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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 161. At The Trade Fair, Luo Xian'er Picked Up The Leak And Scolded Fang Qiu.

“Please come in, both of you!”

The grand and magnificent palace exuded a mysterious Dao Rhyme, with divine light piercing through the clouds.

The two False Immortals guarding the gate immediately made a gesture of invitation upon seeing the jade pendant on Luo Xian’er, which represented Yun Xi’s will.

After the two entered, one of them, Jia Dao, spoke up.

“In the past, wasn’t it Hu Hong who represented that person? Why was there a sudden change?”

“I don’t know.”


At this moment, several bald men approached.

“We, the Cloud Heaven Alliance, do not welcome bald donkeys.”

Before the few men could speak, the two showed expressions of disgust and waved them away, as if shooing away flies.

“Benefactors, we represent the Wisdom Ocean Arhat. Please give us some face.”

The leading monk, completely unperturbed, spoke with a smile.

“If we tell you to leave, then leave. Can’t you understand human language?”

Although the leader of the Cloud Heaven Alliance and the bald donkey had no grudges, Yun Xi disliked monks. As a loyal follower, how could he allow them to enter his territory?

Moreover, they didn’t like monks either. If they encountered them in the wilderness, they would kill them without hesitation.

“We have brought five rare treasures of heaven and earth. Are you really not interested in exchanging? I can even sell them to you for Immortal Crystals, as long as you let me participate in the trading event in the future.”

The expressions of the monks instantly turned gloomy, but they didn’t erupt in anger.

The leading monk hesitated for a moment before continuing to speak with a smile.

Selling them for Immortal Crystals would definitely be a loss, as the treasures of heaven and earth were priceless.

However, the trading event was extremely important to their Buddhist Gate. Not only could they trade treasures here, but they could also exchange information or form teams, and so on.

Moreover, their Buddhist Gate had always been suppressed and had a hard time making progress in the Chaos Star Domain. If they wanted to break through, they had to establish good relations with the leaders of these alliances.

“Five rare treasures of heaven and earth?”

Upon hearing this, the two immediately became excited, their breathing quickening.

If they could obtain these five rare treasures of heaven and earth, they would definitely be able to break through the bottleneck that had plagued them for thousands of years.

“How many Immortal Crystals do you want to sell them for?”

One of them looked around with a flickering gaze and asked with a smile.

“It’s easy. Just give us a price, and every time we come, we’ll sell you one. Can we go in now?”

The leading monk smiled and showed no intention of taking out the treasure.

The cunning duo exchanged a glance and stopped pretending, sneering.

“If you want to sell, sell two to us brothers first, and then we’ll inform you.”

“Sorry to bother you.”

The leading monk took a deep breath, showing an apologetic expression, and left with a few people.

When they turned around, their faces were terrifyingly gloomy.

After going in to report, they would need two precious treasures from heaven and earth. These two people’s hearts were even darker than theirs.

“Thinking of leaving? Leave the treasure behind.”

The monks hadn’t gone far when they were intercepted by members of the Cloud Heaven Alliance.

A great battle erupted in the starry sky.

Wang Lin and Luo Xian’er entered the trading venue, where several hundred people were already seated.

In fact, there were private rooms in the trading venue, but unlike auctions, sitting in the venue was the most prestigious.

The private rooms were only for those without strong backgrounds who didn’t dare to show their faces but paid to enter.

After the trading was over, they would be driven out.

Seeing the two, a rough-looking middle-aged man snorted coldly, his eyes filled with a fierce and solemn aura.

“How should I address this friend?”

Seeing this, Wang Lin’s eyes flashed with a cold light, and he smiled and asked.

“Ding Kun.”

“You killed my brother. This grudge is irreconcilable. Dare you have a life-and-death battle with me?”

Lin Haotian was his life-and-death brother, and Ding Kun had been thinking about avenging him every moment.

He just couldn’t find Wang Lin.

Now that he saw Wang Lin in person, he couldn’t hold back his killing intent anymore.

“Sure, let’s have a decisive battle after the trading is over.”

Wang Lin nodded and found a good place to sit down.

After cultivating in the Small Spirit World for several decades, he had already broken through to the Initial Divine Stage Late Stage.

A mere peak False Immortal realm could be easily killed with a few moves, so there was nothing to worry about.

“Everyone, let’s begin.”

After waiting for a while and seeing that the time had come, Wang Lin spoke up.

The crowd looked at each other.

“People haven’t arrived yet, how can we start?”

But since Wang Lin had already spoken, they had nothing to say.

They were also very annoyed with those who were late.

“Our leader needs a complete Immortal Gold, preferably one that can be used to refine a defensive Law Treasure. The price is one hundred trillion High Grade Immortal Crystals and one Immortal Ginseng.”

Luo Xian’er spoke first.

“The price is too low, we need at least fifteen rare treasures of heaven and earth.”

Just as everyone remained silent, the person in charge of the trading meeting expressed their opinion, shaking their head and saying so.

Immortal Gold is a treasure that can be used to refine True Immortal artifacts, and can even be used to cultivate into Immortal King artifacts.

From this, it can be seen how precious a complete Immortal Gold is.

A mere Immortal Ginseng is almost equivalent to trading for a corner.

As for Immortal Crystals, they can be ignored directly.

“I can only offer seven rare treasures. Do any of you have more?”

After pondering for a moment, Luo Xian’er nodded.

“It’s still too low. You need to increase it to three hundred trillion Immortal Crystals, twenty rare treasures of heaven and earth, or use Dao Fruits.”

After waiting for a while and seeing that no one made a bid, the person in charge, Gao Xin, spoke again.

“No, seven rare treasures are already the limit. I can add some Immortal Crystals or Immortal Spirit Veins.”

Luo Xian’er directly refused.

In fact, trading twenty rare treasures of heaven and earth for Immortal Gold is not a loss, but a big gain.

But in this kind of matter, it depends on the needs of both parties.

If the other party urgently needs rare treasures of heaven and earth to improve their cultivation, seven treasures are already enough.

As for Dao Fruits, they are the fruits of the Great Dao, extremely rare throughout the ages, and can directly enhance True Immortal cultivation, or even comprehend the Great Dao contained in the Dao Fruits.

So in a certain sense, the preciousness of Dao Fruits is even greater than that of Immortal Gold.

“Can we see what rare treasures of heaven and earth they are?”

Gao Xin received a message and immediately said to Luo Xian’er.

“What kind of Immortal Gold does the other party have?”

Luo Xian’er responded with a question.

Profound Heaven has not been seen yet. If she were to bring out the rare treasures of heaven and earth, she would be at a disadvantage.

Gao Xin’s eyes showed surprise, obviously not expecting Luo Xian’er to be so shrewd.

Revealing one’s own chips first would indeed result in a great loss.

The thought flashed through Gao Xin’s mind as he waited patiently for the person’s response.

“It’s Profound Heaven’s Lustrous Immortal Gold, but the other party is asking for one hundred trillion Immortal Gold, ten High Grade Spirit Veins, one hundred Middle Grade Spirit Veins, twenty Heavenly and Earthly Rare Treasures, and one Dao Fruit.”

The crowd exclaimed in surprise. There are actually people trading Immortal Gold.

Such a treasure was rarely seen in thousands of years.

Moreover, Profound Heaven’s Lustrous Immortal Crystal is an Apex Level Immortal Gold among the various Immortal Golds.

The material is extremely hard and has great plasticity and inclusiveness.

This means that it can melt more Immortal Gold, carve more Dao patterns, and has higher potential.

Furthermore, Profound Heaven’s Lustrous Immortal Gold is extremely splendid and beautiful, making it the most coveted treasure for female cultivators in the world.

“Impossible, I can at most add one High Grade Spirit Vein, three Middle Grade Spirit Veins, and the Heavenly and Earthly Rare Treasures remain unchanged.”

Luo Xian’er was overjoyed in her heart, but on the surface, she said with an unpleasant expression.

“Do any of you have a higher bid?”

Gao Xin scanned the crowd and asked.

The offer Luo Xian’er made was ridiculously low.

Wanting to exchange seven Heavenly and Earthly Rare Treasures for an Apex Level Immortal Gold was simply wishful thinking.

He was even embarrassed to mention it to her.


The crowd sighed. They wanted to trade, but their pockets were empty.

But on the other hand, Luo Xian’er’s offer completely shattered their expectations.

“These are the Heavenly and Earthly Rare Treasures I want to trade. Take a look and see if they are suitable.”

Luo Xian’er breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took out the treasures while the iron was hot.

Three Immortal Ginsengs, one Enlightenment Flower, and three Immortal Source Fruits.

They were all exquisite treasures among the Heavenly and Earthly Rare Treasures and also the treasures that False Immortals desired the most.

“Luo Xian’er, your offer is really too low. That is Profound Heaven’s Lustrous Immortal Gold, and the offer given by that Fellow Daoist is quite reasonable.”

Gao Xin said with an unpleasant expression.

“I know, but this is all I have.”

Luo Xian’er said with difficulty.

“We can wait, you can go and ask for permission from that person.”

Gao Xin said.

“She doesn’t have any, they were all eaten by the little rabbit.”

Luo Xian’er said pretending to be heartbroken.

The faces of the crowd twisted in anger.

Damn rabbit, from now on, when they see a rabbit, they must cook it, roast it, steam it.


After a moment of silence, a bright light appeared on the teleportation platform in front of Gao Xin, and a box appeared instantly.

Gao Xin opened it and looked inside, his hands trembling, reluctantly handing it to Luo Xian’er.

If he had enough rare treasures from heaven and earth, he would never miss them.

He could make a fortune by selling them.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have any.


At this moment, an urgent voice sounded.

Luo Xian’er directly put the Profound Heaven Lulixian Gold into her storage ring, then looked at the person who appeared.

“Who are you?”

“Don’t you know who I am?”

The young man who spoke had a slightly feminine appearance, with a sinister look in his eyes, clearly not someone to be messed with.

When he heard Luo Xian’er’s words, he paused for a moment, his face darkening as he asked.

After Luo Xian’er became the deputy alliance leader, her name spread far and wide.

He believed that Luo Xian’er must have checked the representative figures of the Apex Level forces in the Chaos Star Domain.

How could she not know who he was?

She must be deliberately embarrassing him, right?

“I really don’t know.”

Luo Xian’er said seriously.

Yes, she did know Shen Feng.

But in the Chaos Star Domain, the highest cultivation level of a True Immortal was only at the seventh level.

Yun Xi was already at the peak.

So, she really isn’t afraid.

Shen Feng wants her to hand over the treasure with just one sentence. Why don’t you go to heaven?

It’s already good enough that she didn’t ignore him.

“I am Shen Feng, the son of Shen Yue.”

He said with a gloomy face.

Shen Yue is a Seven Transformation True Immortal and the founder of the “Heavenly Star Alliance” force, which is many times stronger than Yun Xi.

So in the Chaos Star Domain, no one dares to disrespect the Heavenly Star Alliance.

As for the so-called Immortal Monarch, it refers to True Immortals of the Third Transformation or above who can be called Immortal Monarchs.

As for female cultivators, there are various names. Most of them don’t like the title of Immortal Monarch and are generally called Immortal Maiden, Divine Maiden, or Niangniang.

“Oh, so you are the son of Immortal Monarch Shen Yue. I have heard of you for a long time.”

Luo Xian’er showed a look of realization, but her tone was very calm.

“Enough nonsense, quickly hand over the Profound Heaven Lulixian Gold.”

Shen Feng could see that Luo Xian’er was just perfunctory, but the most important thing now was to get the Immortal Gold.

“Sorry, I don’t intend to trade.”

Luo Xian’er shook her head.

“I mean for you to trade again, we will re-bid.”

Shen Feng’s momentum was revealed, and his tone carried an unquestionable meaning.

“Are you stupid? I have already completed the trade, and you want me to offer more treasures for bidding?”

Luo Xian’er looked at him as if he were an idiot.


Shen Feng was furious. No one had ever dared to speak to him like this since he was born, not even ordinary True Immortals.

Because his father is Shen Yue, and his mother is Lai Yi, both Five Transformation True Immortals.

His words are the iron law of the Chaos Star Domain.

But now, Luo Xian’er was trampling on his dignity.

If it weren’t for Yun Xi, he really wanted to take action and capture Luo Xian’er immediately.

“I arrived late just now, so the previous trade doesn’t count.”

Shen Feng took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

“What are you? Save that for your father, idiot.”

Luo Xian’er sneered.

The reason she was angry at Shen Feng was actually to deliberately provoke him.

Because Luo Xian’er had her eyes on the Tianxing Alliance’s wealth.

As long as she searched Shen Feng’s soul, wouldn’t she know all the secrets?

As for revenge, Luo Xian’er wasn’t afraid at all.

After all, she had Yun Xi by her side, what was there to fear?

With just a word, she could call her sister over.


“Alright, alright!”

“I’ll see how long you can be arrogant.”

Shen Feng could tell that Luo Xian’er clearly looked down on him, and by extension, his parents.

He swore that after the trade fair ended, he would make Luo Xian’er regret it.

However, he could no longer retrieve the Profound Heaven Lulixian Gold.

“Oh, what happened?”

At this moment, several people walked in one after another. Seeing that the atmosphere was off, they couldn’t help but ask in confusion.

Once they understood the situation, their faces instantly turned as ugly as if they had eaten a dead rat.

They didn’t expect that by being a little reserved and arriving late, they would miss such a precious treasure.

“The previous trade doesn’t count, we have to trade again.”

“That’s right, if everyone isn’t here, how can we start the trade?”

Several people said coldly.

“I wasn’t here, who allowed you to start the trade early?”

Shen Feng’s gaze was full of hostility as he looked at Gao Xin.

“Ah, about that.”

Gao Xin was flustered at this moment. In the past, the trade couldn’t start if the Crown Prince wasn’t present.

But this was what Wang Lin requested, it had nothing to do with him.

“Ridiculous, it’s already time for the trade, why can’t we start? I allowed them to start, what do you want?”

“Don’t want to trade? Then get out.”

Luo Xian’er wouldn’t indulge them and directly criticized them.

“You, you, you…”

“Very well, I remember you.”

Shen Feng couldn’t contain his anger. He sat down in a seat and his eyes were filled with malice.

The others had equally unpleasant expressions and gave a deep look at Rong Xianchuan.

In their hearts, they swore to repay today’s humiliation a hundredfold.

Luo Xian’er sneered in her heart, waiting for them to seek revenge.

One by one, they would be searched and if their souls could be searched, they would be searched. If not, they would still be dealt with.

After completing this task, she would leave the Chaos Star Domain.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, they felt a sense of satisfaction.

Let them wait for a while, especially since they were always late.

Now, is it good?

After returning, just wait until your parents beat you to death.

“Ah ah ah…”

In the private room, the cultivators who were trading Immortal Gold felt heartache and regret twisted within them.

It was their first time coming here to trade, and they never expected that wealthy people would always be late.

“Damn fool, are you pretending to be your mother…”

His teeth were about to shatter.

If he hadn’t been in a hurry to trade, how good would it have been?

Actually, he was well aware that if he waited a bit longer to sell his Profound Heaven Lustrous Immortal Gold, he would definitely get a better price.

But right now, he needed cultivation resources, and strength was the foundation.

Also, the innocent are guilty by association.

He had already exposed his Profound Heaven Lustrous Immortal Gold. If he didn’t trade, he would definitely be on a dead end.

It was precisely because of these considerations that he had to grit his teeth and swallow his anger.

Originally, he had thought of bargaining with Dao Fruit and Luo Xian’er. After all, he didn’t dare to accept Dao Fruit. If he obtained Dao Fruit, it would mean that even True Immortals would chase after him.

So he wanted to trade for more Heavenly and Earthly treasures, take as much as he could, and then escape using a spatial teleportation symbol.

However, he never expected that Luo Xian’er would insist on it, and he never expected that these young masters would be so fond of showing off, causing him to suffer losses.

“Continue the trade. I want to trade Immortal Gold. I’ll offer twenty Heavenly and Earthly treasures. If it’s not suitable, we can negotiate the price.”

Shen Feng looked at Gao Xin with a sinister gaze.

However, how could something as precious as Immortal Gold be traded just like that?

If others were willing to trade, they would still need to have the ability to do so.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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