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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 76. Chaotic Universe, Three Thousand Flying Swords

After educating Qin Miaotong, Wang Lin arrived at the Small Spirit World and silently said, “Receive the Nine Heavens Mysterious Iron!”

The moment the Nine Heavens Mysterious Iron appeared, the entire Small Spirit World trembled.

A piece of divine iron, about nine zhang high and three zhang long, stood upright.

On it were nine mysterious patterns, flowing with an extremely profound Dao Rhyme, emitting a nine-colored divine light.

Each divine light reflected a dazzling universe, like the real world.

“What’s going on?”

Zi Ling’er woke up from her drowsiness, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

When she saw the Nine Heavens Mysterious Iron, all her sleepiness vanished, and her eyes widened.

“Nine… Nine Heavens Mysterious Iron! And it’s intact…”

Zi Ling’er exclaimed, her big eyes filled with longing.

According to her inherited memories, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Iron contained the origin of the world and had complete world laws.

If she were to devour this piece of Nine Heavens Mysterious Iron, perhaps she could advance to the third-level world.

As soon as the thought arose, Zi Ling’er immediately shook her head and dismissed the idea.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Iron was so precious that it could be used to refine an Emperor Weapon, or even an Immortal Weapon.

Such a precious treasure naturally had to be used to refine a Dao Weapon that could kill and prove one’s Dao!

“What kind of weapon should I refine?”

Wang Lin’s eyes revealed a pensive look.

After a while, Wang Lin decided to refine three thousand “617” flying swords.

Doing this has its pros and cons!

The downside is that by splitting the Flying Sword, its power is greatly reduced, losing the potential of becoming an Emperor Weapon embryo, and even the possibility of advancing to a Saint Weapon.

After all, the complete laws of the Nine Heavens Profound Iron are divided into three thousand parts, and some of the laws will collapse and dissipate.

The upside, however, is that Wang Lin has the Primordial Origin Golden Cauldron, which can refine treasures of imagination through luck.

When splitting the Nine Heavens Profound Iron, it is possible to perfectly preserve the laws of the Nine Heavens Profound Iron.

If needed, it can be Integrated Union into a Flying Sword at any time, still being an Emperor Weapon embryo.

There is also one more thing, he has three thousand Starry Sky Realms, and by placing each Flying Sword in them to nurture, it will accelerate the advancement of the Flying Sword.

In addition, the Nine Heavens Profound Iron has an extremely incredible characteristic, which is the ability to integrate with all things.

It has unparalleled compatibility.

If he obtains Divine Iron in the future, he can integrate it to enhance the level of the Nine Heavens Profound Iron.

Perhaps one day, his three thousand Flying Swords can grow into three thousand Emperor Weapons.

As his thoughts turned, Wang Lin’s heart burned with excitement.

Coming to Zi Ling’er’s side, he picked her up and took out the bead.

“Ling’er, this is for you.”

Zi Ling’er swept her divine sense over it and immediately became ecstatic.

“Thank you, Master. Once Ling’er refines it, I can advance to the second-level world, and no one will be able to see my true form.”


Wang Lin’s expression brightened.

No one can see Zi Ling’er’s true identity, so Zi Ling’er’s role becomes significant.

“Mhmm! In addition, Ling’er can also enhance the world’s acceleration, reaching one-tenth of the outside world.”

Zi Ling’er nodded her little head and said seriously.

“In the future, Ling’er will be able to help the master even more.”

“Okay, okay! You should go to the Integrated Union quickly, I also want to cultivate for a while.”

Wang Lin put her down and urged her to leave.

Immediately, he threw the Nine Heavens Profound Iron into the Primordial Origin Cauldron, allowing it to automatically refine the imaginary weapons with luck.

After completing all of this, Wang Lin took out over a hundred billion High Grade Spirit Stones.

These were all Spirit Stones obtained from selling pills.

The pills he had accumulated over hundreds of years were almost sold out.

Wang Lin activated the Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra, causing the three thousand star realms within his body to roar, bursting with brilliant divine light and resonating with the Dao.

Above his head, three thousand vortexes appeared, revealing the mysterious trajectories of the Dao Rhyme, evolving into endless anomalies.

Suddenly, in the calm and peaceful Small Spirit World, three thousand stars appeared, shining alone under the sun and moon.

A towering tree seemed to penetrate the heavens and the earth, exuding a strong vitality.

In fact, these Dao manifestations could be concealed.

Because if someone saw them, they might fall into a state of enlightenment.

If it were outside, Wang would definitely not reveal these Dao anomalies.

In the Small Spirit World, there was no need to worry too much.

Consider it a small blessing he gave to the elders of the Wang Family.

“Once again, the Patriarch has given us a sermon…”

The six people practicing beside the Holy Medicine were filled with joy and quickly sat cross-legged, trying to comprehend the extraordinary phenomena displayed by Wang Lin’s Dao.

Three days later…

In Wang Lin’s eyes, the rotation of the sun, moon, and stars could be seen, as well as the birth and destruction of realms.

Taking a step out of the Small Spirit World, in an instant, he arrived tens of thousands of miles away.

Wang Lin carefully pondered the profoundness of the Empty Void Realm.

His silver hair fluttered, and a sacred radiance enveloped him, making him appear like a deity.

Within his body, the three thousand star realms had grown into a world of stars and galaxies.

The main star in each aperture had a diameter of about a thousand miles, emitting a faint starlight.

The three thousand star realms were now capable of accommodating living beings and even cultivating some Spirit Medicine.

In addition, within his Divine Sea, the divine fetus had transformed into a divine deity, merging with the Divine Sea.

His Divine Sea had now formed a chaotic universe, filled with chaotic energy, connecting the three thousand star realms and becoming a living universe.

“This is the true Empty Void Realm…”

The Dongxu Realm was the transformation of the Divine Sea into a world of creation, but other people’s worlds were merely small realms with limited potential.

But he was different.

His world had the potential to evolve into a true universe.

Moreover, in terms of combat power, the interaction between the inner and outer worlds of the Empty Void Realm, as well as the nine levels of the Empty Void Realm, made it difficult to instantly annihilate thousands of miles.

However, Wang Lin could achieve it with a single thought.

The inner world and the outer world interact, allowing Wang Lin to have a feeling of having the entire universe in his hands.

With just a gentle grip, he can crush all things and destroy heaven and earth.

At this thought, Wang Lin lets out a long roar, a surge of heroic spirit arises, as if he is standing at the peak, overlooking all the mountains.

Wang Lin’s cultivation fully unfolds, and in an instant, the colors of the world change.

Truly changing heaven and earth.

Thunder and lightning emerge in the void, and the mist of chaos fills the air.

The inner world and the outer world interact, at the pinnacle of the sky, within the vast starry sky, billions of stars descend, forming a vast and brilliant galaxy.

The starlight surges like a tide, covering the entire world.

Wang Lin steps on the galaxy, like the lord of the stars, a heavenly god descending to the mortal realm, with a majestic and awe-inspiring aura that surpasses the heavens.


With a thought, the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away instantly turn into nothingness, and ripples appear in space.

“So powerful!”

Wang Lin is ecstatic.

With his current strength, killing someone in the Empty Void Realm is just a thought.

In addition, his physical body has also undergone a sublimation through this breakthrough.

His blood and qi are like the scorching sun, and every drop of blood faintly shows the trend of “Spirit Communication”.

Perhaps in a short time, he will be able to achieve rebirth through a drop of blood.

A drop of blood can evolve into countless things, and a drop of blood can suppress formidable enemies.

What’s most terrifying is that his blood contains an indestructible divinity, even more concentrated than before.

Ordinary Divine Abilities simply cannot erase his Inextinguishable Divine Blood.

“The Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra is truly heaven-defying.”

Wang Lin is well aware that his current achievements are all thanks to the Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra…

You should know that others who want to enhance their physical bodies have to cultivate Flesh Refining techniques, consume precious materials, or refine themselves in special places.

But for him, he doesn’t need to do anything.

Just by absorbing spiritual stones, his physical body and cultivation will improve together.

“System, open my attribute panel!”

Character: Wang Lin.

Fate: Variable.

Luck: None.

Physique: Chaotic Dao Body.

Realm: First Heaven of the Void Cave Realm.

Skills: Fifth Grade Alchemist, Fourth Grade Talisman Master, Fourth Grade Formation Master, Third Grade Refiner, Third Grade Puppet Master!

Cultivation Technique: Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra.

Divine Abilities: Heavenly Guardian Sword Art, Starlight Escape, Star Plucking Hand, Chaotic Heaven Sword Art, Life and Death Prosperity, Yin Yang Breaking Heaven Force, Four Symbols Talisman Formation, Ice Lotus Law Manifestation.

Law Treasure: Chaotic Golden Lotus, Primordial Origin Cauldron, Small Spirit World, Ice Phoenix, Fourth Grade Alchemy Furnace, Fourth Grade Talisman Treasure, Three Thousand Flying Swords (Unnamed).

Dao Companions: Luo Xian’er, Qin Miaotong, Bing Lan.

“Is my flying sword refined?”

Wang Lin’s face shows joy, and in an instant, he returns to the Small Spirit World.

The Primordial Origin Ding opened, and three thousand flying swords resounded with a unique sharpness, as if they could even cleave through space.

“Hahaha! What a treasure!”

Wang Lin laughed heartily. It turned out that all three thousand flying swords were of the Low Grade Spirit Connecting Law Treasure level.

In other words, he possessed three thousand Spirit Connecting Law Treasures.

Without much thought, Wang Lin opened his hand wide and absorbed all the flying swords that were fleeing in all directions, refining them within his Three Thousand Starry Sky Realm.

Indeed, Spirit Connecting Law Treasures, or Spiritual Weapons, needed to be refined.

One month later!

Wang Lin completely refined the three thousand flying swords and named them the “Chaotic Profound Light Sword.”


Wang Lin held the sword in his hand, and the Chaotic Profound Light Sword resounded with a sword body that displayed infinite transformations, exuding an invincible and unstoppable sharpness.


The Chaotic Profound Light Sword immediately split into three thousand flying swords, soaring into the sky. The sword qi was unparalleled, as if it could pierce through the heavens and sever time and space.

“It truly is a treasure from legends…”

Wang Lin was overjoyed.

The Chaotic Profound Light Sword was even more perfect than he had imagined.

With a single thought, the three thousand swords could merge into one, becoming an Apex Level 0.6 Spirit Connecting Law Treasure.

However, it was more than ten times stronger than an Apex Level Spirit Connecting Law Treasure.

It could only be said that this was all thanks to the Primordial Origin Ding.

As long as Wang Lin made a request, the Primordial Origin Ding could perfectly refine it.

If it were to be refined by humans, even a Great Emperor would not be able to do it.

After all, preserving the laws of the Nine Heavens Profound Iron from collapsing was not something a human could achieve.

Perhaps only a true immortal could do it.

“What a pity for my luck!”

Wang Lin put away his thoughts and glanced at the Primordial Origin Ding.

Half of the luck inside had been depleted.

“It seems like I’ll have to find some protagonists again.”

Wang Lin muttered to himself.

He wasn’t interested in those so-called geniuses and prodigies.

But he was still very interested in protagonists.


Zi Ling’er appeared with a smile, jumping into Wang Lin’s embrace.

“Master, Ling’er has already advanced to the second level of time.”

“Cough cough!”

As her soft body entered his embrace and he smelled the unique fragrance on her, Wang Lin coughed lightly.

“Well, let’s go. Let’s go and annihilate the Xiao family together.”

Previously, when Zi Ling’er was in the Flower God Realm, Wang Lin had to endure.

But now, Zi Ling’er had reached the peak of the Divine Fire Realm.

Killing that old immortal from the Xiao family would be a piece of cake.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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