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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 176. Cry And Spin, Make Noise And Roll On The Ground! Thousands Of Changes

“A crying spin, a noisy spin, and a rolling spin…”

Wang Lin smiled and gently stroked the three vortexes on her daughter’s head.

“No wonder our daughter is so tossing. It turns out there are three major whirlpools.”

“Xian’er, come here and let me see how many vortexes you have.”

“Don’t look anymore, I only have one whirlpool. My mother told me to go home for dinner, so I should leave first.”

Luo Xian’er shook his head quickly, and after finishing speaking, he immediately disappeared.

“Xian’er must have three vortices. It’s a pity that I didn’t notice it before.

Wang Lin smiled, hugged her daughter and patted her gently.

This little girl shows signs of waking up if she doesn’t hit for a while, she really doesn’t stop for a moment.

Wang Lin’s consciousness is immersed in the chaotic universe.

I saw a vast expanse of chaos, filled with chaotic energy and divine light like a rainbow.

There is a billion-foot sacred tree that holds up the sky. Billions of laws are revealed, with brilliant brilliance and various visions.

The Chaos Tree is always evolving the Great Dao Law, breathing in the energy of chaos, opening up the universe, and deriving law and order.


The Chaos Tree is rooted in the Three Thousand Star Realm, like a subordinate plane of the Chaos Universe, opening up, expanding, and evolving all the time.

Based on the realm of three thousand stars, the perfect law and order of the Great Dao of Chaos is derived.

While the chaotic universe is becoming increasingly perfect, the chaotic tree is also evolving, forming a virtuous cycle.

Wang Lin turned his eyes and looked at the three thousand Dao Fruit on the Chaos Tree.

This is the Dao Fruit produced by the Chaos Tree.

Its magical effect is similar to that of Primordial Origin Dao Fruit, but it is not mature yet.

It will take at least hundreds of thousands of years, and it will take the number of Yiyuanhui to mature.

“My Chaos Cauldron has been upgraded to an Immortal King weapon. I don’t know if it can eventually evolve into an Innate Spirit Treasure or even a Chaos Arcana.”

Wang Lin looked at the vast and chaotic cauldron.

His world of chaos is a chaotic universe with extremely perfect rules. With the power of the chaotic universe, it may evolve into an Innate Spirit Treasure.

There is also the Chaos Mysterious Light Sword, which has faintly evolved with traces of Innate’s immortal aura.

The Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death, due to the smelting of the Devouring Ancient Sword, has become a true Innate Spirit Treasure.

The power is more terrifying than the Immortal King weapon.

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and silently read the system.

Character: Wang Lin.

Fate: variable.

luck: none.

Physique: Chaos Dao Body, Chaos Dao Pupil, Second Turn Immortal Soul.

Realm: Chaos Demon God(True God Perfection)

Skill: Divine Level.

Exercise: Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra.

Divine Ability: Eternal Light Sword Formation, Star Plucking Hand, Huntian Sword, Destruction Fist, Chaos Lotus, Space Divine Pattern, Wanhua Guixu, Chaos Dao Pupil, Chaos Mysterious Light, Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death, Time Wheel, Time goes back, one side.

Law Treasure: Chaotic Golden Lotus, Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron, Small Spirit World, Chaos Mysterious Light Sword, Ice Phoenix, Azure Lotus Sword, Chaos Cauldron, Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death.

Taoist couple: Luo Xian’er, Qin Miaotong, Bing Lan, Mrs. Qingmei, Su Ying, Sang Yun, Bai Susu, Ao Wushuang, Chu Xiyao, Ye Qingwu.

“I’m too strong.”

After reading his property panel, Wang Lin couldn’t help but smile.

For these thousand years, it was naturally impossible for him to really just accompany his wife.

The Chaos Tree evolves the universe all the time, making him stronger all the time, faster than practicing in seclusion.

At the same time, Wang Lin is also sorting out his own Divine Ability Taoism, perfecting and integrating it on this basis.

For example, the Yin-Yang Heaven-breaking Power was fused by him into the Great Dao of Chaos, which can be destroyed with one punch, making it three times more powerful than before.

Don’t underestimate this three times.

Such a perfect Divine Ability, a little bit more powerful, is a huge improvement.

Moreover, Sandu means that the basic combat power has tripled, which is already extremely incredible.

There is also the Ice Lotus Law Manifestation. Wang Lin combined it with the Myriad Manifestations and Chaos Thunder Prison, and then integrated it into his own Chaos Great Dao to derive a new Law Manifestation, Chaos Lotus.

It has thousands of Divine Ability changes and is infinitely powerful.

The Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist were integrated into the Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death to form a new set of Divine Ability tactics.

As for the time wheel, time goes back to the Japanese side.

This is the Divine Ability that Wang Lin realized in the Zhouguang Sword Formation.

The wheel of time can tear apart everything, penetrate everything, and corrode and dissolve with the power of time.

As the name suggests, time retrieval can go back in time, but it is too profound. Wang Lin has only scratched the surface of it.

A Divine Ability combines the power of time and space to form a space-time domain.

In this realm of time and space, he is the master.

“I have too many treasures, and there is no way I can use their beauty.”

0Please ask for flowers……

Wang Lin murmured.

In fact, he had already discovered this problem.

His understanding is incredible, and the Chaotic Golden Lotus is of limited help to him.

The physical body is even more powerful, and there is no need for the Chaos Cauldron at all.

For alchemy training, Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron is enough.

However, these are all treasures. If they cannot be used perfectly, it will be heartbreaking to think about them.

“Once the Great Dao of Annihilation is copied, the Chaos Cauldron and Chaotic Golden Lotus will be smelted.”

Chaotic Golden Lotus is the supreme Dao Seed, which contains the chaotic heaven.

The Chaos Cauldron has the power to smelt all things and contains thousands of laws.

The fusion of the two definitely complements each other.

From now on, when he faces enemies or goes out, he will sit on the shining golden Chaotic Golden Lotus, which is so cool.

With this in mind, Wang Lin glanced at the luck in the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron and was stunned.

“Why did my luck suddenly increase by twenty feet?”

Since he got the Three Thousand Immortal Island, his luck has skyrocketed by three hundred feet, and it has been growing rapidly.

But what the hell is the sudden surge of twenty feet?

He hasn’t done any other big things recently.

“Strange! Could it be that someone killed the Son of Destiny?”

Shaking his head, Wang Lin hugged the little girl and went to find his son.

“Xian’er, why are you back?”

Zhao Qiqiu said with hatred that iron cannot become steel.

“Why can’t I come back?”

Luo Xian’er looked depressed and took my mother’s arm skillfully.

“Oh, Xian’er, you are already a mother, how can you still be so willful?”

Zhao Qiqiu was extremely anxious.

Leaving her daughter to her husband is probably something only Luo Xian’er can do.

Sometimes she really wanted to pry open her daughter’s head and see what was inside.

Where is the truth she has always taught her about marrying and obeying her husband?

“Mom, you don’t know how annoying Xi’er is. Sometimes I really want to hang her up and spank her hard until she spreads her ass.”


Zhao Qiqiu’s eyes widened and her whole body trembled with anger.

Is this human language?

When you were a child, I didn’t beat you.

Forget it, maybe it’s a good thing for my daughter to come back.

Zhao Qiqiu turned around and left angrily. .


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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