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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 225: Qianyu: I Didn’T Expect You To Be Like A Stupid Pig And A Stupid Cow.


When Luo Rou heard this, she couldn’t help but exclaimed, her face turned red with embarrassment, she glanced at Ye Yuan on the stage, then quickly lowered her head and pinched the corners of her clothes nervously.

She was filled with joy.

I have been in love with Brother Ye Yuan for so many years, are you finally going to become a real person?

“I disagree.”

To everyone’s surprise, the person who spoke turned out to be Ye Yuan.

Everyone looked at Ye Yuan in astonishment and immediately swallowed what they wanted to say.

You can take it easy first to capture Ye Yuan and enter Soul Refining Prison. It’s more important to watch the show.

“In-laws, you will feel better if you eat melon seeds and watch a movie.

Wang Lin handed Yiduo a handful of melon seeds.

Although he didn’t like going to the theater, these women seemed to like it.

If Yiduo is not allowed to watch this scene, the engagement will be impossible to continue.

Moreover, Ye Yuan is not a calm master.

If Ye Yuan is not forced to die in Soul Refining Prison, he will definitely try his best to prevent Qian Yu’s engagement.

“Oh, that’s…thank you.”

Yiduo took the melon seeds and swallowed “what is this” instantly. When he said it, he seemed so ignorant.

Seeing Wang Lin starting to take cigarettes, she also started taking cigarettes in the same way.

Not to mention, the feeling came up instantly.

Qianyu also took out a handful and handed it to Chu Qing.

He didn’t like eating melon seeds very much, but Qin Miaotong liked them very much, so he took advantage of it and prepared some.

Moreover, melon seeds are improved Holy Medicine, the physical body.


Luo Rou groaned again, her pretty face turned from red to white, and her delicate body couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

She was rejected. Does Ye Yuan really not like her at all?

Luo Zhe’s eyes instantly darkened to the extreme, and his heart was burning with anger.

He always thought that his granddaughter and Ye Yuan were consensual, and that the man was in love and the concubine was interested.

But now it seems that he is overthinking.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Yuan was not interested in his granddaughter, he just kept using Luo Rou.

Now that Ye Mingtian proposed marriage, how could he not see that he also wanted to take advantage of Luo Rou?

Although he would not agree, Ye Yuan’s decisive refusal instantly ignited his anger.

Because, his rejection of Ye Yuan and Ye Yuan’s rejection of him are completely different concepts.

It is conceivable that after this incident, it will be difficult for his granddaughter to marry.

Even if you get married, you will probably not be happy in the future.

Because no man can accept it. His wife liked someone else and was rejected by someone else.

This is like picking up worn shoes, a stain that cannot be washed away.

“Yuan’er, what did you say?”

Ye Mingtian was stunned for a moment, then scolded angrily and frantically sent a message to Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan didn’t know the serious consequences of rejection, he knew it all too well.

If he really refuses, then Ye Yuan will no longer be able to hang out in the Yuanling God Clan.

It’s a pity that Ye Yuan, who is so pretentious, can’t care so much?

Seeing Luo Rou’s face pale and her eyes full of crystal tears, Ye Yuan’s heart inexplicably tugged at 590, and he felt distressed.

“I’m sorry, sister Rou’er, I have always regarded you as my sister.”

Although he knew that Luo Rou had always liked him, he really had no feelings for Luo Rou and had always regarded her as his sister.

Moreover, Chu Qing was about to marry his lifelong enemy, how could he just sit back and watch?

“No…it doesn’t matter, I know, and I have always regarded you as my brother.”

Luorou said with a trembling voice and a forced smile.

She felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry.

Luorou knows that Ye Yuan likes Chu Qing and has always been infatuated with Chu Qing.

However, Chu Qing is getting married now.

Idiot… Luo Zhe clenched his fists, his eyes were spitting fire, and he wanted to slap Ye Yuan to death immediately… and his granddaughter, who was always drunk in his mouth for fear of melting, and held in his hand for fear of falling. .

Such a stupid and cunning granddaughter drove him crazy.

Crunch! Crunch!

Yiduo’s eyes shone when he saw it, and he couldn’t help but speed up the action of eating melon seeds.

The other women looked at the two of them intently, looking excited.

Wonderful, so wonderful.

Such a good show is rare.

Record it.

You must record it and take it out when you are bored.

“Wang Qianyu, do you dare to fight me fairly?”

Ye Yuan looked away from Luo Rou and looked at Qianyu with cold eyes.

Qianyu “.………………

Eat melon and eat it on your own head.

He couldn’t help but ask. “Why do you have to challenge me?”

“Because you are not worthy of Chu Qing.”

Ye Yuan glanced at Chu Qing, the love in his eyes almost overflowing.

“Are you worthy of it?”

Seeing this, Qianyu finally knew why Ye Yuan was going against him.

It turns out it was all because of first love.

“Whether I am worthy or not is none of your business.”

Ye Yuan replied in an extremely pretentious manner, and then showed a sarcastic smile.

“How about we make a bet? Whoever loses will give up pursuing his first love. Do you dare?”

After hearing this, Qianyu was silent for a moment and asked in confusion.

“Chu Qing is my fiancée, why should I bet with you? Besides, Chu Qing is a person and not a commodity, so how can I make a bet?”

“You, are you a fool?”

“I always thought you were a smart person, but I didn’t expect you to be such a stupid pig and stupid cow.”

After saying the last sentence, he even laughed.

At the beginning of the confrontation with Ye Yuan, Qianyu knew without thinking that if Ye Yuan had no evidence, he must have prepared a recording.

He was almost fooled, causing great trouble for the family, and his fiancée flew away.

So he always believed that Ye Yuan was a wise and insidious person, and an opponent worthy of attention.

But now (caci) it seems that he really thinks highly of Ye Yuan.

She refused Luo Rou in public and said such mindless words.

You know, this is a matriarchal clan of gods that respects women.

Ye Yuan dared to treat women as goods, and it would be unreasonable for Ye Yuan to die.

He doesn’t have to do anything now, the women present will tear Ye Yuan to pieces.

Sure enough, the woman who was watching the show with great interest suddenly became angry.

“You bastard, you really deserve to die.”

She has always been very cold and has the look of a goddess. She said dirty words for the first time in her life, and her eyes were full of murderous intent.

Ye Yuan

Ye Yuanren was numb and his head was buzzing.

Is he a stupid pig and a stupid cow?

of course not.

In his mind, he should be the one to say that women are treated as goods.

A peerless evildoer like Qianyu with a prominent family background would never tolerate his fiancée being coveted by others, and would definitely agree without hesitation to fight him in the same realm.

Then he took the opportunity to taunt Qianyu, saying “he actually took Chu Qing as a bet and is not worthy of marrying Chu Qing.”

However, he never expected that Qianyu would steal his words.

This won’t stop him.

“Hey! Let’s go.”

Ye Mingtian sighed and glared at Ye Yuan, feeling unwilling to do so.

However, even if they are unwilling to give in, with Ye Yuan’s continuous tricks, the Yuanling God Clan has completely lost Ye Yuan’s place.

“The villain who has not been reduced to intelligence is really scary. The child of destiny’s clever tricks are simply childish and stupid.” Wang Lin thought to himself.

Looking at his high-spirited son, Wang smiled happily.

He finally confirmed that Qianyu had not been depraved at all.

After all, the villain uses the heroine’s fiancée as a bet, which is a classic fantasy scene.

The protagonist can not only defeat the villain, but also win the favor of a group of female cultivators and smash the face of the talented little villain.

“Wang Qianyu, don’t you even have the courage to fight me fairly?”

When he came into contact with Chu Qing’s eyes filled with murderous intent, Ye Yuandun felt his entire body become cold and his heart was as sharp as a knife.

He simply ignored Ye Mingtian and had no intention of leaving.

Because he knew very well that if Qianyu’s hypocritical face was not torn off today, he would completely lose his first love.

Moreover, he still has many opportunities and blessings, which can only be obtained by joining the Yuanling God Clan, including Hongmeng Origin Root.

Once he leaves, everything will be easier for Qianyu.

Therefore, he must not leave. He must defeat Qianyu and turn the tide.

“Are you sure you want a fair fight with Qianyu?”

At this time, Wang Lin spoke with a playful look in his eyes.

The Son of Destiny did not disappoint him and committed suicide in a big way.

In this case, why not fulfill him?

What’s more, Wang Lin doesn’t want Ye Yun to leave the Yuanling Divine Clan.

This guy is the protagonist who has returned from rebirth, and he must know many great opportunities.

If Wang Lin guessed correctly, Qianyu should be a treasure-giving villain.

Being suppressed time and time again by the protagonist, the treasure was cut off.

If Ye Yuan is allowed to leave, it may cause a butterfly effect, causing some treasures to be born and the Secret Realm to be opened to be unavailable.

Or Ye Yuan disguised himself and secretly intercepted the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Wang Lin thought about it, and finally resisted and wanted to check Ye Yuan’s soul.

After all, Ye Yuan is suspected to be a chess piece of Samsara Dao Venerable. Looking at Ye Yuan’s memory will definitely alarm Samsara Dao Venerable.

The safest way is to keep Ye Yuan under your nose and wait for him to break through the Dominator God before taking action.

“I’m sure, I’m just afraid that your good-for-nothing son won’t dare.”

When Ye Yuan heard this, he was very happy. He was afraid that Qianyu would not agree, so he hurriedly said mockingly.

He has future memories and combat experience. As long as Qianyu dares to challenge, he is sure of victory.

As long as Qianyu is disabled, the engagement will naturally be postponed.

By then, he would have enough time to integrate into the Yuanling Divine Clan and win the trust of Chu Qing and his mother.

Whether he can make a comeback depends on this battle.

“My son is a waste? Hahaha…”

Wang Lin laughed, and glanced at Ye Mingtian with dagger-like eyes, finally settling on Ye Yuan.

“Okay, since you want a fair fight, then I will grant it to you.”

“Qianyu is not yet 1,100 years old, so you should fight at the same age.


Ye Yuan, who could hold his head high even in the face of Wang Lin’s sharp gaze, couldn’t hold back after hearing this.

You call this a fair fight?

What he said was a fair fight, but he was suppressed in the same realm.

Before he was eleven hundred years old, he was on the eighth floor of the Dao Platform, the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

How is it fair to let Quasi-Emperor Realm fight against True God in the mid-term?

“Okay, okay, that’s really fair.

The girls were completely excited.

Ye Yuan’s clamor had already made them angry.

But I have to admit that Ye Yuan is very powerful, and his Divine Ability secret method is unparalleled in the world.

Therefore, they are not willing to let Qianyu and Ye Yuan suppress the duel at the same level.

However, what Wang Lin said about a fight at the same age is simply wonderful and fair.

Even if this matter spreads to other cosmic planes, it will be their fault.

“I didn’t expect my in-law to be an interesting person.”

Yiduo’s beautiful eyes were shining again and again, and her favorable impression of Wang Lin suddenly surged.

She likes reasonable men so much.

“Wang Lin, don’t bully others too much. I’m talking about a fight with the same realm.

Ye Mingtian shouted angrily.

He was furious and majestic, looking like he was about to take action at any time.

In this regard, Wang Lin directly helped him

Take action brazenly.

Ye Yuan can’t move for the time being. Who do you Ye Mingtian think you are?

Dare you shout in front of him?


With Divine Ability, Ye Mingtian was captured in his hands in an instant.

Today is different from the past. Three days ago, Ye Mingtian could still struggle in his hands.

Now, the Great Dao built by Wang Lin is all perfect, and the combat power has increased by more than a hundred times.

In his hands, Ye Mingtian was as weak as an ant, without any resistance.

“So strong!”

“What is the realm of in-laws?”

The eyes of the girls shrank as they looked at it. They could control Ye Mingtian so easily. Even Bu Zhi Shen couldn’t do it, right?

Isn’t Wang Lin the master god?

Yiduo’s eyes were shocked as she looked at what kind of family she had found for her daughter.

But then again, since Ye Mingtian was captured by Wang Lin, can they kill Ye Yuan?

Thinking of this, several women with real power began to secretly communicate.

“Chief, shall we kill this bastard?”

“Inappropriate, Samsara Dao Venerable personally appeared as a saint, which shows that this father and son are very important to Samsara Dao Venerable.”

“The patriarch is overly worried. How could someone like Dao Venerable lower his status to intervene in the fight between our juniors? Besides, we can’t be bullied all the time, right? Isn’t it okay for Wang Lin to capture Ye Mingtian?”

“Well, that makes sense, but Ye Mingtian is not dead yet. If Wang Lin really kills him, how about we attack Ye Yuan again?”

“Okay, you can go and ask the ancestor for his opinion now.”


“You, let go of my father.”

When Ye Yuan saw this, his eyes were split open and he roared angrily.

“It seems you haven’t figured out the situation yet.”

Wang Lin smiled coldly, and the light in his eyes flashed away.

An indescribable force washed over Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan instantly changed from a young man to a middle-aged man, and his realm suddenly fell to the Quasi-Emperor Realm.


Ye Yuan felt the passing of life and cultivation, and his eyes couldn’t help but turn red.

He couldn’t accept that the cultivation he had worked so hard to achieve was taken away from him in an instant.


Qianyu trampled him under his feet and rubbed his face with Qilin boots.

Ye Yuan’s face was really beaten and bloody.

“Get up, don’t you want a fair fight with me?”

Qianyu looked down at him with a sarcastic look on his face.



An unprecedented shame and anger spread in his heart.

Ye Yuan struggled hard, but Qianyu’s feet were like an unshakable mountain, suppressing him.

“What’s the point of using one’s realm to overwhelm others? If you have the guts to be fair with me… let’s fight with the same realm.”

Ye Yuan did not dare to say that it was a fair fight anymore. The father and son did not play their cards according to the routine. If one of them failed, both the father and the son would die here today.

At the thought of possibly dying, Ye Yuan’s angry eyes instantly turned into panic, and he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were split apart.

When he returned from rebirth, he still had too many regrets that he had not made up for, and he absolutely could not die.

“Haha, you father and son are really shameless. Everything must follow your rules. The question is, do you have the strength?”

Qianyu exerted force on his feet, and a surge of divine power poured into Ye Yuan’s reincarnation Divine Body, turning into sharp blades and ice and fire, raging crazily in his body.


Hearing this, Ye Yuan was completely awakened.

Yes, does he have the power to make rules?

His machinations seem to be able to reverse the situation, but as long as there is a slight accident, he can be killed.

Now this is his fate.

His father was held in Wang Lin’s hands, and he was stepped on by Qian Yu. His life and death depended on others’ thoughts.

“No… I, Ye Yuan, am not weaker than you. You, a coward, don’t even have the courage to fight me. Aren’t you afraid that your Taoist heart will be dusted?”

Ye Yuan endured the severe pain in his body and the panic in his heart, and roared angrily.

He couldn’t figure out why Wang Lin and his son were so different.

The big ones don’t have the demeanor of a strong man, the small ones don’t have the invincible Taoist spirit that a genius should have, and they don’t play according to routines at all.

“Even trivial things can make your Taoist heart dusty. Is your Taoist heart a tofu heart?”

Qianyu said disdainfully.


“Let go of Brother Ye Yuan.”

Seeing that her sweetheart was about to be trampled to death, Luo Rou rushed forward angrily, regardless of her grief.


Seeing this, Qianyu kicked her into a bloody mist without hesitation.

In the early days of the True God, if it weren’t for the face of the great elder Luo Zhe, Luo Rou would have been a dead person.

As for cherishing fragrance and cherishing jade, Qianyu does not have this consciousness.

In his eyes, the enemy does not distinguish between men and women, beauty or ugliness.

“So cruel.” Wang Lin secretly smacked his lips at the sight, extremely satisfied with what Qianyu had done.

His son should be so ruthless.

The women present were stunned for a moment.

Luo Rou is a stunning beauty that will captivate the whole country. How did you manage to kill her?


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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