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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 87. The Auction Ends, The Chaos Sword Intent, And Divine Ability Return To Ruins.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please hold on for a moment!”

Wang Yanran’s beautiful eyes flickered, her voice clear and crisp, like a heavenly sound.

“This Thunder Spirit Pill is an ancient pill formula, and its effectiveness has not been weakened.”

“When taken by someone in the Soul Formation Realm, the effect will be much worse. When taken by someone in the Empty Void Realm or above, it will have no effect.”

“When taken by someone in the Fetal Origin Realm or below, the effect is optimal. If a person with a Six Star talent takes one, they will definitely be able to evolve into a One Star talent.”

“For those with a talent level above Six Stars, they should take several pills to evolve once.”

“I just took a little more Thunder Spirit Pills and transformed from an Ice Spirit Body to a Nine Star Ice Emperor Divine Body.”

This statement is completely nonsense.

Wang Yanran was able to transform into an Ice Emperor Divine Body because she took a pill that underwent a qualitative change.

But there is one thing she didn’t make up.

Due to the difficulty in refining Thunder Spirit Pills, they have been simplified several times.

Even so, not many people can refine them.

The compatibility of Thunder Spirit Grass is just too poor, its medicinal properties are violent, and a slight mistake can cause an explosion.

The Thunder Spirit Pills she auctioned off, however, were not weakened in the slightest.

Eating more Thunder Spirit Pills can indeed transform a person into a Nine Star Divine Body.

Wang Jie is a good example.

After taking the Heavenly Thunder Fruit and becoming a Six Star Thunder Spirit Body, he ate nine Supreme Grade Thunder Spirit Pills.

Combined with the assistance of the Emperor’s Yin-Yang Art and Thunder God’s Essence, he directly transformed into a Nine Star Thunder Body.

Therefore, in order to sell at a good price, she must explain clearly.

“Is it fake?”

Someone asked incredulously.

Items that can evolve one’s physique to One Star are already at the level of Divine Medicine.

Items that can evolve into a Divine Body are even rarer.

Yet Wang Yanran actually claimed that Thunder Spirit Pills could achieve this.

Why does it sound so fake?

“Ancient Thunder Spirit Pills originally have the effect of rebirth and purifying the soul. If you don’t believe it, you can go back and check the records.”

Wang Yanran answered seriously.

“Even so, it’s impossible to transform into a Divine Body.”

Someone hesitated and said.

Exaggeration by auctioneers is already a common occurrence.

So he didn’t believe Wang Yanran’s nonsense at all.

If it were so easy to transform into a Divine Body, wouldn’t everyone in the Wang Family be a Divine Body?

Regarding this, Wang Yanran remained unchanged and calmly replied, “Then you don’t have to buy it!”

That makes sense.

He couldn’t find a reason to refute it.

“It seems to be true!”

Long Yangping’s expression was excited.

The forces behind him had investigated the Wang Family and knew that Wang Yanran was a Six Star Ice Spirit Body.

They also knew that many elders of the Wang Family had no hope of breaking through to the Fetal Origin Realm.

But now they had all broken through.

This must be because of the Thunder Spirit Pill.


“How many Thunder Spirit Pills did you take to transform into a Divine Body? It would be great if you could give them all to me.”

Long Yangping looked at Wang Yanran with jealous and resentful eyes.


Cao Mingqi looked at his old father with rapid breathing.

“Calm down!”

Cao Wangwang took a sip of tea and calmly said, “The Wang Family definitely has many Thunder Spirit Pills. Let them make an offer this time, and we’ll make our move next time.”

Wang Yanran answered a few more questions before slowly taking out three jade boxes.

With a gentle touch, a burst of radiance instantly surged out.

In each box lay three purple elixirs, emitting a hazy radiance.

The rich medicinal fragrance instantly filled the entire auction.

Everyone’s pores opened wide as they greedily absorbed the medicinal aura.

“Quick, close it! Don’t let the medicinal power dissipate.”

At this moment, an old man shouted.

Wang Yanran was taken aback, then quickly closed the boxes and asked, “Do you believe it now?”

“We believe, we believe!”

Everyone nodded repeatedly. Just by inhaling the medicinal fragrance, they felt as if their bodies and souls had been sublimated.

They still didn’t believe that it could help people transform into a Nine Star Divine Body, but they believed that it could evolve and transform their physical constitution.

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In the private room, Jiang Fuyuan expressed his dissatisfaction.

“Old man Jiang, with such a Divine Pill, every minute of its efficacy being wasted is a huge loss. How can you expect me not to be anxious?”

Ning Feng said with a pained expression, “So, are you planning to buy it?”

Jiang Fuyuan asked, “Of course! I want to buy it and study it carefully, to see if I can gain any insights!”

Ning Feng’s gaze was fiery.

Just now, he sold a lot of Supreme Grade pills, although they didn’t provide any help to his cultivation, they could be used for research.

In fact, it wasn’t just him who thought this way, many alchemists bought some for research.

“By the way, Old Jiang, when will Grandmaster Yao Wang introduce me?”

“Let’s talk about it later. Wang Lin has been busy with his cultivation, so it’s better not to disturb him.”

“That’s true.” Wang Yanran glanced around, cleared her throat, and said, “As usual, we will auction together. Each box of Thunder Spirit Pills contains only three pills. The starting price for one box is one billion High Grade Spirit Stones. You can start bidding.”

The auction suddenly fell silent.

The price is just too terrifying.

And they are not sure if Wang Yanran is really bragging.

If the Thunder Spirit Pill is just superficial, they will definitely be punished if they buy it back.

“I bid 1.1 billion!”

Ning Feng, with great confidence, directly added another hundred million.

Wang Yanran nodded lightly, waited for a while, and asked.

“Is there anyone else bidding?”

“I also bid 1.1 billion to buy another box!”

“Anyone else?”

“Alright! Sold.”

Wang Yanran made the final decision and had the maid come over to take away the Thunder Spirit Pill.

“This time you definitely made a big profit!”

Wang Yanran looked at the young man and said.


The young man touched the back of his head, looking somewhat simple and honest.

“Of course!” Wang Yanran nodded.

Among all the elixirs auctioned this time, the Thunder Elixir is the most precious and has the strongest effect.

Its value is definitely more than 1.1 billion.

The young man will know after taking it in the future.

This time, her main goal is to establish the reputation of the Thunder Elixir and the auction.

The next starting price will not be one billion.

You should know that many truly powerful geniuses and forces did not come to this auction.

Mainly because they didn’t think there would be any good things, they didn’t care about low-level elixirs, and they felt it was too few to bother fighting for, so they didn’t waste their time coming.

Now that the reputation of the Thunder Elixir and the Soul Nurturing Pill has spread, they won’t hesitate to come next time.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

Wang Yanran had a good impression of this young man who had picked up bargains twice in a row.

“I, I’m Ying.”

The young man blushed and said.

“Well, you are indeed a treasure!”

Hearing this name, Wang Yanran felt like laughing.

But in the end, she held back.

Wang Yanran knocked on the gavel, her voice clear and cold.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the elixir auction ends here. Next, my father will preside over the auction of Spiritual Weapons, etc.”

After speaking, she left without looking back.

When she walked backstage, she handed the Jade Clear Pill and the Exquisite Pill to Wang Jie, then left happily.

The crowd was dumbfounded.

Especially in the private box, the young man who stood with his hands behind his back and a calm expression froze on his face.

The auction was going well just now, why did it end when she said so?

Come back quickly!

You still have so many Supreme Grade pills to auction, how can you leave?

Many young people clenched their fists, their faces turning pale.

“Damn it…”

Long Yangping could no longer maintain the confidence of being in control, his face looked somewhat distorted.

“Father, she left!”

Cao Mingqi said softly.

At this moment, he was filled with resentment towards Cao Zhu Bo.

You should know that those Supreme Grade elixirs are capable of allowing him to transform into a “Divine Pill” of a Golden Carp Dragon.

Each one can greatly enhance his strength.

And for Cao Wang Wang, those spirit stones are nothing at all.

Not to mention one billion, he could easily produce one hundred billion.

But in the end, Cao Wang Wang remained indifferent, full of calculations.

Calculating this and that, but in the end, he only ended up hurting himself.

How ridiculous is this?

Cao Wang Wang’s eyes were terrifyingly gloomy.

Shame and anger surged in his heart, causing his fat old face to twitch slightly, feeling a burning pain on his face.

“How could this be….”

Cao Wang Wang’s face twisted, going crazy in his mind.

He thought he had calculated everything, but he didn’t expect the other party to actually be serious.

His “great wisdom” instantly became a self-righteous cleverness.


Wang Jie stepped onto the platform and was about to speak, but was interrupted by someone’s intuition.

“Lord of the Wang Family, we are not interested in Spiritual Weapons, so please continue auctioning the Supreme Grade elixirs.”

“Sorry, the auction for the Supreme Grade elixirs has already ended. If this Fellow Daoist hasn’t found anything to their liking, they can leave,” Wang Jie replied.

“How is it possible that there isn’t any? Miss Wang still has hundreds of boxes of Low Level First Grade elixirs, and there must still be plenty of Thunder Spirit Pills,” Long Yang Ping said, suppressing his anger.

“Yes, we want the Supreme Grade elixirs.”

“Lord of the Wang Family, please bring Miss Wang back quickly!”

Those who didn’t manage to buy the Supreme Grade elixirs became angry and urged in a cold voice.

“Everyone, please don’t cause trouble for no reason. This auction is strictly based on the items being auctioned.”

“Moreover, because of the young lady’s relationship, we have auctioned several times more Supreme Grade elixirs.”

Wang Jie’s tone became heavier.

After these words were spoken, everyone fell into silence.

Indeed, they had already been sold, so it was unreasonable to continue demanding that others empty their pockets.

Long Yang Ping’s eyes were gloomy.

He came with a huge sum of money from the Dragon Empire. If he didn’t buy anything, would he have anything good to eat when he returned?

There is a possibility that their positions will not be guaranteed.

Long Yangping regretted more and more, realizing that he had been cleverly deceived.

His face twisted, his voice hoarse as he said, “Lord of the Wang Family, can you do me a favor and auction the Supreme Grade Pill again?”

“I’m sorry, the pill is not with me. Yanran has taken all the pills with her,” Wang Jie said apologetically.

“Can you ask her to come back?” Long Yangping’s eyes darkened, his aura emanating with imperial might.

“Calling her back won’t help. Your Highness doesn’t think Yanran can control the pills, right?” Wang Jie furrowed his brows and asked in return.

“Lord of the Wang Family, you should consider carefully,” Long Yangping knew very well that Wang Yanran couldn’t possibly manage the Wang Family’s pills.

But if Wang Yanran could obtain the pills, then she could definitely decide their sale.

By saying this, Wang Jie was clearly not giving him face.

Being repeatedly denied face by Wang Jie, even someone as deep as Long Yangping couldn’t help but feel angry.

“Hmph! Those who dare to cause trouble shall die!”

Just as Long Yangping’s aura was rising, a cold snort sounded.

In an instant, Long Yangping and his Dao Void realm protectors were annihilated by a force.

“Who else wants the pills?” Zi Ling’er’s voice carried a hint of authority as she spoke.

In fact, she had been waiting for this opportunity to show her strength in the auction.

After all, the Wang Family was doing business throughout the entire Spiritfire Continent.

If they didn’t have some strength and authority, it would be difficult to do business in the future.

Everyone took a sharp breath, their faces slightly pale.

An invisible force swept over them, instantly making them feel cold all over, their souls trembling.

“No, Lord of the Wang Family, please continue.”

According to rumors, Zi Ling’er was a powerful expert in the Dao Platform realm. How could they dare to cause trouble in front of her?

Didn’t they see that Long Yangping had already turned to ashes?

The crowd glanced at Long Yangping’s box with complex expressions.

As an Eight Star power, the seventh prince of the Divine Dragon Dynasty, a genius with the Eight Star Emperor Physique and cultivation at the Soul Formation Realm Ninth Heaven, he had died just like that.

In this way, the crowd couldn’t help but feel a sense of despair for their own weakness.

“Fortunately, I have always been kind to others.”

Upon seeing this, Cao Wangwang couldn’t help but feel fortunate that he hadn’t used his power to oppress others.

Otherwise, the outcome would not have been good.

At this moment, he had serious doubts that Zi Ling’er was actually targeting him, wanting to use him to establish dominance at the Wang Family auction.

Just thinking about this made Cao Wangwang break out in a cold sweat, sitting restlessly and anxiously looking around.

“Everyone, the auction continues….”

For several consecutive days, Wang Jie had been frantically selling items.

“Damn, this is really despicable!”

“I don’t know which despicable person came up with this rotten idea, I hope I never find out.”

The people who left the auction were filled with indignation.

The Wang Family was truly shameless, too despicable.

The tickets were sold at a ridiculously high price, and the auction would end in just a few hours.

But they couldn’t say anything.

After all, they were really auctioning off the items, and not only did they not decrease, they even increased.

However, they could still continue to make purchases.

Helpless, the crowd could only continue to rush to buy tickets.

“The master is truly terrifying!”

Zi Ling’er threw all the spirit stones she obtained from the auction next to Wang Lin.

She looked at the chaotic energy in the sky, becoming more and more shocked as she looked.

Every strand of this chaotic energy contained infinite mysteries and exuded endless sharpness.

It could create and destroy all things.


Sensing the presence of spirit stones around him, Wang Lin began to absorb them on his own.

Wang Lin’s cultivation realm was steadily advancing, and he soon broke through to the peak of the Divine Fire Realm’s Eighth Heaven.

“In just one day, over 90 billion spirit stones are gone like this?”

Zi Ling’er felt like she was in a dream.

These spirit stones were the proceeds from dozens of auctions.

Moreover, she had also urgently sent people to purchase Spirit Medicine and personally refined tens of thousands of Low Level Supreme Grade pills.

But in just one day, they were all absorbed.

Such terrifying consumption was more than a million times scarier than her as the Spirit of this world.


Suddenly, the chaotic qi became violent and transformed into unparalleled divine weapons, emitting a terrifying aura that could tear the heavens and split the earth.

However, in an instant, the chaotic sword qi dissipated without a trace.

Wang Lin let out a long roar, his silver hair flying, and a sacred radiance burst forth, as if a deity had descended upon the mortal realm.

Character: Wang Lin

Fate: Variable

Luck: None

Physique: Chaotic Dao Body

Realm: Peak of the Eighth Heaven of the Divine Fire Realm



Cultivation Technique: Chaos Profound Fetal Sutra

Divine Ability: Heavenly Guardian Sword Art, Starlight Escape, Star Plucking Hand, Chaotic Heaven Sword, Life and Death Prosperity, Yin Yang Breaking Heaven Force, Four Symbols Formation, Ice Lotus Law Manifestation, Space Divine Pattern Transformation

Law Treasure:

18: …


Zi Ling’er joyfully flew into Wang Lin’s embrace.

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and absentmindedly stroked her purple hair.

The Sword Intent of Chaos, he had finally mastered it.

And through this, he comprehended a world-destroying divine ability, the Annihilation of All Things!

It could turn all things into nothingness, incredibly powerful.

In short, this was a divine ability that surpassed one’s own realm and the meaning of the system.

With a single sword strike, all things turned into emptiness!

“Master, quickly take out the Spirit Medicine from the Wang family. Ling’er wants to refine pills!”

Seeing Wang Lin lost in thought, Zi Ling’er thought he had something on his mind and quickly broke free from his embrace, not wanting to disturb him.

“Refine pills?”

Wang Lin was taken aback.

“Yes, Ling’er is amazing at pill refining. With a single thought, she can refine pills.”

Zi Ling’er raised her small head, her fair face glowing.

Wang Lin could clearly see that this little thing wanted to be praised, but he deliberately didn’t give in.

“A pill with a single thought? Refining the world?”

He muttered to himself.

To be honest, although Wang Lin found Zi Ling’er’s talent absurd, he also found it reasonable.

Using the power of the world to refine all things, wasn’t this the great power that the world should possess?


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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