find an opportunity or not, his death would come before leaving the Chaos Star Domain.

With this in mind, Wang Lin knocked on the door of the little rabbit’s room.

“Xi Meng, we’ve arrived at the second level.”

“Oh, oh!” The little rabbit’s long ears drooped, still half asleep and looking like she hadn’t fully woken up.

“Big Brother Wang, we’ll see each other another day.”

“Until we meet again.”

Wang Lin smiled and nodded, then controlled the flying boat and disappeared in an instant.

The three of them exchanged glances, each with their own thoughts.

Huang Wei was thinking that since Wang Lin didn’t want to rob Ye Qing, he couldn’t miss this opportunity.

“This shouldn’t be.” Ye Qing murmured. “257.”

No matter how Ye Qing looked at Wang Lin, he didn’t seem like a good person. Why didn’t he rob him?

Could it be that Wang Lin didn’t value Dao Weapons?


Without much time to think, Ye Qing, who had been on guard, saw Huang Wei acting strangely and immediately summoned the Thunderstorm Sword.


Seeing this, Xi Meng shook her head and disappeared in a flash.

She had the trump card given by her mother, and she wasn’t afraid of being robbed, let alone False Immortals.

Xi Meng was just wondering where Wang’s Void Flying Boat was purchased.

If it was handed over to an Immortal Weapon Master for refinement, it should be possible to refine a Dao Weapon.

I wonder how many hairs my mother has to pull out to be able to buy it.

After flying a distance, Wang Lin found a towering mountain range and called out Zi Linger and Feifei.

“Ling’er, you stay here for now. I’m going to the Third Heaven with Xian’er to find opportunities.”

After Zi Linger assimilated the origin of the Heavenly Dao, she had already advanced to the peak of the Fourth Level World, equivalent to the peak of the False Immortal realm.

With her guarding here, he could rest assured and bring his clan members and his women out to find opportunities.


Zi Linger obediently nodded her little head.

“Feifei, you take care of them. After they cross the Thunder Tribulation, go and find some opportunities.”

Small Spirit World doesn’t have much spiritual energy left, and there is no Thunder Tribulation in Small Spirit World.

This also resulted in them being stuck at a bottleneck after cultivating in Small Spirit World for hundreds of years.

On the other hand, Chaos Star Domain has countless opportunities and abundant immortal spiritual energy. It would be a pity if they didn’t come out to find opportunities there.

Moreover, these people are all female protagonists with great luck. They might be able to find good things.

After explaining everything, Tian Lin left with Luo Xian’er.

“Elder, what should we do?” Ye Xianlian looked at their ancestor and asked.

“Of course, it’s to seek opportunities and join Immortal Gate.”

Ye Hongyi’s expression was excited.

Wang Lin had already passed on some basic information about the Immortal World to them.

The Chaos Star Domain is an inexhaustible treasure.

For them, it is simply a great opportunity.


Ye Xianlian’s expression remained calm, but she also showed excitement.

This is the Immortal World that everyone longs for.

Wang Lin brought them in unconditionally, and the favor was too great. She didn’t know how to repay it.

“Ancestor, according to the information provided by Master Wang, we should now have a Rank Seven Divine Body and can join the most apex-level sect in the middle.”

“But we must not reveal that we came from the lower realm.”

According to rumors in the Immortal World, they are all descendants of gods, possessing the most perfect physique, with the human body being like the universe.

However, as time passed, their bloodline gradually became diluted.

According to the physical classification in the Immortal World, a Six Star physique is a Rank One Divine Body.

Twelve Star is Rank Seven.

Moreover, they still have great potential for advancement.

So they are definitely qualified to join any sect.

And for cultivators from the lower realm entering the Immortal World, they are the focus of cultivation for the Immortal World sects.

However, since they didn’t come on their own, they wouldn’t know how to answer if they were asked.

“Mhmm, that makes sense.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Hongyi nodded solemnly.

“Let’s go, I will take Yanran and Tong to seek opportunities.”

She felt that she should help Wang Lin’s women to the best of her ability, rather than just keeping the favor in her heart.

As for whether they would become a burden to her, Ye Hongyi was not worried at all.

In the Great Emperor Realm, they would be like overlords in the Chaos Star Domain on the second day.

Moreover, she was already a half-step False Immortal, already touching the threshold of False Immortal. Her strength had increased by more than a hundredfold.

Protecting them was more than enough.


“Darling, which direction should we go?”

Wang Lin did not use the Void Flying Boat, but instead used spatial teleportation. In just three months, he entered the third heaven.

Looking at the vast and boundless continent, he was somewhat at a loss.

Luo Xian’er also didn’t know where to go, so she simply pointed in a random direction.

Soon, the two arrived at a majestic and towering divine mountain.

Every mountain in this mountain range was vast and towering, surpassing a million zhang, with immortal energy spewing out in all directions.

Such an extraordinary treasure land might have treasures.

Wang Lin opened his Dao eyes and quickly discovered a naturally hidden formation, inside of which was a small lake filled with immortal source liquid.

This was a level higher than immortal energy.

In addition, there was a bead emitting a faint divine radiance, converting immortal energy into immortal source liquid.

This was a Dao Weapon-level rare treasure.

“What a great treasure!”

Wang Lin was overjoyed and threw out a formation flag, opening a gap in the natural formation.

Taking a breath, the rich immortal source energy circulated within his body, with every cell greedily devouring it, emitting a sense of longing.


“There really are treasures here.”

Just as Wang Lin put away the bead and immortal source liquid, as soon as he stepped out of the formation, he encountered a monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

“What did you obtain inside? Hand it over, these things have nothing to do with you.”

He had always felt that there were treasures here and had been searching this mountain range for over a hundred years.

However, he ultimately gained nothing and was about to leave when he suddenly sensed fluctuations here, so he hurriedly rushed over.

“False Immortal realm.”

Wang Lin’s expression became solemn.

From this monk, he sensed danger, the opponent’s strength was terrifyingly powerful.

Great Emperor and False Immortal were a huge gap, completely capable of crushing him.

However, Wang Lin was not too panicked either.

Insufficient cultivation, but he could make up for it with a Law Treasure.

“Kid, didn’t you hear what Lord Buddha said? For the sake of this beauty, Lord Buddha won’t kill you. Put down the treasures and get lost.”

The monk stared fixedly at Luo Xian’er.

“She’s so beautiful, even more ethereal and beautiful than those Saintesses. She’s destined to become Lord Buddha’s dual cultivation cauldron.”

He cultivated in the Chaos Star Domain for tens of thousands of years, from the 8th level of the Dao Platform to the False Immortal realm, and had long since faded away.

Now that he saw Luo Xian’er, he couldn’t contain his excitement.

“Aren’t you monks supposed to be fasting and reciting Buddhist scriptures?” Luo Xian’er asked coldly.

The monk was taken aback, then sneered, “I am different from them. I cultivate the Joyful Zen.”

“Joyful Zen?”

The Immortal World has Buddhist Gates, and their influence is terrifyingly large. Almost the entire Western Haotian and Northwestern Youtian are under the influence of the Buddhist Gates.

There are many sects within the Buddhist Gates. Some do not kill and only eat vegetarian food while reciting Buddhist scriptures.

Some specialize in the path of killing, and there is also the Joyful Path.

As for the Central Juntian, which is the center of the Immortal World, it naturally has various major forces establishing branches in Juntian.

However, those who can establish branches in Juntian must have at least True Immortal cultivation.

“That’s right, this Venerable is a disciple of Huineng,” Huaihai sneered.

These two individuals have extraordinary cultivation and their Dao Rhyme is exceptionally profound. It is clear at a glance that they are monstrous geniuses.

Therefore, he naturally felt that the two of them must have a strong background.

But so what? After they finish dual cultivation, they can simply return the person.

Could it be that the other party would hold a grudge over such a trivial matter?

“Huineng?” Wang Lin pondered for a moment. In the memories of the people he had searched, there was indeed such a person, a sixth-level True Immortal.

The so-called levels refer to the upgrading and qualitative changes of the inner world. Each level can increase one’s strength by a hundredfold.

Nine levels is the limit.

True Immortals who can reach the ninth level theoretically have the qualifications of an Immortal Emperor.

However, very few people actually reach the ninth level because each level is equivalent to a rebirth through Nirvana.

The first three levels are relatively easier, with a success rate of fifty percent. The middle three levels only have a thirty percent success rate, and the last three levels have a success rate of less than ten percent.

Throughout history, most True Immortals have perished in their Nirvana worlds, and very few have been killed by others.

The thought flashed through Wang Lin’s mind, and he gave Luo Xian’er a look. She immediately understood and turned to run.


With a squint of his eyes, Huai Hai revealed a cold smile and raised his hand to capture Luo Xian’er.

A handprint, shining with golden light, surrounded by the immortal laws of the Immortal Dao, directly crossed space and suppressed Luo Xian’er.


As the handprint fell, Luo Xian’er’s figure turned into countless dots of light.

Then, she transformed into nine figures and fled in all directions.

“A Law Manifestation? Impossible! How could the Buddha mistake both the Law Manifestation and the true body?”

There are many types of Law Manifestations, the most common being the cultivation of one’s own Law Manifestation into the Great Dao, which can hold one’s divine soul.

Next, there is the cultivation of a Law Manifestation through Divine Ability, possessing various unimaginable powers.

Luo Xian’er’s Law Manifestation is the latter, even divine consciousness cannot distinguish between true and false…

Her speed is astonishing, as if she can race against time.

Even if he is in the False Immortal realm, he may not be able to catch up.

With this thought, Huai Hai immediately chased after her, leaving Wang Lin to deal with.

However, how could Wang Lin let him go?

Wang Lin immediately sacrificed the Chaos Cauldron and smashed it towards him.

The current Chaos Cauldron has been refined with more than a dozen Emperor Weapons and has ascended to the level of a True Immortal artifact, perfect for dealing with Huai Hai.


As the Chaos Cauldron appeared, the world changed, chaos energy filled the air, and the Chaos Cauldron sealed off the space, exuding a vast and heavy power, causing the entire space to collapse.

“A True Immortal artifact…”

Huai Hai’s face changed.

In his eyes, Wang Lin may be insignificant, he may not regard Wang Lin highly, but he cannot underestimate the Chaos Cauldron.

From the Chaos Cauldron, he felt a deadly danger.

However, that’s all there is.

He is still just an ant who cannot become an immortal.

No matter how good the Law Treasure is, it depends on who is using it.

“Not bad, this True Immortal artifact is destined to be with me.”

Huai Hai’s eyes were greedy as he took out a golden staff, like a pillar supporting the heavens, bursting with countless golden lights of laws.


Without any surprise, the Chaos Cauldron was knocked away, and Huai Hai swiftly moved forward, extending his large hand to grab the Chaos Cauldron.


Luo Xian’er, hidden in the void, had been waiting for this moment.

Her entire being transformed into a sharp sword, like a beam of light that split the void in two.


“Damn it.”

Huai Hai was furious, his body covered in blood and flesh.

Just as he had caught the Chaos Cauldron and was feeling pleased, Luo Xian’er’s sudden sneak attack left him with little room to spare, forcing him to hastily respond.

There was also an element of carelessness on his part, as he believed that a Dao Platform Ninth Layer would have limited power and most likely wouldn’t be able to harm him.

However, upon contact, he realized that Luo Xian’er’s Sword Intent was not weak at all.

In an instant, it broke through his True Immortal body, causing him significant injury.

“Quick, let’s go.”

Wang Lin transmitted his voice, holding the Chaos Profound Light Sword and unleashing the All Creation Returns to Ruin technique.

Buzzing, the immensely powerful Chaos Sword Intent instantly obliterated the billions of miles of mountain flowers.

At this moment, it seemed as if the laws and order of heaven and earth no longer existed, and all things returned to ruin.


Huai Hai felt his soul shatter, frightened by this sword strike.

He immediately sacrificed all his protective Law Treasures, erupting with full force, no longer daring to be careless.


A large hole was pierced through Huai Hai’s chest, and the power of All Creation Returns to Ruin quickly eroded his Immortal Region.


Before Huai Hai could react, Wang Lin then unleashed the Cosmic Light Sword Formation, instantly enveloping him. The boundless power of time flowed like a gentle breeze.

Time flies, and the world changes rapidly. In an instant, everything in heaven and earth was ground into dust by the power of time.

Moreover, the power of time can penetrate everything, including Huai Hai’s False Immortal domain.

“True Immortal artifacts… three thousand True Immortal artifacts!?”

Seeing the three thousand Chaos Profound Light Swords, Huai Hai’s scalp exploded.

Who on earth is this person? To actually possess three thousand True Immortal artifacts.

Feeling the rapid passing of vitality, the body quickly aging, Huai Hai didn’t have time to think much and let out a roar.

Behind him appeared a magnificent golden Buddha, shining like a demon god, waving a scepter and shattering the void.

Boom boom boom!

“Who are you…” Huai Hai was completely panicked. This Divine Ability formation, composed of three thousand True Immortal artifacts, was formed on the 5.4th day.

If he hadn’t been injured, he might have been able to break it. However, now his strength was almost nonexistent, and he couldn’t break it at all.

He had lived for tens of thousands of years and had never heard of anyone having such a heaven-defying Divine Ability formation.

“Another True Immortal artifact…” Only to see Luo Xian’er with the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron above her head, descending countless laws and orders, enveloping her.

The Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron had long been promoted to the level of a True Immortal artifact, and it had a characteristic that it didn’t need to be refined. As long as one was from the Wang Family, they could use it.

“Wait, let’s talk, my master is Huineng. If you kill me, she will definitely not let you go.”

Looking at the two giant cauldrons smashing towards him, Huai Hai shouted in a fierce and desperate manner.


Neither of them answered. From the beginning, they had decided to kill Huai Hai, regardless of whose disciple he was.

The Chaos Star Domain was vast and prohibited True Immortals from entering. Even if Huineng knew about it, she couldn’t come in.

Wang Lin formed seals with his hands, without any reservation, and fully displayed the Cosmic Light Sword Formation.

Only to see the chaotic profound light sword, like arrows of time, piercing through Huai Hai’s immortal body, erasing his vitality.

“I’m done for!”

Huai Hai roared angrily at the sky, his voice filled with sorrow. Tens of thousands of years of effort turned into nothing in an instant.

His body visibly aged and decayed at a rapid speed, his blood and vitality withered. In the blink of an eye, it turned into dust and scattered in the wind.

As his divine soul dissipated, a golden light shot out, trying to attach itself to the two of them.

This should be the mark left by Huineng on Huai Hai. Once attached, it would be difficult for even a True Immortal to remove it.

Wang Lin controlled the chaotic profound light sword to erase it.


The two of them let out a long breath.

False Immortals were too powerful, giving them unprecedented pressure.

“Fortunately, you have the Cosmic Light Sword Formation, otherwise we would have had to escape.” Luo Xian’er said with a grateful expression.

“Yeah, thanks to your sneak attack, we were able to easily kill him and become Saints.”


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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