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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 157. Yun Xi: Both Of Them Are Rude! Loot Lin Haotian's Treasure House And Get Enlightenment Tea

Arriving at the Yun Xi Alliance, Luo Xian’er reluctantly paid 20 billion High Grade Immortal Crystals.

And this is just the entrance fee. In the future, every hundred years, they have to pay 100 billion or settle with treasures.

Although it is expensive, compared to the protection of True Immortals, exchanging information, teaming up, exchanging treasures, and listening to the Dao, these Immortal Crystals are nothing.

Others may not need it, but they desperately need the protection of True Immortals.

Because True Immortals and False Immortals are completely different concepts.

Simply put, a newly breakthrough True Immortal can easily kill a large group of False Immortals with a flick of their finger.

“This woman is quite wealthy. Could it be that Wang Lin is being kept by her?”

Hu Hong’s eyes flickered as she looked at Luo Xian’er.

From the moment she laid eyes on Luo Xian’er, she felt displeased.

Luo Xian’er’s beauty and ethereal temperament made her feel inferior.

But she restrained herself because of Wang Lin’s face.

But now that she sees how wealthy Luo Xian’er is, Hu Hong starts to have some ideas.

The Chaos Star Domain actually has no shortage of Immortal Crystals, with plenty of Immortal Crystal mines.

It’s just a bit troublesome to mine them.

She has thirty-seven large High Grade Immortal Crystal veins in her hands, which have been abandoned. They only dig when they need them.

It’s embarrassing for a peak False Immortal to mine, but that’s the reality.

“If Wang Lin needs Immortal Crystals, I can give him a few veins.”

“And this little bitch Luo Xian’er, I need to find a way to get rid of her.”

Hu Hong secretly thought.

They didn’t bother to pay attention to Hu Hong’s thoughts. If she dares to cause trouble, they will kill her directly.

At this moment, Luo Xian’er looks at the exquisite cloud map around her waist and says with joy,

“The Yun Guang Mei, a rare treasure. This pattern is so beautiful…”

Wang Lin nodded. The cloud map is indeed beautiful, but he feels that it’s a bit feminine.

After thinking for a moment, he directly imprints the pattern on his cuff.

“You guys, forget it.”

The person in charge of the hall twitched his mouth when he saw this.

The mark personally crafted by True Immortal “850” is usually placed on the chest to show respect for True Immortals.

But these two put it on their waist and cuff. What are they trying to do?

Should I wipe my hands or wipe my sweat with the cloud diagram?

Shaking his head, he didn’t meddle in other people’s business, drove the three people away, closed the door, and turned to leave.

“Fellow Daoist Wang, please follow me. The leader has agreed to meet the two of you.”

Hu Hong smiled and said, walking in front, twisting her exaggerated fat buttocks.

She’s really an eyesore…

Luo Xian’er’s eyes suddenly turned cold.

Hu Hong repeatedly seduced her man, which made her unable to bear it.

But Hu Hong is a peak False Immortal and the second in command of the Yun Xi Alliance. She has countless subordinates.

She needs to plan carefully.

The three of them arrived at a heavenly palace cloud hall. Hu Hong immediately put away her smile, tidied up her clothes, and bowed to the throne.

“Leader, I have brought the two new Fellow Daoists who joined the alliance.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a faint light appeared on the throne, and a graceful figure emerged.

Yun Xi is very beautiful, with picturesque features, and looks delicate and weak, exuding a gentle and delicate beauty.

Her beautiful eyes are like water, full of tenderness, and she exudes an air of elegance, like a well-read lady.

“Wang Lin, Luo Xian’er, pay respects to the leader.”

The two of them looked serious and saluted with clasped fists.

Although Yun Xi only sent down a divine thought, it was no different from a Perfected Being, and the Dao Rhyme she emitted was transcendent.

Wang Lin secretly estimated and had to accept a fact.

With his current strength, he couldn’t even defeat a divine thought from the other party.

“You two are too polite.”

A faint smile appeared on Yun Xi’s face, her beautiful eyes were tender like water, her demeanor was elegant and noble, and her voice was soft and gentle.

She glanced at the two of them, and her gaze lingered on the cloud diagram for a moment.

Without saying much, they chatted briefly and soon understood.

In the sixth heaven, in the vast sea of stars, a woman sat on a huge white lotus platform and murmured.

“These two people are so rude, they actually put Yun Xi’s diagram on their waist and cuff, do they want to wipe their hands or wipe their sweat? How annoying!”

She found these two people really annoying.

Originally, she heard that the two of them had extraordinary talents, especially Wang Lin, who killed Cheng Fei with one move, and she thought he had the potential of a True Immortal.

That’s why she sent down a divine thought to meet them and wanted to entrust them with an important task.

The result is that the qualifications of the two individuals are indeed incredibly strong and unimaginable.

Among the geniuses she has seen, including the so-called first generation Supreme, they are not as good as the two.

This is still what the two have revealed. Yun Xi can tell that they are still hiding some things, but she did not pry.

All of this has nothing to do with her.

She just wants to quietly cultivate her own immortality.

“Both of them are rude people. It’s better not to see them again in the future.”

With this thought, Yun Xi continued to comprehend the evolution of the chaotic stars.

Wang Lin and Luo Xian’er looked at each other, glanced at their respective cloud maps, and couldn’t help but be speechless.

Yun Xi glanced at the cloud map and coldly said a few words before leaving.

Obviously, they were dissatisfied with the position of their maps.

The two of them felt a bit embarrassed.

You didn’t ask them where to put it, so they just put it wherever they wanted?

Well then!

Indeed, they didn’t consider it well enough.

Mainly because both of them have always been in charge, and they haven’t adapted to the speed of time.

“Let’s go.”

Shaking his head, Wang Lin couldn’t be bothered to think too much.

From Cheng Fei’s memory, Wang Lin learned that Yun Xi is a very powerful seventh-level True Immortal, and she has been in the Chaos Star Domain for almost a million years.

She has always been peaceful and gentle in character, a true lady.

Of course, this is the case when others haven’t provoked her.

Don’t be fooled by Yun Xi’s gentle appearance. In reality, she is one of the True Immortals in the Chaos Star Domain that should not be provoked.

Because she never compromises, once she offends her, she will chase and kill her enemies until they are dead.

There was once a True Immortal who shamelessly pursued her, and as a result, she chased and killed him for tens of thousands of years until she finally killed him.

Also, Yun Xi and Lin Haotian don’t really have any relationship.

From the brief conversation just now, Yun Xi and Lin Haotian don’t have much of a relationship.

And Yun Xi clearly stated that she only protects them from being killed by True Immortals, as for other matters, she doesn’t care.

In fact, this is the approach of most True Immortals.

Mainly because it’s difficult to manage. Cultivators are originally engaged in battles, constantly fighting for enlightenment throughout their lives.

Furthermore, they are all detached from worldly affairs. Who would bother to manage the disputes of a group of ants?

Therefore, as long as they don’t go too far, True Immortals are too lazy to bother.

“Wait, Fellow Daoist Wang, as someone new here, you must not be very familiar with the Fifth Heaven, right?”

“How about this, I invite some Fellow Daoists, and we can exchange information and discuss together?”

Hu Hong was very envious of Wang Lin’s Yin-Yang technique, so when she saw the two of them about to leave, she immediately threw out a huge temptation.

“No need, thank you for the introduction, Fellow Daoist Hu Hong. We will meet again if fate allows.”

Wang Lin grabbed Luo Xian’er and directly used his escape technique.

“Damn it, you just want to use me and leave?”

Hu Hong’s eyes became sinister, and her anger burned within her.

She tried to please Wang Lin in every way, but in the end, he took advantage of her and left without a care.

“It must be Luo Xian’er who made you linger. Once I kill her, I don’t believe you will still be uninterested in me.”

“Why did you leave? Hu Hong is quite attractive.”

Luo Xian’er teased, a hint of resentment hidden in her clear, dark eyes.


Wang Lin slapped her somewhere, annoyed.

“Do you think I’m the kind of person who would settle for anyone?”

“You’re not, but you are truly fickle.”

Speaking of this, Luo Xian’er’s resentment surged like a volcanic eruption.

She believed that her beauty and talent were unparalleled in the world, yet Wang Lin was still not satisfied and found her a bunch of sisters.

Damn cultivation world, it would be so much better if there was a monogamous system.

Luo Xian’er complained about this world as well.

“Cough cough! Let’s go, there are many good things in Lin Haotian’s Cave Mansion.”

Wang Lin coughed lightly, changing the subject.

Seeing this, Luo Xian’er didn’t say much.

Her old thief had already restrained himself a lot because of her.

At least, Ye Xianlian, Jiang Yanyan, Qianqian, and others were not included.

Upon arriving at Lin Haotian’s Cave Mansion, Wang Lin didn’t hesitate and immediately set up thousands of formation flags.

“Who are you?”

A mid-stage False Immortal, a cold and elegant girl, walked out, followed by ten Ninth Layer disciples.

Wang Lin did not answer and focused on breaking the formation with all his strength.

This is a fifth-level immortal formation, and it’s a bit troublesome to break.

“You’re seeking death.”

The cold and elegant girl’s temperament suddenly revealed a chilling killing intent, ready to break out.

Although Wang Lin and the other person were also in the mid-stage of False Immortal, she was not weak either.

Once a peerless genius of the Guanghan Immortal Palace, she was confident in defeating the two.

“Young Sect Master, please wait.”

Someone advised.

“These two individuals know our base and are skilled in breaking formations. They have probably planned this for a long time. There may be an ambush outside. You cannot go out.”

“In my opinion, it’s better to quickly inform the Sect Master and the other senior False Immortals.”

Upon hearing this, the girl fell silent for a moment before decisively breaking out.

She was well aware of what this person said.

The message that needed to be delivered had already been sent long ago.

However, with the formation about to be broken, if she didn’t go out, the formation wouldn’t last much longer.

By going out, she could delay the situation a bit longer.


“Not bad, you have some skills.”

“Let’s see if you can withstand my Galaxy Divine Fist.”

Luo Xian’er chuckled lightly, stepping on the stars, raising her hand, and nine dazzling Galaxies appeared in her hand.

Each one was like a real Galaxy, with billions of divine lights shining brilliantly, stars rotating, and countless laws and orders in motion.

Luo Xian’er had cultivated the Heavenly Cycle Stellar Art.

This Divine Ability was created by her using the principles and laws of the celestial stars.

Currently, she had only condensed nine Galaxies.

Each Galaxy was enough to kill a mid-stage False Immortal.

It was unknown whether all nine together could defeat this girl with a single punch.


Before the Galaxy Divine Fist arrived, the terrifying and overwhelming power had already shattered the girl’s False Immortal domain.

“Who are you?”

The girl’s eyes were filled with horror.

She had thought that she could hold off these two people, or at the very least, contend with them for a while.

However, with just one move, Luo Xian’er sent her flying into the sky.

Now, just the power of Divine Ability alone made her feel suffocated.

Why had she never heard of such a terrifying False Immortal before?

What enemy had Lin Big Brother provoked this time?

In a flash of thought, the girl decisively ignited her spirit and her aura erupted, becoming more than ten times stronger than before…

Such a powerful secret technique naturally had great dangers.

Only to see the beautiful girl’s appearance transform at a visible speed into an old woman.

The girl’s Law Manifestation

was a bright moon, with a Guanghan Immortal Palace on top.

She stood on the palace hall, resembling the Guanghan Immortal, swinging a shocking sword.


The mighty and vast aura of the Galaxy Divine Fist made the girl’s Divine Ability seem as insignificant as dust, and in an instant, it was crushed.

The girl’s body exploded into a mist of blood.

“Lin Big Brother, I’m sorry, I couldn’t protect your Cave Mansion…”

The girl’s immortal body reformed, but her aura had already weakened to the extreme. Even a False Immortal in the early stage could kill her with one move.

The so-called blood rebirth sounded powerful, but it was actually of little use.

If someone can defeat you once, they can defeat you a hundred or a thousand times.

It’s just a little more painful when you die.

“What a pity.”

Luo Xian’er shook her head and reached out her hand to capture her.

She could tell that the girl was a genius of the Guanghan Immortal Palace, practicing the same technique as Little Rabbit.

It’s a shame she doesn’t have eyes. Isn’t it better to be Yun Xi’s subordinate?

Why must she serve under a False Immortal?

It seems that she is another woman who has willingly fallen.

“Lin Big Brother, I really wanted to see you become an Immortal King and rule over the Nine Realms… but unfortunately, I won’t be able to see it…”

As she faced the approaching star palm imprint, the girl closed her eyes in despair.


The girl’s body was squeezed and burst open, then reassembled.

At the same time, Wang Lin also activated the formation and instantly wiped out these people with a single thought.

Throw all these people into the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron.

The Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death that was being refined erupted with terrifying devouring power, instantly swallowing them.

“Ninety-nine High Grade Immortal Meridians, three hundred and sixty-five Middle Grade, three thousand Low Grade…”

“So many Immortal Level Spirit Medicines… and a mature Immortal Spirit Tree, True Dragon Fruit Tree, huh, Enlightenment Tea.”

“Could Lin Haotian have obtained the treasure of an Immortal King?”

Luo Xian’er pulled out one Immortal Meridian after another, occasionally glancing at Wang Lin who was deciphering the Spirit Medicine Garden.

The more she looked, the more shocked she became.

The preciousness of the Immortal Spirit Fruit Tree needs no further explanation.

The True Dragon Tree is also a rare treasure of heaven and earth, possessing the effects of strengthening one’s origin, enhancing aptitude, strengthening the physical body, and healing injuries.

The burning girl, when she takes one, can be completely healed.

From this, one can see how heaven-defying the effects of the True Dragon Fruit are.

As for the Enlightenment Tea, is this an Innate Spirit Root!?

“No, the Innate divinity of the Enlightenment Tea is too weak, this is not the true Enlightenment Tea, but its descendant…”

“But it is enough to make a True Immortal gain enlightenment.”

Luo Xian’er was extremely excited.

Originally, she couldn’t understand why Wang Lin would offend Lin Haotian for no reason.

Now she understood.

Wang Lin was also very excited.

Indeed, the children of destiny are all fat sheep.

From now on, Wang Lin and the children of destiny are destined to be enemies.

“Master, I’m here!”

Upon receiving the message, Zi Ling’er immediately brought her own world body and rushed over eagerly.

“Hmm! Quickly put away the things, there are thirty-five small Immortal World Grotto-Heavens here.”

“There are also nine medium-sized ones outside, and three large ones…”

False Immortals cannot take away medium-sized or larger Immortal World Grotto-Heavens.

Only True Immortals can move them.

The reason Zi Ling’er was called over this time was to help her advance.

“Oh oh oh! Master, rest assured, I am different now. I can devour them with just a few breaths. I’ll throw them in first.”

Zi Ling’er moved all the Spirit Medicine, including the land, into the Small Spirit World.

Extending her small hand, she grabbed the Grotto-Heaven as if grabbing a bubble, simple and easy.


Wang Lin touched her little head and his eyes showed a doting expression.

He transmitted the location of the Grotto-Heaven that Cheng Fei knew to her, and then gave her a reminder.

“If someone sees you, make sure to silence them.”

Zi Ling’er was too extraordinary.

Before reaching the sixth-level world, Wang Lin didn’t want to expose her.

“Yeah yeah! I know!”

Zi Ling’er wanted to rub Wang Lin’s warm big hand a little more.

But when she saw Luo Xian’er sneaking over, she immediately fled.

“Damn it, not even a hug.”

Luo Xian’er, who didn’t get a chance to indulge, couldn’t help but complain.

“Xian’er, you’re not a little girl anymore, stop teasing her all the time.”

Wang Lin was a bit speechless.

“Nonsense, I will forever be an eighteen-year-old little fairy.”

“Alright, let’s go! Lin Haotian still has a lot of Immortal Crystal mines, we can’t let them go.”

Lin Haotian, who was in the second-level world, received consecutive bad news and couldn’t help but spit blood in anger.

Then, he really spat blood in anger.

His eyes turned bloodshot, like a raging madman.

“Lin… Lin big brother, what’s wrong with you?”

The little rabbit was extremely scared.

“It’s nothing…”

Lin Haotian’s voice was cold and devoid of any emotion.

An overwhelming sense of regret surged in his heart uncontrollably.

Taking the little rabbit to the fifth-level world was originally a small matter.

Why did he have to compete with Senior Sister Little Rabbit to pick her up?

If he hadn’t left…


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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