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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 231. Use The Trick To Refine Samsara Divine Light And Hongmeng Origin Root

“Don’t panic, I’m fine!”

Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes and explained.

“I have the Great Dao Golden Lotus to suppress the soul. Although the Samsara Divine Light is powerful, it can’t do anything to me.”

“The master’s True Spirit…”

“Samsara Divine Light can help me Nirvana’s fourth transformation of the immortal soul. Now in my ninety-ninth life, my True Spirit has been completed.”

Wang Lin looked pleased with himself.

Reincarnation Dao Venerable’s Samsara Divine Light is the supreme Divine Ability condensed from the origin of one’s own reincarnation, which is enough to obliterate the True Spirit of the dominating god.

But for him, it was a great blessing.

You can refine Samsara Divine Light and smelt your own body.

“I see!”

Zi Ling’er breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the side of the Holy Mother Yuanling.

“Then what should she do?”

Our Lady of Yuanling is in critical condition at this time.

True Spirit is trapped in endless reincarnation. The soul and the Great Dao are rapidly disintegrating and are about to die.


Wang Lin frowned.

At that time, he was refining Samsara Divine Light, but he didn’t expect that Mother Yuanling would take a peek.

Now there are only two ways to rescue her True Spirit from the endless reincarnation.

The second one is to kill her, snatch the Hongmeng Origin Root, and refine her Dao Fruit.

After thinking about it, Wang Lin decided to choose the latter. After all, he was not familiar with Yuanling Holy Mother, and Hongmeng Origin Root was too tempting.

He uses one, and the extra one can be used to cast the Tomb of Ten Thousand Daos for Zichenba.

[Host, Our Lady of Yuanling is the heroine of Purple Gold. Are you sure you want to be so cruel? ]

Just when Wang Lin wanted to take action, the system couldn’t help it.

The Holy Mother of Yuanling is the most beautiful Innate deity in the world.

Wang Lin was pregnant with many children and many blessings, so why didn’t he think of marrying her off?


Wang Lin sneered with disdain on his face.

She’s just a woman, why does a man have to worry about not having a wife?

[Host, if she breaks through to the Dominant God, the reward for marrying her will be no worse than Hongmeng Origin Root, and her Yuanling Divine Body is the most suitable mother body for giving birth to children. ]

“Is that true?”

Wang Lin’s eyes lit up.

He knew that the Yuanling Divine Clan was indeed the most perfect mother body in the universe.

Yuanling Divine Body is pure and flawless, has unparalleled compatibility, and has magical cleaning effects.

The children born with her will 100% inherit their parents’ talent and physique perfectly, and may even surpass their parents.

However, he felt that these were trivial matters compared to Hongmeng Origin.

Now after being reminded by the system, Wang Qiang suddenly woke up.

Damn… I almost forgot about the system.

[believe it or not! ]

The system is hidden.

He could even forget his own main mission. The filial son really broke his heart.

After getting the exact answer, Wang Lin took the plump and moist body of the Holy Mother of Yuanling into his arms with a move of his hand, and the intoxicating fragrance hit his nostrils.

“Tsk, it’s so tender.”

Wang Lin looked closely and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

It is really impossible to tell that the Holy Mother of Yuanling is an old monster who has lived for who knows how many billions of years.

Her crystal-white snow-skinned skin, with a hint of pink, was tender, delicate, and full of vitality.

Wang Lin couldn’t help but pinch her fair cheeks, which made water flow out of them.

I saw two red marks on her fair and crystal-clear cheeks, which were tempting to commit crimes.

The problem is that Wang Lin is used to seeing countless stunning beauties, and now he can’t help but want to hold the Yuanling Virgin to open the blind box.

“Master, does he want to marry her?”

At this time, Zi Ling’er is no longer a blank piece of paper.

Men and women also understand that they love her.

After eating the lollipops collected by the owner, you will become pregnant. It seems that this is how Sister Xian’er gave birth to Xi’er…

Her thoughts began to wander.

Wang Lin hummed and said.

“Give me the Origin Root of Hongmeng and the fragments of the Opening Heaven Divine Axe.”

He wants to refine the original roots of Hongmeng in the reincarnation and break through the dominating god in one fell swoop.

As for the Opening Heaven fragments, before Xi’er has grown up, perfecting the Opening Heaven ax is harmful and useless.

“Ling’er, Ling’er!”

“oh oh!”

Zi Ling’er came to his senses and immediately handed the treasure to Wang Lin.

“You should go back first and tell Xian’er…”

Wang Lin explained some things and took the Virgin Mother of Yuanling into the boundless void to set up the Primordial Origin Infinite Formation.

Then all the creatures on Tianze Island were sealed, including Jinyue who was eating fat intestines, and Jincheng who was eating a lot.

After doing all this, the Great Dao Golden Lotus was summoned to protect the body of the Holy Mother of Yuanling.

“It is worthy of being the transcendent foundation of the eternal universe.”

Wang Lin grasped the original root of Hongmeng, as if grasping a vast universe, which contains countless Great Dao original laws.

Refining it is equivalent to refining the origin of ten thousand ways and casting the foundation of ten thousand ways.

Wang Lin opened his eyes and glanced around to see if there was anything fishy about Hongmeng Origin.

After all, this is Samsara Dao Venerable, and there might be some backup options left.

As expected, there is a ray of the law of reincarnation in the ten thousand laws of Hongmeng’s original root.

If it breaks out at a critical moment, the worst case may be death, or the worst case may be a failure.

“These old monsters are really not easy to deal with.”

Wang Lin secretly said.

Fortunately, he has the Chaos Dao Pupil, otherwise, even the Dominator God would have a hard time distinguishing it.

He cut out this strand of law, sealed it in a jade box, and checked it carefully several times. After finding no problems, Wang Lin swallowed it in one gulp and started refining it with Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra.

At the same time, the body and True Spirit are integrated into one.

Infinite Great Dao mysteries emerged in his heart, and Wang Lin’s soul was changing rapidly.

The inner universe absorbed the origin of the Great Dao Law of Hongmeng’s origin and expanded crazily. Chaos energy surged like a wave, and endless chaos energy was derived.

The Chaos Tree grows crazily, with billions of stars in front of it, as small as fluorescent lights.

The Great Dao Golden Lotus burst out with billions of laws of divine light, and worked with Chaos to suppress the rioting inner universe.

Wang Lin’s realm is rising rapidly, as if there is no end.

But there is no qualitative leap.

If he does not transcend enlightenment, he is still the Divine King.

In this regard, Wang Lin was not panic at all.

He has realized the secret of transcendence. As long as he refines the original root of Hongmeng, he can realize the Tao and transcendence.

“Little guy, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing Wang Lin stunned, Our Lady of Yuanling stopped and asked curiously.

“Don’t you like this villa? It doesn’t matter, my sister will take you to see something else.”

Mother Yuanling didn’t know that Wang Lin had merged with his true body, and thought Wang Lin didn’t like the beach villa.

She suddenly smiled and spoke calmly, showing off the charm of a wealthy woman.

“Well, it’s nothing. I like all the things my sister gave me. The main reason is that I want to live with my sister.”

Wang Lin is undergoing a shocking transformation in his body, but on the surface, he is just like a mortal.

Wang Lin’s eyelids twitched a few times when he heard the words of the Holy Mother of Yuanling.

He is a majestic villain who is about to prove the existence of the Lord God, but he is actually being kept by a rich woman’s “real mother”!?

Not to mention this feeling…it’s real!

0Please give me flowers…

It’s comfortable to lie flat.

“Giggle, glib!”

Mother Yuanling smiled as bright as a flower, and couldn’t help pinching Wang Lin’s young face again.

Boys generally develop later, and Wang Lin is no exception.

She was fifteen or sixteen years old, only about one meter six, almost a head shorter than her.

She totally looks like a young lady.

Those childish facial features, clear and stupid eyes…

The more I watch Yuanling Holy Mother, the more I like it.

“Why don’t you just live with your sister.” She smiled.

“Okay, I’ll listen to my sister.”

Wang Lin was worried that he would not be able to find the opportunity to attack the Holy Mother of Yuanling. Now that the Holy Mother of Yuanling has taken the initiative to invite him, he is getting what he wants.

“That’s the general situation. Sister Xian’er, you can let me go.”

Zi Ling’er fell into Luo Xian’er’s clutches, raised his head, and said pitifully.

“The old thief is really lucky.”

After Luo Xian’er heard this, he couldn’t help but be extremely happy, and ravaged Zi Ling’er’s hair with his small jade hands.

Originally, she was a little worried that Wang Lin would lose face if she attained enlightenment before Wang Lin.

Now that she has the Hongmeng Original Root, she will definitely be able to attain enlightenment one step ahead of her.

Xi’er was not to be outdone. She pulled Zi Ling’er’s baby fat cheeks around her when she was little.

“Hateful, you are so annoying, let me go, I’m going to be angry.”

Zi Ling’er was angry.

The mother and daughter were playing with each other, were they treating her like a doll?


“Damn girl, let go and don’t touch my baby.

Luo Xian’er didn’t even want his own daughter, so he turned around and left with Zi Ling’er in his arms.

Zi Ling’er is her most ideal and perfect daughter, soft and sweet, silly and cute.

“Mom, Xuanhuang Yu invited his father to Xuanhuang Universe for a chat. If my father is not here, why don’t you go?”

Xi’er came up and said this.

“Haha, the weasel has no good intentions when he wishes the chicken New Year greetings.

Luo Xian’er dismissed it.

Wang Lin has never met these old monsters. Even if he invites people to discuss Taoism, he would be inviting the Divine King Immortal King of the entire universe.

How is it possible to invite someone by name?

Either he has another purpose or he has bad intentions.

I’m afraid I didn’t want to trick the sheep into slaughtering them.

You know, Xuanhuang Universe is the mother universe of Xuanhuang Dao Venerable.

Xuanhuang Dao Venerable is the father god of Xuanhuang Yu, and the entire Xuanhuang universe belongs to the Xuanhuang God Clan.

In the Xuanhuang Universe, the Xuanhuang God Clan can call upon the power of the entire universe.

It is easy for Wang Lin to get in, but it is difficult to get out.

“makes sense.”

Xi’er nodded and turned to worry.

“If they really have bad intentions and we don’t go, maybe they will come.”

“Come just come.”

Luo Xian’er looked calm.

Although she is not as good as Wang Lin, she is definitely not.

By using the three realms of life, Innate will be invincible, and the Divine King can also be killed.

Although the Half-Step Dominator God is countless times more powerful than the Divine King, it is not invincible.

Speaking of which, in the realm of three lives, she is also a half-step master god who transcends everything.

Moreover, she also has the Arcana of Chaos, which is the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron.

Although Wang Lin has never used the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron against the enemy, its power is not weak at all, and its defense is unparalleled.

“No, mother, can you give me Ling’er? Go and make arrangements to deal with the enemy.”

“Dream, Ling’er is my daughter, you can’t bully her.”


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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