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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 158. The Queen Gave Birth To A Baby Bunny! Yun Xi: Can I Hug You?

Lin Haotian has an Innate Spiritual Treasure, a flying boat named “Starry Shuttle.”

It possesses the coordinates of the entire eternal universe and can shuttle to any realm or plane.

However, it lacks a spirit and has lost its coordinates, as well as the power to shuttle through dimensions and jump through time and space.

But its speed is still terrifyingly unparalleled.

Lin Haotian poured billions of Immortal Crystals into it, pouring his mana like a river, into the Starry Shuttle.

From the second heaven to the fifth heaven, even a True Immortal who is proficient in the Five Elements Escape Technique would need a day in the mortal world.

Lin Haotian arrived in just a few hours.

Looking at the devastation before him, Lin Haotian’s head was buzzing.


He couldn’t accept it. The woman who had accompanied him for hundreds of years, Gu Qingyue, had finally died.

She was the woman who had saved him, accompanied him through life and death, and experienced countless trials together.

How could she die?


Lin Haotian’s heart was twisted like a knife, blood surged against the current, and he sprayed a mouthful of blood, his eyes bloodshot as he swore to the sky.

“The dragon has its scales, touching it means death. I, Lin Haotian, swear that no matter who you are, even if you are an Immortal King, I will kill you. Even if you are an Immortal Emperor, I will slaughter you…”

Listening to Lin Haotian’s hysterical oath, the little rabbit felt uncomfortable all over.

Inwardly, it thought, “I’ve never seen such an arrogant and self-important person in all my life.”

Who is an Immortal Emperor?

One who transcends the shackles of heaven and earth, surpasses the five elements, exists beyond yin and yang, attains eternal proof, and is eternally existent.

A mere False Immortal dares to boast about slaughtering an Immortal Emperor?

I really don’t know if I should say that Lin Haotian is arrogant or insane.

Fortunately, the person who stole from Lin Haotian’s house is not an Immortal King or Immortal Emperor, not even a True Immortal.

Otherwise, they would definitely be able to sense it.

Lin Haotian would undoubtedly be wiped out in an instant.

The little rabbit’s beautiful eyes flickered, and its footsteps involuntarily moved away.

It just wanted to stay away from him, so as not to be affected.

If Wang Lin were here, he would definitely not find it strange.

After all, in this day and age, which protagonist isn’t an existence that can move heaven and earth in an instant?

Which one doesn’t make decisions that last for eternity?

If they don’t make decisions that last for eternity, are they still fantasy protagonists?

Furthermore, Lin Haotian is already very low-key. Some people even think he is a False Immortal.

For some protagonists, when they were mortals, their sisters were taken into the Immortal Gate, and they dared to swear to slaughter the gods and buddhas of the Nine Heavens and cut through the heavens with their swords.

“Brother Lin, has Senior Sister Qingyue turned 28?”

The little rabbit couldn’t stand it anymore. Swearing is one thing, but it seems like it’s never-ending, right?

……. “Lin Haotian.”

His oath was forcibly interrupted. He was first stunned, then left in pain, tears streaming down his face.

“She was killed.”


The little rabbit’s face changed, and her long rabbit ears stood up.

In the Chaos Star Domain, Gu Qingyue is the only False Immortal in the Guanghan Immortal Palace, and she is the only one she relies on.

Now that she’s dead, if she enters the Fifth Heaven, wouldn’t she be walking into a tiger’s den?

No, I have to leave.

The little rabbit just wants to run away now.

As for revenge?

She hasn’t even seen Gu Qingyue’s face, so what revenge is there to seek?

“Qingyue, rest assured, whether it’s traversing the Nine Heavens or descending into the Nine Nether Reincarnation, I will definitely resurrect you.”

Lin Haotian looked at the ruins and made another oath.

After a while, his tears dried up, and his expression was no longer sad, but cold.

“Let’s go, let’s find out who has the audacity to touch my woman, Gu Qingyue. I will make them regret coming into this world.”


The little rabbit stopped and showed a pitiful expression.

“Um… Brother Lin, my mother called me for something, I have to go.”

Each level of the Heavenly Domain entrance is actually an exit. You can leave by using a specially made teleportation jade talisman.

Since the entrance is not far from here, she wants to slip away.

“Go? Don’t you want to avenge Qingyue and seek justice?”

Lin Haotian was stunned, unable to believe it.

In his mind, the little rabbit should be just like him, hating the culprit who killed Gu Qingyue to the bone.

And then seek revenge together.

“Hehe, Brother Lin is joking. I, a peak Ninth Layer of the Dao Platform, am not even enough to be killed with a single glance by someone else.”

The little rabbit forced a laugh, her beautiful eyes avoiding his gaze, and her two fluffy rabbit ears flapping.

“What does it matter? With me here, he won’t be able to harm a single hair on you.”

Lin Haotian said calmly, his expression plain but exuding absolute confidence.

“I don’t believe you. Haven’t you said the same thing to Gu Qingyue? Where is she now? Where is she?”

The little rabbit secretly complained, feeling that Lin Haotian was an arrogant person without limits.

Being with him, she would eventually be killed.

“Brother Lin, my mother really has an urgent matter to find me. I have to leave.”

She said pitifully.

“What urgent matter? Can’t it wait until we’ve avenged ourselves?”

Lin Haotian frowned.

He wanted to keep the little rabbit by his side, and he had his own plans.

From Gu Qingyue, he learned that this little rabbit was a disciple of a True Immortal at the Sixth Transformation.

As long as he gave her enough time, he was confident he could win her over.

If he could gain the full support of the little rabbit, it would be equivalent to gaining the support of Guanghan Immortal Palace.

Then he could leave the Chaos Star Domain.

He could even go and seek revenge on those four families that had wiped out his clan.

It must be said that Lin Haotian’s idea was very beautiful.

Unfortunately, the little rabbit was very afraid of death. Her azure eyes turned and she said,

“My mother is about to give birth, but she won’t be able to take care of the bunny babies, and they also need my essence for baptism.”

Lin Haotian…

Indeed, when a divine beast is born, it does need to be baptized, and the more precious the treasure used for the baptism, the higher its future potential.

If he didn’t let the little rabbit go, it would be a grudge against the Dao.


This is probably an excuse.

She didn’t give birth earlier or later, but chose to give birth to the bunny babies only after knowing that Gu Qingyue had died, right?

Lin Haotian’s face changed for a moment.

In the end, he shook his head, looked at her, and his expression was full of disappointment.

“I didn’t expect you to be so afraid of death, not even caring about Senior Sister’s death. You can go now.”

“From now on, we are strangers.”

The little rabbit breathed a sigh of relief and ran away.

But she didn’t get far before she was imprisoned by the domain of the False Immortal.

“Jade Rabbit Divine Beast?”

Hu Hong’s expression was ecstatic.

You see, the Jade Rabbit Divine Beast is extremely unique. It grows by eating Spirit Medicine.

The Jade Rabbit on the ninth level of the Dao Platform has blood equivalent to a rare treasure of heaven and earth, with boundless uses.


Hu Hong’s face changed for a moment, and finally revealed a friendly smile.

“Fellow Daoist, may I know how to address you?”

Regardless of whether the Jade Rabbit is from the Guanghan Immortal Palace or not, it is still a treasure of the Guanghan Immortal Palace.

Moreover, the Guanghan Immortal Palace is the rabbit’s nest, the goddess’s nest.

For a small cultivator like her, there is no need for the Guanghan Immortal Palace to take action. With just one command, she would have nowhere to bury herself.

There are quite a few people here, so even if she wants to take action, she needs to find a place where there is no one.

The False Immortal following Hu Hong looked at the Jade Rabbit with fervent eyes.

“Senior, my name is Xi Meng, and my master is the beautiful fairy.”

The little rabbit’s face turned pale with fright, and quickly revealed her backing, holding a feather in her hand.

“So you are the beloved disciple of Frost Fairy.”

Hu Hong pretended to suddenly realize, but she couldn’t hide her embarrassment on her face.

Frost Fairy is one of the ten beauties of the Heavenly World, with countless pursuers.

She was really unlucky today.

If this matter were to reach Frost Fairy’s ears, she would have no life left.

With this thought, Hu Hong panicked a bit and quickly took out a pile of Spirit Medicine to make amends.

“I still admire Frost Fairy, and I didn’t expect to meet her successor here. Consider these Spirit Medicine as a gift from me to you.”

The little rabbit was stunned. Are they really heavy?

Lin Haotian, who was prepared to save the beauty at any time, also froze, and his face gradually turned ugly.

“Thank you, senior.”

The little rabbit reacted quickly and immediately accepted the Spirit Medicine, looking extremely delighted.

In her heart, she had cursed Hu Hong countless times.

She wasn’t a foolish rabbit. How could she not see Hu Hong’s initial intentions?

At this time, the little rabbit didn’t dare to leave either.

When there are many people around, perhaps she can still keep her rabbit life.

Damn it, it’s best not to use my feathers if possible.

“Um, no need to be polite. If you don’t mind, you can call me sister.”

“Hu Hong, did you kill Qingyue?”

Before Hu Hong could finish speaking, Lin Haotian interrupted, his voice cold and devoid of any emotion.

A terrifying killing intent surrounded him.

“No, it wasn’t me.”

Hu Hong smirked, a satisfied expression on her face.

If it weren’t for the little rabbit here, she would have burst out laughing.

“Then how did you know about my Cave Mansion?”

Lin Haotian stared at her intently, his words slow and deliberate.

“Oh, that. I saw a big battle here, so I came to take a look and see who this unlucky person was.”

Hu Hong mocked.

“Tell me, who looted my Cave Mansion?”

Lin Haotian’s tone was icy.

He believed that Hu Hong must know who was responsible, and perhaps she was the one who hired someone to do it.

“Do you want to know? Get down on your knees and beg me, hahaha.”

Hu Hong laughed heartily.

Although she didn’t see who did it, she could guess that it was Wang Lin. Only Wang Lin had the ability to kill Qingyue in such a short time.

Perhaps when Wang Lin erased Cheng Fei’s soul, he also performed a soul search.

With these thoughts in mind, Hu Hong’s expression became somewhat ferocious.

Lin Haotian and Gu Qingyue dared to mock her, the lips that thousands have tasted, the arms that thousands have slept on.

Although this was the truth, saying it out loud was another matter.


Lin Haotian’s momentum erupted, causing the entire world to tremble.

His majestic Sword Intent was like scorching sun, dominating the universe.

Clearly, Lin Haotian cultivated a domineering Sword Intent.


Hu Hong was fine, only feeling a terrifying sense of mortal danger.

However, the False Immortals she brought, who were in the early and middle stages, turned pale instantly.

Being locked in by Lin Haotian’s unrivaled Sword Intent, they felt a suffocating sensation, as if they could be killed at any moment.

And indeed, that was the case.

Lin Haotian is the protagonist, and also a False Immortal with perfect cultivation. Killing cultivators of lower realms is as easy as killing a dog.


At this moment, a cold snort resounded through the heavens and earth, instantly breaking Lin Haotian’s domain.

Wang Lin had set up monitoring runes here, so he knew the moment Lin Haotian appeared.

He just didn’t expect that Lin Haotian would be with the little rabbit.

Also, did your mother give birth to you for free?

“Brother Wang, Sister Xian’er…”

The little rabbit was excited.

Speaking of Wang Lin, she really wasn’t familiar with him. They had only met a few times in total.

But Luo Xian’er, she was very familiar with her. They had drunk and eaten hot pot together on the flying boat, not to mention how close they were.

She instantly transformed into a jade rabbit and jumped into Luo Xian’er’s arms, acting cute and spoiled.

“Wuwu, Sister Xian’er, luckily you came in time, otherwise I would have been turned into braised rabbit head…”

“Who dares to bully my little Mengmeng?”

A cold light flashed in Luo Xian’er’s beautiful eyes as she lightly laughed.

“Hmph, everyone outside is bad, trying to harm this lady’s body.”

The little rabbit immediately stopped crying and muttered.

She wasn’t stupid. When she heard Luo Xian’er’s light laughter, she knew that revenge was hopeless.

“Who said you’re a jade rabbit?”

Luo Xian’er tugged at her smooth, big ears and curiously asked.

“Is your mother really going to give birth to rabbit babies? After they’re born, can I take care of them for a while?”

“Of course not, I lied to him.”

When Lin Haotian heard this, his face turned pale.

Upon hearing the words “rabbit babies,” how could he not guess that they were being monitored here?

The people who looted his Cave Mansion were most likely these two in front of him.

And yet, the little rabbit was actually good friends with these two?

Lin Haotian took a deep breath and looked at Wang Lin with icy eyes, enunciating each word.

“Did you kill Qingyue?”

Upon hearing this pretentious and abrupt voice, Wang Lin smiled and shook his head.


“???” Lin Haotian.

“???” Hu Hong.

She paused for a moment, then quickly realized.

After all, Gu Qingyue was the true disciple of Guanghan Xian Palace. It was only natural for her to distance herself from the situation.

Who would willingly bring trouble upon themselves?

“Are you really not the one?”

Lin Haotian stared at Wang Lin’s eyes.

“Of course not, I’m just passing by.”

Wang Lin nodded affirmatively, then his gaze turned sharp and he spoke with anger.

“Fellow Daoist Hu Hong, is this the ungrateful person you mentioned?”

“Yes, it’s this little beast.”

Hu Hong was overjoyed and pointed at Lin Haotian, speaking sternly.

“What do you mean by this?”

Lin Haotian’s face instantly darkened.

He had always been one to repay kindness and seek revenge. How did he become an ungrateful person?

“I have no other intentions. Today, I will clean up the door for Lord Yun Xi.”

Wang Lin said coldly.

“Yes, you little beast. Lord Yun Xi saved your life, but instead of showing gratitude, you openly rebelled and took away Lord Yun Xi’s subordinates, causing him to lose face.”

Hu Hong was very angry. As soon as Wang Lin spoke, she knew what he meant.

This was clearly a plan to ruin Lin Haotian’s reputation and then kill him.

It had to be said that this was a very safe approach.

It could please Yun Xi and also tear away Lin Haotian’s friends.

It should be noted that Lin Haotian knew several True Immortal realm experts.

“…….” Lin Haotian.

At this moment, he found himself speechless.

He had always believed that he valued loyalty and righteousness.

But upon careful reflection, had he ever repaid or helped those who had helped him?

It was impossible.

Lin Haotian shook his head. He was definitely not that kind of person.

Those who have helped him, he has always kept in his heart, including the Alliance Leader Yun Xi.

“Young man, Wang Mou really wants to know why you betrayed Alliance Leader Yun Xi, why you took away the people of the Hope Alliance….”

Wang Lin’s gaze flickered, never straying from the four words “Alliance Leader Yun Xi.”

Because he had already sensed that a True Immortal had descended and showed hostility towards him, the warning was self-evident.

As for why he was being warned, of course it was to warn him not to speak recklessly.

“The protagonist with the Purple Gold Fate is indeed not easy to kill,” Wang Lin sighed inwardly.

That’s right, Lin Haotian possessed the Purple Gold Fate.

With the protagonist’s personality, he liked to go to places where his cultivation was higher than his own.

Now that he had reached the False Immortal stage, he must have already met many True Immortals.

So even if he wanted to kill Lin Haotian, he would have to call Yun Xi over first.

“What are you muttering about? Hm? Jade Rabbit? Or is it a female rabbit…”

Yun Xi stepped forward and looked excitedly at the little rabbit in front of Luo Xian’er.

Although she was elegant and peaceful, not fond of disputes, she just wanted to quietly cultivate her own immortality.

But which girl doesn’t like this fluffy rabbit?

So adorable.

She finally saw the Jade Rabbit…

“Greetings, Alliance Leader.”

Yun Xi seemed as if she hadn’t heard, her beautiful eyes fixed on the little rabbit.

“Can I hold you?”

Her voice trembled.

Everyone was stunned.

Do you, a Transcendent Level powerhouse at the Seventh Stage of True Immortal, need to speak in such a tone?

Well, it seems like she really does.

Don’t be fooled by her being an ancient monster of a million years, but she has been diligently cultivating, enduring the complexities of human relationships, perhaps even more than an ordinary person in their twenties.

And then thinking about Yun Xi’s other nickname, the Pet Maniac.

That’s right, Yun Xi especially likes small animals that have no intelligence and have a cute appearance.

It’s just that in the Immortal World, it’s too difficult to find small animals without intelligence.

But this little rabbit, although it has intelligence, can’t resist how cute it looks.

I guess this million-year-old recluse has probably wanted to raise a Jade Rabbit for a long time…


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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