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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — Chapter 11

“Stop, my righteous father will arrive soon, stop me if you don’t want to die.”

At this time, Zhang Dingwei was very embarrassed and was pressed and beaten by Luoxian’s father and daughter.

He didn’t dare to leave yet.

Because Luo Xian’er’s talent is too terrifying, if you let her leave.

When Luo Xian’er grows up, she will definitely seek revenge on him.

“No one can save you today.”

Luo Xian’er’s beautiful eyes were full of killing intent, pulling qi and blood, each blow was earth-shattering, and her fist was magnificent.

She made a determination to kill Zhang Dingwei.

I want to kill Zhang Dingwei before Zhang Shuangquan arrives.

“Xian’er, is that you, Xian’er…”

Among the onlookers, a young man looked at Luo Xian’er with a powerful expression with an excited expression.

He couldn’t believe that the fairy in his dream was so fierce.

“Probably not… Right!? “

Another young man replied in an uncertain tone.

In his impression, Luo Xian’er is as beautiful as a fairy, and she is a quiet and elegant lady.

And Luo Xian’er in the field… It’s so ferocious!

Suppress the Divine Sea Realm with the Metamorphosis Realm.

This is invincible Tianjiao, okay.

The fairy in his dream was obviously just a mortal without cultivation.

“Idiot, she is Xian’er, my fairy is too sassy…”

There was a young man dancing with excitement.

Although Luo Xian’er rarely showed up, she had no friends.

But once in a while, you can go out and amaze the audience.

That fluttering temperament, graceful and graceful body, and snowy skin, like a nine-day fairy.

Beautiful so they can’t take their eyes off.

With just one glance, he glanced at Luo Xian’er in the crowd, and was completely captured by Luo Xian’er.

Since I met Luo Xian’er, looking at other women has become a vulgar fan.

“That… Then why did she fight with Zhang Dingwei? And still a life-and-death fight? Aren’t they fiancées? “

“Who knows.”

“It’s amazing, Qingyang City is going to produce a peerless Tianjiao.” An old man sighed.

“Grandpa, go and help Xian’er, don’t let Zhang Dingwei hurt Xian’er.”


“Messing around with stuff…”

A group of onlookers suddenly shouted.

Zhang Dingwei is the true legend of Qinglongmen, they went up to help, isn’t that looking for death?


Heaven and earth suddenly shook, and a huge voice came from afar.

“Don’t panic, come for the father…”

Before the words fell, a strong man appeared above the Luo family.

His face was majestic and exuded a sense of righteousness.

Zhang Shuang’s eyes flowed, and he glanced at it, and his eyes showed surprise.

I don’t understand what the hell Zhang Dingwei is doing.

Good manners, how did you fight with your fiancée?

He also shot at his adoptive father.

Isn’t Zhang Dingwei a big filial son?

Many doubts appeared in his mind, Zhang Shuangquan’s face was silent, and the terrifying momentum was revealed, shocking the audience.

“Are you Luo Xian’er?” He asked in surprise.

Old beasts… Luo Xian’er cursed secretly, her beautiful eyes glanced at Zhang Dingwei lying in the ruins, and withdrew her hand with some regret.

Just a little, almost beat her fiancé to death.


Luo Xian’er said coldly, with a full aura, wanting to deter Zhang Shuangquan.

Not to mention, Zhang Shuangquan was really shocked.

In the face of such an extraordinary Luo Xian’er, Zhang Shuangquan did not dare to act rashly.

In case Luo Xian’er is a disciple of some old monster, he offended the other party, and he didn’t know how he died.

“Why are you fighting?”

Zhang Shuangquan asked.

“Hmph, what do you have to do with it? Roll me with understanding. “

Luo Xian’er scolded angrily.

Before the people of the Wang family arrived, she had to deter this old beast.

She knows Zhang Shuangquan’s personality too well.

On the surface, Zhang Shuangquan is a righteous city lord, but in fact he is a beast.

I don’t know how many mothers and daughters were taken captive and imprisoned by him in the dungeon.

Compared with Zhang Dingwei… Both are beasts.

“If you don’t want to die, me…”

At this time, Zhang Dingwei got up from the ruins with difficulty and hurriedly swallowed a few healing pills.

Immediately, he roared angrily at the onlookers.

If it weren’t for his strength, he couldn’t wait to slaughter the entire Qingyang City.


There was a youth who was furious.

Zhang Dingwei actually wanted to support them, was this trying to poison Luo Xian’er?

He would never allow it.

He can’t afford to offend Qinglongmen, can he still offend Zhang Dingwei?

Not to mention so many people here.

The young man had a scowl on his face, and just wanted to curse, but after only saying one word, he was covered by his own parents and dragged him away.

The rest of the people did the same, scattering as birds and beasts.

Those who do not want to leave are taken away by their parents or peers.

These low-level scattered cultivators have seen too much wind and rain.

Know what is lively and what not to see.

I know the truth that the strong are honored.

Such a thing as slaughtering the city, Qinglongmen has not done it.

If Zhang Dingwei broke a shocking secret, then they would be finished.

Zhang Shuangquan alone can slaughter them all.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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