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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 232. I Want To Support Justice.

“The Milky Way, Aqua Blue Star…”

“This is not the eternal universe…”

Wang Lin returned to the room and released his spiritual consciousness across the universe.

He is quite curious about the universe.

After all, he only spent one day in the eternal universe. In this universe, he has been reincarnated for ninety-nine lives.

You know, for the first ninety-eight lives, he was a cultivator.

The longest life, he lived for one era and fell into a catastrophe.

In the shortest year, he lived thousands of years.

“Isn’t this a prehistoric world?”

After a while, Wang Lin withdrew his consciousness and was shocked in his heart.

Although I have never seen a great god from the prehistoric times, based on my experience in the ninety-eighth life, almost every world has ancient legends about the prehistoric times.

And the Aqua Blue Star is very special, like the center of the universe, connecting many cosmic planes.

Moreover, each cosmic plane has the Taoist tradition of the prehistoric Saint, as well as the sacrificial stone statues of Nuwa, the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors.

“Forget it, wait until I break through to the Dominator God.”

After thinking for a long time, Wang Lin shook his head.

There is a saying that curiosity killed the cat.

There is absolutely no need to explore the secrets of the ancient world out of curiosity.

The most important thing at the moment is to open the blind box of Our Lady of Yuanling to see what rewards there are.

Then he returns to the eternal universe and enjoys eternal life with his wife, concubines and children.

[Host, Aquamarine is very special. There are many sons of destiny and heroines. Don’t you want to spread your knowledge here? ]

The system emits sound in a timely manner.

“No? I’m about to prove the existence of the master god. You want me to deal with mortals?”

Wang Lin said incredulously.

His spiritual consciousness “230” can sweep across several surrounding cosmic planes, so he naturally knows the existence of the protagonist.

But, how much benefit can we get from dealing with those weaklings?

Dozens of Spirit Veins?

Dozens or hundreds of luck?

He is the invincible Divine King of the eternal universe. How can he live longer and go back?

“System, I am here to refine Hongmeng’s original roots and experience life.”

Wang Lin felt insulted and said with an ugly face.

This proportion of cosmic time is simply difficult to estimate, so it is most appropriate to refine the Hongmeng Origin Root here.

Anyway, he has Chaos Profound Fetus and Chaos Tree, so he can do two things at once.

The attack on Our Lady of Yuanling is just a matter of course.

[I know, but are you sure about the host? ]

[The host is in a different universe, which is equivalent to restarting it once, and there is a gift package for newbies! ]

The system automatically ignored Wang Lin’s expression, and his voice was as plain as boiled water.

“Ahem! Taking wives and concubines is related to the continuation of human civilization. As a member of the human race, it is my duty to do so.

Wang Lin coughed lightly.

The system’s gift package for newbies is the ultimate treasure.

I don’t know if the same treasure as Chaotic Golden Lotus will be released.

Anyway, it’s just a blind box, and he doesn’t mind if he doesn’t lead an army.

As for the protagonist, he can stay wherever it is cool.


Hearing the knock on the door, Wang Lin immediately sealed his cultivation, restrained his momentum, and prepared to experience the happiness of being taken care of by a rich woman.

When I opened it, I saw Our Lady of Yuanling with a gentle smile on her face. She put on a set of home clothes and hung up this apron, showing her motherly tenderness.

“Little guy, are you hungry? Come over and cook with your sister.”

Wang Lin:

He was speechless.

Mother Yuanling was dressed like this, and she thought she was asking him to go down to eat.

“I’ve asked Qingqing to pack your things…”

Seeing Wang Lin’s reluctance, Mother Yuanling was not angry and said in a gentle tone.

“No, don’t touch my things. I’m going to cook now.”

Wang Lin interrupted her and said that cooking was her favorite.

“Young boy! I can’t cure you yet!”

Looking at Wang Lin who was running away, Mother Yuanling smiled proudly, her eyes full of narrow smiles.

“Wash the vegetables more often.”

“Scrape the fish clean, marinate it with some salt, and fry it until it turns golden brown without peeling off the skin.”

“The potatoes are cut unevenly, please cut them again.”

“Ahem, do you add chili pepper to your cooking?”

Wang Lin choked on the chili pepper and coughed.

“Don’t you add chili pepper to the cooking?”

“Don’t put it down, I don’t eat chili peppers.”

“Here…I’ll just add one or two seasonings, not spicy.

“Who said it’s not spicy? Don’t let it go.”

“All right!”

The little secretary who came back from ordering Wang Lin’s daily necessities glanced curiously at the kitchen and suddenly smiled knowingly.

“The chairman is so anxious. He just recognized his long-lost son and couldn’t wait to drag him into the kitchen.” Xue Qingqing said to herself.

“who is he?”

The urban beauty standing next to Xue Qingqing asked curiously.

It can be seen that Wang Lin is very important to Our Lady of Yuanling by allowing her to cook in person and being so intimate.

But she has been with the Holy Mother of Yuanling for five years and has never met Wang Lin.

“…He is a long-lost relative of the chairman.”

Xue Qingqing hesitated and said mysteriously.

“A relative? The chairman is not…”

Lin Zhihan swallowed the words that the chairman was an orphan in time and glanced at the kitchen with her beautiful eyes.

Mother Yuanling showed a motherly smile and looked at Wang Lin dotingly.

A bold idea suddenly came into her mind.

Could it be………

She slowly turned her head to look at Xue Qingqing, checked her eyes, and suddenly her heart was filled with turmoil.

“I see. No wonder the chairman is still single…” Lin Zhihan suddenly realized.

“I’m telling you…”

The little secretary approached her ear mysteriously and whispered.

“What are you two muttering about?”

Wang Lin came out with the dishes and was speechless when he saw the two people talking more and more outrageously.

They look nothing alike, right?

If you really don’t have any eyesight, don’t you know how to play with the Holy Mother of Yuanling to develop a daughter-in-law?

“No! Hello young master, my name is…”

The two girls looked flustered and quickly changed the subject and introduced themselves.

Both of them are secretaries, but they are responsible for different things.

After all, Our Lady of Yuanling is the richest man in the world, and she has many secretaries.

I almost always ask my secretary to do something.

Speaking of which, I have to talk about the status of the Virgin Mother of Yuanling and her “Yuanling Creation” group.

Our Lady of Yuanling is the greatest scientist in the world.

On his own, he researches and develops the semiconductor industry, develops electronic system software, artificial intelligence, high-end precision machine tools, Transcendent Level materials, etc.

Covering both military and civilian uses, business spreads all over the world.

The high technology developed by Our Lady of Yuanling is the world’s top technology.

In just a dozen years, the developing Xia Kingdom was pushed into a technologically advanced country.

Why is it said to be a technologically developed country?

I have to talk about the indicators of developed countries here.

Developed countries not only refer to technology, but the most important thing is the welfare of the people.

It is said that Our Lady of Yuanling is vigorously promoting high-tech and high-quality treatment, in line with developed countries in Europe and the United States.

It can be said that Our Lady of Yuanling is the savior of the Rabbit family and is supported by more than one billion people.

Outside the villa, there were almost all Xia Guo’s carefully selected bodyguards.

Many scientific research projects are waiting for Mother Yuanling to take the lead.


Wang Lin snorted, glanced at the two women, and frowned slightly.

Although the two of them look pure and beautiful, they are original and authentic products that have never been opened in a blind box.

But the fate is too low, only blue and red.

Lin Zhihan is a little taller, red with purple, but she doesn’t meet the minimum standard of the system. She has a purple destiny.

(Note: Fate and luck are divided into nine levels: black, gray, white, cyan, blue, red, purple, gold, and purple gold!)

“System, does Our Lady of Yuanling count as a girl in this world?”

Wang Lin’s heart moved and he asked the system.

The Holy Mother of Yuanling has a purple-gold destiny, so if you open her blind box, the reward will not be much richer.

[Calculate! ]

“How is the reward calculated after marrying her?”

Wang Lin has not forgotten the reward mechanism that the higher the cultivation level, the more generous the rewards.

If calculated according to mortal standards, breaking the sky would only be a Great Emperor level reward, so he would definitely not do it.

After all, if the Holy Mother of Yuanling is the dominating god, she can produce treasures on the same level as Hongmeng Origin Root.

[Of course, rewards are issued according to real-time conditions, but they can be settled twice! ]

[In other words, if the host marries once here, he can marry again when he returns to the eternal universe. ]

“very good!”

If you open the blind box twice, you can get two rewards. This wave of the system makes sense.

Wang Lin was very pleased that the system was so sensible.

“Xiao Lin, come here quickly and serve the food.”

Mother Yuanling shouted.

“Sister Qingqing, go ahead.0”

Wang Lin sat down on the chair, too lazy to move.

“Oh oh oh!”

Xue Qingqing, who was naturally dumbfounded, nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

“You…forget it.”

Holy Mother Yuanling is too lazy to say this is stupid.

The good family atmosphere was ruined by her.

“Chairman, here are some contracts. Look…”

Lin Zhihan held a stack of documents and asked in a low voice.

“No time.”

Mother Yuanling ignored her, thought for a moment, and added.

“All meetings have been postponed until three days later.”

She has not forgotten who she is.

If they can’t help Wang Lin recover his memory, they will both be dead.

There may be a glimmer of hope in restoring Wang Lin’s memory.

“All right!”

Lin Zhihan left knowingly.

Although these documents are extremely urgent and involve tens of billions of orders.

But who is Our Lady of Yuanling?

There is no need to care at all, they are willing to wait anyway.

This is the confidence to master high technology and let others pay and queue up to buy it.

Xue Qingqing also left.

After eating and drinking, Madonna Yuanling asked with a smile on her face without leaving any trace.

“Little guy, do you remember Qianyu?”

“Qianyu? Who is Qianyu?”

Wang Lin asked pretending to be confused.

“Think about it again.”

Our Lady of Yuanling was silent for a moment and said this.

“do not remember.”

Wang Lin thought seriously for a moment and shook his head decisively.

Mother Yuanling’s heart sank to the bottom.

Wang Lin has even forgotten his son. If she mentions anyone else, Wang Lin probably won’t be able to remember him.

So the question is, what should she do?

“Do we really need to practice dual cultivation?”

Mother Yuanling thought of the only feasible way.

Aqua Blue Star’s spiritual energy is exhausted and it is impossible to become stronger through normal practice.

Dual cultivation is fine.

Moreover, she has a special physique, and Wang Lin also has the same. With her skills, the two of them can practice to at least the fourth level of Dao Platform.

With cultivation, perhaps Wang Lin can realize his true self and restore his original memory.

By then, Wang Lin may have a way to escape the endless reincarnation.

But the problem is…

Yuan Ling raised his head and looked at Wang Lin’s appearance carefully, from top to bottom.

Without the height-increasing shoes, Wang Lin is only 1.6 meters tall at most, with an immature face and even less hair.

He is still a child… Our Lady of Yuanling really can’t do anything.

Moreover, she is really willing to sacrifice her innocence to survive.

Not coming out.

“Sister, are you really my relative?”

Wang Lin, who knew everything, immediately approached, looking uneasy.

Just say “please kiss me, hug me, comfort me” 4.9 written on my face.

It’s shameful to act cute, and it’s even more shameful to act miserable.

But, I can get on the bus.

“It’s okay, you are indeed my relative, don’t worry, my sister will take care of you for the rest of your life.

Seeing this, she thought that Wang Lin was afraid that she had recognized the wrong person. Mother Yuanling was filled with love and hugged Wang Lin with a look of remorse on her face.

If she hadn’t invited Wang Lin over, maybe they wouldn’t have been forced to reincarnate Dao Venerable to use his true nature.

You must know that the origin is the foundation of every monk. Once it is lost, it is truly lost.

At the least, the cultivation level will fall into weakness, and at the most serious level, the cultivation level will regress, and it will be extremely difficult to make up for it.

No one would use the original source unless forced to do so.

“Sister, please stop pressing the button.”

Because of his height, Wang Lin was unknowingly pressed into the broad chest of the Holy Mother of Yuanling.

The fragrance of the original milk was so refreshing that Wang Lin felt that he needed to try it out.

After all, in this kind of thing, the gentleman is the first to strike first, and the latter is the rogue.

This damn kid… Mother Yuanling’s face was covered with red clouds, and she nodded angrily on Wang Lin’s forehead.

“We are relatives, what are you thinking about?”

Obviously, Mother Yuanling is not willing to take the blame.

But what she said played into Wang Lin’s hands. If I post posts in the future, you can’t call me a rogue, right?

Wang Lin seemed to see the big word “justice” printed on the chest of Our Lady of Yuanling.

I want to help justice!!!

“Sister, I didn’t mean that. You continue.”

After Wang Lin finished speaking, he pounced on her before she could reach out her hand.


Xue Qingqing picture!.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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