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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 216. The Tiger Cub Protecting Food, Qianyu’S Fate


Jincheng was not afraid at all, he opened his mouth and bit, fluttering his short legs, his breasts were fierce and his breasts were fierce.

“Hehe, you bite, bite…”

Xi’er hugged her, put her little finger in her mouth, and said with a smile.

Jincheng bit it for a while. It was quite soft, but it was too tough and couldn’t be broken at all.


Xi’er patted her little butt, which completely made Jincheng furious.

She changed places and continued biting.

“Hey, Tiger~my sister is really evil.

Jincheng was like a toy, being pinched and pinched by Xi-er.

“Troublemakers, stop making trouble.”

Wang Lin knocked on her forehead and signaled Sang Yun to take Jincheng away.

“Oh daddy, sister Jincheng is so fun, let me play for a while.”

Xi’er sat on her father’s lap and said coquettishly.

“Nonsense, Jincheng is not a toy.”

Wang Lin scolded and asked.

“Have you gained anything from going to the killing world these years?”

Speaking of this, Xi’er immediately became energetic and said enthusiastically.

“I found thirty Innate immortal auras, various Law Treasure fragments and bones, hundreds of millions of them.

“It’s just that I was so abominable that I took away all the treasures I had luckily found.”

“Dad, please help me teach my mother a lesson, because it’s too much.”

“Your mother may have to refine a valuable treasure.” Wang Lin comforted her, stroking her hair.

“She also found a lot of them herself, and asked the Qingluan tribe to help her search for them. She took all the treasures by herself.”

Xi’er said with a grimace.

“Well, let me give you one.”

Wang Lin took out the Zhou Tianxing Seal and helped her identify her master.

“Yeah, Dad, I just said casually, take it back quickly.”

Xi’er’s face changed slightly. She was just complaining to her father and being coquettish.

It’s not that I’m dissatisfied with my mother.

He even tried his best to help me find the treasure.

“Take it.”

Xi’er possesses the unparalleled killing sword of Annihilation, but does not have powerful defense and auxiliary Law Treasure.

The Zhoutian Star Seal has very strong defensive power, and can also mobilize the Zhoutian Stars for one’s own use.

It has attack, defense and auxiliary functions, and its uses are endless.

Just right for Xi’er.

“Thank you, Dad.”

Seeing this, Xi’er no longer refused, hugging her father’s neck and shaking him.

“Okay, okay!”


“I love Dad.”

Xi’er was so happy that she finally saw her long-missed father, but she didn’t intend to leave.

“Let’s go, let’s go, daddy loves you too.”

Wang Lin pushed her away. After so many years, Xi’er has not changed at all. She is too clingy and a mischievous person.


Xi’er continued to act coquettishly.

“You are so old and you still want to act like a baby. Are you ashamed?”

Wang Lin’s eyes showed a look of doting, and his tone was filled with emotion.

The years are ruthless, and before you know it, the daughter who was rolling all over the floor and needed to be held by him before she could fall asleep has grown into a big girl.

“Huh, I haven’t grown up yet.”

Xi’er snorted arrogantly, raised her delicate white face, and felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart.

Suddenly I wanted to go back to my childhood and crawl around on Lao Ge.

Time flies by, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

On the streets of Tianze City, Wang Lin had a baby in one hand and another beside him.

Xi’er looked envious, she really wanted to be held by her father.

It’s a pity that she has grown up.

I really want to never grow up.

“Daddy, daddy, I also want kebabs.

Jincheng said in a milky voice.

Her chubby little hands were already full of kebabs, and her mouth was full, and her mouth was full of oil.

But she was still not satisfied and wanted more.

“Glutty, can you take it?”

“Daddy, give it.”

Jinyue seemed quieter, holding a stick in one hand and chewing it carefully, not forgetting to give her father a bite.

“Jinyue is so good.”

The two little babies are rosy-white, chubby, and extremely cute.

“Smelly sister, I want you to take care of me.”

Jincheng glared at Jinyue, as if he would snap if he disagreed.

“Luanluo, you annoying glutton, daddy, don’t buy it.”

“Daddy, I want it.”

“Okay, I’ll buy it for you.”

Wang Lin winked at Xi’er and continued to wander the streets.

“How could this happen!? Dad, you don’t love me anymore.”

Xi’er held the big and small bags with a miserable look on her face.

“You have grown up, let your sister take the lead.”


Back at Yunque Tiangong, Jincheng sat on the table and ate so much that it was so delicious.

She has the blood of a mythical beast, so no matter how much she eats, she will never be full. Her powerful physique gives her terrifying digestive power.

An ordinary person would not be able to raise a cub of a mythical beast.


“Sister, sister, give me some.”

Jin Yue secretly swallowed her saliva and stretched out her little hand to cover it.

“Go away, don’t give it.”

Jincheng protected the food behind his back and stared with big eyes. It was obvious at a glance that he was a food protector.

“You bought so much, have you finished eating it?”

Jin Yue was so greedy that she continued to reach out for it without giving up.

“Ouch, go away, go away!”

“I won’t give it to you if I can’t finish it.”

Jincheng bared his teeth, revealing his small white tiger teeth.

Seeing that the smelly sister still reached out, she bit it down without hesitation.

“Wow wow wow, daddy, daddy, sister bite me.

Jinyue cried, wiping her tears and went to see Laoqu who was drinking tea.

“Does it hurt?”

Wang Lin put down the tea cup and was speechless.

When you were shopping just now, you didn’t want to buy anything. You had to be a quiet and cute baby.

Are you hungry now?

Thinking this, Tian Lin picked up the little meat dumpling and looked at it with a distressed look on his face.

No bite marks, just a few teeth marks.

“Ouch, it hurts so much, wow wow wow…”

Jin Yue really cried when she saw that her father had no intention of blaming the smelly sister, let alone asking her for barbecue.

” Wang Lin.

He finally saw that this little girl was very cunning.

“Jincheng, give some to my sister.

Wang Lin said helplessly.


Jincheng refused without hesitation.

When it comes to delicious food, let alone Dad, I won’t give it to you even when I come.

Wang Lin twitched the corners of his mouth.

Good guy…he really didn’t hesitate for a second.

“Jincheng, be good, give some to my sister.”

Sang Yun hurriedly persuaded.

“If you don’t give it, you won’t give it.”

Jincheng was anxious and hurriedly protected his delicious food for fear of being robbed.


What a silly and silly daughter… Sang Yun helplessly held up her forehead.

“Husband, don’t be angry. Jincheng is still young and ignorant. When she grows up, she will definitely not be like this.

She explained to Wang Lin.


Wang Lin smiled at her, looked at Jinyue who was still crying, and said.

“Wait a minute, I’ll let your sister Xi’er buy it.”


Why me?

I’m still a child.

“No, I want dad to take me to buy it.

“Okay, okay.”

“Luanluo, stinky sister, I want to go eat more delicious food with daddy, without you.”

Jinyue made a face at Sister Stinky, her face was filled with pride, but there was no trace of grievance at all.

“Ah, I want to go too. Daddy will hug me.”

When he heard about the delicious food, Jincheng looked at his annoying smelly sister and then at the delicious food on the table, with a confused look on his face.

While she was struggling, Wang Lin had disappeared without a trace.

Suddenly, Jincheng no longer struggled and started eating happily.

“Oh, my silly daughter, you don’t want to eat?”

Seeing that everyone had left, Sang Yun picked up his silly daughter and slapped her butt angrily.

“Wow wow wow…”

“Hmph, cunning little sister.”

Seeing Jinyue looking at her, her big black eyes turned straight, as if she was planning something.

Xi’er snorted secretly, hugged her father’s arm and raised an eyebrow at her.

“Dad, sister Xi’er is cruel to me!”

Jinyue’s voice was soft and waxy, aggrieved, and she looked like she was about to cry.

“Wang Lin.

He thought for a while and said.

“Xi’er, you go back first.


“Your mother is going to establish the Heavenly Palace and will soon ascend the throne and proclaim herself emperor. Please go and help her.

Luo Xian’er destroyed Lin Fan’s heaven.

The Heavenly Court is an ancient treasure of heaven, with a Thirty-Sixth Layer Heaven.

The first master was the three ancient gods, Qingtian, Cangtian and Huangtian.

These three are all Immortal Emperors, and are also the founders of Immortal Dao.

Lin Fan received the inheritance from the Qing Celestial Immortal Emperor, including Heavenly Court. After his death, Luo Xian’er naturally became cheaper.

0Please give me flowers…

Since Luo Xian’er wants to be the co-lord of the Nine Heavens and the Divine Maiden of the Nine Heavens, it is imperative to establish the Heavenly Palace.

Because since ancient times, heaven is the orthodoxy of heaven and earth, and it brings great luck.

9. The reason why the Celestial Immortal world has so much luck and has a faint tendency to become the center of the eternal universe is because of three days.

Therefore, as long as you inherit the three-day tradition, you will surely be able to gather more luck.

“Okay, okay!”

Xi’er left unwillingly.


Yue jumped happily in her father’s arms and finally drove everyone away

“Hey, daddy, eat it.”

She put the mutton skewers to her father’s mouth, smiling sweetly, being well-behaved and filial.

“Yeah, delicious.”

“Let’s go to a restaurant! Daddy must like eating sausages, right?”


“Phew, I finally broke through to the middle stage of True God Realm.”

A vast continent, shrouded in a formation of light, floating in the boundless and silent void.

In a Cave Mansion with a strong celestial energy, Qianyu breathed a long sigh of relief and looked happy.

Since leaving the Wang Family, he has been wandering around aimlessly.

But not long after, he encountered a space-time rift, and Qianyu entered without hesitation.

Although there are many dangers in the space-time rift, no one knows what is inside before entering.

There may be great opportunities and great good fortune, or there may be a desperate situation, and Xia Xian is also at risk of falling.

However, his father is the Divine King.

The world is so big, where can he go?

When in danger, just call daddy.

Fortunately, what he entered was not the Jedi, but another universe, called the Chaos Universe. It was an ancient universe that had existed since the beginning of Opening Heaven, and there were countless creations in it.

But the chaotic universe lives up to its name.

The laws of the Great Dao are chaotic, there is always the possibility of destruction, and the collapse of time and space.

Those who can survive in the chaotic universe are almost all strong.

There are countless True Immortals, including Immortal King and Divine King.

As far as he knew, there were dozens of them, including many Innate gods.

It can be said that there are thousands of races, there are many strong ones, and there is no order at all. What is important is the survival of the fittest, the weak and the strong.

When Qianyu first arrived, he was almost captured and made into a slave.

Fortunately, he had the divine blood of Innate and declared his family name. Not only did he survive the disaster, he also received protection from the divine Wang Family.

He also had an extra fiancée inexplicably and gave him many treasures.

Qianyu accepted all of this with a smile.

After all, he had no reason to reject the stunning beauty and treasures that were delivered to his door.

In addition, Qianyu also went out to look for opportunities and got many opportunities.

The largest creation among them is a chaos tree trunk.

Refining the vitality within it allowed him to break through to the middle stage of True God in just ten years.

Qianyu has completely given up Immortal Dao and majored in Chaos Demon God Great Dao.

After all, he has the Secret Code of Chaos, so why bother cultivating the Immortal Dao?

If you have that time, you might as well specialize in one.

In addition, he also practiced the Secret Code of Time and Space to Basic Accomplishment, and successfully condensed the divine blood containing the laws of time and space.

Such a speed of cultivation can be described as cheating.

“I have been away from home for many years, and I don’t know what happened to my parents and sister.”

Qianyu’s eyes were filled with longing.

When he left home, he was still a flower in the greenhouse, thinking that he had invincible talent and no need for experience at all.

I want to survive until I am invincible before leaving the mountain.

But after ten years of life and death trials, he realized that he was too naive.

There are too many strong people in this world, and there are even more countless geniuses and monsters with invincible talents.

If he didn’t have the peerless technique given by Wang Lin, Innate Spirit Treasure, a rare treasure.

There was no way he could compete with these geniuses and monsters.

What loses is not talent, but Taoism and experience.

“It’s a pity that they are separated by a universe, and the message jade cannot send messages at all.

“It’s time for me to go back.”

With this in mind, Qianyu sent a message to his fiancée, walked out of the Cave Mansion, flew through the clouds, and arrived at a vast and magnificent fairy palace.


At this time, a female voice came, the voice was ethereal and ethereal, like the sound of nature.

PS: Ahhhh, the royalties haven’t been paid yet, it’s been two months, and I’m in a state of collapse.

Let’s talk about updates. The little author is back to his old job. There will be very few updates in the future, but I promise to update every day. .


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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