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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 180. Lord Of Destiny [Open The Homepage To Collect And Read Old Books]

“Wow! I want daddy, I want daddy!”

“Your father is not free!”

Looking at his daughter rolling on the ground, Luo Xian’er remained unmoved.

“I want Daddy!”

Xi’er kicked her limbs wildly and cried profusely.

“No, you are mine.

Luo Xian’er said ruthlessly.


Xi’er stopped crying immediately, her big eyes widened with confusion, as if she was thinking about what my mother meant by this.

I didn’t think about it for a while, so I continued to cry and roll.


Qianyu pointed at her with his fat little fist, his body was beating, he was babbling non-stop, and his expression was quite happy.

“Sister, go and coax her.”

Qin Miaotong couldn’t stand it anymore.

When a child cries, it is too much for a mother not to comfort her.

Luo Xian’er actually added fuel to the fire?

Is this because the child doesn’t cry enough?

“Why coax? If she wants to cry, let her cry as much as she wants.”

Luo Xian’er doesn’t have the consciousness to be a mother, who is not a treasure?

Why should she spoil her daughter?

It’s already considered a good thing if I don’t hang my daughter up and beat her.

Qin Miaotong pursed her red lips and was speechless.

Such a willful mother is simply unheard of.

“Grandma, why is she like this?”

The elves who had calmed down looked at this scene in shock.

When they were born, the elders rushed to dote on them.

Why is the human mother in front of me so cruel to her children?

“This human cub cries so much. It’s nothing like us. We are so good.”

Weiwei, who came back to life, murmured.

The old woman looked at Xi’er with twinkling eyes, and her heart was filled with turmoil.

Others can’t sense Xi’er’s talent, but she can.

It seems to only have a Rank Nine Divine Body, but the blood in the body contains every trace of immortal Innate divinity.

Is this little girl a pure-blooded Innate god?

Also, the old woman clearly sensed that there was a more Transcendent existence in Xi’er’s body, but it was sealed.

She didn’t dare to scan it with her consciousness.

Qianyu is also very extraordinary. He is a Chaos Body, and his blood also contains Innate Inextinguishable Divine Blood.

It’s just not as pure as Xi’er.

But this does not hinder the power of Qianyu’s talent at all.

“Both cubs have the immortal divinity of Innate, so at least one of their parents is an Innate god.” She thought to herself.

Her excitement was palpable.

No wonder she had a strong desire to seek refuge in her heart. It turned out that the other party was so powerful.

You know, the god Innate can become stronger while alive.

Take the two people in front of me, for example.

Xi’er’s blood essence is 220 pure, and she can definitely grow into a true god when she reaches adulthood.

Qianyu’s bloodline is thin, so when he becomes an adult, he has the eighth level of Dao Platform strength.

Of course, what I’m talking about here is when you’re not practicing.

Once they practice, their achievements are immeasurable.

Because Chaos Body is one of the strongest physiques in the world, and blood can be purified through acquired practice, including Innate divine blood.

The difficulty is just how to condense the divinity of Innate. As long as you have the divinity of Innate, it is equivalent to having a supreme Dao Seed, with infinite possibilities.

“Our elves were born at the beginning of Opening Heaven. They are the Innate race and have always been the vassal race of the Innate god.

“It was only when a great war broke out in ancient times and the god Innate disappeared that we, the elves, were reduced to the blood of all races in the world.”

“Now that the god Innate has reappeared, our clan should obey the destiny and return to the command of the god Innate.”

After thinking about this, the old woman looked enthusiastic and worshiped Xi’er.

“Tang Jin meets the young master…”


Xi’er groaned, got up, wiped her tears, and jumped into my mother’s arms.

“Do not cry?”

Luo Xian’er smiled playfully.

Baby, if you want to fight with me, you’re a little too young.

You didn’t even know where I was when I was acting like a fool.

“Do not cry.”

Xi’er looked aggrieved.

Luo Xian’er snorted and then looked at Tang Jin, filled with joy.

Unexpectedly, when a full moon banquet was held, an elf came to participate.

This is a huge treasure.

“Get up quickly, you will serve Xi’er from now on.”

Luo Xian’er smiled.

She was relieved to leave her precious daughter in the care of the elves.

As we all know, the elves are the best in the world when it comes to taking care of cubs.

“Yes, Master.”

Tang Jin was ecstatic.

Being able to serve the cubs of gods is a great opportunity, and it is also the bounden duty of their elves.

After countless years, she was finally able to regain her ancestral glory.

Tang Jin couldn’t help but burst into tears with excitement.

“little Master…”

The other elves suddenly beamed and cheered when they heard the message from the clan leader Tang Jin.

One by one, they revealed their true colors, unlocked the seals, and no longer held back the slightest bit.

Terrifying vitality spread like a tide, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before, even if they were on their own fairy island, they didn’t dare to reveal all of them, and they had to seal their own vitality appropriately.

I am afraid that the vitality is too strong and the person being deceived will sense it.

Now that they have the protection of the god Innate, they no longer have any scruples.

Everyone seemed to be free, with innocent smiles on their faces.


“It’s so comfortable.

The two little guys instinctively absorbed the pure vitality emanating from the elves and hummed in comfort.

“Ah, mother, why have they become smaller? Hey, what is behind them?”

Plant elves have the talent of transformation, and their bodies can change into any shape.

Some naughty elves became the size of fists, with a pair of colorful wings behind their backs, flying around in front of Xi’er.

This is the cub of the Innate god, and is the master of their destiny, so naturally they have to behave well.

“Idiot, these are wings.”

Luo Xian’er pinched his daughter’s cheek and smiled.

It’s cute if you don’t cry or make trouble.

“Oh oh oh! So these are wings.”

Xi’er reached out to grab it, then fluttered her hands, wanting to fly up and play with the elves.

“Hee hee, little master can’t catch it, hey, he can’t catch it.

The elves were flying around in front of Xi’er’s eyes with smiles on their faces.

“Yeah, I want wings too, mother, I want wings.”

Xi’er started to make trouble again.

I want to take back what I just said… Luo Xian’er handed his daughter to Tang Jin expressionlessly.

“Ah, why are you so expressive?”

Xi’er didn’t like the wrinkled Tang Jin, so she struggled to leave and played with the elves.


Tang Jin was stunned. Is she old?

You know, elves have infinite vitality and cannot grow old.

There are only grown-up elves, but no aging spirits.

Tang Jin stopped pretending and immediately transformed into a beautiful and plump mature woman.

Rich vitality was revealed in her body.

“so beautiful!”

Luo Xian’er exclaimed.

Each of these elves has a beautiful body, with facial features and figure perfect to the extreme.

The skin is snow-white, delicate and smooth, and the eyes are bright and lively, as if they can speak.

It’s just that they are too petite and compact.

The tallest one is Tang Jin, but she is less than 1.5 meters tall.

Even though she has a plump and well-shaped figure, her height is always a flaw.

“Sister, I heard that elves are only one inch when they are born and grow one inch in ten thousand years. I don’t know if this is true.

Qin Miaotong asked.

“I don’t know that either.”

Luo Xian’er shook his head. The elves disappeared so long ago that there are only a few records about them.

“Master, this is true for us elves, but after reaching ten inches, it will take one hundred thousand years to grow one inch.”

Tang Jin bowed and said so.

The elf itself is a supreme treasure, and it is naturally extremely difficult to grow.

“I see.”

Luo Xian’er nodded and glanced around. All he saw were female elves, and he couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“Then how do you reproduce?”


A blush appeared on Tang Jinying’s fair face, her posture twisted, and she whispered.

“We are God-given offspring. We don’t need Yin and Yang to interact. When the time comes, we will naturally become pregnant.

Luo Xian’er nodded.

God-given offspring is a nicer way of saying it.

In fact, when he used himself as a container to swallow the spiritual power of the world, something unexpected happened, and the spiritual power combined with his own essence and blood, and he accidentally became pregnant.

Similar to this situation, many male and female monks have fallen victim to this trick since ancient times.

Basically they can refine it, and some female cultivators have given birth to offspring.

The elves must have secret methods that can increase the probability of pregnancy.


At this time, Wang Lu’s voice came from afar.


Xi’er’s eyes were bright, and her little figure flew up and threw herself into the arms of her old father.

“Oh, daddy, my mother is so bad, she bullies me…”

She has not forgotten that my mother ignored her and bullied her.

Listening to his daughter’s endless complaints, Wang Lin’s face jumped and he looked at Luo Xian’er reproachfully. (cafc) “Huh, it’s pretty good if I don’t hit her.”

Luo Xian’er snorted, walked over directly, and picked up the little one with one hand.

“Oh, mother, let me go, I won’t cry anymore.”

Xi’er fluttered vigorously, and the country was far away.

“Go play with the elves, your father is mine now.”

Luo Xian’er put her down, looked down at the little one who only had her legs bent high, and she said proudly.

“Don’t make trouble.”

Seeing that Xi’er was about to fall to the ground, Wang Lin quickly picked her up, flicked his sleeves, and swept the elves away from the place.

Appearing in a Flat-Peach garden, Wang Lin released the elves.

“You can settle down in Flat-Peach Tree, and the elixir of Small Spirit World will be handed over to you from now on.

Wang Lin extracted some of the vitality of the Chaos Tree and injected it into these nine Flat-Peach Trees.

Zi Ling’er has cultivated it with the origin of the world for many years, and the Flat-Peach Tree has transformed into a real fairy root.

It matures once every three thousand years, and each Flat-Peach Tree can produce three thousand Flat-Peach. Each Flat-Peach is comparable to the treasures of Apex Level.

Contains majestic vitality and the law of trapping.

If a mortal eats one, he can live for hundreds of thousands of years, and his cultivation level will immediately reach the eighth level of the Dao Platform.

Bu, Flat-Peach is also a healing elixir. As long as you have a breath left, you can live.

It can also increase the probability of breaking through True Immortal by 10%, and assist True Immortal in quickly evolving the universe, which can be said to have endless magical uses.

As for the rest of the Flat-Peach Trees, they are all descendants of these nine Flat-Peach Trees and are the most Apex Level Holy Medicine.

It is impossible to leave Flat-Peach Garden to the elves to take care of it and evolve to the treasures of heaven and earth.

But evolving into a fairy medicine is still no problem.

“Thank you master for the reward!”

Tang Jin was overjoyed.

The Flat-Peach Tree is consistent with their Great Dao, and with this Flat-Peach garden as a habitat, she is sure to break through to True Immortal within ten years.

There are other tribesmen,

Cultivation will be rapidly improved and breakthroughs will be made.

They had just taken refuge and got Flat-Peach Garden. God Innate was indeed the destined master of their elves.

“Well, you can rest assured and thrive here. I won’t treat you badly.”

Wang Lin spoke in a gentle tone, said some nice words with a smile, and then explained some things before leaving.

By the way, take Weiwei with you.

This little elf is a heroine with a golden destiny. I think she has some extraordinary qualities, so she can be used as Xi’er’s playmate.

Tang Jin is also the heroine, but she has a purple destiny.

After trading 46 Strange Fires, Wang Jie had a bright smile on his face.

“Everyone, if you find Strange Fire, you can come to me to trade at any time, and you can gain the friendship of my Wang Family.”

“This is our Cave Mansion on Tianze Island for secluded cultivation. It can be secluded for ten years. Please be careful. I hope you don’t dislike it.

He took out some formation jade tokens and gave them to the person who traded Strange Fire.

Wang Lin needs a lot of Strange Fire, so the benefits must be sufficient.

As long as the benefits are enough, Strange Fire is indispensable.

“Brother Wang is very generous and I deserve such a great gift.”

He said this, but his movements were not slow at all, and he put away the cards with excitement.

You know, Cave Mansion, a retreat in the outside world, is full of fairy spiritual energy, and it is also a bit mixed.

Tianze Island is filled with rich immortal energy, and the laws of heaven and earth are clear.

This is just from the outside. In the Cave Mansion, the Xianyuan Qi is definitely stronger.

Retreating here is hundreds of times better than the outside world.

The most important thing is that in the past ten years, they have not had to sell a single Immortal Crystal. This has saved tens of billions of Immortal Crystals.

It can be said that this jade medal alone is worth a Strange Fire.

“Brother Wang’s great kindness is like rebirth of a parent, who is reborn with kindness. From now on, whenever prompted, Zhou will be willing to go through fire and water without hesitation.

A False Immortal mid-termer said solemnly.

He has no qualifications to get such a treasure land.

Even if some immortal forces, geniuses and monsters want to enter the Cave Mansion of Immortal Source Qi to practice, they still need to contribute.

Now that Wang Family is giving it away for free, it can be seen that Wang Family has no shortage of such treasures.

If he can join the Wang Family, it will be the greatest blessing in his life.

“Haha, Brother Zhou is serious.”

Wang Jie smiled heartily and pretended that he didn’t understand. It was just False Immortal. He was not a stranger to the Wang family.

“Your Heavenly Guardian Sword sect can become my vassal, and you…”

Wang Jie selected twelve good False Immortal forces as vassal forces.

“Master Wang Family, I have a heartfelt request for you.”

Seeing that Wang Jie was about to take people away, Lin Mo couldn’t sit still and said with his hands raised.


Wang Jie frowned slightly, feeling unhappy.

A small guy on the eighth floor of Dao Platform actually dared to make requests to him.

I really don’t know what to say.

However, it is not easy for him to have an attack in public.

“This junior wants to stay here for a while, is it possible?”

Lin Mo felt that those elves were his great opportunity, and he didn’t want to leave just now.

The sojourn he mentioned was just an excuse. He mainly wanted to stay here to inquire about information.

In addition, he also wants to practice here for a while.

“Hmph, shameless young man, how dare you ask for such a treasured land?”

Zhou Xueshan was disappointed after being rejected by Wang Jie

Now when he heard Lin Mo’s shameless words, he immediately scolded him without hesitation.

“This guy is so thick-skinned.”

The others were also speechless.

In all their years of living, this was the first time they had seen such a shameless person.

“Junior can pay for the Immortal Crystal.”

Lin Mo didn’t care at all about the strange looks from the people around him. This wasn’t the first time he was ridiculed and questioned, he was used to it.

“Do you think the Immortal Crystal is more important, or the Immortal Source Qi?”

Wang Jie was confused.

This young man is in his early thirties and has the eighth level cultivation of Dao Platform.

His cultivation is extremely rich and his energy and blood are strong. He is a veritable genius.

However, the young man actually wanted to exchange the Immortal Crystal for Immortal Energy. He was probably not a fool.

“Forget it, you all leave.”

Wang Jie waved his hand and was too lazy to talk to Lin Mo.

He still has a lot of important things to do.

Negotiate with vassal forces, attract investment, plan Tianze City, etc.

Where do you have time to talk nonsense with an ant?

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

Someone mocked and left in a hurry.

It was such a big deal that Wang Lin killed True Immortal, so they had to go to the battlefield to see it.

I didn’t leave just now, I just wanted to see if there was any profit in the Wang Family.

“Brother, let’s go.”

Seeing Lin Mo’s ugly face, a stunning girl couldn’t help but change her expression and said in a pleading tone.

She knew very well what kind of character Lin Hei was.

But the Wang Family is really not something they can mess with.

“I, Lin Mo, have recorded today’s humiliation, and I will pay it back a hundredfold one day.”

Lin Mo left with gloomy eyes.

He communicated with Wang Jie politely, but he did not expect Wang Jie to be so arrogant and despise him.

Let him lose face, this revenge must be avenged. .


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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