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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 175. Two Girls Quarreling Over Their Own Cubs! Why Did He Die?


Wang Lin was stunned for a moment, pondered for a while, nodded and said.

“The birth of my son and daughter, Wang Lin, must be celebrated by the whole world, but Miao Tong thought it through.”

“Yeah, daddy, don’t stop.

Seeing her father’s big hand leave, Xi’er immediately put her father’s big hand on her little head again, her big clear eyes full of expectation.

“Well! Xi’er, be good, go to bed quickly!”

Wang Lin stroked her gently and patted her butt with the other hand, speaking in a gentle and gentle tone.

After coaxing her for a while, Xi’er actually fell asleep!

“The little girl finally went to sleep!!!”

It’s been half a month. The little girl has been struggling for half a month. Are you finally tired?

Wang Lin breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at his baby.

Just when they were about to exchange something, the little girl seemed to be able to sense it. Her chubby little hands grasped the corner of Wang Lin’s clothes tightly, and there were faint signs of waking up.

Wang Lin had no choice but to give up!

Qin Miaotong frowned involuntarily and swallowed what he wanted to say.

In fact, she wanted to give this little tiger girl a spell to ensure that she would sleep soundly.

But how could Wang Lin and Luo Xian’er not know? There must be a reason why they don’t use it.

Qin Miaotong lowered her head and looked at her baby son. At this time, she wished that her baby boy would cry and make trouble too.

“Miaotong, bring Qianyu over and let me take a look.”

Wang Lin put a soundproof barrier on the little girl and then looked at Qin Miaotong.

“Well, our son is so good.”

“Yes, look at how full his forehead is and how lively his eyes are.

“Well, Madam is right!”

“When he grows up, he will be like my husband, with unrivaled wisdom, majesty and extraordinary talent. Our son will definitely be the most invincible genius in the world.”

“Well, Madam is right!”

“Then… what gift are you planning to give to Yu’er?”

Qin Miaotong looked forward to it.


Wang Lin pondered for a while and said.

“There are a total of 108 pieces of complete fairy gold in the Three Thousand Immortal Island, as well as natural rare treasures such as Spirit Treasure. Madam, just give it to him.”

“Husband, I want to give the Three Thousand World Pearl to Yu’er, is that okay?”

Qin Miaotong mustered up his courage and whispered.

The Three Thousand World Pearl is a rare treasure bred from the three thousand large Immortal Worlds in the Three Thousand Immortal Island.

Each one is an accurate Dao Weapon, which is the Quasi-Emperor soldier level, but it is a complete set. The power of the three thousand World Beads together is more terrifying than the True Immortal Weapon.

Give it to the Immortal King to practice, and it will become the Immortal King weapon.

And it also has very high potential, with unlimited upgrade possibilities.

057 In addition, the power of the three thousand worlds is derived from the three thousand worlds, and its power is vast and endless.

While its power is unparalleled, its defense is also unparalleled, and it can also be used to perform world escape techniques.

At the same time, it also takes into account auxiliary training, using the power of the three thousand worlds to temper the Body Refining soul, comprehend the laws of the world, etc.

In short, the Three Thousand World Beads have endless uses, including attack, defense, assistance, and escape…

Its power and potential are no worse than the ordinary Innate Spirit Treasure.

Such a treasure was taken away by Luo Xian the moment it was discovered.

That was what she wanted to leave to her daughter.

Qin Miaotong also knew that saying this would damage the harmony and make Wang Lin embarrassed.

However, Sanqian Shizhu and Qianyu are so matched.

It is simply Qianyu’s most perfect treasure for enlightenment.

She wanted to fight for her son’s future.

“Well… okay, I’ll ask Xian’er.”

Wang Lin twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at his well-behaved son, and decided to give it a try.

“Thank you, husband.”

Qin Miaotong was very excited.

“Thank you for what? We are already an old married couple.”

Wang Lin pinched her moist and smooth cheeks and chuckled.


Luo Xian’er walked in with an ugly expression.

The World Pearl is so mysterious and powerful that there will never be another set of such perfect treasures in the world.

She had collected it for a thousand years just to give it to her daughter. How could she give it to others?

“elder sister!”

Qin Miaotong’s face turned pale and he lowered his head, not daring to look at Luo Xian’er.

“Xian’er, the World Pearl matches Qianyu Great Dao, so give it to him. I have a better treasure for Xi’er.”

Wang Lin comforted her and then communicated with her via voice for a while.

“Okay, okay!”

Luo Xian’er is still a little reluctant.

Although the Innate Sword is an infinitely powerful Innate Spirit Treasure, it contains the Innate Great Dao.

But the World Pearl is not bad at all.

Put it into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power of the world it emits can always warm the Nurturing Spirit, increase understanding, strengthen the origin of the body, and strengthen the body.

How great would it be if both treasures were given to Xi’er.

Unfortunately this is not possible.

After thinking about this, Luo Xian’er thought of a compromise and said.

“Should I give it to Qianyu when he becomes an adult?”


Wang Lin agreed immediately.

Luo Xian’er has already made concessions, and Wang Lin can’t say more.

Mother’s love is great, and they may do anything for their cubs.

Just look at these two women and you will know that they are usually good sisters, but now they are almost quarreling over their own cubs.

Qin Miaotong left the hall with her son in her arms, a gentle smile on her face.

“Son, your father has promised to give you a treasure. When you grow up, you must be filial to your father and your Aunt Xian’er.”


Qianyu babbled twice, his big eyes full of curiosity.

Although he was born with wisdom, he was not born with knowledge.

Now he is just a blank piece of paper and cannot understand what I am saying.

“My son is so smart…”

“The Sword of Annihilation is so important, don’t you want it?”

Luo Xian’er asked

“Have you forgotten the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron? Do you want to copy it?”

The Annihilation of the Sword of Annihilation Great Dao, Wang Lin has made the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron copy into the Mysterious Light Sword of Chaos.

It will take about three years to replicate.

“Can even Innate Spirit Treasure be copied? Then can’t we mass-produce Innate Spirit Treasure?”

Luo Xian’er said in shock.

“What are you thinking about?”

“We just copied the Great Dao of Annihilation, and it also consumed one-tenth of our luck.

“If you copy Innate’s immortal aura, even consuming all your luck will not be enough.”

Wang Lin was angry.

“I see, it’s just a copy of the Nirvana Great Dao. In terms of power, it’s almost the same as the Nirvana Sword. It just lacks the Innate Eternal Spiritual Light and loses the mystery of the Innate Spirit Treasure.”

Innate’s immortal aura is very important. It can assist the owner to better understand the Great Dao, and it can also repair itself after damage.

“Stop talking nonsense and get it quickly.”

“for you.”

The two chatted for a while, Wang Lin cleared his throat, used his magic power, and his voice spread throughout the world.

“I am Wang Lin, Level 6 True Immortal. In half a month, I will hold a birthday party for my children in Tianze City, East China Sea…”

He invites all living beings, as long as they can come.

Also, Wang Lin made it clear that he needs Strange Fire and will exchange treasures for it.

“Do you want to upgrade Ice Phoenix?”

Luo Xian’er asked in surprise.

“Well, the level of Ice Phoenix is ​​too low.”

“In my opinion, don’t ask for the Ice Phoenix. I haven’t seen you use it in these years. If you keep it, it will just eat dust.

“The potential of Ice Phoenix is ​​very high. I am sure to upgrade it to the Immortal King level. When the time comes, you will tell me if it will be useful, right?”

“Useful, so useful.”

Luo Xian’er’s eyes lit up, and he instinctively wanted to sit in the arms of his old thief when he saw the little one.

She did it again with an unhappy look on her face.

Wang Lin smiled and said, “I’ll dry the silk.”

“Ancestor, do we want to open for business?”

Wang Jie asked.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the ancestor’s order.

But what puzzled him was that the ancestor didn’t seem to have any intention of opening the door for business.

The mineral veins in the fairy island are not allowed to be mined. Does the ancestor not need to cultivate resources?


He is about to break through to the Divine King. It would be too shameful if he still runs a business.

Also, he will never refining Spirit Pill on a large scale in the future.

Because he no longer needs the Immortal Crystal, the family will have to rely on itself in the future.

After all, he is the ancestor. If he needs to take action in everything and help the younger generations find resources, then who is the ancestor?

What he can do is to protect the family and give the family a stable place to practice.

The rest is up to them.

“I estimate that there are quite a few who are willing to become vassal forces of our Wang Family. You choose a few.”

“Also, we only need the trade fair and leave the rest to others. We must make Tianze City a bustling city.

The role of Tianze Island is limited to providing entertainment for the Wang Family and experiencing fireworks on earth.

As for the resources needed by the Wang Family, there is actually no need to worry at all.

Three Thousand Immortal Islands have endless immortal energy, which is enough for them to practice.

The trade fair is used to exchange treasures.

Also, the Three Thousand Immortal Islands are not allowed to be mined, but the dozens of Immortal Islands that Wang Lin discovered before are also very rich in resources, and they can exploit them at will.

“Six turns True Immortal?”

“Is there a six-turn True Immortal in the Tianze area of ​​the East China Sea?”

Hundreds of Daozhous near Juntian in the center were boiling instantly.

This is the True Immortal that will last forever.

The overlord of Central Juntian exists.

As for the Immortal King, they are all living fossils. The Immortal King has not been seen for countless years.

True Immortal does show up occasionally.

Now that True Immortal is holding a big banquet, where can they sit down?

It’s a great opportunity to get a glimpse of True Immortal’s face.

After all, True Immortal transcends the reincarnation of life and death, is not in the yin and yang and the five elements, and is the Great Dao in itself.

Maybe you can understand something mysterious.

No matter how bad it is, being able to see True Immortal is a huge bragging rights.

“Hurry up and prepare generous gifts, don’t be late.”

“Bring Strange Fire quickly. Whether you can get a glimpse of True Immortal’s style depends on Strange Fire.”

Countless sect families were all mobilized.

“I don’t know if Senior True Immortal will accept a disciple.”

Countless geniuses were also excited. Those who thought they had good talents were looking for connections and headed to Tianze City.

“I’ve never heard of a sixth-turn True Immortal with such a name…”

“Could it be the True Immortal that came out of the Chaos Star Domain? Yes, that must be the case.”

The Daozhou sect and family near the East China Sea discussed secretly, looking excited.

“If we could become a vassal force of True Immortal’s predecessors, wouldn’t we be able to rise to prominence and become immortal forever?”

You must know that the forces with True Immortal in charge of Central Juntian are in the minority after all.

This type of sect and family is called “immortal”.

Eternal Family, immortal orthodoxy!

There is no force where True Immortal is in charge, there is just a great religion, relying on the breath of the immortal force to survive.

For example, in a Daozhou, there is an immortal force, and the other forces must pay tribute every year.

To eliminate other forces, you need to get the nod of the immortal forces, and they will take away 70% of it afterwards.

some important secrets

In this realm, the immortal forces go in first to search and pick out the rest, which is yours.

The Immortal Force is so domineering.

No matter how reluctant they are, they have to act according to the rules of the immortal forces.

However, now, Donghai suddenly has a rank six True Immortal. He must need his subordinates to handle some small things, right?

They become True Immortal vassals, that is, True Immortal disciples, and they no longer need to act in the face of the Immortal Force.

Everyone became more and more excited when they thought about it, and suddenly a young man said.

“Master, our Heavenly Guardian Sword sect is also an immortal sect after all. Although it has declined and lost its True Immortal ancestor, there is no need to become a vassal of others, right?”

“Huangkou kid, don’t you understand the principle of respecting the strong in this world?”

An old man’s thoughts were interrupted and he couldn’t help but yelled angrily.

“It is true that the strong should be respected, but I am a monk who goes against the will of heaven and follows others’ influence. Doesn’t this make the Taoist heart dusty? How can I climb to a higher peak?”

Xiao Yi’s delicate face was calm, his eyes were disdainful, and he said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the sect leader looked bad.

He also wanted to become a vassal of True Immortal. Xiao Yi’s words were considered as scolding even him.

“Haha, you said all this just because you don’t want to hand over your Strange Fire.”

At this time, a young man with a hooked nose mocked.

“I see!”

Everyone suddenly realized.

They become True Immortal’s vassals, and the entire sect will benefit. Xiao Yi has no reason to stop them.

If it concerns your own interests, then it makes sense.

“Hand over the Nine Nether Ghost Fire. Of course, the Heavenly Guardian Sword Sect will not treat you badly. I will compensate you with a rare treasure from heaven and earth.”

An old man at the peak of False Immortal appeared and said calmly.

“Meet the Supreme Elder.”

Everyone bowed in unison.

The old man nodded slightly, looked at Xiao Yi, and frowned.

What’s going on with this kid?

He has already talked about this, why haven’t he handed over the Nine Nether Ghost Fire?

“Disciple doesn’t want to!”

Xiao Yi bowed and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.


The old man’s face darkened.

The price of Tiandi Qizhen is not lower than Strange Fire at all. At least it makes people choose, and most people will choose Tiandi Qizhen.

It is really difficult to upgrade Strange Fire.

Without the upgraded flame, it will be of little use at the eighth floor of the Dao Platform.

“Because the Nine Nether Ghost Fire is the disciple’s opportunity.”

Xiao Yi didn’t say the reason and replied calmly.

He felt unhappy to the extreme. He had originally heard about the wonders of heaven and earth, and he had exchanged them with Feng Yi.

But the Nine Nether Ghost Fire was his treasure, so the Supreme Elder made the decision directly without even asking for his consent.

What do you think of him Xiao Yi?

The Supreme Elder’s condescending attitude made him look like an ant, which made him very unhappy.

Of course, you still have to change it, but it will cost more. Who wants to make this old man unhappy?

“Xiao Yi, this matter concerns the entire Heavenly Guardian Sword sect. As a true disciple, you have enjoyed countless benefits from the sect. Let alone compensation for you. Even if there is no compensation, you must still treat Jiuyou Ghost Fire

The villain elder shouted angrily.

“Great Elder, if your grandson has the Nine Nether Ghost Fire, are you willing to let him hand it over?”


Looking at the two people arguing, a stunning woman in the hall showed admiration.

“As expected of Senior Brother Xiao, when faced with a room full of powerful men, even if the Supreme Elder comes in person, he will not change his face…”


In the main hall, a cloud of blood mist suddenly bloomed.

The stunning woman’s pupils were dilated, staring at the drifting blood mist.

Senior Brother Xiao, who was calm and chatting with a group of powerful men just a second ago, is dead??

how could it be possible?

Brother Xiao rose from humble beginnings and was invincible, never losing.

How could someone with unparalleled talent, nearly demonic wisdom, and True Immortal talent die?


The stunning woman’s face was pale and her delicate body was trembling.

My mind went blank, and I shook my head slowly, unable to believe that the scene in front of me was real.

“Unknown things.”

“Let’s go, it’s a long journey, don’t be late.”


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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