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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 86. Auction, Wang Yanran’S Cool Operation

The Wang Family’s auction was grand and almost all the cultivators who could make it came.

“Ah, the auction venue is still too small after all.”

Wang Jie glanced at the crowded auction and felt a bit distressed.

Although the auction could accommodate 100,000 people, there were still millions of people outside.

It should be noted that the auction tickets could be sold for more than 10,000 High Grade Spirit Stones each.

It can be said that just by selling tickets, the Wang Family made a fortune.

“Still small?”

Lady Qingmei was a bit speechless.

An auction with 100,000 people is already a large-scale auction.

But considering that a single hall ticket was being scalped for 100,000 High Grade Spirit Stones.

She fell silent for a moment and nodded.

“It is indeed not enough.”

A pained expression appeared on Lady Qingmei’s charming face.

If this auction could be built larger and the auction time extended a bit more.

Then they would truly make a killing.

With this thought, Lady Qingmei furrowed her delicate eyebrows and said unwillingly.

“How many First Grade Pills do you have? If there are a lot, perhaps we can hold a few more auctions and collect more ticket sales.”


Wang Jie was taken aback.

Is that possible?

Upon careful consideration, it seemed like there was nothing wrong with it.

They did have a lot of First Grade Spirit Pills, Spiritual Weapon Talismans, and so on, piled up like mountains.

So, this wouldn’t be considered cheating, right!?

“Lady Qingmei’s suggestion is good, I will make arrangements right away.”

Wang Jie was overjoyed and excitedly went to sell tickets.

“Everyone, my name is Wang Yanran. I will be hosting the auction of Spirit Pills in this auction.”

Wang Yanran, dressed in a beautiful dress, showcased her graceful figure to the fullest.

Standing on the high platform, her exquisite and flawless face, smooth skin, and cold temperament made her seem like a fairy from the solitary Guanghan Palace.

“So beautiful…”

Everyone’s gaze was instantly captivated, staring infatuatedly at Wang Yanran.

“This woman should only exist in heaven…”

Long Yangping’s eyes flickered, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

From the naturally revealed transcendent temperament of Wang Yanran, it is not difficult to guess that she definitely possesses a Divine Body.

Below the Divine Body, it is impossible to possess such temperament.

“What kind of treasure can transform a Six Star Ice Spirit Body into a Divine Body….” he murmured.

“So beautiful….”

Cao Mingqi looked at Wang Yanran with an infatuated expression.

“Hey, foolish child!”

Cao Wangwang shook his head, his eyes somewhat gloomy.

Originally, he was fully confident about the marriage between his son and Wang Yanran.

After all, his Cao family is a Seven Star family.

Wang Lin, who had just arrived, definitely needed strong support.

It was just right to form a marriage alliance with his Cao family.

He would also propose some conditions through this.

But he never expected that he came with full confidence, only to not even see Wang Lin’s face.

Helpless, he could only go find Wang Jie.

But Wang Jie, this insignificant person, ignored him as well.

Now that he saw Wang Yanran, who was so outstanding, the marriage alliance was basically hopeless.

After all, the Wang Family lacked strong individuals and urgently needed to cultivate them.

How could they possibly marry her off?

“Let’s give it another try!”

Cao Wangwang secretly thought.

Since everyone was here, he couldn’t just give up like this, he was really unwilling.

Moreover, if things worked out, his Cao family would make a big profit.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the first auction item is the Supreme Grade Qi and Blood Pill.”

Wang Yanran paused for a moment, swept her gaze around, waved her jade hand, and ten exquisite jade boxes appeared on the auction stage.

Each box contained nine blood-red pills, round and full, emitting a misty red light.

Just taking a breath of it would make one’s blood and qi boil, and the body would feel a wave of desire.

“Supreme Grade Qi and Blood Pill….”

The crowd’s gaze was fervent, their eyes shocked as they looked at the ten boxes of pills.

Those who could enter the auction were all wealthy and influential people.

Naturally, they had not consumed any less First Grade Spirit Pills for qi and blood.

However, Supreme Grade Qi and Blood Pill, let alone eating it, they haven’t even seen it before.

Because the Grandmaster who can refine Supreme Grade pills is extremely rare.

Even if they occasionally refine it, it has long been eaten by someone else.

Now that they have seen the Supreme Grade pill, it can be considered an eye-opener for them.

Even if they have already reached the Violet Palace realm or the Fetal Origin realm, the Supreme Grade pill still has an effect on them, albeit a small one, slightly strengthening their qi and blood.

Even so, it is still quite astonishing.

After all, cultivation is as difficult as reaching the heavens, so any improvement is a big step forward.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Seeing that enough attention has been attracted, Wang Yanran knocked on the hammer and opened her red lips.

“I won’t waste time with unnecessary words. Ten boxes of Qi and Blood Pills will be auctioned together, with a starting price of one million High Grade Spirit Stones per box! The top ten bidders will win!”

“I bid three million!”

“Four million!”

“Five million!”

“Fifteen million!”

As Wang Yanran’s voice fell, everyone started bidding.

“I bid thirty million High Grade Spirit Stones, I want them all.”

In the hall, a young man spoke loudly.

This price is definitely sky-high.

It should be noted that a High Grade Qi and Blood Pill only sells for a thousand High Grade Spirit Stones.

But for some people, it is not high at all.

As long as it can improve their cultivation without side effects and have a chance to break through the physical limitations, it is worth any price.

With ten boxes of Supreme Grade Qi and Blood Pills, the family can cultivate dozens of even more outstanding Shedding Mortality realm geniuses.

And all they need to pay is some spirit stones.

Spirit stones are nothing, they can always earn more.

“There are no more bids?”

Seeing that no one else was bidding, Wang Yanran asked, and then excitedly made the final decision with a hammer strike.

“Alright, these ten boxes of Qi and Blood Pills belong to this Fellow Daoist!”

Thirty million, ah.

The cost of the Spirit Medicine for one furnace of Blood Qi Pills is only a little over three hundred High Grade Spirit Stones.

Now it can be sold for 30 million.

How many times has it multiplied?

Wang Yanran pursed her rosy lips, her math skills were not good, and for a moment she couldn’t figure it out.


The corners of everyone’s mouths twitched.

Don’t you knock a few times before making a final decision?

Did you forget the auction process?

It’s not that they don’t want to bid, they’re just hesitating about how much is appropriate to bid.

Now it’s good.

They were completely stumped by this amateur Wang Yanran.


The young man Lei Renbao laughed triumphantly.

This time he made a big profit.

Originally, he planned to bid up to 5,000 High Grade spirit stones.

This was considering the situation of competing for higher level elixirs.

But unexpectedly, Wang Yanran didn’t understand the auction process at all, and she gave him a big advantage all at once.

If the elders at home knew, they would definitely praise him greatly.


Long Yangping clenched his fist and cursed through gritted teeth.

It’s unclear who he was cursing.

Regret filled Long Yangping’s eyes.

If only he hadn’t hesitated.

“Congratulations, Fellow Daoist.”

Wang Yanran smiled at him.

Where did she not understand the process?

She just wanted to establish a hot-headed character, that’s all, it’s her style.

People are impulsive when it comes to spending money.

You must not let others hesitate.

Although it seems like she lost this time, she will make double the profit in the subsequent auctions.

Thinking like this, Wang Yanran waved her jade hand and another hundred boxes appeared.

Each box contained nine First Grade Supreme Grade elixirs.

They were all elixirs that solidify the foundation and cultivate the primordial spirit, the most coveted Supreme Grade elixirs in the Shedding Mortality realm.

“Returning Yuan Pill, Cultivating Yuan Pill, Origin Returning Pill, Increasing Yuan Pill, Essence Yuan Pill, Stabilizing Yuan Pill…”

The crowd exclaimed in shock, their eyes filled with astonishment as they looked at the spiritual pills, then at Wang Yanran.

Even though it was rare, there were instances where ten boxes were auctioned together.

But now, a hundred boxes were being auctioned together, and they were ten different types of spiritual pills.

What are you trying to do?

Do you even understand auctions?

“Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, the starting bid for each box of Supreme Grade Pill is one million High Grade Spirit Stones.”

“The auction begins now!”

Wang Yanran said loudly.

“I bid ten million High Grade Spirit Stones!”

“Twenty million High Grade Spirit Stones!”

“Fifty million High Grade Spirit Stones!”

After witnessing Wang Yanran’s bold move, everyone no longer hesitated and began to compete in bidding.

“Father, aren’t we going to make a move?”

Cao Mingqi became anxious.

“Why are you panicking? Remember, those who achieve great things remain calm even in the face of thunderous surprises. That is the way of an immortal.”

Cao Wangwang scolded, a smile appearing on his face.

“Wang Yanran doesn’t understand the rules. Don’t the people of the Wang Family understand either? Would they engage in a losing deal?”

“Oh? What do you mean, father?”

Cao Mingqi’s mind stirred as he asked.

“Wang Lin’s alchemy skills are definitely not as simple as an ordinary Grandmaster. You can tell from Wang Yanran’s indifferent attitude.

“Perhaps Wang Lin can mass produce a second-grade Supreme Grade Pill. So, don’t panic. Let them bid first, and the price will definitely come down in the end.”

Cao Wangwang spoke with an air of confidence, as if he held all the cards.

“Hehe, I see now!”

Long Yangping, seeing this, immediately revealed a knowing smile, exuding a sense of control.

Clearly, he and Cao Wangwang had both guessed Wang Yanran’s intentions.

They no longer rushed to bid, patiently waiting for a bargain.

“Let’s wait a little longer before making a move!”

In the private room, many young people stood with their hands behind their backs, appearing calm and composed.

Sure enough, after Wang Yanran finished auctioning off these hundred boxes, each one selling for fifty million, she brought out another two hundred boxes.

At this point, even the most impulsive person could see what was going on.

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

“Do you all not like it anymore? Then forget it.”

Seeing this, Wang Yanran sneered in her heart.

She quickly finished speaking and didn’t wait for everyone to respond before putting away the elixir.

It’s impossible to sell it cheaply.

She just took it out to show everyone.

It’s obvious that Wang Family has plenty of Supreme Grade elixirs. If you want to buy them, then offer the corresponding price.

Otherwise, go find a cool place to stay.

Everyone felt like crying but had no tears.

What kind of auctioneer have they encountered?

Although she looks very pleasing to the eye, can they change to someone else?

She really messes with people’s mentality.

“This is a Second Grade True Yuan Pill. Hurry up and make your bids, I still need to go back and cultivate.”

Wang Yanran took out a hundred boxes of Supreme Grade True Yuan Pills and urged.

Everyone was speechless when they saw this.

She actually urged them. Don’t they need to consider it?

They’ve never seen such an unconventional auctioneer.

They quickly made their bids, but their offers were very rational.

It’s good to have a cultivation boost without side effects, but they also need to consider if it’s worth it.

“Good! The auction for Low Level Spirit Pills ends here. Next, we will auction off the treasure pills that are of great use to all of you.”

The auction process was very fast, and a thousand or more boxes were auctioned off in half an hour.

If it were left to other auctioneers, it would take at least a few days.

From this, it can be seen how efficient Wang Yanran is.

Of course, the reason why Wang Yanran did this is mainly because the people present are all wealthy.

If everyone didn’t have money, they would definitely have to auction off one by one to get a good price.

“There are a total of one hundred Supreme Grade Soul Nourishing Pills, and the starting price for each pill is fifty million High Grade Spirit Stones. You can make your bids now.”

“I bid sixty million High Grade Spirit Stones!”

As soon as Wang Yanran finished speaking, everyone excitedly made their bids.

Soul Nourishing Pills are Third Grade spirit pills that have the effect of strengthening the soul.

They can also enhance one’s comprehension to some extent, because when the soul becomes stronger, comprehension will also improve.

Even if it’s a Low Grade, it can still sell for millions of High Grade spirit stones.

The effect of a Supreme Grade soul-nurturing pill is unknown, but it’s definitely much stronger than a Low Grade.

“We must buy it!”

Someone said with red eyes.

You see, the most important thing for cultivators is their soul.

With a powerful soul, not only does their combat power increase exponentially, but they can also quickly break through realms.

Faced with such a precious pill, no one can resist.

There’s one more thing, the main spirit medicine used to refine the soul-nurturing pill is the soul-nurturing grass.

But the soul-nurturing grass has extremely harsh living conditions and is almost impossible to cultivate artificially.

This indirectly leads to the rarity and preciousness of the soul-nurturing pill.

“I bid 110 million!”

“130 million…”

“Come on, everyone, there’s only a hundred of these soul-nurturing pills, if you don’t act fast, they’ll be gone.”

Seeing the bidding trend decreasing, Wang Yanran hurriedly urged.

“I bid 150 million! I only want one!”

Someone gritted their teeth.

“I also bid 150 million, I want two!”

“I want three!”

While the soul-nurturing pill is indeed very precious, if the price is too high, they can’t afford it.

Because the family cannot spend a huge price for just one person.

On a personal level, they don’t have that many spirit stones.

“Good! Sold.”

Seeing everyone biting the bullet and bidding 150 million, Wang Yanran didn’t say anything more and sealed the deal.

“Heh, a bunch of fools!”

Some people who thought they had seen through Wang Yanran sneered with disdain.

They believed that Wang Yanran was just tricking them.

The Wang Family must have a large number of Supreme Grade pills, otherwise they wouldn’t auction off hundreds of them all at once.

You see, at other auctions, Supreme Grade pills are usually the grand finale.


Successively auctioning off more than a dozen types of spirit pills, Wang Yanran received a transmission from Wang Jie and immediately changed her statement.

“Next up is the grand finale of this auction.”

Actually, she wanted to say that the auction would include the Jade Clear Pill and then the Exquisite Pill.

However, Wang Jie actually said that these two elixirs have already been given away, so we can only bring out the finale elixir.


Upon hearing the words “finale elixir,” Cao Mingqi couldn’t sit still.

You should know that those elixirs are very effective for him.

He thought that with Cao Wangwang, a Transcendent Level expert, he would be able to gain a lot!

However, Wang Yanran unexpectedly said they were sold out. How could he remain calm?

“Sit down!”

Cao Wangwang scolded, took a sip of tea leisurely.

“She didn’t say there was only one finale item. Throughout history, auctions have always sought to make huge profits. The finale can be one item or a hundred items. They are not honest in these matters.”


Cao Mingqi was stunned for a moment, then looked at his father with a strange expression.

Other auctions may have ten finale items or a hundred finale items, but it seems that only you have done it, right?


Long Yang raised his eyebrows and then relaxed.

“I want to see how many finale items you have.”

“Their wallets must have been emptied by you, right? Hehe, I have to thank you.”

Wang Yanran glanced around and said in a deep voice.

“I don’t know if you have heard of the Thunder Spirit Pill?”

“Thunder Spirit Pill? Is Miss Wang referring to the Thunder Spirit Pill refined from Thunder Spirit Grass?”

After a moment of contemplation, everyone’s eyes became fiery.

The Thunder Spirit Pill can enhance the physique, cleanse the soul, and has a chance to transform the physique.

Of course, they have heard of it.

Although it is a Third Grade pill, it is very difficult to refine.

The energy of Thunder Spirit Grass is extremely violent, and its compatibility is very poor. It is easy to explode, even Fifth Grade alchemists find it difficult to refine, and they are unwilling to do so.

In addition, Thunder Spirit Grass also has some medicinal properties, but the side effects are not significant, and the effect is very strong, strengthening the physical body.

Therefore, those who obtain Thunder Spirit Grass directly consume it, which eventually led to the loss of the Thunder Spirit Pill formula.

“That’s right!”

Wang Yanran smiled slightly, like a blooming fairy flower, stunningly beautiful.

However, at this moment, no one paid attention to her beauty.

They only wanted to obtain the Thunder Spirit Pill, to elevate their physique and become extraordinary geniuses.

“Miss Wang, please bring out the Thunder Spirit Pill quickly.”

The more they thought about it, the more excited they became, their eyes turned red, and their breathing became rapid.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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