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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 78. Shut Up, You Are Naturally Charming And Only God Can Control You.

Wang Lin asked the people of Jade Cloud Sect to take over the Xiao family’s territory.

Some shops, auction houses, mines, as well as cultivation secret realms and Spirit Medicine, were all sold off.

Of course, Wang Lin will also provide some rewards.

He gave Jade Cloud Sect some pills, which greatly excited the members of Jade Cloud Sect.

He made sure to handle the tasks assigned by Wang Lin perfectly.

In addition, when the emperor of the Great Martial Emperor Dynasty heard that Wang Lin had destroyed the Xiao family, he executed the mother clan of the Martial Sword Peak.

He also sent envoys to apologize and gave thirty billion spirit stones as compensation.

Wang Lin obtained a massive amount of resources. After refining all the Spirit Medicine into pills, he began seclusion.

“I wonder if I can comprehend the Chaos Sword Intent…” Wang Lin muttered to himself.

He was most eager to comprehend Sword Intent, especially the Chaos Sword Intent.

What is Chaos Sword Intent?

And how should he approach it?

Wang Lin knew what Chaos Sword Intent was!

The Myriad Manifestations, the convergence of all things, is Chaos Sword Intent.

But precisely because of this, Chaos Sword Intent is too profound and extensive.

It made him unsure of where to start.

One month later!

Wang Lin successfully broke through to the fourth level of the Empty Void Realm, and his combat power increased several times over.

If he were to encounter Xiao Wan again, he could kill him with just a few moves without using the Chaos Profound Light Sword.

However, Wang Lin had no joy in his heart and shook his head.

“The Chaos Sword Intent is still far away!”

Wang Lin didn’t go into seclusion again, but went to find Bing Lan.

His cultivation level was still too low, and he couldn’t even touch the realm of Chaos Intent. Continuing to seclude himself would be useless.

On this day, Wang Yanran and Luo Xian’er returned.

Both of them had broken through to the Fetal Origin Realm.

Wang Yanran broke through to the first level of the Fetal Origin realm.

Luo Xian’er directly broke through to the seventh level of the Fetal Origin realm.

From this, it can be seen how great of an opportunity the two of them obtained in the secret realm.

In addition, the temperament of the two also underwent a tremendous change.

Wang Yanran wore a light blue long dress, with a graceful figure and exquisite beauty.

Naturally emanating from her was a noble and glamorous temperament, as if she were a Divine Maiden.

As for Luo Xian’er, she wore a flowing floral dress, resembling a celestial beauty, with a beauty that seemed unreal.

Seeing the two of them, Wang Jie’s heart was shaken and inexplicably moved.

Without needing to think, he knew that the physique of the two must have undergone a transformation.

That kind of noble and transcendent temperament can only be possessed by those with profound cultivation or an elevated physique.

It cannot be cultivated artificially.

“Luo, Lady Luo! The Patriarch has feelings for you!”

Wang Jie put away his thoughts and respectfully led the two of them into the Small Spirit World.

After pointing in a direction, he left.

“The old thief actually has a small world!”

As soon as Luo Xian’er entered, she muttered to herself.

But she didn’t think much of it either.

In her impression, Wang Lin had always been a mysterious and unpredictable boss.

So what if he had a small world?

“My Wang Family actually has a small world!”

Compared to Luo Xian’er’s calmness, Wang Yanran was shocked.

She looked around with a face full of surprise.

The spiritual energy here was very rich and pure, without any impurities.

If one were to cultivate here, their cultivation level would definitely advance rapidly.

But this idea of Wang Yanran’s was probably just wishful thinking.

The spiritual energy in the Small Spirit World is limited, and even Wang Lin himself is reluctant to absorb it, so how could he give it to others to absorb?

Unless there is a necessary breakthrough, Wang Lin would not allow others to absorb the spiritual energy of the Small Spirit World.

Currently, the main function of the Small Spirit World is to cultivate Spirit Medicine.

After all, the flow of time is ten times faster there.

Moreover, the pure spiritual energy of the Small Spirit World is very suitable for the growth of Spirit Medicine.

“I’m back!”

When Luo Xian’er saw Wang Lin, she flew over and there was no trace of her fairy temperament left.

Wang Lin lifted her legs and said with a smile, “You gained a lot from this trip to the Red Fire Secret Realm. I’m afraid it won’t be long before you catch up!”

“Hmph, of course!”

“Don’t you even know who I am?!”

Her face was filled with a happy smile.

After not seeing each other for more than two months, she finally saw the old thief she missed so much.

The old thief looks even more handsome than before!

Wang Yanran covered her face and couldn’t bear to look anymore.

Why does Luo Xian’er look like this when she sees the old ancestor?!

This doesn’t match the goddess image in her mind at all.

Qin Miaotong and Bing Lan looked a bit envious when they saw this.

They usually show great respect to Wang Lin and can be said to be very respectful.

How dare they act spoiled like Luo Xian’er?

“I know, my fairy is the most powerful!”

Wang Lin kissed her fair cheek and praised.

“Old ancestor!”

Wang Yanran felt a bit sour in her heart.

After struggling in the Red Fire Secret Realm for more than two months, she also missed the old ancestor.

But looking at Wang Lin like this, it seems like he has forgotten about her.

Wang Lin nodded, put down Luo Xian’er, and smiled.

“Yanran, you’re amazing too!”


Wang Yanran laughed, her frustration disappeared, and she happily walked up and linked arms with Wang Lin.

“Senior, I obtained a lot of Spirit Medicine in the Crimson Fire Secret Realm! Some I found myself, and some I obtained by selling elixirs.”

“Besides that, there are various treasures and divine martial arts inheritances.”

“I also found the Divine Fire Lotus!”

Wang Yanran said a lot, while Wang Lin just listened quietly, occasionally saying a word or two.


Luo Xian’er lightly coughed, her eyes indicating for the little girl to hurry up and finish explaining, then scram.

“Senior, I obtained a seed of the Golden Flame Emperor Fire!”

Wang Yanran hesitated and took out a storage ring.

A seed, which is an unformed flame.

Even so, the two of them had to exert great effort to seal it.

And among the three thousand Strange Fires, the Golden Flame Emperor Fire ranked around two thousand.

Don’t think that a Strange Fire ranking outside the top two thousand is not powerful.

In fact, any Strange Fire that can rank in the top three thousand is an extremely terrifying flame.

They all have the same potential [possibility of Infinite Evolution!

But upgrading a flame to Emperor Fire is even more difficult than refining an Emperor Weapon.

On the other hand, the ranking of Strange Fires is not based on their strength, but on the unique uses of the three thousand Strange Fires.

For example, the Ice Emperor Divine Fire, it possesses the secret of Nirvana and has both ice and fire attributes.

At the same time, it possesses a huge vitality and has the miraculous effect of healing injuries.

As for the Golden Flame Emperor Fire, it only has one effect, which is strength, and an unparalleled high temperature.

Among the three thousand flames, the power of the Golden Flame Emperor Fire can rank in the top hundred.

However, besides its strong power, it has no other effects.

While injuring others, it is also easy to harm oneself.

That’s why its ranking is so low.

People who possess the Golden Flame Emperor’s fire have always been short-lived ghosts.

This is because the Golden Flame Emperor’s fire burns constantly and needs to be suppressed with cultivation.

As a result, their cultivation progress naturally becomes slower.

This is also why Wang Yanran doesn’t want to give it to him.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to, but she’s afraid that the Golden Flame Emperor’s fire will burden Wang Lin.

In Luo Xian’er’s eyes, her thoughts are completely unnecessary.

Who is Wang Lin?

He is a terrifying existence who will become a Great Emperor in the future and has slaughtered Great Emperors.

How could he not control the mere Golden Flame Emperor’s fire?

“Very well!”

Wang Lin happily accepts it.

“You should familiarize yourselves here. Three days later, I will take you away from the Scarlet Fire Continent and head to the Spirit Fire Continent!”

After saying that, Wang Lin disappears.

For others, upgrading the flame is extremely difficult.

This is because the materials for upgrading the flame are extremely rare, even rarer than intact divine iron.

But for him, it’s too simple.

Because he obtained a technique specifically for refining and upgrading flames from the Ring Grandpa.

The Imperial Fire Medallion!

It can devour and upgrade all fires in the world!

“Why did he leave?”

Luo Xian’er stomps her foot in annoyance.

“Ha ha ha!”

Wang Yanran laughs happily.

“You brat, it’s all your fault!”

“It’s not! Clearly, it’s because you lack charm.”

“Stop messing around, quickly tell me, did you encounter any danger in the secret realm? Did anyone offend you?”

“Danger is inherent, but who am I, Luo Xian’er…..”

Wang Lin arrived in a wilderness millions of miles away, took out an ice lotus, and sealed a golden bead inside.

Wang Lin casually crushed the ice lotus, and the flame seed of the Flame Emperor’s fire burst out with a terrifying golden ripple.

Wherever it went, everything instantly turned into ashes, and the burning void twisted.

But the golden Flame Emperor’s fire posed no threat to Wang Lin, not even a drop of sweat flowed.

Wang Lin remained calm, controlling the ice and fire to devour it.

Three days later, a colorful phoenix appeared in the palm of Wang Lin’s hand.

However, the golden color was particularly dazzling, almost overshadowing the other six colors.

“Not bad! Another trump card added!”

The current Ice Phoenix, after devouring the Flame Emperor’s fire, has advanced to a second-level flame.

And it possesses the extreme high temperature of the golden Flame Emperor’s fire.

With Wang Lin’s current realm, it should not be a problem to control the Ice Phoenix and burn the Divine Fire realm.


Zi Ling’er used a secret technique to shrink her own world into a nine-colored bead and swallowed it in one gulp.

Her face was pale, and her breath was chaotic.

Obviously, using this secret technique caused her great harm.

But fortunately, with some time to recuperate, she would be able to recover.

Wang Lin brought her into the Starry Sky Realm and used Starlight Escape to leave the original location.

Wang Lin’s departure plunged the major forces of the Great Azure Mountain into despair.

Because once Wang Lin left, they would no longer be able to buy good elixirs, let alone ask Wang Lin to refine pills.

“What a disaster!”

Qin Changming was heartbroken, his eyes turning red!

Although Qin Miaotong returned the auction house to him.

But before that, Qin Miaotong had already transferred many treasures from the Qin family’s auction house.

He lost millions of spirit stones.

And he didn’t even get a single spirit stone from Qin Miaotong!

This is simply cutting his flesh!

It’s too painful!

He has lost both his daughter and his wife.

That’s right, Qin Miaotong’s mother was also taken away.

Lingzhou Alchemist Guild!

Jiang Fuyuan received a very special guest today.

How special?

Just because the other party is too beautiful and charming.

With a charming face and captivating peach blossom eyes.

Skin as smooth as jade, with a full and round figure.

Wrapped in a black veil, her snow-white skin is faintly visible.

Her voice is even more captivating, listening to it makes one’s blood boil uncontrollably.

Jiang Fuyuan couldn’t take it anymore and waved his hand.

“….Madam Qingmei, I really can’t refine the ‘Life-Retrieving Pill’ that you want. Please find someone else.”

“Master Jiang, you are being modest. Your success rate in alchemy is as high as 80%. If even you can’t refine it, then who else in this world can?”

“This pill is related to my daughter’s fate. Please lend a helping hand, Master Jiang. Qingmei will definitely offer a generous reward, and I only need one Life-Retrieving Pill.”

The woman’s face was full of worry.

“It’s not that I don’t want to help you, but I really can’t refine it.”

Jiang Fuyuan shook his head.

The Life-Retrieving Pill is a Fifth Grade pill, but its difficulty in refinement is such that even a Sixth Grade alchemist cannot refine it.

Only a Grandmaster alchemist has the possibility of refining the Life-Retrieving Pill.

“Master Jiang, please give it a try. Even if you fail, it doesn’t matter!”

Madam Qingmei bit her fiery red lips and said.

The Life-Retrieving Pill has an extremely miraculous effect, which is to return to the original and rebuild the foundation!

The reason she urgently wants to obtain the Life-Retrieving Pill is because of her unruly daughter.

Her daughter is becoming a demon.

She was born with a captivating charm that mesmerizes anyone who sees her, causing them to lose their souls and no longer desire anything else.

If this continues, her daughter will have no future (Zhao’s words).

Therefore, it is urgent to obtain a life-saving pill to remove her captivating charm and rebuild her foundation.

“Ah, the main ingredient of the life-saving pill is so precious, it cannot be wasted!”

Jiang Fuyuan shook his head, suddenly thought of something, his face brightened, and said.

“Madam Qingmei, you go home and wait, I have an old friend who should be able to refine it, and will come to Yuanzhou soon.

Upon hearing this, Madam Qingmei was stunned, then covered her mouth and giggled.

“Hehe, I wonder which master Master Jiang is referring to? I will go home and prepare, and I will definitely not let the master down!”

“Ah, you go quickly, when he arrives, I will notify you.”

“Okay, I’ll take my leave then!”

After Madam Qingmei left, Jiang Fuyuan let out a sigh of relief and said.

“This demon has such profound cultivation, almost causing me to lose my reputation!”

Madam Qingmei smiled with a charming expression and returned to the sect in a pleasant mood.

When she opened the door and took a look, she immediately became furious.

“You wicked child, who allowed you to wear women’s clothing?”

In the room, there was a strange young girl with a tail resembling a tiger, fox-like ears, and dragon horns.

She was wearing a gorgeous long dress, which perfectly outlined her slender and voluptuous figure.

The young girl stood in front of the mirror, twisting her delicate body, exuding a seductive charm.

Upon hearing the voice, she was frightened and her face turned pale.

“You wicked child, you really infuriate me!”

Madam Qingmei stepped forward and grabbed her fox ears, scolding her angrily.

Her chest was pounding like two big white rabbits, thumping.

Between her full and fiery red lips, there were countless possibilities!

“Mother, please don’t, I’m a girl, I like wearing women’s clothing, I like cute boys!”

“Shut up! You were born with a captivating charm, only a god can control you!”


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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