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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — 94. I Was Careless And My House Was Robbed.

“Master, what are you doing! Come and save me…”

Lin Ping’an covered his burning face and knelt on the ground, feeling frustrated.

In his heart, he kept calling for his gentle and beautiful master to save him.

Su Ying, who was currently serving her sentence, also felt desolate in her heart and kept calling out.

“Who will save me? That old thief is so hateful.”

Wang Lin played with her, but also made her call for help.

And in front of her daughter, no less.

She felt that she had no face to live on.

If it weren’t for her daughter, she wouldn’t have done such a thing even if it meant death.


Wang Lin patted her somewhere, indicating that it was enough.


Su Ying looked at Wang Lin, swallowed her saliva, and her beautiful eyes were filled with fear.

Wang Lin ignored her and his divine sense penetrated the formation.

A mere third-level formation couldn’t stop the divine sense of a Divine Fire realm cultivator.

But to penetrate the formation, one must first use divine sense to break it.

However, if one is inside, there is no need. Divine sense can directly scan the outside.

When he saw the scene outside, he immediately felt happy.

“System, is the boy kneeling on the ground the Chosen One?”


“Tsk tsk, the Chosen One is being humiliated. Shouldn’t this be the time to step forward and save the Chosen One?”

“Why is he kneeling?”

“The Chosen One I encountered, could it be fake?”

Wang Lin recalled the Chosen Ones he had encountered, none of them could fight.

They were all useless.

Easily killed by him, he didn’t even need to make a move.

Among them, the one who died the most miserably was Lin Tian. He didn’t even see anyone and played himself to death.

[It’s neither true nor false. If it weren’t for the host interfering and disrupting the original plot, they wouldn’t have any problems at all.]

Just like the current Lin Ping’an, his host identity is too high, forcing Lu Chuanxiong and Su Ying to flatter and curry favor.

If it were someone else, Su Ying would definitely protect Lin Ping’an, and Lu Chuanxiong, for the overall situation, would definitely stand on Lin Ping’an’s side.

“That’s right!” Wang Lin nodded slightly.

The Son of Destiny is blessed with great luck. Even if he encounters a situation where death is certain, he can turn the tables and escape danger.

He may even gain great opportunities and make breakthroughs in his cultivation.

Finally, he can achieve a comeback in a desperate situation.

But he is different.

He is a variable, not affected by the rules of this world.

Moreover, the Sons of Destiny he encounters are all those who haven’t even left the beginner’s village and are already being sought out by the ultimate villain boss.

The difference between the two is too great. Even if the Son of Destiny is blessed with luck, he cannot escape a situation where death is certain.

With this thought, Wang Lin silently pondered.

“System, check his attribute panel.”

Character: Lin Ping’an.

Destiny: Son of Destiny (Purple-Gold Destiny).

Luck: Purple 327 (rising…).

Physique: Desolate Ancient Saint Body, Innate Sword Bone.

Realm: Fetal Origin Realm, Triple Heaven.

Identity: Disciple of the Eight Star Sect’s Lu Chuanxiong.

“Purple-Gold luck and purple luck, this kid has such high potential for growth.”

Wang Lin frowned.

In fact, many Sons of Destiny have golden destinies, which is enough for them to achieve immortality.

But Lin Ping’an has a purple-gold destiny, already on the same level as Lu Siye.

Moreover, Lin Ping’an looks very handsome, completely different from those ordinary-looking protagonists.

Wang Lin suspects that Lin Ping’an may be carrying a system.

Thinking of this, Wang Lin quickly asked the system.

“Does he have a system?”

“Unable to detect! This system is only responsible for checking basic data.”


Wang Lin’s gaze flickered as he decided to test Lin Ping’an first before making a decision.

After all, having a protagonist with a system was too terrifying, and Wang Lin himself deeply understood this.

“Master, how is my daughter?” Yuan Ying asked cautiously when she saw Wang Lin come back to his senses.

“She has been cured, take a look for yourself,” Wang Lin replied.

Upon receiving the command, Su Ying hurriedly went forward to check on her daughter’s condition.

The extracted origin had already been replenished.

And a new bone had grown in the position of the sword bone.

Lu Lengxuan had completely recovered from her life-threatening injuries.

However, Lu Lengxuan’s talent was probably never going to return.

She was now just an ordinary Violet Palace realm with an ordinary physique.

But as long as her daughter was still alive, that was fortunate.

Su Ying didn’t wake up her pretending-to-sleep daughter either.

Pretending to sleep was better, otherwise she wouldn’t know how to face her daughter.

At this moment, Su Ying still didn’t know about Wang Lin feeling her daughter’s bones.

After all, Wang Lin was a talisman master, and the talismans he casually displayed were not something Su Ying could see through.

Unless she used her divine sense to scan, but she clearly didn’t have the courage to do so.

She also wouldn’t have thought that Wang Lin had such audacity.

If she knew, she would definitely try to kill Wang Lin.

“Thank you, Master, for saving Xuan’er’s life,” Su Ying said gratefully.

“No need to be polite. From now on, your daughter is my daughter,” Wang Lin lightly laughed, his smile gentle and amiable, giving people a feeling of being bathed in a spring breeze.

However, in Su Ying’s eyes, this was the smile of a demon.

Her delicate body couldn’t stop trembling, her beautiful eyes turned red, revealing a look of misery.

Feeling desolate for the rest of her life.

She has fallen into Wang Lin’s hands in this lifetime.

It is still unknown how Wang Lin will manipulate her in the future.

“Master, when should we leave the Heavenly Sword Sect?” Su Ying asked softly.

Although Wang Lin has already cured her daughter, she dare not go back on her word.

She even made up her mind to please Wang Lin in the future.

To obtain cultivation resources from Wang Lin for Lu Lengxuan.

“Just wait a little longer! Open the formation and let them in,” Wang Lin said.

Wang Lin felt a little guilty, but not much.

Instead, he felt more excited.

“What?” Su Ying’s face turned pale and she looked panicked when she heard this.

According to Wang Lin’s words, it seems like he doesn’t plan to take her with him?

And he wants to continue his schemes under Lu Chuanxiong’s nose?

At the thought of this, Su Ying felt her brain dizzy and she couldn’t stand steady.

“Madam,” Wang Lin quickly supported her, his expression slightly cold and his tone carrying a warning.

“We haven’t completed the final sacred ritual yet. Don’t you want anything to happen to your daughter?”

Su Ying is gentle and kind-hearted, in other words, she is weak and easily bullied.

As long as there is a slight threat, she will obediently comply.

So Wang Lin didn’t bother to waste time talking with her and directly used threats, which worked better than anything else.

Sure enough, when Su Ying heard this, her head immediately cleared up and her legs stopped trembling.

She took on the posture of a obedient maid, waiting to be trained.

“That’s a good girl. This is a bottle of Thunder Spirit Pill. Behave well, and I have a way to restore your daughter’s talent.”

After all, she is his little fox. It’s okay to occasionally bully her, but he shouldn’t scare her too much.

Su Ying took the Thunder Spirit Pill and immediately became excited, thanking him, “Thank you, Master, for your reward.”

Actually, she didn’t believe Wang Lin. After all, it was a Nine Star Divine Bone, containing the laws and runes.

Once lost, it would be lost forever.

But with Wang Lin giving her the Thunder Spirit Pill, at least Lu Lengxuan can have a Six Star talent.

This is already the best outcome for her.

Actually, Su Ying didn’t know that Wang Lin didn’t lie to her.

Lu Lengxuan possesses the Twelve Star Innate Sword Body, and the Sword Bone is just a byproduct for her.

The reason why no one discovered that Lu Lengxuan has the Innate Sword Body is because her cultivation level is too low.

The Innate Sword Body only reveals the Sword Bone, and the Sword Body needs to at least reach the Fetal Origin Realm and condense the Sword Embryo before it can manifest.

In addition to this, Lu Lengxuan also has a natural affinity for the Dao, which means she is close to the rules of heaven and earth and possesses Heaven-Defying Comprehension. Her future is destined to be extraordinary.

She also has a natural Sword Embryo, capable of refining countless Sword Intents in the world. She is the sword, and the sword is her.

With these two heaven-defying talents, as long as Lu Lengxuan consumes more Thunder Spirit Pills to make up for the deficiency in her origin, she will naturally grow the Innate Sword Bone.

“Well, get up!”

Wang Lin helped her up and then transmitted his voice to Lu Lengxuan.

“Little girl, you don’t want me to torment your mother, do you?”

Upon hearing these words, Lu Lengxuan trembled, her delicate face pale as paper.

“Get up and pretend that today’s events never happened, understand?”

Wang Lin continued to transmit his voice.

Lu Lengxuan silently stood up, keeping her head down, afraid to look at Wang Lin.

She was afraid that she would accidentally offend Wang Lin again and cause Su Ying to suffer for her.

Su Ying’s face turned red, and she covered her face in shame.

“Cough, use it!”

Wang Lin lightly coughed, his expression unchanged, and he walked out of the room.

The three of them arrived in the garden, and after adjusting their mindset, they allowed Lu Chuanxiong and the other person to come in.

“Xuan’er, are you alright? That’s great, thank you so much, Grandmaster Wang, for saving her life!”

Lu Chuanxiong came over, took a glance at the rosy-faced Lu Lengxuan, and bowed to Wang Lin, overjoyed.

However, what he was thinking in his heart was clear to everyone present.

“No need, it was just a small effort.”

Wang Lin looked at him with a strange gaze and smiled faintly.

Su Ying’s gaze avoided them, her face slightly red, not daring to look at the two of them.

At the same time, she couldn’t help but feel speechless and thought to herself, “Lu Chuanxiong, oh Lu Chuanxiong, Wang Lin played with me for an hour, and you still want to thank him. Your vision is truly broad.”

Lu Lengxuan looked at Lu Chuanxiong with hatred in her eyes.

She always thought that this father was very good to her.

She also vowed that when she grew up, she would promote the Heavenly Sword Sect.

However, she never expected that Lu Chuanxiong’s kindness to her was all because of her talent.

After her sword bone was dug out, Lu Chuanxiong pretended to care about her, but refused to give her a spiritual stone.

Su Ying begged many times, but couldn’t get a single spiritual stone.

This made her see Lu Chuanxiong’s true face completely.

Of course, if it was just that, she wouldn’t hate Lu Chuanxiong.

No matter what, Lu Chuanxiong had raised her, even if he didn’t save her, she owed him.

But she couldn’t accept that Lu Chuanxiong was clearly outside the door, but didn’t come in to save Su Ying.

She was tortured by the dog thief Wang Lin for a whole hour.

Lu Chuanxiong even felt grateful to the dog thief Wang Lin, which made Lu Lengxuan furious.


Lu Lengxuan took a deep breath, calmed her emotions, suppressed her anger, and coldly glanced at Lu Chuanxiong before no longer paying attention.

From now on, her life belonged to her mother, and she would protect Su Ying with her own life.

As for others, they were all strangers.

“Grandmaster Wang, you’re too kind. If it weren’t for Grandmaster Wang’s intervention, Xuan’er would have been in danger. Xuan’er will never forget Grandmaster Wang’s great kindness and grace in this lifetime,” Lu Chuanxiong said solemnly.

His appearance seemed as if no one could stop him from repaying his gratitude.

But Wang Lin knew very well that this guy had no intention of repaying any favors.

He was just trying to establish a relationship with him.

Wang Lin couldn’t be bothered with this little villain and looked at Lin Ping’an.

Various schemes quickly flashed through his mind, and he soon came up with a plan.

“I pay my respects to Grandmaster Wang,” Lin Ping’an said calmly, not humble or arrogant.

If it weren’t for his swollen and red cheeks, he would have had some dignity.

“Well, what’s your name?” Wang Lin asked with a smile.

“I am Lin Ping’an!”

Lin Ping’an’s heart filled with joy, and his eyes showed anticipation.

In his mind, he couldn’t help but think, “Wang Lin is so wealthy and has a relationship with my master. Could it be that he wants to give me a few bottles of Thunder Spirit Pills?”

“Lin Ping’an, it’s a good name, but unfortunately, you’re not honest,” Wang Lin said with a meaningful smile.

“What… What did Senior say? Why can’t I understand?” Lin Ping’an’s pupils contracted, then he pretended to look confused.

“This is the first time I’ve met Wang Lin. Why does he say I’m not honest?”

“Could it be that Wang Lin knows I’ve hidden my cultivation? That’s impossible!”

“I’ve cultivated the Divine Level Concealment Technique. It’s absolutely impossible to be seen through by anyone below the Saint Realm.”

“Wang Lin must be trying to deceive me. No need to panic, I have Oscar-level acting skills. As long as I don’t admit it, Wang Lin will never know,” he secretly thought.

Seeing Lin Ping’an’s poor acting skills, Wang Lin shook his head and showed a curious expression on his face.

“I always feel that you’re hiding your cultivation, but I can’t see through the specific technique. It’s quite strange.”

If it weren’t for the system’s panel, he wouldn’t have been able to see that Lin Ping’an was hiding his cultivation.

For now, he wouldn’t expose Lin Ping’an, but he wanted to convey a message: he didn’t like Lin Ping’an.

He also wanted to tell Lu Chuanxiong that his useless disciple had a secret and should take action.

Knowing Lu Chuanxiong’s character, he would probably not be able to resist attacking Lin Ping’an.

It would be a good opportunity for Lu Chuanxiong to test Lin Ping’an’s abilities.

Sure enough, when Lu Chuanxiong heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He believed Wang Lin’s words because, with Wang Lin’s status, he wouldn’t aimlessly target a useless person.

There must be something wrong with Lin Ping’an.

Lu Chuanxiong immediately thought of many things.

Lin Ping’an often went to Su Ying’s place for no reason, and he frequently cooked for Su Ying and Lu Lengxuan.

Could this guy have obtained some treasure from Su Ying?

“I was careless. If it weren’t for Wang Lin’s reminder, I would still be in the dark.”

Lu Chuanxiong was furious.

He had always regarded Su Ying as his forbidden fruit, and everything belonging to Su Ying would be his.

After all, Su Ying was a spiritual fox with Apex Level treasure-hunting talent.

He was able to break through to the Divine Fire realm, thanks to Su Ying finding him many treasures.

However, later on, Su Ying refused to find him any more treasures, so he stopped caring and became less guarded against Su Ying.

Unexpectedly, he was careless and had his home stolen by his useless disciple.

The more Lu Chuanxiong thought about it, the angrier he became. He even stopped flattering Wang Lin and quickly thought about how to deal with Lin Ping’an.

“Senior is joking. I am just a Divine Sea realm with Five Star talent.”

When Lin Ping’an saw Lu Chuanxiong’s expression, he felt that something was wrong.

He cursed Wang Lin countless times in his heart.

You, a Venerable in the Divine Fire realm, why do you need to expose the details of a junior?

But on the surface, he forced a smile.

“Is that so? It seems that this old man was mistaken.”

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Wang Lin stopped saying more and casually changed the topic.

“Su Ying, your talent in alchemy is very good. You have great potential.”

“Since I have some free time, I can teach you for a few days. Watch carefully.”

After saying that, Wang Lin condensed a pill furnace with his Divine Origin and put Spirit Medicines into it.

Wang Lin would stay here for a few more days.

If there were no reasons, anyone who wasn’t a fool would know that he had ulterior motives.

Now that he had given a reason to guide in alchemy, no one would suspect anything.

Even if they did suspect, they definitely wouldn’t dare to say it out loud.

Soon, in just an hour, Wang Lin successfully refined a furnace of Supreme Grade Solid Yuan Pills.

In another hour, he refined a furnace of Supreme Grade True Yuan Pills.

Finally, in two hours, he refined a furnace of Supreme Grade Thunder Spirit Pills.

The speed and quality of Wang Lin’s alchemy stunned everyone present.

They originally thought that Wang Lin could refine four or five Supreme Grade pills in one furnace, which was already very impressive.

But they didn’t expect that every furnace Wang Lin refined was full and all Supreme Grade pills.

This was something that even a Grandmaster couldn’t achieve.

Finally, everyone understood why Wang Lin was selling a large quantity of Supreme Grade pills.

With such incredible alchemy skills, he could indeed sell them in large quantities.

In fact, Wang Lin was intentionally hiding his true abilities.

Otherwise, he could refine more than a dozen furnaces at once and finish it in just half an hour.


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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