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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 84. Space Divine Pattern, Big Harvest

“Master, Ling’er has already devoured Grotto-Heaven!”

Zi Ling’er instantly appeared on Wang Lin’s back.

Her voice was soft and tender, her chubby little hands wrapped around Wang Lin’s neck, and she smiled and said, “Ling’er is amazing!”


Wang Ping’s pupils contracted as he stared at Zi Ling’er intently.

He couldn’t see through Zi Ling’er’s cultivation level.

And how did Zi Ling’er appear just now?

Could it be…

Wang Ping’s face turned pale.

He thought of a possibility: Zi Ling’er called Wang Lin “master.”

Could it be that Zi Ling’er is a divine beast with control over spatial talents?

So, he… has kicked the iron plate?

“Hahaha, Wang Lin, I have long known your secret. Both of you are at the Divine Fire realm, so stop pretending!”

Wang Yuanbing laughed loudly, his gaze towards Zi Ling’er filled with greed.

Supreme Grade, huh?

He had heard rumors of Wang Lin having an extraordinary wife, but now that he hadn’t seen the wife, he saw this Supreme Grade little thing instead.

“That’s right, mere Divine Fire realm is like ants in front of the Nirvana realm.”

The Wang family members were excited, their gazes towards their ancestor filled with fanaticism.

No matter how strong Wang Lin was, in the end, wouldn’t he be defeated here?

“Shut up!”

Wang Ping scolded loudly, his eyes filled with resentment.

This little beast had really caused him a great disaster. He hadn’t even investigated the other party’s background before getting himself into such a mess.

But now was not the time to teach this little beast a lesson.

His face turned pale, and he knelt down with a thud.

“I beg Grandmaster Wang to spare my life. I am willing to release my soul.”

The smiles on the faces of the Wang family members froze instantly, and their minds were filled with a loud buzzing sound.

Just now, the old ancestor who was cold and arrogant, why did he suddenly kneel down?

“No, it’s impossible!”

Wang Yuanbing shook his head in disbelief, his body trembling uncontrollably, and bloodshot eyes.

He thought of a reason why the old ancestor would kneel down, but he couldn’t accept it.

“You are quite decisive!”

“I thought you were so powerful, but I didn’t expect you to kneel like this?”

Wang Lin was somewhat surprised and mocked disdainfully.

Wang Ping was extremely arrogant just now, with a cold expression and a proud posture, looking like an unparalleled powerhouse.

However, before the fight even started, Wang Ping kneeled.

It can be seen how afraid of death Wang Ping is.

“Uh, it’s the fault of this humble one! Please spare this dog’s life, papa papa!”

Wang Ping’s expression froze, and then he slapped himself, showing a humble and pleading look.

Although he felt extremely ashamed in his heart, he really didn’t want to die.

He had worked hard and experienced countless hardships to break through to the Nirvana Realm, and he still had tens of thousands of years of lifespan. How could he die!?


Seeing that even the old ancestor kneeled, the Wang family members understood that they had kicked an iron plate.

“Please spare us, Grandmaster Wang!”

Everyone knelt down and begged for mercy, without a trace of their previous arrogance.

They were as humble as dogs.

“It’s over!”

Wang Yuanbing felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his mind went blank, and his body couldn’t stop trembling.

He didn’t kneel.

Because he knew that Wang Lin would never let him go.

“It’s my fault that I caused trouble for the Wang family…”

Thinking that he had brought the Wang family all the way here to deliver heads, Wang Yuanbing’s face twisted, filled with regret and self-blame.

“You people from the Wang family…”

Seeing the Wang family members kneeling without hesitation, without any backbone, Wang Lin shook his head.

The world is really difficult.

“Ling’er, kill them all and throw their flesh and blood into the formation.”


Zi Ling’er nodded, puffed her chubby little mouth, and blew a breath.

In an instant, the space cracked open, and thunder and lightning emerged from the void, revealing a world-ending aura.


Wang Ping’s eyes widened, feeling the imminent threat of death. A strong will to survive drove him to unleash multiplied combat power.

With a sword, he cleaved through the collapsing void and leaped, attempting to escape through the newly opened passage.

However, the collapsing space seemed like an infinite box, layer upon layer.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wang Ping, as if possessed by madness, swung his sword continuously, infinite sword light being instantly devoured by the space.

And as the space collapsed, the immense force of compression caused his body to rupture, blood gushing out.


Wang Ping’s bones shattered, his eye sockets split open, and he struggled to speak.

“Master, spare this old servant. This old servant is willing to release his soul and let the master plant a slave mark.”

However, no one responded to his words.


In despair, Wang Ping’s body exploded. In the face of absolute power, he had no resistance, and his soul was pulled away by a force.

With a wave of Zi Ling’er’s small hand, she captured the souls of everyone and sealed them in a jade bottle.

She didn’t forget that Tian Lin needed souls for cultivation.

“The power of space!”

Wang Lin’s eyes flickered with divine light as he activated the Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra, deducing Zi Ling’er’s spatial Divine Ability.

He couldn’t replicate the colorful divine light of Zi Ling’er, as it didn’t belong to the realm of Divine Ability.

That was the combination of Divine Ability and Law Treasure.

But now, Zi Ling’er’s spatial Divine Ability that she displayed, he could attempt to replicate.

“Ling’er, don’t kill him for now.”


“Ah, shameless old thief, you deserve to die. Why did you pretend to be weak…”

Wang Yuanbing looked at the people around him exploding one by one, unable to help but roar.

If I had known earlier that Zi Ling’er was a powerful being above the Nirvana realm, he would never have provoked Wang Lin.

If his son had been killed, he would definitely have come to apologize with a generous gift.

“Wang Lin, I curse you to die under the Thunder Tribulation…”

Wang Yuanbing was furious, his eyes filled with resentment, uttering the most malicious curse in the world.

“I don’t have Thunder Tribulation!”

Wang Lin’s eyes revealed the scene of the collapse of space, and his hand emitted overlapping ripples.

These were spatial god patterns.

He currently couldn’t just blow air and unleash spatial power.

In fact, Wang Lin hadn’t comprehended the laws of space at all.

He only copied the spatial runes through a clever method and named it spatial god patterns.

In other words, Wang Lin understood the laws of space without knowing why.

The laws of space were ultimately too high-level, and his current realm was simply not enough to deduce them.

Wang Lin’s palm displayed layers upon layers of space, carrying unparalleled power.

Before his palm arrived, Wang Yuanbing’s body had already been crushed.

With a loud bang, Wang Yuanbing’s body exploded, and his soul was captured by the giant hand.

“So powerful!”

Wang Lin was somewhat shocked. Wasn’t spatial power too terrifying?

It should be noted that Wang Yuanbing’s combat power index was slightly stronger than his if he didn’t use the Chaos Profound Light Sword.

However, at this moment, he was easily killed by Wang Lin.

“Truly worthy of the King of Laws!”

Without much thought, Wang Lin immediately used soul-searching technique on Wang Yuanbing.

After a while, he directly absorbed and refined his soul.

Wang Lin’s cultivation soared, breaking through to the early stage of the Empty Void Realm in an instant.

“Ling’er is amazing!”

Wang Lin excitedly touched Zi Ling’er’s purple hair.

Zi Ling’er was currently at the mid-level of the second stage of the world, and she had already mastered spatial power.

If she were to break through to the third stage of the world, would she be able to control the power of time?

Perhaps Zi Ling’er already had mastery over it.

With this thought, Wang Lin picked up Zi Ling’er and asked.

“Ling’er, do you have the power of time?”


Zi Ling’er looked delighted.

Wang Lin felt a bit disappointed and asked, “Then how did you master the power of space?”

“I don’t know, I just learned it after taking a nap.”

She is the Spirit of the World, she doesn’t need to cultivate or comprehend anything.

As long as the world becomes stronger, she will become stronger.

She possesses all the great powers of the world.

It’s just that her current strength is too low to be displayed.


Wang Lin didn’t ask any further,

He waved his hand and the sky filled with blood mist rushed towards the formation.

He also collected storage rings, spiritual weapons, and so on.

“Now we’re going to get rich!”

With the wealth of the Wang family accumulated over tens of thousands of years, Wang Lin couldn’t contain his excitement.

“Let’s go! The Wang family has a Grotto-Heaven world!”

Wang Lin’s heart moved, he displayed the spatial runes and directly captured Zi Ling’er in the palm of his hand.

Looking at the Zi Ling’er the size of an ant, Wang Lin couldn’t help but laugh.

In a few thoughts, they arrived at the Wang family.

Without hesitation, he stepped in and unleashed a massacre.

Before the Wang family members could figure out what was happening, their bodies exploded.

The protective formation didn’t have time to activate, and the Wang family turned into a river of blood.

Wang Lin arrived at the heart of the formation and cast various spells.

These were the seals to control the formation, which Wang Lin learned from searching Wang Yuanbing’s soul.


The formation hummed and burst into a brilliant light, shooting straight into the sky.

The originally wide-open gate closed instantly.

The Wang family occupied an area of hundreds of thousands of miles, with three hundred Spirit Medicine gardens.

There are various cultivation treasures.

In such a treasure land, Wang Lin naturally doesn’t want to destroy it.

If he were to auction it off, he could at least sell it for billions of spirit stones.

Wang Lin quickly opened the Wang family’s treasure vault and took away all the treasures, including some Spiritual Weapon attics.

In addition, there are three Low Grade spirit veins underground, providing spiritual energy to the entire clan’s land.

There is a Middle Grade spirit vein in the Grotto-Heaven.

Spirit veins are treasures with spirituality, containing pure and immense spiritual power.

With one Low Grade spirit vein, the emitted spiritual energy can support the cultivation of five people in the same virtual realm.

Of course, the spirit veins can also be directly refined.

However, no one would do that.

Because spirit veins have spirituality, they can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to evolve.

Unless there is no other choice, no one would refine or sell spirit veins.

Wang Lin broke the formation that imprisoned the spirit veins and captured a hundred spirit veins with his hands.


The spirit veins are tens of thousands of meters long, like giant dragons, with a body like glass, emitting bursts of spiritual mist.

As soon as they appeared, they struggled to fly away.

“Such a good thing! I’ve heard of spirit veins in the world, but I’ve never seen one before.”

Wang Lin’s expression was excited as he quickly placed restrictions on the spirit veins and stored them in his Starry Sky World.

Then, following the same method, he extracted all the remaining spirit veins.

As for the Spirit Medicine Garden, Wang Lin directly moved the three hundred Spirit Medicine Gardens, along with the spiritual soil, into his Starry Sky World.

Suddenly, the originally lifeless planet became vibrant.

“Ling’er, how long will it take for you to refine the Grotto-Heaven?”

After completing all this, Wang Lin asked through voice transmission.

“This Grotto-Heaven is too small. I can refine it in half a day.”

“Half a day? Then you can refine it here yourself, and after you’re done, you can go back on your own.”

The Wang family has a total of two hundred and thirty spirit stone mines, including one hundred High Grade and two Supreme Grade.

There are also many iron mines, cultivation sites, as well as Spirit Medicine Gardens, shops, and auction houses, and so on!

If he doesn’t act quickly, once others realize it, they will definitely make a move to snatch it.

Of course, Wang Lin can’t snatch that much either.

He killed people for the vein and moved the vein into the Starry Sky Realm.

However, he couldn’t take over the shops and auction houses.

There is only one reason, lack of manpower.

But he can still plunder.

Wang Lin was busy, but Tianlei Mountain exploded.

Everyone rushed to the scene to check the situation and see if there were any storage rings on the ground.

“How did Grandmaster Wang kill that old guy, Wang Ping? I was too far away at the time, I couldn’t see with my divine sense.”

“I don’t know.”

“Could it be that Grandmaster Wang is a Nirvana Realm powerhouse?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then tell me, will Grandmaster Wang spare the Wang family? Ah, I envy them so much, with so many veins and shops. If only I could have one.”

“Hey, where are you going? Don’t leave! Wait for me!”

Mrs. Qingmei, who hurriedly arrived, looked at the mess in front of her, leaving her bewildered.

Listening to the discussions around her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“As long as the old thief is fine.”

“Father, did you see it?”

In the sky, a slightly ugly young man asked a fat middle-aged man.


Cao Wangwang shook his head.

At that time, this area was isolated by a force, and he couldn’t see anything at all.

When he tried to forcefully break through with his divine sense, he was warned by the other party, so he had to give up.

Now, thinking back, he felt a sense of fear.

That divine sense was too powerful, he felt that the other party might be a Dao Platform Realm powerhouse.

Only a Dao Platform Realm powerhouse could kill Ban in an instant.

As for a higher realm, it seemed unlikely.

After all, Wang Lin didn’t have any shocking background. Having a Dao Platform Realm as a backing was already unimaginable.

“Ah, it’s a pity. Such a good opportunity, but I couldn’t seize it.”

Cao Wangwang regretted a bit. If he had acted earlier, he could have gained a favor from Wang Lin.

It seems like I’ve come here for nothing.

“Father, do you think our Cao family can get involved and have a share of the pie?”

Cao Mingqi’s heart moved, his eyes filled with excitement as he asked.


Cao Wangwang’s eyes lit up, then he shook his head and revealed a meaningful smile.

“No, our Cao family is known for doing good deeds. How can we engage in such robbery?”

Upon hearing this, Cao Mingqi’s expression became anxious. However, he also knew his father’s character and understood that he would never do anything against principles.

After pondering for a while, he said with some reluctance,

“Father, we can use spirit stones to purchase some shops and mines.”

“My son, you have a point! So, how many spirit stones do you think would be appropriate?”

Cao Wangwang said leisurely.

“For the shops and mines around the Riyao Mountain Range, I think ten billion high-grade spirit stones should be enough…”

Cao Mingqi’s face showed a pained expression. It was clear that they could have just taken them by force, but now they had to pay with spirit stones.

However, when he thought about their value, Cao Mingqi didn’t feel as pained anymore.

After all, leaving aside the price of the shops, the treasures inside them alone were worth tens of billions of high-grade spirit stones.

And there were also three high-grade spirit stone mines, which were worth at least several hundred billion high-grade spirit stones.

As for whether the Wang family would sell them or not, there was no need to worry about that at all.

Now that the Wang family was finished and everyone was pushing for it, they would have to sell them even if they didn’t want to.

“No, the price is too high. We can’t disrupt the market order. Go and investigate first before making any decisions.”

“In my opinion, a few million should be enough for the shops in the Yamada area.”

Cao Wangwang shook his head repeatedly.


Cao Mingqi was stunned. That was something worth several hundred billion. Did he really mean to buy it for just a few million?

Are you sure you’re not joking?

Or is it that you only want one shop?

Seeing his father’s serious expression, he understood.

Excitedly, he sent a message to the family.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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