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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 187. The Wang Family’S Evil Deeds Harm Others And Ultimately Themselves.

Ye Wudi showed a hint of aura, looked through the formation, glanced at Luo Xian’er, and then disappeared.

There is no other meaning, I just want to warn Luo Xian’er not to take action against the junior.

If he were facing other forces, he would definitely not do this.

After all, he is the Immortal King, and it would be too disgraceful to do such a thing.

But facing the Wang Family, he was really worried.

Wang Lin dared to kill even the True Immortal of the Ye family, and he personally killed the younger ones, so he could not guarantee that his wife would do the same evil deeds.

So it is still necessary to warn Luo Xian’er.

Ye Wudi came to the old Dragon King’s palace. This time he put away his arrogance and said calmly.

“Xuan’er has the qualifications of an Immortal Emperor. Does Fellow Daoist think the Wang Family’s talent can stand up to him?”

“Arrogant, since ancient times, there have been as many geniuses and monsters as the sands of the Ganges, but what’s the result? There are very few who can achieve True Immortal.”

The old Dragon King said disdainfully.

He admitted that Ye Taixuan was very powerful, possessing Dual Pupils, Supreme bloodline and Supreme Bone, making him a complete Supreme monster.

And also evolved in this constitution.

It can be said that as long as he does not die midway, he will definitely become a True Immortal, and there is a 60% chance of becoming an Immortal King.

But if you want to prove the Immortal Emperor, that would be too arrogant and ignorant.

You must know that since ancient times, after the ancestral realm was destroyed, it has entered the Age of End of Dharma.

How many Dao Body monsters only stay in the Immortal King realm throughout their lives, unable to move forward.

There is no one who can become an Immortal Emperor.

Isn’t it because of their qualifications?

of course not.

The main reason is that the Great Dao is silent, the rules of heaven and earth are incomplete, and the path of the Immortal Emperor is cut off.

“Fellow Daoist, now “Four Three Three” is a shining world, the Great Dao rules have revived, and the opportunity of the Immortal Emperor has emerged.”

Seeing this, Ye Wudi was not angry and said leisurely.

After hearing this, the old Dragon King’s face became serious.

Indeed, as Ye Wudi said, the Great Dao of the eternal universe is resurrecting.

People with great luck emerge in endlessly.

The opportunity to attain Immortal Emperor enlightenment has appeared. Maybe someone will attain Immortal Emperor enlightenment.

“Xuan’er was born knowing that he had the accompanying treasure, he was born sacred, and he had great luck. He received the inheritance of Heavenly Emperor, the Sun Sutra and the Heavenly Emperor Sutra.

“Having talent and luck, it’s hard for Xuan’er to be ordinary.”

Ye Wudi stroked his long beard and said proudly.

After hearing this, the Dragon Slayer King understood.

Of course Ye Wudi would not praise Ye Taixuan for no reason.

This is because I want to marry him Dragon Race.

Ye Wudi came here this time, probably revenge was just an excuse.

The main reason is to obtain the Secret Book of Time and Space, occupy the Tianze sea area, and obtain the protection of his Dragon Race.

In this way, even if Ye Wudi dies, it can still ensure that Ye Taixuan grows and the Ye family is not destroyed.

It can even become stronger because of it.

Thinking of this, the old Dragon King sneered in his heart.

“What a treacherous human being. He wanted to plot against me Dragon Race before he died, but he made a good plan.”

To be honest, if he didn’t know how powerful Wang Lin was and how evil Wang Lin’s wife and children were, maybe he would agree.

After all, he, Dragon Race, does not have the genius to support the Great Liang, and he occupies the world, and Dragon Race himself is full of treasures.

Too many people coveted their Dragon Race.

Therefore, it is naturally beneficial and harmless to have an additional ally and in-law.


He wants to invest in Wang Family more and is more optimistic about Wang Family.

Ye Wudi dared to scheme against Wang Lin, but he didn’t know how he died in the end.

The old Dragon King’s eyes flickered, and all kinds of calculations flashed in his heart, and he immediately sent a message to Ao Wushuang.

If the Wang Family’s Immortal King takes action against Ye Wudi, he is willing to help without any reward.

As for why we do this kind of loss-making business.

Befriending the Wang Family is just one of them. He has been unhappy with Ye Wudi for a long time.

In other words, he has been grudged against the immortal orthodoxy of the human race for a long time.

He Dragon Race is the most powerful beast in the world, but he is enslaved by the human race and used as a cart animal to show his majesty.

They even use Dragon Race as a delicacy, which is totally unreasonable.

Such a shame and humiliation, how could Dragon Race not hate humans?

The reason why he has never announced to the public that the Wang Family has an Immortal King is because he wants to deceive the immortal Taoist unity of the human race.

For this reason, he even deliberately led people to mistakenly think that the Wang Family was his vassal of Dragon Race.

Now that he has finally caught the big fish of the Ye family, what should he hesitate about?

“Fellow Daoist, I want to marry you Dragon Race, what do you think?”

Seeing that the old Dragon King had not expressed his stance for a long time, Ye Wudi’s heart sank.

This cowardly dragon was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic, which made him feel uneasy.

When he came to the East China Sea, destroying the Wang Family was just one of the reasons, mainly because the old Dragon King was cowardly enough and knew how to judge the time.

After some coercion and inducement, the Old Dragon King must compromise, give up the Wang Family, and fully support the Ye Family.

He took out countless treasures and invested them in Ye Taixuan.

However, the old Dragon King first humiliated him in a domineering manner.

Now I don’t even have the slightest intention of being moved.

Could it be that the Wang Family really has a brighter future than his Ye family?


In terms of talent and luck, no one can match Ye Taixuan.

“Such a big matter, I still need to consider it.”

The old Dragon King said hesitantly.

He smiled disdainfully.

As expected, Ye Wudi found a way to die.

He just waits here to watch the show.

“Do you think Xuan’er is not as good as Wang Family’s Dao Body and Chaos Body? That’s fine, let me show you what the invincible genius is.”

“Xuan’er is destined to suppress an era.”

Ye Wudi didn’t know that he had been sold by the old Dragon King, he only thought that the old Dragon King wanted to wait for the price.

This is also in line with Dragon Race’s consistent style, befriending whoever is strong.

“Sir, what should we do?”

The followers immediately knelt down on one knee and looked at Ye Taixuan with pious expressions, as if they were gods.

Each of these nine people possesses Divine Body, or special bloodline, and potential.

To the outside world, they are all famous and unique geniuses.

“Let’s go. Blood debt must be paid with blood. I want to see if the genius of the Wang Family can take my move.”

Ye Taixuan looked indifferent, put his hands behind his back, looked into the distance, and said calmly.

“Young master is a noble man of heaven, born to be sacred. The Wang family is a proud man, but they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs.

“How can they deserve to let Young Master take action?”

A tall young man with a ferocious face said in a deep voice.

His energy and blood were like a dragon, like a blazing sun, with murderous intent condensed all over his body.

“Yes, Young Master, my subordinates are willing to serve as Young Master’s pawns.”

A stunningly beautiful girl spoke. She had a cold temperament, as if she were a peerless sword.

“That’s fine.”

Ye Taixuan said lightly.

It’s as if the Wang Family is really just a bunch of chickens and dogs, and they don’t even have the qualifications to be taken seriously by him.

“Being born in the same era as the Young Master is really a tragedy for the geniuses.”

Seeing this, the peerless girl murmured, her eyes filled with admiration and admiration.

Before she met Ye Taixuan, she was once a princess with unparalleled talent and beauty.

If someone is as outstanding as her, she will naturally have ambitions to reach the top and want to be as high as the sky.

However, after meeting Ye Taixuan, she couldn’t even resist his momentum.

Ye Taixuan crushed all her pride and made her admire her from the bottom of her heart.


Hearing the girl’s murmur, Ye Taixuan felt proud and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He, Ye Taixuan, was destined to suppress an era. The first generation of Supreme geniuses were nothing more than ants.

Kowloon roared, pulling the vast and magnificent Immortal Palace, and rolled across the sky in a mighty manner.

“The Immortal Ye Family.”

“Is this Ye Taixuan’s car from the Ye family?”

“What do they want to do?”

“They should be looking for trouble, but I don’t know how the Wang Family will respond.”

“Come on, let’s go take a look.”

The vision of the Nine-Dragon Chariot is so shocking that one can see it even from hundreds of millions of miles away.


The Kowloon Chariot has not yet arrived, but a terrifying momentum has already bombarded the formation on Tianze Island.

Ye Taixuan’s eyes were a little gloomy.

He is from the Immortal Wang Family and has invincible talent.

The Wang family knew he was coming, but they didn’t even prepare for him. They even ignored him and completely ignored him.

The faces of all the followers were extremely ugly, and their hearts were furious.

He was about to attack the formation and give the Wang Family a showdown.


Ao Wushuang came out of the Dragon Palace Cave Mansion with a cold and arrogant expression, like a wild and peerless enchantress.

Seeing that Ye Taixuan dared to bombard the formation, she did not hesitate at all. She snorted coldly, carrying unparalleled power.

The nine divine dragons instantly exploded into blood mist that filled the sky, and the majestic Immortal Palace Guardian Formation blocked it for a moment before exploding with a bang.

“Ancestor, save me.”

Ye Taixuan’s expression changed drastically. He never expected that True Immortal would actually attack him…0

Is this black dragon crazy?

Don’t you know that seniors are not allowed to take action against juniors?


A flash of light appeared on Ye Taixuan’s body, and the sound wave that swept over him disappeared instantly.

“How brave, you Dragon Race, do you want to start an immortal battle with my Ye family?”

Ye Taixuan’s eyes were cold and he looked down at Ao Wushuang condescendingly.

He was full of doubts, why did Dragon Race’s True Immortal kill him?

Ye Taixuan didn’t know that Ao Wushuang was Wang Lin’s wife, but he only thought that what Ao Wushuang did represented the Dragon Race.

“you wanna die.”

Ao Wushuang was furious. The little ant dared to look down at her.

call out!

A pitch-black spear seemed to have penetrated the long river of time and space, revealing the sharpness that could pierce through everything and sweeping away boundless killing intent.


The jade pendant emitted a layer of misty light, covering several people and blocking the spear.


Ye Taixuan was numb.

In the past, he has killed many descendants of the Immortal Tradition. If an old monster attacks him, all he needs to do is bring out the “Immortal War”, and the opponent will immediately give in.

It can be said that there is no disadvantage.

However, today, he finally encountered a serious problem, which he couldn’t deal with.

“Get off here.”

Ao Wushuang shouted angrily, with majestic momentum and boundless killing intent.

Ye Taixuan’s heart trembled, and he felt fear for the first time since transmigrate.

He could see that Ao Wushuang really wanted to kill him and was not joking at all.

At the same time, Ye Taixuan felt a sense of shame spreading in his heart, and his face became hot.

Just now, he regarded the Wang Family as a bunch of chickens and dogs, and didn’t take it to heart at all.

Turns out the clown was myself.

After being slapped in the face in public, he couldn’t even enter the door.


Everyone watching the show had their eyes widened.

What a ferocious black dragon.

There are really no rules at all.

“This is the Divine Child of the Ye family. Does Dragon Race really want to start a war?”

The genius watching the show didn’t understand.

This splendid world is the stage for geniuses like them. It would be too much for you, a True Immortal, to come out and bully others.

On the other side, in the Dragon Palace, Ye Wudi’s face was extremely ugly, and he felt like he was in a fairyland.

A little True Immortal actually killed the genius of the Ye family in front of him.

When did Ye Wudi become so useless?

Just as he was about to crush the lawless Ao Wushuang to death, Ye Wudi suddenly felt a murderous intention targeting him.

“Fellow Daoist, you

What means?”

“I have no other intentions. If you dare to touch my Dragon Race junior, then don’t blame me for getting angry.”

The old Dragon King’s eyes were cold and his heart was extremely happy.

Dragon Race has been frustrated for so many years and finally stood up.

Going back to 5.3, we have to reward Ao Wushuang well. Such a good Dragon Race junior cannot be treated badly.

Ye Wudi fell silent, feeling quite like a tiger being bullied by a dog.

He wanted to flip the table over and teach this coward a lesson.

However, the scar on his forehead was constantly eroding his vitality, and his time was running out.

Every time you move your hands, you speed up the process of death.

Fighting against the Immortal King is no different than seeking death.

Therefore, the best he can do now is to intimidate.

It is impossible to take action.

Unless he wants the Ye family to die with him.

At this thought, Ye Wudi lamented in his heart.

“When you harm others, you end up harming yourself.”

He regretted it endlessly. If he walked too much at night, he would encounter ghosts sooner or later.

This is indeed not wrong at all.

When he discovered the entrance to the Killing World, he was overjoyed and found many treasures.

In order to prevent others from entering, a formation was set up to draw the Immortal Emperor Divine Ability and kill the intruders.

When he first arranged the formation, he was extremely proud.

After all, it was the Immortal Emperor Divine Ability, but it was used by him.

But now, it’s really like shooting yourself in the foot.

The immoral things he did did, and he didn’t know which powerful person he offended, and he was tricked backhand.

If he didn’t have an Innate Spirit Treasure, his soul would have been destroyed.

“What is her relationship with the Wang Family?”

“Of course he is a Taoist companion.”

“I see.”

Ye Wudi’s old face twitched.

It is estimated that only members of the Wang family are the ones who attack the juniors without any scruples.

The Wang Family is really full of evil deeds. .


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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