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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 233. Our Lady Of Yuanling Cried After Being Tortured

“Chairman, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing that the Holy Mother of Yuanling was in a state of disbelief, she would laugh at one moment and look angry and shy at the other.

Xue Qingqing couldn’t help but asked in a low voice.

The spirit of gossip burned in her heart.

Logically speaking, Mother Yuanling should be extremely happy to find her long-lost son.

Why do you look so angry and shy?

Did he get in touch with an old lover?

No way…


“Oh it’s all right!”

Our Lady of Yuanling came back to her senses, immediately restored her dignified posture, quickly glanced at the contract, signed her name, and Pang

It was done in a short while and he said to Xue Qingqing.

“In the future, just ask the department managers to sign contracts for these small matters.”

“By the way, I’m going to take some time off and have turned down all the research project invitations.”

She is the richest man in the world and the greatest scientist in history.

It can be said to be very busy, or it can be very leisurely.

Our Lady of Yuanling is currently busy dealing with Wang Lin, a thief, and has no time to be invited to participate in the research project.


Xue Qingqing looked embarrassed.

I can turn down all business invitations, but national research projects…

How do you want her to push!?

“Ah what? Go quickly.”

The Holy Mother of Yuanling said angrily.

This little secretary of hers is sometimes very shrewd, sometimes very dull, and cutely stupid.

After giving good orders, Our Lady of Yuanling drove home by herself.

She wanted to make a sumptuous lunch before Wang Lin got up, all with 20 spicy peppers.

“I want to scream at this thief, yes, that’s what I’ll do.”

Mother Yuanling couldn’t help laughing when she thought of the beauty.

After three days of getting along, she finally discovered that Wang Lin ate everything except chili peppers, not at all.

Every time I go out to eat or cook my own food, I have to emphasize that no chili peppers are allowed. This shows how afraid Wang Lin is of chili peppers.

“Xiao Lin, get up quickly.”

The Virgin Mother of Yuanling wore a Tom and Jerry apron, looked at Wang Lin who was thinking sweetly, and couldn’t help but whisper softly.

Her eyes were full of anticipation, and she smiled like a vixen.

After a while, Wang Lin ate the chili pepper and wondered what his expression would be.

“Don’t eat.”

Wang Lin turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

“Eat and then sleep. You are still growing, so you can’t go hungry, otherwise you won’t grow taller.

The Virgin Mother of Yuanling sat beside the bed, her voice was soft and seductive, and she stretched out her slender jade hand to gently caress Wang Lin’s face.

“If you don’t eat, you don’t eat.

It is very annoying to be sleepy and sleepy in the snow.

But the soft and melodious voice of Our Lady of Yuanling and the delicate fragrance of her delicate body made Wang Lin very comfortable.

Not only was I not disturbed, but I felt physically and mentally comfortable listening to it.

“stand up!”

The Virgin Mother of Yuanling frowned slightly and stretched out her hand to pull.

It’s okay if Wang Lin doesn’t go to school.

After all, she had just found Wang Lin, so she could cultivate her relationship first, and it would be okay if she missed a few days of classes. She was only in her first year of high school anyway.

But skipping meals is absolutely not an option.

after an hour.

․ …․ Revise………

The Holy Mother of Yuanling was shocked in her heart. Her body strengthened dozens of times, and the area of ​​​​ten thousand areas increased by dozens of tons.

And she has not been completely refined yet. If she is fully refined, she will probably be able to break through to the Divine Sea realm.

If coupled with the practice of martial arts, drinking for more than ten years, you still won’t become an immortal?

If she has the Great Emperor Realm, she can use secret methods to awaken her true body and transcend infinite reincarnation.

As soon as she thought of this, the way Madonna Yuanling looked at Wang Lin changed.

This is a real treasure boy.

In fact, what Mother Yuanling doesn’t know is that this is the effect of Wang Lin’s deliberate control, otherwise she would definitely be able to Ascension in place.

As long as Wang Lin is willing, he can help Our Lady of Yuanling transcend reincarnation at any time.

Now I am giving some benefits to Our Lady of Yuanling just to trick her into eating…

…….Modify chapter…

“System, bring up the panel!

Character: Wang Lin.

Fate: variable.

luck: none.

Physique: Chaos Dao Body, Chaos Dao Pupil, Four-turn Immortal Soul.

Realm: Chaos Demon God (Peak Divine King)

Skill: Divine Level.

Exercise: Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra.

Divine Ability: Primordial Origin Wuji Sword Formation, Star Plucking Hand, Hun Tian Yi Sword, Destruction Fist, Chaos Lotus, Space Divine Pattern, Wanhua Guixu, Chaos Dao Pupil, Chaos Mysterious Light, Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death, Time Wheel , time review, one side, good fortune.

Law Treasure: Great Dao Golden Lotus, Small Spirit World, Chaos Mysterious Light Sword, Azure Lotus Sword, Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death.

Taoist couple: Luo Xian’er, Qin Miaotong, Bing Lan, Mrs. Qingmei, Su Ying, Sang Yun, Bai Susu, Ao Wushuang, Chu Xiyao, Ye Qingwu, Yun Xi, Hongluo….

Descendants: Xi’er, Qianyu, Jincheng, Jinyue!

“System, give me the reward quickly.”

[Congratulations to the host, you have become a Taoist couple with the heroine Zijin Fate, and you will be rewarded with a gift package for newbies. ]

[award…… ]

Other rewards can be ignored, and Chou Lin opened the novice gift package with an expectant look.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Chaos Golden Mother! ]


A piece of artifact refining material?

Wang Lin was disappointed in his heart, but when he saw clearly the function of Chaos Golden Mother, he just wanted to say that it smells really good.

On top of the Innate Spirit Treasure, there is the Chaos Spirit Treasure.

The Chaos Golden Mother is the strongest Golden Mother that can refine Chaos Spirit Treasure.

This is equivalent to getting a piece of Chaos Spirit Treasure, which is perfect for upgrading the Chaos Mysterious Light Sword.


The Chaos Golden Mother is a very special treasure, and the refining method is naturally different.

It needs to be recognized by the Chaos Golden Mother before it can be refined into Spirit Treasure. Otherwise, it is just a piece of scrap iron, and it is useless even if it is smelted.

After recognizing the master, you only need to give a Spirit Treasure concept, and the Chaos Golden Mother will be automatically generated. At the same time, you can also incorporate some materials and Law Treasure.

The more valuable the treasure is, the more powerful the Chaos Spirit Treasure is.

It’s okay not to incorporate it into a treasure, but it will take at least hundreds of millions of years to evolve into a real Chaos Spirit Treasure.

Wang Lin controlled the Chaos Golden Mother to swallow the Chaos Mysterious Light Sword, and then placed it next to the Chaos Tree to warm up.

He glanced at the Holy Mother of Yuanling, released the Great Dao Golden Lotus, and continued to nourish the true form of the Holy Mother of Yuanling.

After doing all this, Wang Lin said silently.

“System, open my properties panel.”

Character: Wang Lin.

Fate: variable.

luck: none.

Physique: Chaos Dao Body, Chaos Dao Pupil, Four-turn Immortal Soul.

Realm: Chaos Demon God (Peak Divine King)

Skill: Divine Level.

Exercise: Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra.

Divine Ability: Primordial Origin Wuji Sword Formation, Star Plucking Hand, Hun Tian Yi Sword, Destruction Fist, Chaos Lotus, Space Divine Pattern, Wanhua Guixu, Chaos Dao Pupil, Chaos Mysterious Light, Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death, Time Wheel , time review, one side, good fortune.

Law Treasure: Great Dao Golden Lotus, Small Spirit World, Chaos Mysterious Light Sword, Azure Lotus Sword, Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death.

Taoist companion: Our Lady of Yuanling.

“Huh? Where’s my Xian’er? And where’s the descendant panel?”

[Host, you are starting from scratch now, and the panel is regenerated. ]

The system explained.

“Is that so?”

Wang Lin murmured, and then asked quickly.

“Where is my family reward?”

[Congratulations to the host for becoming the God Wang Family, and will be rewarded with ten Primordial Origin Dao Fruits. ]

“Yes, the thing you get for free is the fragrance.”

Wang Lin happily accepted it, his eyes flashed, and a bold idea came into his mind.

A man should be at home all over the world.

He suddenly had the idea of ​​establishing a family in this universe.

I want to marry a wife and take concubines, and work hard for the continuation of human civilization.

“Secretary Xue, you should know the importance of Yuan Ling to our country. I hope you can answer me truthfully, who is Wang Lin Yuan Ling?”

In a police car outside the villa, Yang Yuyan, a policewoman from the famous town of Jinling, said seriously.

Our Lady of Yuanling is a scientific research madman, but after adopting Wang Lin, she put off all research projects.

It would be okay if I gave myself a month or two off, but if I stopped doing scientific research in the future, it would be a huge loss to the entire human civilization.

So the higher-ups asked her to come over and ask her for details.

“I do not know.”

Xue Qingqing said she knew nothing.

In fact, she has determined that Wang Lin is the long-lost son of the chairman.

However, how could she tell outsiders such a secret?

I told Lin Zhihan that it was because they were sisters, and both were secretaries trained by Our Lady of Yuanling, so they were loyal to Our Lady of Yuanling.

Knowing Wang Lin’s identity will help them serve Wang Lin better.

What if Wang Lin is taken advantage of by others?

“You really don’t know?”

Yang Yuyan said dubiously.

“really do not know.”

Xue Qingqing said distressedly.

“All right!”

Yang Yuyan obviously didn’t believe it, Xue Qingqing really didn’t know at all.

But when it came to this, she was too sensible to ask any further questions.

Yang Yuyan was silent for a moment and decided to come to inquire in person.

PS: I’m sorry, the whole chapter has been edited to pieces. .


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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