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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 235. The Dragon King Couldn’T Stand Screwing And Jumped Off The Building.

Early the next morning, Lin Chen woke up from hunger and hurried to the gate of the community to wait for the bus.

Soon, a Wuling sacred car came speeding over, happily pulling the protagonist King Bing to drive screws.

As a Transcendent Level soldier, Lin Chen was omnipotent, but he didn’t know how to screw screws in an electronics factory.

He was full of confidence and felt that with his ability, he would definitely be able to prosper and live happily in the flower city.

Lin Chen entered the electronics factory full of pride. First, he lined up for a physical examination, then was lectured by various small leaders, and then, like a sheep, he was rushed to various training rooms to sign contracts and so on.

After a set of procedures, it was already dark.

Just like Lin Chen’s face was as dark as this moment.

He had no chance to show off his abilities and was being driven around like a cow or a sheep.

Lin Chen suppressed his anger, came to the dormitory and took a look, and couldn’t help but burst out.

He is a majestic warrior king who makes countless small animals fearful of his existence.

Actually let him sleep on the top bunk?

Lin Chen turned around and left.

However, before he could walk out of the dormitory building, he fell to the ground, vomiting blood and feeling weak.

“what happened?”

“Am I poisoned? No.”

Lin Chen’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately scanned the surroundings vigilantly, thinking that an enemy was coming.

After observing for a long time, no suspicious person was found.

“Hey, I’m ready.”

Lin Chen was surprised to find that his body had recovered.

I checked carefully and found nothing wrong, as if the vomiting of blood just now was an illusion.

But the blood on the ground was red and eye-catching.

Lin Chen’s expression suddenly changed.

“What kind of poison is this? No, I have to leave quickly.”

As soon as he thought, he began to vomit blood again and became weak and weak.

After repeating it several times, Lin Chen finally confirmed that as long as he wanted to leave the electronics factory, the poison in his body would act like a curse.


This was so Anomaly… Lin Chen was so frightened that he quickly called the old man’s phone for help.

Deep in the mountains, a sloppy old man heard his apprentice’s words and decisively shut down his phone.

What kind of bullshit curse, such a 290-day fantasy, who are you kidding?

I wanted to trick the old man into going down the mountain, but I didn’t know how to find a better reason.

“Hey, hey, old man.

“Team leader, I…”

“Hey, hey, team leader…

Lin Chen rescued everyone who asked for help, and got a result that made him collapse.

Either hang up on him directly, or let him work in the electronics factory.

Lin Chen collapsed.

What Lin Chen didn’t know was that what made him despair and collapse was yet to come.

Wang Lin put a curse on him. Whenever Lin Chen dared to ask for leave and miss work, and dared to confront the line leader, the curse would make his life worse than death.

In short, what awaits Lin Chen for the rest of his life will be endless overtime and endless drilling of screws.


On the first day, King Bing rolled out of bed because he didn’t want to go to work driving screws.

Lin Chen’s face was ferocious, and he let out a miserable howl. His whole body felt like being bitten by thousands of ants, and he was rolling on the ground in pain.

Half an hour later, until Lin Chen remembered to go to work, the pain disappeared.

Lin Chen’s eyes were blood red, he was panting heavily, and his clothes were wet with sweat.

He stumbled and rolled to drive the screws.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re actually an hour late.”

When the four-eyed line leader saw this, he asked with an ugly expression.

“It’s none of your business. I can come whenever I want.”

Lin Chen’s lips curled up with a look of disdain.

Even a mere ant wants to control the King of Soldiers?

What a joke.


“If you can do it, do it. If you can’t do it, get out of here. I have a lot of people and I don’t need you.”

The line leader couldn’t help but feel angry. He had been screwing for more than ten years and had never seen such an arrogant wage earner.

Even the yellow-haired, green-haired and red-haired ones are not as arrogant as Lin Chen.

“What did you say?”

Hearing this, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and revealed his murderous intent.

It’s just that after being handsome for only a second, a wave of ice and fire appeared in his body and burned his body, and it became more and more intense.


Lin Chen gasped in pain.

After the previous two lessons, Lin (caei) Chen immediately realized that the curse had struck again.

If he doesn’t take up his post, he will definitely be tortured to the point of death.

“let me try.”

Lin Chen gritted his teeth and said.

“What are you doing? Get out of here, our factory doesn’t need you.”

The line leader cursed unceremoniously.


Hearing the word “gun”, the fire and ice intensified instantly. Lin Chen’s eyes were blood red and his body couldn’t stop trembling.

“what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing this, the line leader was stunned for a moment.

“I’m fine, let me go and drive the screws.”

Lin Chen spoke word by word through his teeth.

The line leader took a few steps back, frightened by Lin Chen’s murderous gaze.

“go there.”

He pointed to the last spot.

Lin Chen quickly took up the post, and the ice and fire immediately lessened, but did not disappear.

Lin Chen endured the severe pain and flew up his hands quickly.

The line leader looked at Lin Chen with a cold look for a while. When he saw that Lin Chen was as honest as a dog, he suddenly became angry with shame.

“This trash actually dares to scare me, let’s see how I punish you.”

The line leader doubled the speed.


“If you can do it, do it. If you can’t, get out of here.”


Lin Chen’s teeth were almost broken.


A few hours passed by in a flash. After get off work, the line leader began to use chicken feathers as arrows, spittle flying everywhere.

Lin Chen lowered his proud head, feeling unprecedentedly ashamed.

He is the king of soldiers who makes countless small animals fearful, but at this moment he is being lectured like an ox and a horse.

the next day.

Day five.

Lin Chen lost a lot of weight and his eyes were bloodshot.

tenth day.

Lin Chen’s unruly eyes became numb, as if he had lost hope in life.

Day 15.

Lin Chen collapsed and stood on the roof of the building, his eyes full of despair.

“Do I really want to commit suicide by jumping off a building?”

Lin Chen was really unwilling to do so. He had just returned after becoming famous, and he wanted to run wild in Huadu, pick up the most beautiful girls, drink the most expensive wine, and trample on the rich second generation dandy.

But before it even started, we entered hell.

Yes, in his opinion, the electronics factory is scarier than hell.

Working twelve hours a day, my hands never stopped, and even being in prison did not squeeze the labor force so much.

I go to get off work and get off work every day, and then go to get off work and work the night shift after work.

If this cycle goes on and on, is he still a human being?


Lin Chen shook his head in despair. He didn’t dare to imagine the rest of his life.

He jumped down with a numb expression and ended his life as a cow and horse.

“Alas, the old man was killed by you.”

The wretched old man lamented again and again.

The moment he saw Lin Chen, he was also tricked.

I searched many experts in the medical field, but couldn’t find any symptoms. Others just thought that their masters and apprentices were making fun of them.

“The old man was a scholar of nature. Fortunately, he worked hard for half his life and accumulated countless wealth and connections, but he died in such a miserable way.”

The wretched old man also jumped.

As long as the electronics factory is more lenient, he will not commit suicide by jumping off the building.

“Little guy, when are you going to school?”

On the sofa, Our Lady of Yuanling was wearing a light blue dress, with a slim waist, plump hips, and magnificent waves.

She had a slight smile on her face and behaved appropriately, dignified and elegant.

The white wall is like a small jade hand, very slender, with straight and rosy roots, caressing Wang Lin’s broken hair, and finally resting on Wang Lin’s face.

A pair of beautiful autumn eyes, full of watery tenderness, rosy and glossy pink lips lightly parted, and a soft and magnetic voice making people can’t help but fall into a gentle land.

However, for Wang Lin at this time, it was not attractive at all.

He didn’t even raise his eyes and said coldly and ruthlessly

“I’m not free, I won’t go, just go away.

Wang Lin held the tablet computer and concentrated on licking the bag, licking this and that, back and forth.

“Xiao Lin, be obedient and don’t play games all day long. My sister is still waiting for you to support her.”

The Holy Mother of Yuanling persuaded with a bitter face.

“If you don’t go, you go.”

“Then what is your greatest ideal?”

The Holy Mother of Yuanling slowly lured him.

She felt that Wang Lin had gone astray. At a young age, he was extremely bad and full of tricks.

And he plays games all day long, eats when he is full, goes to bed, and eats when he wakes up.

If this continues, Wang Lin will be crippled by her.

“The greatest ideal?”

Wang Lin thought about it carefully and smiled.

“My biggest ideal is to live in a place with dead vines, old trees and dim crows, fish and shrimp every day, air-conditioned wifi and watermelon, the sun sets, and I spend the money my wife makes!”


The beautiful eyes of the Virgin Mother of Yuanling widened, and she couldn’t close her mouth in shock.

Listen, is this a human being?

Be a dog in your next life.

“You, you thief, I’m really pissed off by you.”

Our Lady of Yuanling was angry, her pretty face turned red with anger, she stood up suddenly and grabbed Wang Lin’s ears.

She never thought that in the eternal universe, the hero who could instantly kill the invincible Divine King and the hard steel reincarnation Dao Venerable would have such depraved thoughts.

“Go to school quickly.”

The Holy Mother of Yuanling suddenly felt that she had a heavy responsibility. She could never let Wang Lin continue to fall. She must teach Wang Lin to become a useful person at all costs.

“Wait, let me finish the last game first.”

“Humph, I must go to class in the future and listen to the teacher’s instructions.”

Our Lady of Yuanling watched him finish the last game with a cold face, quickly helped him tidy up, and escorted him to school until he was sent to the classroom.


Everyone stared at the tall and graceful back of the Holy Mother of Yuanling until she disappeared, and then looked at Wang Lin in shock.

“Wang Lin, there have been news reports these days that you are a relative of the world’s richest man, but there are rumors on the Internet that you are the long-lost illegitimate son of the world’s richest man. Is this true?”

“I think it is definitely true. As we all know, Yuan Ling is a scientific madman. If he is not his biological son, how could he send him to school personally.”

“Congratulations Wang Lin, you finally found your mother.”

The students looked excited and started discussing in a hurry.

The eyes looking at Wang Lin were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

In the past, Wang Lin was an orphan with no money and no house. When they faced Wang Lin, they always felt a sense of superiority.

Now Wang Lin has become the person they look up to, and the reversal is so great that it makes them extremely uncomfortable.

“She is not my mother. We are just distant relatives. Don’t get me wrong.”

Wang Lin explained and left the classroom directly.

There’s nothing to say to a bunch of brats.

If I can’t stay in the villa, he can write to Xue Qingqing.

I haven’t seen this little goblin for half a month, I just miss him.

“Where is the man? Where has he gone?”

“Quickly investigate and monitor, call and inform Chief Yuan.”

Wang Lin’s departure made the entire school leaders anxious, thinking that Wang Lin had been kidnapped.

After all, the fact that Wang Lin was the illegitimate son of Our Lady of Yuanling was widely circulated on the Internet.

The Holy Mother of Yuanling did not refute the rumors. If she did not admit it, she would be acquiescing.

“You brat, go to school quickly.”

Our Lady of Yuanling was very angry.

As soon as she walked away, Wang Lin disappeared without a trace. If she hadn’t been able to contact him, she would have thought that Wang Lin had been kidnapped by spies from other countries.

After all, she has mastered the world’s top technology and is developing the third technological revolution, which has already yielded results.

Almost the whole world’s attention is focused on her.

Overtly and covertly, I don’t know how many pairs of eyes were staring at her.

“Hey, sister, if you don’t let me go home, I will go to Sister Qingqing’s house to play. Bye bye.

Wang Lin hung up the phone, and as soon as he thought about it, the happy water and snacks in the refrigerator flew to him automatically, and he continued to eat chicken.


Our Lady of Yuanling helplessly held her forehead, thought for a moment, and called the police station.

The naughty child is too wild. Since she can’t control it, let the police uncle discipline him.

ps: I have been making up for the updates I owe in the past few days. In addition, there are probably a few more chapters in the urban chapter. This was a failure and I couldn’t hold it back at the time.

There is no outline later. I am going to open a chat group and wander around the ancient world. .


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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