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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 71. Yin And Yang Are Born, And Husband And Wife Are Not Male And Female.

“Why are you following me?”

Seeing Wu Longfei catching up, Wu Sword Peak became furious.

“Of course, it’s to meet Master Wang Dan.”

Wu Longfei smiled.

“Always ruining my plans, you deserve to die.”

Wu Sword Peak wished he could kill this troublemaker with a single sword.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t defeat her.

The two arrived at the main hall, and the disciples immediately sent a message to Bing Lan.

Bing Lan furrowed her eyebrows and transmitted a message to Wang Lin.

“Let them go back and wait!”

Wang Lin replied and poured a cup of tea for Jiang Fuyuan.

“You should have broken through to the Fifth Grade alchemist by now, right?”

Jiang Fuyuan asked with certainty after taking a sip.

He was well aware of Wang Lin’s talent. The reason why he couldn’t break through to the Fifth Grade was simply due to insufficient cultivation.

Now that he had the battle power of the Empty Void Realm, it would be a breeze to refine Fifth Grade pills.

“You have a keen eye, Senior Jiang!”

Wang Lin nodded lightly.

Although he had never refined a Fifth Grade pill before, he had absorbed the insights of the Ring Grandpa and his own deductions.

Wang Lin was absolutely confident in his ability to refine Fifth Grade pills.

“As expected!”

Jiang Fuyuan exclaimed with joy, but also felt a bit regretful.

When he came to Scarlet Fire Continent to investigate the disappearance of alchemists, he unexpectedly discovered Wang Lin’s talent in alchemy. He had always wanted to take Wang Lin as his disciple, but he had been rejected all along.

It had to be said that this was a great regret in his life.

“Then will you continue to stay in Great Azure Mountain?”

Jiang Fuyuan asked.

“Of course not!”

Wang Lin replied.

Cultivation requires a massive amount of resources, and staying in Great Azure Mountain is obviously not conducive to development.

In fact, with his identity as a Fourth Grade alchemist, he could have gone to better places for development a long time ago.

However, he had a big secret on him. If his talent in alchemy was discovered, he would undoubtedly be killed.

That’s why he had been staying in this small place called Great Azure Mountain and didn’t dare to become Jiang Fuyuan’s disciple.

Now that he no longer needed to rely on his talent in alchemy, there was no need for him to stay in Great Azure Mountain anymore.

Even leaving Scarlet Fire Continent is possible.

As for where to go, “077”.

Jiang Fuyuan had asked this question, and Wang Lin didn’t understand.

He immediately said, “I plan to develop in Linghuo Continent.”

Linghuo Continent is vast and one of the continents with the most abundant spiritual energy in the Eastern Flower Great Land.

Jiang Fuyuan serves as the law enforcement elder in the Linghuo Continent Guild, which is a good arrangement.

“Very well!”

Jiang Fuyuan said several “very well” in a row, showing how good his mood was.

“Then let’s settle it like this.”

“When the time comes, I will come to you to discuss alchemy, don’t keep any secrets.”

“Definitely! I’m afraid I will still need Elder Jiang’s guidance then.”

“Good! Then I’ll go back first.”

Although Jiang Fuyuan wanted to chat with Wang Lin for a while and even discuss alchemy, Wang Lin had other important matters to attend to.

Anyway, there is still plenty of time, no need to rush.

After seeing off Jiang Fuyuan, Wang Lin sent a message for the people from the Great Martial Emperor Court to come.

Before long, Wusword Peak and Wulongfei arrived together.

“Younger generation… Greetings, Master Wang.”

When the two saw Wang Lin, a hint of shock appeared in their eyes.

It was because Wang Lin naturally exuded a terrifying aura.

His temperament was like that of a divine being, making them feel a sense of inferiority.

His blood and qi were even more terrifying, as bright as the scorching sun.

This was still because Wang Lin had already restrained himself, and they could only perceive a glimpse of his true power.

If Wang Lin fully unleashed his aura, they would probably be unable to withstand it.

It must be known that they were geniuses at the Soul Formation Realm.

The gap was too great.

The more they thought about it, the more shocked they felt.

Wang Lin didn’t look like an alchemist at all.

He looked more like an invincible genius.

“Well, please sit.”

Wang Lin nodded slightly and went straight to the point.

“Are you two here to find me for something suitable?”

“The younger generation wants to hire Master Wang as the chief alchemist for our sect. I wonder if Master Wang is interested?”

Wusword Peak said sincerely.

“Absolutely not!” Wang Lin immediately refused.

“Wang Dan Shi, I am willing to give you ten million High Grade spirit stones every year, and I will entrust all of my spirit medicine to you for refinement.

“I can even collect more spirit medicine for you to practice with, if you wish.

“Of course, if Wang Dan Shi has any conditions, please feel free to mention them. I will not delay in fulfilling them.”

Wu Sword Peak also knew that Wang Lin would not easily agree, so they offered an astronomical reward.

The spirit stones were secondary; the main focus was on the spirit medicine.

You see, alchemists do not have an endless supply of pills to refine.

If the success rate of an alchemist is not high, no one will come to them for alchemy.

They won’t even be invited to become a disciple.

After all, spirit medicine is too precious.

Only fools would spend a fortune to cultivate them.

With those resources, it would be better to hire someone who is already skilled.

Obviously, Wang Lin is that skilled person.

He claims to have a success rate of over ninety percent.

But everyone knows that Wang Lin is a generation’s grandmaster who has never failed in alchemy.

He even refines Supreme Grade pills, truly a generation’s grandmaster!

It is precisely because of this that Wu Sword Peak dares to offer such conditions.

If it were someone else, just giving them spirit stones would be considered good enough.

If they want to practice with spirit medicine, it would depend on their abilities.

“Do I still need spirit medicine to practice?” Wang Lin looked at him as if he were an idiot.

Who in this world wouldn’t want to ask him for alchemy?

He doesn’t lack spirit medicine for alchemy at all.

That mere ten million spirit stones is a joke.

Does Wu Sword Peak think that just because he stays in the Great Azure Mountain, he is an ignorant person?

“I naturally understand that Wang Dan Shi doesn’t lack business.”

Wu Sword Peak was somewhat annoyed by Wang Lin’s gaze.

But being extremely cunning, he didn’t show it.

Instead, he looked at Wang Lin with admiration and said seriously,

“However, the Great Azure Mountain is ultimately a small place. How many spirit medicines are available for Wang Dan Shi to refine?

“But in my Great Martial Emperor Dynasty, the territory is vast and boundless, with countless talented individuals and treasures of heaven and earth.

“If Wang Dan Shi is willing to become my disciple, I will collect a furnace of Fifth Grade pills for you to practice with every ten years.”

“Besides, I will also give you a Sixth Grade alchemy furnace as a gift,” said Wu Sword Peak.

Wu Sword Peak played his biggest card this time, truly going all out, not believing that Wang Lin wouldn’t be tempted.

After all, this was a win-win cooperation.

He only needed Wang Lin to refine pills for him in order to receive the benefits he promised.

As for Wang Lin’s freedom and his own acceptance of orders, Wu Sword Peak had no right to interfere.

This was a form of worship.

Of course, if Wang Lin couldn’t bring him enough value, he wouldn’t collect Fifth Grade Spirit Medicine for him.

He invited Wang Lin to make money, not to do charity.

“No need!” Wang Lin shook his head.

Wu Sword Peak truly regarded him as an ignorant nobody.

The rewards offered were indeed generous, but they held no attraction for him.

Even if they did, Wang Lin wouldn’t work for others and become a tool for their wealth accumulation.

“Master Wang, are you really not considering it?” Wu Sword Peak said with a smile, feeling resentful in his heart.

“Master Wang, I have a good relationship with Yanran, and I am willing to marry her as a concubine…”

“Impossible, give up on that idea,” Wang Lin’s gaze turned cold upon hearing Wu Sword Peak’s intentions towards Wang Yanran.

He had watched Wang Yanran grow up and treated her as his own granddaughter.

Wang Lin would never allow Wang Yanran to become someone else’s caged bird.

“Damn old man!” Wu Sword Peak cursed inwardly.

He had exhausted all his kind words, but Wang Lin remained stubborn, already on the path to death.

“Are you sure you won’t reconsider, Master Wang?” Wu Sword Peak’s face darkened, and his imperial aura emanated.

In this world, the strong were always respected.

If Wang Lin didn’t know what was good for him, Wu Sword Peak wouldn’t be polite either.

“Leave before I lose my temper,” Wang Lin glanced at the Empty Void Realm beside Wu Sword Peak and said coldly.

“Fourth Prince!” The Empty Void Realm shook his head slowly in response.

“Fine, I will leave for now, but I still hope that Master Wang will consider it carefully,” Wu Sword Peak said, putting on an unpleasant expression before leaving with a flick of his sleeve.

Before leaving, he looked at Wu Longfei with a murderous gaze.

If it weren’t for this woman repeatedly ruining his plans, he might have already taken Wang Yanran.

With Wang Yanran in his hands, even if Wang Lin doesn’t agree, he would still receive a lot of help from him.

However, now he has fallen out with Wang Lin.

“Wang Yanran…” he murmured.

It is well known that Wang Lin dotes on Wang Yanran, perhaps she is the only way to win over Wang Lin.

If that doesn’t work, he can only send someone to abduct Wang Lin.

Encountering a alchemy Grandmaster in this small place, he cannot let it go.

“I hope you don’t seek death!”

Wang Lin watched his figure and muttered to himself.

If Wu Sword Peak dares to continue bothering Wang Yanran, he wouldn’t mind killing everyone from Wu Sword Peak.

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and frowned.

“How much longer do you want to look?”

This princess with dragon horns in front of him is truly peculiar.

From the initial shock, she has been staring at Bing Lan.

What does this mean?

Although Bing Lan is stunningly beautiful, as a woman, shouldn’t she be hostile towards a woman who is equally beautiful?


This woman is too strange.

“Oh, oh, oh!”

Wu Longfei reluctantly withdrew her gaze, but couldn’t help but look again.


Too beautiful.

A perfectly voluptuous figure and an unparalleled beauty.

And those ice-blue beautiful eyes, shining like blue hair.

Every inch of Bing Lan deeply captivated her mind.

Bing Lan felt uncomfortable all over.

This little dragon girl is truly indescribable.

Ever since she first saw her, she has been pestering her like a lecherous woman.

Fortunately, she is already married and has taken refuge in Wang Lin’s palace.

Otherwise, she doesn’t dare to imagine the consequences.

“Are you still looking?”

Wang Lin was furious.

If it weren’t for the fact that Wu Longfei is a woman, he would definitely slap her to death for daring to look at his woman like this.


Wu Longfei reluctantly withdrew her gaze and looked at Wang Lin, her beautiful eyes filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

She sighed with a sense of despair.

“I have always heard that Scarlet Fire Continent has the most beautiful and unparalleled woman, with a unique charm. I have always longed for her.”

“But unfortunately, I have been occupied with affairs and didn’t have the chance to express my feelings. The beauty has already married someone else. It’s truly painful for me!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Lin’s eyelids twitched.

Longing for her? Painful for him?

Damn, you’re really a pervert…

“Husband, I have something to attend to!”

Bing Lan couldn’t stand it anymore and said a sentence before fleeing.

“A beauty is a beauty. Her back view is truly captivating!”

She murmured to herself.

“Cough, cough!”

Wu Longfei’s guardian couldn’t sit still anymore and stared at her with anger.

In her heart, ten thousand grass mud horses were galloping.

What kind of bullshit affairs is she talking about?

Isn’t this little pervert busy entangling with other beauties?

“Cough, the beauty is causing trouble!”

Seeing Wang Lin’s unfriendly expression, Wu Longfei withdrew her gaze.

Without the presence of the beauty, her intelligence returned.

She said with a serious expression.

“Wang Dan Shi, I am a disciple of the Linghuo Continent’s Heaven Severing Sect, the personal disciple of Venerable Fulong.”

“If you and I join forces and form an alliance, we can watch out for each other!”

In fact, she and the Sword Peak of Wu had the same goal, which was to subdue Wang Lin.

But seeing Sword Peak’s failure and knowing that Wang Lin wouldn’t work for anyone else, she changed her mind.

Since she couldn’t subdue Wang Lin, she might as well try to befriend him as much as possible.

It would be even better if she could get Wang Lin to refine some pills for her.

Only then would this trip not be in vain!

“What do you mean?”

Wang Lin frowned, and his impression of Wu Longfei instantly changed.

This little pervert seems quite clever.

“It’s simple. Wang Dan Shi definitely won’t stay at Great Azure Mountain forever, right?”

“And Scarlet Fire Continent is the most barren continent in the Eastern Flower Great Land. If Wang Dan Shi wants to leave, he should go to the Lingmie Continent.”

“I have some status here in the Spirit Fire Continent, maybe there’s something I can help with.”

“For example…….”

As she said this, Princess Wu Long’s eyebrows furrowed.

Suddenly, she felt a bit useless.

Because she really couldn’t think of any way to help Wang Lin.

“For example what? Please continue.”

Wang Lin stared at this little donkey with intense eyes.


Princess Wu Long awkwardly laughed.

“Wang Dan Shi, please don’t trouble me. I can’t help you, but I can run errands for you.”

Upon hearing this, the Protector covered his face.

Feeling that his face had been completely lost by Princess Wu Long.

You are, after all, the princess of the Six Star Dynasty, a disciple of Venerable Fu Long, possessing the bloodline of a true dragon. Your status is so noble.

Even a Fifth Grade alchemist would give you some face.

But you have to say such “flattering” words?

“You are quite clever, understanding what to take and what to let go of. It’s just a pity…”

Wang Lin could tell that Princess Wu Long had some tricks up her sleeve.

She just took the wrong path and mistook a tiger’s den for a dragon’s pool!

“Wang Dan Shi, you flatter me.”

Princess Wu Long’s face showed a pleased expression, then she continued.

“Wang Dan Shi, I have a good relationship with Yan Ran…”

“Shut up!”

“You get lost!”

Wang Lin’s good impression of Princess Wu Long disappeared instantly.

This woman’s mind is full of lust.

“Wang Dan Shi, I consider myself somewhat talented, and I am a good match for Yan Ran.”

“If Wang Dan Shi agrees, we can go through the three betrothals and six ceremonies, it won’t be any less!”

Princess Wu Long still didn’t want to give up.

“How can a woman like you have the audacity to say such things?”

Wang Lin was speechless.

“What’s wrong with being a woman? Wang Dan Shi, your perspective is too narrow. Women can also get married and have children.”

Princess Wu Long said unwillingly.

Wang Lin looked at her in shock, and after a while, asked.

“Are you serious?”

“Of course!”

Princess Wulong nodded earnestly and explained.

“Master Wang Dan, do you know that there is a great technique in this world that can reverse yin and yang, and transform between them?”

Wang Lin’s mouth twitched, of course he had heard of it.

The Yin Yang Holy Sect is a group of such perverts.

Women can become men, and completely transform, with a stick.

Men can become women, with three points and one form.

What’s even more terrifying is that men and women can change freely.

However, because this group of perverts has caused harm to many people, they were long ago exterminated by others.

Their inheritance has also disappeared without a trace.

Could Princess Wulong have obtained the inheritance of the Yin Yang Holy Sect?

So, is she actually a “with-a-stick”?

With this thought, Wang Lin felt uncomfortable all over, and her eyes seemed different to him.

Seeing this, Princess Wulong could easily guess that she had been misunderstood.

She sighed, shook her head, and looked sorrowful.

“Ah, if only I were a man, why would I still be single until now!”


Wang Lin nodded in agreement.

The little pervert likes beautiful girls.

If she were a man, she definitely wouldn’t disguise herself as a person.

“Never mind, whether you are a man or a woman, in any case, you can’t have any thoughts about Yanran.”

“You can leave now!”

Wang Lin waved his hand, directly dismissing them.

He couldn’t be bothered to talk nonsense with this pervert anymore.

“Master Wang Dan, love knows no gender, and I will never give up.”

As she left, Princess Wulong said with a resentful expression.

“Ah!” The guardian sighed.

Originally, Wang Lin had changed his attitude towards Princess Wulong, so it shouldn’t be a problem for her to ask Wang Lin to refine pills.

Unfortunately, Princess Wulong’s old problem recurred.

Whenever he thought of a beauty, everything else, big or small, was thrown out of his mind.

Wang Lin was shocked by Princess Wulong’s words and remained silent for a long time.

After a while, he shook his head.

“Never mind, anyway, I won’t have any further dealings with this pervert. I’ll kill Xiao Chen first!”


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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