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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 173. A Child Is Born, Named Xi’Er, Qianyu

“Ling’er, go say hello to Dragon Race. This sea will be ours from now on.”

Although heaven and earth are ownerless places, only the virtuous live there.

But Dragon Race is the overlord of the East China Sea after all, and takes the East China Sea as its own.

Not saying hello makes you look lackluster and rude.

He is not the protagonist of Destiny, he likes to be sneaky in everything he does.


“Okay! Done!”

Zi Ling’er worked very efficiently, and a thought came to the sky above the Dragon Palace, saying that she wanted that sea area.

“Easy to say, easy to say!”

She is also an Immortal King, and the Dragon King is very considerate to her, stroking his beard and saying with a smile.

“I can give Fellow Daoist face, but I am only giving you face. If you are not here, I will definitely destroy it and bring that sea area back under control.”

“what ever!”

Zi Ling’er’s thoughts disappeared and he began to arrange formations, teleportation formations, etc. towards the fairy island.

Wang Lin received the Primordial Origin Limitless Formation and just threw the formation diagram out.

Primordial Origin Limitless Formation autonomously evolves into an immeasurable formation, blending into heaven and earth, and gathering the essence of heaven and earth.

The originally rich and pure Immortal Origin Qi became several times stronger in an instant, and the rules of heaven and earth became ten times clearer than before, and the mysterious Dao Rhyme filled the air.

“It is indeed a transcendent level formation.”

Wang Lin sensed it and realized that the Primordial Origin Limitless Formation was based on the Three Thousand Immortal Islands, and also included the boundless sea outside and all the stars in the sky.

It’s just not revealed, and it’s impossible for anyone to see it.

The immortal spiritual energy gathered at all times is enough for him to practice openly.

Moreover, Primordial Origin Wuji is still accumulating energy and continues to expand outwards.

If all the power is revealed, it is estimated that the entire Central Juntian can be included, gathering the essence of the world.

And Primordial Origin Limitless Formation also has the power to improve the rules of Great Dao.

The moment the Three Thousand Immortal Islands were formed, 20 became even more extraordinary, with a faint trend of evolution.

With the current power of the Primordial Origin Limitless Formation, it shouldn’t be a problem to strangle the Immortal King.

“It’s too Transcendent. If I treat it as a Law Treasure, combined with the Chaos Mysterious Light sword, its power

Wang Lin had a bold idea in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

“Don’t rush, don’t rush. My cultivation level is still a bit low now. It won’t be too late for me to break through to the Divine King and raise my children to become adults.”

To comprehend the Primordial Origin Limitless Formation, his understanding is so incredible that it will probably take tens of thousands of years.

Even if it is a big deal, he should put it aside until he raises the child.

With this in mind, Wang Lin returned to the Small Spirit World Heavenly Palace to visit the woman again.

By the way, I asked them if they wanted to have children, but they all said to wait first.

They all want to break through to True Immortal and have children. After all, the children born to True Immortal have stronger qualifications and the probability of becoming immortals is almost 70 to 80%.

Only Qin Miaotong was overjoyed when he heard the news.

Wang Lin gave her a Primordial Origin Dao Fruit, and soon she became pregnant with a boy. He had a Chaos Body and inherited part of Wang Lin’s physique.

“Husband, what is our child’s name?”

Qin Miaotong blinked her beautiful eyes and asked expectantly.

“Don’t worry, he will be pregnant for at least a thousand years.”

“Husband, you can think about it in advance!”

Qin Miaotong sat on his lap and acted coquettishly, with a maternal glow on her face.

…” Wang Lin.

He thought for a moment and said.

“Why don’t you call me Qianyu?”


Qin Miaotong whispered.

“The majestic atmosphere, thousands of universes, eternity, vastness…

“Okay, this is good.”

“Husband, you are so amazing.”

Qin Miaotong was extremely excited.

Thousands of years have passed by in a hurry, but only ten years have passed in the outside world.

On this day, everyone in the Wang Family had no intention of practicing, and everyone looked in the same direction with excited and expectant expressions.


A sound that resounds throughout the world is like the sound of the Great Dao, sacred, majestic, and mysterious.

Countless creatures heard this Taoist sound and fell into a wonderful realm. They felt a sense of sudden enlightenment about the mysterious Tao and principles that had been bothering them.

There are also many people with extraordinary qualifications who fell into short-term enlightenment.


The vast purple energy that followed covered the sky.

“Huh? The sound of Great Dao? The purple energy of Great Dao?”

The old Dragon King was stunned for a moment, and his expression suddenly changed.

Since ancient times, there have been shocking visions since the birth of geniuses, but these are nothing.

It’s just a vision, isn’t it there?

But the sound of the Great Dao is very terrifying, which means that what is born is not the Divine Body, but the Dao Body.

The so-called first-generation Supreme geniuses are usually Divine Body or below. Through hard work and hard work, they stand out among the Divine Body.

The Dao Body is completely different. With just a little practice, you will have the fighting power of the first generation genius, and its potential is unlimited.

In history, a small number of the Dao Body that appeared became Immortal King. Those who failed were either too bad-hearted or dead.

Also, in the past, the birth of Dao Body was just the purple energy of heaven.

Contains pure energy and a touch of law Dao Rhyme.

Great Dao Zi Qi is completely different.

Containing rich and pure essence of life and essence of law, there is an essential difference between the two.

“This child must have an Apex Level Dao Body and is destined to be extraordinary in the future!”

The old Dragon King’s eyes were blazing, and he wanted to go over and rob someone immediately, but in the end he held back.

From Zi Ling’er, he sensed the crisis of death and was no match for him at all.

Then the problem comes, there is a robber on your property.

And the bandits are getting stronger day by day, and it won’t be long before they threaten Dragon Race. What should he do?

Giving gifts?

Yes! Give gifts!

Give a big gift.

“There are changes in the East China Sea!”

“Another Dao Body is born. It’s a time of great competition. Unfortunately, it’s the Dragon Race. It’s destined to miss our human race.”

Countless True Immortals stopped to retreat, their eyes like bright stars, penetrating time and space.

Dragon Race is the dominant family in Donghai, so they instinctively believe that the Dao Body that was born is Dragon Race.

“This baby is destined to my Guanghan Immortal Palace. Die’er, please go there and form a good relationship.”

In the boundless starry sky, a vast female voice sounded.

“Yes, Master!”

A stunning woman in colorful clothes raised her hand to tear the void apart and stepped into it.

“I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl. If it’s a girl, she’s qualified to be my son’s Taoist companion.”

Among the endless sacred mountains, a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance and a majestic bearing showed a smile on his face.

With his hands behind his back, he has a strong ambition.

“Clan leader, that is the Dao Body. Although my Immortal Ye family is not afraid of the Dragon Race, there is nothing we can do about it.”

“Although the young patriarch is good, others are not bad either.”

An old man said sarcastically.

“Yeah, the clan leader wouldn’t be stupid enough to think that Dragon Race would give up Dao Body, right?”

Another old man said disdainfully.

The elder just said it tactfully, but in fact the Ye family is not a match for the Dragon Race at all.

Are you still qualified to be your son’s Taoist companion?

It’s unclear whether your son is qualified to meet someone else.

Ye Shengtian’s face instantly turned ugly. He never expected that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

“Having absorbed 80% of the Primordial Origin Dao Fruit, and being baptized with so much Great Dao Purple Qi, the child will not be an adult as soon as he is born, right?”

Wang Lin stood in front of the door, looked up at the sky, and whispered.

I saw endless purple energy, dripping into the room like the Milky Way flowing backward.

Hearing the baby’s cry, Wang Lin took a look at the situation inside, and then his heart was relieved.

It’s not that he’s afraid of anything else, Wang Lin is just afraid that his children will be born knowing it.

Being too Transcendent may not always be a good thing.

Now, the baby is just an ordinary baby, and all the energy absorbed is in her bones.

The Tao Bone contains the origin of the Great Dao, which has evolved into thousands of laws, and is very Transcendent.

It can be said that even without practicing, she can independently break through to the Immortal King as she grows older.

Moreover, it will be very easy for her to break through the Immortal Emperor in the future.

This is the most important.

“Good baby!”

Luo Xian’er was not weak at all after giving birth to a child.

Her face was rosy and she was holding a naked baby with an expression of joy.

“Your father is here!”

Wang Lin took the child and looked at it carefully with a smile on his face.

The baby’s skin has no wrinkles at all, but its skin is moist, smooth, white and rosy, and full of collagen.

The little face is plump, because there is an elf in the eyes.


The little guy wasn’t afraid of life at all. He grabbed her father’s hair and kept babbling.

“How is it? Like me, right?”

Luo Xian’er’s eyes were full of happy smiles.

“It’s like, because it’s like.”

Wang Lin looked at it for a while and smiled.

Their mother and daughter are indeed 70% to 80% similar.

“Have you decided on a name yet?”

As soon as Luo Xian’er said this, Wang Lin’s expression changed.

It’s been a thousand years, Luo Xian’er has been asking him for a thousand years, because it’s terrible.

“Well, in my opinion, our child is born divine, and his blood gives birth to Shen Xi. The charm emanating from his Tao bones is like the essence of the Great Dao. Shen Xi has thin hair, why not… why not just call her Xi’er? “

“Okay! Great! This is a great name!”

“Look what you said.

Luo Xian’er rolled his eyes, a look of guilt appeared in his beautiful eyes.

She also knew that this was very difficult for Wang Lin, but for a major event related to the child’s life, she could only aggrieve Tian Lin first.

“Baby, let go.”

Wang Lin pried her little hands away, and it was not a problem to keep holding on to his long hair.

This little guy is quite strong. Just now he only had more than 100,000 kilograms of strength.

Now after only a few breaths, the strength has soared to a million pounds.

And it is still rising, all of which stems from her integrity.

The Great Dao charm exuded is quickly giving birth to Shenxi and quenching the Body Refining soul.


The little guy grabbed even harder, his big eyes shining brightly, full of divinity.

“Hey, the kid is very clingy to you!”

Luo Xian’er said with a smile, and then said seriously.

“With her breakthrough speed, she will probably become an immortal within a few years.”

100″ Reaching the sky in one step may not be a good thing.

“Shall we seal her Taoist bones and divine eyes first? Let her practice hard for a period of time to sharpen her character.”

“Well, that makes sense!”

Wang Lin nodded.

Immediately, the little guy’s Taoist bones and divine eyes were sealed.

The little guy’s divine eye has inherited at least 60% of the power of his Dao Pupil, and can detect everything, including the rules of heaven and earth.

By sealing these two heaven-defying talents, the little guy becomes a Rank Nine Divine Body.

This is just right, without excessive pressure, and can better guide her growth.

“Xi’er, please slow down.”

Half a month later, the little guy was able to run all over the floor.

There was a red bellyband hanging on his chest, and he was moving very fast, whipping up a gust of wind.

“Daddy can’t catch up with me, just a little bit…”

The little guy turned around and made a face, and continued running wildly, his silver hair flying.

Wang Lin helplessly held her forehead, this little girl is so naughty, she can’t stop for a moment


“Stop making trouble, your brother is about to be born, let’s go take a look.”

Wang Lin carried her to Qin Miaotong’s room.

The birth of Chaos Body was an amazing sight.

When did the world turn into chaos and vastness, and an Azure Lotus suppressed it for eternity.

Immediately, the four sacred beasts screamed together, and the earth, water, fire, and wind appeared, manifesting the vision of Opening Heaven.

The mighty Great Dao purple air covers the sky.

“Is Dao Body born again?”

The old Dragon King was stunned.

“what happened?”

Ye Dieyi was also confused when he came to Dragon Palace.

At first, she believed that the born Dao Body was the one from Dragon Race.

Therefore, he stayed at the Dragon Palace and refused to leave until he saw Dao Body.

But now it seems that she made a mistake.

Dragon Race didn’t lie, Dao Body really wasn’t from Dragon Race.

Then why is she still here?


The senior executives of Dragon Race looked at each other and sent a message to the old Dragon King.

“Ancestor, what should we do?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“You must restrain the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and never break into Tianze waters.

That’s right, the sea area occupied by Wang Lin is named Tianze Sea.

Tianze City was also established, but it has not yet opened for business, nor has it been declared to the world.

The existence of the Wang Family is unknown to the outside world.


“Is it you, ancestor?”

When Ye Dieyi came to Tianze City, he was stunned by the shout of his ancestor.

She is as beautiful as a flower and is only eighteen years old. Where can she have descendants?


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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