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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 159. Lin Hao Died, A Strange Lady

“Of course you can!”

The little rabbit was overjoyed and immediately jumped into the arms of the goddess, acting cute and adorable.

She knew exactly how to please the goddess. Of all the True Immortal goddesses she had encountered, none had escaped her charm.

Not a single talisman in her storage ring was purchased by her. She relied solely on acting cute and adorable, accumulating countless treasures over the past hundred years.

Yun Xi was so powerful, and if she could win her favor, there would definitely be benefits.

Yun Xi reached out her delicate jade hand and gently touched the jade rabbit divine beast that she had been longing for for millions of years. It was finally within her grasp.

One can imagine how excited she must have been at that moment.

Also, there is a saying in the Immortal World that the jade rabbit is a must-have for the Divine Maiden. Anyone who has not owned a jade rabbit is not a true Divine Maiden.

“Good girl, such a good girl.”

The smile in Yun Xi’s beautiful eyes was almost overflowing as she took out a fairy ginseng and handed it to the rabbit’s pink lips.

“Fairy… fairy ginseng…”

Everyone’s breathing became rapid.

The fairy ginseng resembled a baby, pure white like jade, emitting a radiant glow, with clear and delicate features, and even visible meridians inside.

Crack! Crack!

The little rabbit held the fairy ginseng and chewed on it with small bites, making a crisp chewing sound.

But to the ears of the onlookers, it felt like a heavy blow, striking their hearts.

It was too heartbreaking.

This was a treasure that could reshape one’s physical body.

In addition, it was also a healing Holy Medicine, capable of strengthening one’s origin, enhancing one’s physique, and improving cultivation and spiritual power.

There was even a small chance of helping someone break through to become a True Immortal.

Almost anything you could think of, the fairy ginseng could help with.

And yet, it was wasted on a rabbit like this?

Everyone felt their hearts bleeding, and many were at a loss for words.

The jade rabbit divine beast had a special constitution and did not need to eat such rare treasures from the heavens and earth. Even giving it some ordinary Spirit Medicine would have been sufficient.

Rich lady, please don’t waste such precious treasures like this, okay?

Do you know that I would have to struggle and fight for hundreds or even thousands of years just to obtain a small corner of a heavenly treasure?


The little rabbit broke the lower half of the ginseng and threw it to Luo Xian’er.

She was always loyal, and she would never eat alone when it was agreed to share good fortune.

Luo Xian’er hesitated for a moment, caught the ginseng, glanced at Yun Xi, and saw her nod with a smile before she started eating.

“This is what a true lady should be like,” Wang Lin muttered to himself.

Yun Xi had a gentle and beautiful appearance, with a subtle and gentle smile, and elegant manners.

At first glance, she was clearly a gentle and considerate lady.

Whenever Wang Lin saw Yun Xi, he couldn’t help but think of Lady Qingmei.

“You all can go back now.”

Yun Xi glanced at the sky, her red lips slightly parted, her voice soft and beautiful, like the gentle whisper of a lover.

The True Immortal who came to support Lin Haotian’s side had a change in expression, then disappeared in a flash, not daring to make a sound.

But before leaving, he gave Wang Lin a little something.

“Telling me not to distort right and wrong?”

Wang Lin sneered, speechless in his heart.

Wasn’t what he said the truth?

“Lin Haotian, such a wicked person, if one does not eliminate him, heaven will.”

“Even if there is a True Immortal senior vouching for you, I, Wang Lin, am not unworthy of the heavens. I would rather die for righteousness than live in comfort, and I see death as returning home…”

“Draw your sword.”

Wang Lin rebuked with righteousness, speaking eloquently, and finally stated his purpose.

Lin Haotian’s backing had already left, so when else should they take action?

As for the retaliation of the True Immortal, a mere second stage True Immortal could be wiped out with a flick of a finger.

Wang Lin had already imprinted his aura, waiting for Zi Ling’er to come and hunt him down.

Yun Xi glanced at him, wondering if this rude person was a scholar.

He seemed to have a bit of ink on him.

Moreover, what Wang Lin said made a lot of sense.

Although she didn’t care about power, she didn’t even care much about the Yun Xi Alliance.

But she cared about her own dignity.

Lin Haotian’s rebellion had trampled on her dignity.

If she hadn’t lost the bet, how could she tolerate Lin Haotian?

“Okay, okay, okay.

Lin Haotian’s eyes were spewing fire, and his anger reached its peak.

A mere False Immortal in the middle stage dares to be arrogant in front of him.

“If I don’t kill you, I, Haotian, will not be human.”

Lin Haotian’s eyes were filled with murderous intent, and a terrifying sword domain erupted.

He had never suffered such a loss before.

In the past, others would insult him as an ant, a waste, but now he was being challenged by Wang Lin.

His reputation, as well as the remaining trace of goodwill in Yun Xi’s heart, were completely destroyed.

How could Lin Haotian not be angry?

Today, he not only wanted Wang Lin dead, but also wanted to crush him with absolute strength.

Let Wang Lin see what it means to be a first-generation Supreme.

“Kneel down for me~”

Lin Haotian coldly shouted.

A Law Manifestation of a Connecting Heaven appeared, exuding a majestic divine might, as if it were the ruler of all living beings.

It seemed like a true god who ruled over the laws of heaven and earth, terrifying and unparalleled.

“So terrifying.

“The first-generation Supreme’s reputation is well-deserved.”

Just a Law Manifestation made them, False Immortals in the early and middle stages, feel despair and unable to resist.

If it were them facing Lin Haotian, they would definitely be killed in an instant.

“The green-robed swordsman, majestic and towering, a man who stands alone at the pass, fearless.

Wang Lin calmly recited.

His voice turned into true words of the law, and with the words, he portrayed a young man in a green mountain, standing tall at the mountain pass, with an indomitable spirit and a soaring Sword Intent.

Facing a million soldiers, he also had the state of being able to defend against ten thousand enemies.

This was a Law Manifestation.

Wang Lin had never cultivated this Law Manifestation, but it didn’t matter.

He had the Chaos Profound Fetus. If he wanted any Divine Ability Law Manifestation, it was just a thought away.

The Chaos Profound Fetus was so extraordinary, and he had never used it before.

Today was a good opportunity to test Lin Haotian’s strength and also to improve Yun Xi’s impression of him.”

It’s simply the best of both worlds.


The collision of the two realms caused Lin Haotian’s pupils to shrink.

His Heavenly Emperor Law Manifestation gathered the power of heaven and earth, with a vast artistic conception and boundless power.

In order to condense the Heavenly Emperor Law Manifestation, he had experienced life and death and had been mocked by countless people.

Fortunately, heaven did not disappoint the determined, and he finally condensed the strongest Law Manifestation in the world, crushing countless peerless geniuses.

How could Wang Lin’s Law Manifestation be on par with his?

Looking at the incredulous Lin Haotian, Wang Lin’s eyes revealed a trace of disdain.

There has never been a saying that the Law Manifestation is the strongest since ancient times.

What is powerful is the Dao and the person.

The Law Manifestation is just a means artificially condensed by humans.

His Dao is the strongest, even if the Law Manifestation is casually condensed, it is still the strongest Law Manifestation.

It’s ridiculous that Lin Haotian can’t even understand this, yet he claims to be the first generation Supreme genius? He must be a waste with nothing but great luck.

“Words and laws follow, righteousness remains, could it be that Wang Lin is a great talent?” Yun Xi’s beautiful eyes shimmered as she murmured.

The others also stared at the two of them in a daze.

Too strong.

They originally thought that Lin Haotian was invincible in the same realm, but they didn’t expect someone to be even more heaven-defying.

Where did this monster come from?

“It’s impossible, my Heavenly Emperor Law Manifestation is invincible in the world, sweeping away all the monsters.” Lin Haotian shouted angrily, unable to accept this fact, and immediately exerted all his strength to activate his Law Manifestation.

Just now, he only used 80% of his strength, but now he was going all out, not believing that he couldn’t defeat Yu Tianlin.

“The dormant dragon awakens, one roar annihilates the myriad realms.”

A huge dragon seemed to drill out from the space, with an overwhelming momentum, assimilating everything in the world with the revealed yin and yang laws.

With a roar, the void collapsed, and thunder and lightning emerged in the void, as if it were the end of the world.

“Compared with heaven and earth, compared with the sun and moon!”

As the flower seal fell, countless stars emerged, and the ancient and vast aura filled the air, representing the ancient gods who ruled the ancient stars.


Lin Haotian’s veins bulged, bloodshot eyes filled his eye sockets, and he exerted all his strength to resist.

However, under the suppression of the three Law Manifestations on the ground, in the sky, and in the starry sky, Lin Haotian’s Heavenly Emperor Law Manifestation and realm suddenly shattered.

“Evil thief, you have lost all sense of morality, resembling a demon, and have been abandoned by heaven and earth. Kneel before me.” Wang Lin shouted.

He has always been a person who seeks revenge for the slightest grievance, yet Lin Haotian dared to arrogantly demand that he kneel.

He must repay this debt.


Lin Haotian spewed a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, he felt that he was despised by the entire world.

For a moment, he was in a battle against the entire world.

Even the laws within his body showed signs of abandoning him.

The immense power of the collapsing world pressed down on him.


Lin Haotian’s Divine Body burst and blood spurted out.

“No, I am the Heavenly Emperor of the youth. Who dares to make me kneel?”

Lin Haotian shouted like an adolescent with chuunibyou.

However, the cruel reality forced him to admit the truth.

His Heavenly Emperor Law Manifestation had failed.

However, his Divine Ability Dao Law had not failed.

“I admit that your Law Manifestation is strong. You should be a cultivator who specializes in Law Manifestation, right? It’s a pity, Dao Law is the foundation, yet you have forsaken it for the trivial.” Lin Haotian said this while ignoring himself.

His gaze carried a hint of disdain as he looked at Wang Lin.

But his heart was filled with boundless killing intent. He would never allow anyone to shine brighter than him.

This era was destined to belong to him alone.


Lin Haotian was about to use his cultivation to forcefully kill Wang Lin.

But unexpectedly, Yun Xi directly sealed his cultivation.


Lin Haotian knelt down, and blood spurted out as if it were free.


He looked at his beloved goddess in disbelief. She actually helped another man suppress him.

This shattered Lin Haotian’s heart.

Since the first glance, he fell in love at first sight with Yun Xi, this gentle and elegant lady, and had long coveted her. In his heart, he had already regarded Yun Xi as his forbidden fruit.

Lin Haotian originally planned to confess his feelings to Yun Xi after breaking through to the True Immortal realm. It was precisely because of this that he wanted to leave the Yun Xi Alliance.

As a grown man, how could he rely on the protection of a woman to survive? Impossible.

However, in Yun Xi’s eyes, his strength and determination were seen as ungratefulness. She didn’t even spare him a glance.

In her eyes, Lin Haotian was a treacherous and untrustworthy person. She had long wanted to get rid of him, but she refrained from doing so because of her promise.

Now, the two of them were competing using Law Manifestation, and they absolutely couldn’t rely on their cultivation base.

Wang Lin never expected that Yun Xi would make such a move.

I have to say, you are truly a virtuous and trustworthy lady.


The onlookers couldn’t help but gulp.

They never expected that Wang Lin could suppress the invincible Lin Haotian with just Law Manifestation.

Just how terrifying is Wang Lin’s true cultivation base?

“Why is this old thief talking nonsense? Could it be that he has taken a liking to this old lady?”

Luo Xian’er felt a bit uncomfortable in her heart as she suspiciously looked at her own man.

“What do you want to do?”

Seeing Wang Lin’s cold gaze, Lin Haotian didn’t have time to think much and felt a bit panicked.

“Of course, it’s to eliminate the evildoers for the sake of righteousness.”

As Wang Lin spoke, he controlled the Yin-Yang Great Dragon Law Manifestation and approached Lin Haotian.

“Stop… If you dare…”

The Yin-Yang Great Dragon, like two chains of Yin and Yang, firmly locked Lin Haotian, refining his unparalleled physical body with the power of the Yin-Yang laws.

The Law Manifestation of the Qing Shan Guest and the countless stars in the sky were equally unwilling to fall behind.

As soon as Wang Lin made a move, he went all out.

The perfect opportunity to kill Lin Haotian was right in front of him, and he couldn’t afford to miss it.

And the son of destiny, Bibi, that’s not his style.

Lin Haotian groaned in pain, gritting his teeth and looking down at his own condition.

His terrifying physical body, comparable to a False Immortal Artifact, could suppress the nine levels of the Dao Platform with a drop of blood.

However, at this moment, it was rapidly melting under the fusion of Yin and Yang power.

The suppressed bones shattered and reformed.

If this continued, it was feared that within half a quarter of an hour, he would perish and disappear.

Thinking of this, Lin Haotian’s pupils shrank in fear, the terror of death making his soul tremble.

Lin Haotian forcibly stabilized his mind and looked at Yun Xi, the leader of the Yun Xi Alliance, with a bitter and self-deprecating smile.

“Leader Yun Xi, I have always remembered your life-saving grace towards me. The reason I left the Yun Xi Alliance was due to unavoidable difficulties.”

As long as Yun Xi released the restriction on his cultivation, he was absolutely confident in killing Wang Lin.

He felt that Yun Xi’s help to Wang Lin was probably a misunderstanding. As long as he explained the misunderstanding clearly, Yun Xi would definitely not help Wang Lin.

Unfortunately, his explanation had already been blocked by Yun Xi.

In her eyes, Lin Haotian was just a worthless person, and hearing his voice would affect her beautiful mood.

Wang Lin secretly shook his head as he listened.

Are you impressive just because you have difficulties?

Speaking of which, who among the countless beings in the world doesn’t have some difficulties?

But this also fits the protagonist’s character.

The goddess misunderstood, the protagonist smiled bitterly and touched his nose, and then there was no more.

Those who understand, understand.

“Little bunny…”

Seeing that Yun Xi seemed to have not heard his words, Lin Haotian looked at the little bunny with pleading eyes.

He brought the little bunny here from billions of miles away, so there should be some friendship, right?

Is it too much to ask the little bunny to speak up for him?

However, the little bunny was also blocked.


An unprecedented despair rose in Lin Haotian’s heart.

But the strong will to survive suddenly gave him a flash of inspiration. He looked at Wang Lin with disdain.

“Heh, you’re just relying on Law Manifestation. Without Law Manifestation, I can suppress you with a snap of my fingers.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Lin smiled and said nothing. He summoned another Yin and Yang Dragon Law Manifestation, accelerating the fusion of Lin Haotian’s physical body.

“Do you dare to have a fair fight with me?”

“Don’t worry, I have also suppressed my cultivation to the mid-stage of False Immortal… Are you… afraid? Impossible, right? An invincible genius like you, lacking the courage to face me head-on?”

Seeing Wang Lin summon another Law Manifestation, Lin Haotian finally confirmed that Wang Lin was a cultivator specializing in Law Manifestation.

But these are not the main points.

Whether he can escape this calamity depends on whether Wang Lin has the guts.

So, he kept provoking him.

Seeing that Wang Lin remained unmoved, he laughed without saying a word.

Lin Haotian’s mentality collapsed.

Why is Wang Lin so different from the geniuses he knows?

Does he have to suffer here today?

No, absolutely not.

“I can’t die, I haven’t avenged Qingyue, I haven’t avenged my family, I absolutely can’t die.”

Lin Haotian’s eyes were filled with madness as he struggled and crawled up with a distorted face.

However, the more he struggled, the faster he died.

“Giggle, Lin Haotian, why are you kneeling on the ground? Get up, where is the arrogance of the invincible genius?”

Hu Hong mocked with a satisfied expression.

“Yes, Lin Supreme, Lin Leader, why are you kneeling?”

At this moment, everyone also snapped out of their awe of Zhu Lin’s power.

Little Rabbit also looked at him disdainfully, as if saying, “Is this it? Is this all?”

Didn’t he say he was going to kill the Immortal King and slaughter the Immortal Emperor?

How did he end up being suppressed by a False Immortal Law Manifestation?

“Ah ah ah!”

Seeing the gaze of the little rabbit and the mockery of the crowd, Lin Haotian went crazy, feeling extreme shame in his heart.

“No, I refuse to accept it. Do you dare to have a fair fight with me?”

“Yun Xi, I have…”

Wang Lin couldn’t be bothered with Lin Haotian’s incompetence and rage, but when he saw that he wanted to reveal a secret, he interrupted him.

Wang Lin’s expression changed, and he ignored the rules, directly rushing up and using his physical strength to beat Lin Haotian to a pulp.

This shouldn’t be considered breaking the rules, right?

He didn’t use his cultivation.

Wang Lin turned his head and glanced in Yun Xi’s direction, but there was no trace of the woman.

“What a strange noble lady.” He muttered to himself.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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