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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 213. Ancient Secrets

“Husband, stop doing this, it will cause serious trouble.”

Queen Shura’s beautiful face showed a look of sadness, rising and falling.

She didn’t know when this kind of day would end. While feeling miserable, she couldn’t help but check the jade jade.

Because she really wants to know what Nether King will do after he finds out that she has been captured.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it. He was shocked when he saw it and said in a panic.

“The two of them went to invite other Divine Kings. Those Divine Kings are all Kanda who have half-stepped the path to enlightenment and dominate the gods.


“Why are you panicking?”

Wang Lin scolded her, slapped her somewhere to signal her to continue, and then said disdainfully.

“Supreme Great Dao, once it is certified, it is certified. Once it is certified, it will be certified forever. There is no half-step. Do you think this is a child playing in the mud? Pinch half and leave half.”

Only when you are transcendent can you be the real Dominant God and Immortal Emperor.

Those who are not transcendent are all Divine King and Immortal King. There is no half-step explanation.

“It’s true. They could have transcended the path to enlightenment, but they felt that using the treasure to attain enlightenment was too weak, so they gave up.”

“But they created a secret method that can make their own souls transcend. They can be called half-step dominating gods.”

“In terms of combat power, they are much stronger than 20 Divine King and can be completely crushed.”

“Furthermore, they cultivate the Great Dao, the supreme power, and their combat power is stronger than ours.

Afraid that Wang Lin wouldn’t believe it, Hong Luo looked extremely anxious and told everything he knew in one breath.

In her eyes, Wang Lin was extremely ugly.

However, since he has become her man, no matter how ugly he is, no matter how bad he treats her, he is still her man.

“Is this okay?”

Wang Lin was stunned and thought carefully.

If there is a transcendent level treasure, it is indeed possible.

For example, he can place his soul on the Primordial Origin Limitless Formation diagram, condense a clone, and merge it with the Primordial Origin Limitless Formation diagram.

That is the existence of a transcendent level.

And you can better understand the supreme and transcendent Great Dao and give back to the original body.

It’s just that Wang Lin didn’t like the clone, so he didn’t do that.

And those Divine Kings, do they have transcendent treasures?

As far as he knows, in the entire eternal universe, there are only five Opening Heaven treasures that are transcendent treasures.

“Yes, in addition to the Five Treasures of Opening Heaven, there are also transcendent treasures in this world. Such treasures are also called Chaos Spirit Treasure. y

Seeing Wang Lin’s doubts, Hong Luo took the initiative to explain.

“However, Chaos Spirit Treasure is not born, but is refined from Innate Spirit Treasure. I don’t know the specific refining method.

“Is it smelted from multiple pieces of Innate Spirit Treasure?” Wang Lin interjected and asked.

“Well, how is that possible?”

“Some people have tried, but most of them ended in failure. Even if they succeed by luck, Innate Spirit Treasure is still Innate Spirit Treasure.”

“Even because the immortal aura of the Innate Spirit Treasure cannot be perfectly integrated, the Great Dao Law repels each other, and the power is not as powerful as a single Innate Spirit Treasure.”

Hong Luo replied.

“makes sense.

A transcendent treasure like the Chaos Spirit Treasure does not mean one plus one equals two.

No matter how much the quantity is, it cannot cause qualitative change.

Wang Lin’s success in refining the Great Dao Golden Lotus actually had nothing to do with him.

All thanks to Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron and Chaotic Golden Lotus.

Chaotic Golden Lotus itself is a transcendent Dao Seed, containing the supreme Great Dao.

Coupled with the Chaos Cauldron, hundreds of Innate immortal spiritual lights, fragments of Innate Spirit Treasure, and countless divine bones containing laws.

It took a superstar’s luck to refine it successfully.

If it had been anyone else, even if he had the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron, without the above treasures, there would be basically no chance.

So the question is, how did those people refine Chaos Spirit Treasure?

Is the Chaos Spirit Treasure they refined real Chaos Spirit Treasure or a fake Chaos Spirit Treasure?

“Husband, let’s leave quickly. Once they come to kill us, we may not be opponents.”

Hong Luo bit her red lips and said worriedly.

“Don’t panic, I have my own way to deal with them.”

Wang Lin smiled confidently.

After listening to Hong Luo’s explanation, Wang Lin had a clearer understanding of his own combat power.

Although he does not have a clone, if he uses the Primordial Origin Infinite Sword Formation, his combat power should be at the half-step dominance level.

If you add Great Dao Golden Lotus and Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death, Wang Lin doesn’t think he will lose.

So there is nothing to be afraid of.

And, is he now?

Don’t forget, Luo Xian’er has just become the co-master of the Nine Heavens. Since he has enjoyed the Nine Heavens’ luck, he must take responsibility.

Otherwise, luck will definitely bite you back.


Hong Luo was doubtful.

She admitted that Wang Lin was very powerful, and he directly crushed the three of them. In terms of combat power, he was not much weaker than the Half-Step Dominator.

However, I have Chaos Spirit Treasure.


“Okay, okay!”

Hong Luo believed it.

After all, she has already said this. If Wang Lin is not sure, how can he risk his life?

“Husband, do you know why the dominating gods fought in ancient times?”

Hong Luo suddenly felt that Wang Lin was not a god from ancient times.

Being able to become Innate’s heel may be due to the Chaos Tree.

“Oh? Tell me, don’t stop.”

Wang Lin became interested,

“Ah? Are you coming again?”

Hong Luo’s plump red lips were slightly open, with a depressed look on her face.

She was a majestic Shura Queen, who had killed countless people in her life, and now she was a doormat.

“In ancient times, the reason why they fought was actually because of the Great Dao dispute.”

“They feel that they are not transcendent and are still living beings in the eternal universe. The eternal universe is like a cage, trapping them in it.

“So they gathered the Five Treasures of Opening Heaven and wanted to open the Chaos Realm.”

Speaking of the Chaos Realm, she paused and then said.

“It is said that the Chaos Realm is the origin of the eternal universe, and the Five Treasures of Opening Heaven are spread from the Chaos Realm.

“If you want to enter the Chaos Realm, you must gather the Five Treasures of Opening Heaven. However, only one person can enter the Chaos Realm.”

“Whoever can enter will be able to obtain the supreme creation, refine the eternal universe, and become the true transcendent master…

She breathlessly told the secrets from ancient times.

In short, in order to enter the Chaos Realm, those masters dismantled the Connecting Heaven Pillar that supported the Eternal Continent.

The Eternal Continent eventually split into ninety-nine continents, the largest of which was the Central Continent, which was the Origin Continent.

However, after the Chaos Realm was opened, there was a fight over who entered first, and the Epoch War started.

A group of masters have been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years. Almost all the powerful people have participated in the war, implicating all the powerful clans and affecting countless cities.

The gods of Innate were almost dead, and the five treasures of Opening Heaven were also shattered in this battle.

The half-step master gods she mentioned did not participate in the battle, but hid with their tribesmen.

Now, countless years have passed, and God knows how powerful they are.

“I see.

After Wang Lin listened, he nodded thoughtfully, his heart heavy.

“What a troubled time.”

Those half-step master gods are certainly powerful, but Wang Lin is not very worried.

I am afraid that those unfallen master gods and Immortal Emperors will be born prematurely.

From Hong Luo’s explanation, it is not difficult to hear that fighting for the creation of the Chaos Realm requires cannon fodder.

Cannon fodder may seem useless, but if there are enough, it can at least add a little trouble to the opponent and buy time for your own camp.

Thinking of this, Wang Lin no longer wanted to play with Hong Luo and hurriedly ended the battle.

“Do you want to go back with me?”

“I…can I refuse? I still have clan members, and my Shura clan relies heavily on the Shura world for cultivation.

Hong Luo’s expression changed, and his voice couldn’t help but take on a pleading tone.

“All right.”

Wang Lin did not force herself, and left after asking her for the coordinates of the Shura Realm.


“My husband finally left me!”

Hong Luo couldn’t help crying with joy, wishing this was a nightmare. .


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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