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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 219. You Can’T Have Such A Granddaughter. Ye Mingtian Dedicated Himself To It.


Seeing Luo Zhe looking at the sky speechlessly, Ye Yuan’s bones were broken due to the overwhelming force, and Luo Rou couldn’t help but feel anxious.

“…” Luo Zhe.

If Ye Yuan wins and is treated unfairly, then he will risk everything to help his granddaughter.

It is not impossible to even invite the Divine King ancestor.

Who allowed him to have only one descendant, Luo Rou?

But now, Ye Yuan Wu Nao has offended the entire Yuanling Divine Clan, and everyone wants Ye Yuan dead.

How do you want me to help?

Is there any reason to plead for Ye Yuan?

Do you really think that your grandfather and I are the leader of the Yuanling God Clan?

Luo Zhe thought with his buttocks and knew that as long as he dared to speak, severe punishment would definitely be waiting for him.

The relationship was so powerful that he didn’t believe Luo Rou couldn’t see it.

So, can I still have this granddaughter?

Can’t have it, can’t have it at all.

Luo Zhe couldn’t figure it out, what’s so good about Ye Yuan?

You have to have looks but not looks, you have to have talent but not talent.

You must know that the original Ye Yuan was just a waste who could not awaken his bloodline. This was also the origin of his bastard status.

Besides Chu Qing, Luo Rou has the best talent, and her appearance is not much different from Chu Qing. Both of them have their own merits.

As outstanding as Luo Rou, what kind of gifted Taoist companion do you need?

However, he fell in love with Ye Yuan and helped Ye Yuan in everything.

He was reluctant to use the treasure he had worked so hard to find, just to leave it to his granddaughter. However, Luochang changed hands and gave it to Ye Yuan.

“My family is unfortunate…”

Luo Zhe let out a painful cry.

The more I thought about it, the more crazy I became, and my face became distorted.


Many elders laughed.

Luozhe’s family is indeed unlucky.

Who can do this kind of thing, and who can’t go crazy?

If Luo Rou were their offspring, they would definitely hang her up and beat her up without hesitation. If she couldn’t be beaten to death, they would lose.

Yiduo was not in a hurry to take action. His beautiful face was cold and his posture was dignified and sacred.

The coercion exuded became more and more vast.

She wanted to see how long Ye Yuan’s father would endure.

The heroine with a golden destiny is interesting. “

Wang Lin, who heard the call, immediately brought the entire Tianze Island into the inner universe, tearing apart the cosmic planes one after another, hiding his aura.

Looking through the formation, seeing the situation inside, disgust appeared in his eyes.

I have to say that Luo is the real female traveler.

The family members are placed on both sides, and the protagonist is placed in the middle.

Father and mother are not as close as the protagonist.

Just throw away your dignity, throw away your bottom line, throw away your brain, and just kneel down and lick the protagonist without any limits.

If the character brought in is the protagonist, a loser being kneeled down and licked by Bai Fumei, it will naturally be very satisfying.

But it was Luo Zhe who was brought in, and that was another story.

“Father, the general situation is like this…”

Qianyu was relieved when he received the news of Wang Lin’s arrival. He immediately sent a message and told the story in detail.

After hearing what happened, Wang Lin was surprised.

According to the system prompts, Ye Yuan is the son of destiny with purple and gold fate, and his luck is already golden.

The protagonist with golden luck means that the protagonist has become the weather.

And there are three female protagonists with golden destiny.

Is his son kidnapping the protagonist’s goddess at the protagonist’s base camp and committing a crazy crime?

“Not bad, you did very well.”

Wang Lin couldn’t help but smile with relief,

The son is so outstanding that he has a successor.

More importantly, Qianyu seems not to be affected by the protagonist’s halo.

As we all know, the protagonist has an aura of wisdom.

Wang Lin has the best say in this regard.

The protagonist has a special destiny and can swallow other people’s luck to strengthen himself.

And those who are against the protagonist will often be plagued by bad luck, cloud their minds, and behave irrationally.

However, Qianyu’s decision in this game, which seemed to be a simple one, was actually a matter of success or failure.

If Qianyu loses his composure and his mind is affected, he will be completely defeated.

If you are caught, you will not only lose your fiancée and the trunk of the Chaos Tree, but you will also provoke a powerful enemy.

The protagonist is to become the most handsome boy in the audience, win the heart of the goddess, and then rise against the odds.

“Father, Ye Yuan is such a loser. I don’t think he can win the favor of the Divine King. On the contrary, it is more likely that he will be the descendant of the Divine King [Maybe he has plans for the Soulless God Clan.

Hearing his father’s praise, Qianyu couldn’t help but be happy and continued to speak.


“You may not know that you have a special destiny and no one can predict your fate.

“Besides, you are my son. I can definitely sense when others predict your fate.”

Wang Lin explained patiently.

As we all know, those who are destined cannot predict their fate.

Even if you cultivate the power of Connecting Heaven, you can only glimpse a corner of the future, which is insignificant.

Although Qianyu is a villain, he is also a purple-gold villain with destiny.

Except for him, no one can see through Qianyu’s future.

Unless that person, like him, has Dao pupils and can directly see the essence of the Great Dao.


“Then, how did he know?”

Qianyu was confused.

He felt that his guess was reasonable, how could it be wrong?

“He has great luck and cannot reason about it with common sense.

“If I guessed correctly, Ye Yuan accidentally fused with the future True Spirit, so he knew about you.”

Wang Lin doesn’t even have to think about it to know what kind of template Ye Yuan is the protagonist of.

In a fantasy world, there are simply not too many templates for the reborn protagonist.

Luo Xian’er is one of them.

Ye Yuan knows Qianyu’s secret, but can’t provide any evidence. No matter how he looks at it, he looks like a reborn protagonist who wants to make up for his regrets and save the goddess.


Hearing Wang Lin’s explanation, Qianyu was deeply shocked.

He never expected that someone could fuse with the True Spirit of the future.

You know, everyone is unique.

The past is what has happened, and the future is what has not happened yet.

Therefore, there is no past body or future body in this world, there is only one true self in the present.

However, Ye Yuan has a future True Spirit, which is really unreasonable.

“It’s still like this because I don’t know enough.” Qianyu murmured in his heart.

There are all kinds of wonders in the universe. Just because he hasn’t heard of them doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

What’s more, there are countless strong people in the world, and the mighty power of the dominating god throughout the past, present and future is beyond his imagination.

Thinking of this, Qianyu fell silent for a moment, his tone full of apology.

“It’s the child who’s causing trouble for his father.”

Ye Yuan doesn’t have the backing of Divine King, so he can deal with it by himself.

Calling Wang Lin over is really making a fuss out of a molehill and is detrimental to the dignity of Divine King.

“Trouble? Hahaha, you will bring me a blessing in the future.”

Wang Lin couldn’t help but laugh.

Leaving aside Ye Yuan’s Goldfinger.

Ye Yuan possesses the Divine Body of Samsara, and his blood contains the Great Dao of Samsara.

Although he and Zi Ling’er practiced the Great Dao of Reincarnation, they had a very deep understanding.

But there is still a long way to go to build a perfect world of reincarnation.

After all, the two of them did not get the Great Dao scripture of reincarnation, so they had to understand everything by themselves and cross the river by feeling the stones.

It is good to achieve something, but it cannot be achieved overnight in a short period of time.

Ye Yuan’s samsara divine blood was a godsend to him.

Moreover, Ye Yuan possesses the Samsara Divine Body. You don’t need to think about it to know that his Goldfinger must be related to the Samsara Great Dao.

Wang Lin Nirvana has reached the third level of Immortal Soul, but has no clue about the fourth level.

If we could get all of Ye Yuan, we might be able to deduce the fourth-turn immortal soul from it.

Once he succeeds, that will be the time when he attains enlightenment as the Lord God.

Moreover, Zi Ling’er can also build a perfect world of reincarnation and achieve the most powerful Great Dao.

Many thoughts passed by in a flash, and Wang Lin was not in a hurry to take action.

Yes, he also wants to take a long-term view and catch big fish.

Ye Yuan’s cultivation level was too low after all.

If it is the Divine King, then you can capture the opponent and use it to evolve and build a perfect reincarnation world.

“Click! Click!”

Ye Yuan gritted his teeth and seemed to be in great pain. Veins popped up on his forehead and his eyes were bloodshot.

His Divine Body was squeezed by a vast and unparalleled power, comparable to the body of the Apex Level True Immortal. In front of the Divine King’s power, it was as fragile as tofu.

“How to do how to do?”

Seeing that Luozhe refused to help him, Ye Yuan panicked completely.

He raised his head with difficulty.

I saw Yiduo wearing a purple crown and a Chinese skirt, dignified and majestic.

With bright red lips and plump figure, she exudes a mature charm and exudes fatal temptation.

As her name suggests, she is both solemn and harmonious, like a flower, and her beauty is breathtaking.

Even among the Divine Maidens, she stands out.

However, at this moment, a pair of autumn eyes contained cold murderous intent.

This is the rhythm that wants to crush him to death.

As soon as I thought about it, I felt so heartbroken that I couldn’t breathe.

He has always respected Yiduo, the patriarch.

Because Yiduo dedicated his life to the Yuanling Divine Clan.

The Yuanling God Clan is as strong as it is today, all because of Yi Duo’s efforts.

It’s a pity that the beauty is ill-fated.

In the future, Yiduo will have a love catastrophe, which is also a life and death catastrophe. In the end, he is attacked by Thousand Hands and falls.

This has always been one of his biggest regrets.

He was reborn and wanted to change the future tragedy for Yi Duo.

However, he never expected that he would be suppressed by Yiduo and wanted to kill him.

Chu Qing also wants him to die.

The woman he valued most wanted to kill him for Qianyu. How could he not feel heartbroken?

“Huh! You can’t blame them. They are too simple and kind. They were deceived by Qianyu, a hypocrite. I must let them see Qianyu’s true face and never let the tragedy happen again. I will never let them see Qianyu’s true face.”

Ye Yuan took a long breath and began to think about ways to save himself.

“Ye Mingtian, Ye Mingtian, please save me.”

The entire Yuanling Clan wanted to kill him, and the only one who could save him was his irresponsible father.

In a dark world, a handsome middle-aged man sat cross-legged in the void with his eyes closed, practicing.

Billions of brilliant visionary worlds arise and die as he swallows, deriving the Great Dao Law of reincarnation of life and death.

Hearing Ye Yuan’s call, Ye Mingtian opened his eyes, sensed Ye Yuan’s situation with the power of his blood, and his expression suddenly changed.

“My son is in danger.”

He raised his hand to tear apart the plane of the universe and restrained his momentum.

A moment later, he appeared outside Yuanling Continent, looking through the formation. When he saw the situation inside clearly, he couldn’t help but become furious.

“How dare you insult my son like this.”

Ye Ming was furious and punched out, which contained the meaning of reincarnation.

Under this punch, it seemed that all the Myriad Worlds were sinking and destroyed.

Seeing Ye Mingtian appear, Yiduo couldn’t help but snorted, and the murderous intention in his heart surged.

The connection between father and son shows that Ye Yuan is not an abandoned son at all.

The Samsara God Clan really wanted to plot against her, the Yuanling God Clan.

Without thinking much, a colorful ribbon flew out and rolled up boundless time and space.


Yiduo is only in the middle stage of Divine King, while Ye Mingtian is at the peak of Divine King level.

When the two of them fight, it’s their turn

The punch back instantly exploded time and space, causing the ribbon to fly upside down.

The terrifying Samsara Fist Seal continued to blast towards the formation with undiminished power.

“Ye Mingtian, you are looking for death.”

Another ancestor of the Yuanling God Clan who is at the peak of the Divine King realm shouted angrily in the Cave Mansion, and he had already reached the outskirts.

A big halberd appeared in his hand, and he slashed it down. The crescent moon on the big halberd burst out with bright light, showing endless sharpness, splitting time and space, and splitting the reincarnation fist.

This ancestor seems to have a bad temper. He is dressed in red and a long skirt.

As soon as the spurge turned, the vast power turned time and space upside down, causing the space to collapse layer by layer.

She threw the halberd, and the light from the halberd’s tip shone for eternity, condensing all the sharp edges into one point.

“The seal of reincarnation.”

Ye Mingtian looked cold and domineering, with fighting intent in his eyes.

He pinched the seal with his hand, and behind him appeared the boundless universe and the myriad laws and regulations.

A big seal emerged in the void, emitting the boundless meaning of reincarnation and swallowing the vitality of the boundless universe.


The big halberd was knocked away, the power of the Samsara Seal was reduced sharply, and it blasted towards the two women and the formation.

The corners of Ye Mingtian’s mouth rose, and a trace of contempt appeared in his eyes.

Although he and Qian Ning are both at the peak of the Divine King, he practices the Great Dao of Great Reincarnation and is invincible in combat.

How can it be compared to the Yuanling Bible created by Our Lady of Yuanling?

In this way, Ye Mingtian is trying to take back the Divine Ability of the Reincarnation Seal.

He just took action in anger, just to express his anger and stand up for his son.

I don’t really want to start a war with the Yuanling God Clan.

Now that the two women’s arrogance has been suppressed, it will be easier to talk.

However, at this moment, a clear voice sounded.

“Oh, what’s the use of taking advantage of others’ danger?” (Li’s)

Wang Lin exploded the samsara seal with one finger, then waved his hand, and the collapsed time and space was restored instantly.

Ye Mingtian had just formed a feud with the two girls, but he couldn’t let Ye Mingtian resolve it.

This is the right time to take action.

“Who are you?”

Ye Mingtian suddenly became furious, his eyes filled with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

If he took the initiative to take back Divine Ability, he could question Yi Duo and then explain his reasons for leaving Ye Yuan with the Yuanling God Clan.

The two women had just been defeated by him, so they would definitely not say anything more, and the matter would probably be over.

But now that Wang Lin had interfered, he not only had a big feud with the two women, but his son’s matter could not be resolved.

He might be expelled from the Yuanling God Clan, and he would form a deadly feud with the Yuanling God Clan from then on.

This is something he absolutely cannot accept.

In order to plot against the Yuanling Divine Clan, he involved all his sons.

Now it’s all destroyed by Wang Lin.

“Your eyes and attitude are really disgusting.”

Wang Lin’s eyes were slightly cold, and he raised his hand to take a picture. The space divine pattern containing the power of creation directly increased its power exponentially, with almost no limit.

The endless space divine patterns are endless.

This palm is dozens of times more powerful than when it was used against Hong Luo, You Nether King, and Yan Huo.


Ye Mingtian’s pupils shrank suddenly.

When Wang Lin took action just now, he didn’t really care.

After all, at that time, his power of reincarnation seal was gone.

Ye Mingtian is confident that he can defeat the invincible Divine King.

But now, Wang Lin’s space divine pattern made him feel a fatal crisis.

Ye Mingtian didn’t have time to think about it, and the wheel key seal was blasted out.


The reincarnation seal was instantly shattered, and the space divine pattern was half obliterated.

But soon, the space divine patterns continued to grow, and more space divine patterns evolved, almost endlessly.

Just hearing a bang, Ye Mingtian’s body exploded into pieces.

When he first formed the First Layer group, the invisible and immaterial power of time eroded his vitality and heroic figure, causing his manuscripts to dry up and decline rapidly.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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