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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — Chapter 20

The Wang family was lit up, and the guests were full of guests, which was very lively.

When Wang Lin took Luo Xian’er’s little hand and appeared in the hall.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

He looked at Wang Lin stunned.

Did they recognize the wrong person, or did they not see Wang Lin for decades?


The hall, which was lively a second ago, instantly fell into silence.

They may be able to identify the wrong person.

But the Wang family can’t possibly mistake their ancestors.

They’re not stupid either.

Since Wang Lin has rejuvenated, he must have broken through the realm.

The guests in the hall looked at Wang Lin one by one.

“Heaven and earth…”

Wang Sheng shouted loudly.

In fact, they are also very confused now, and they can’t figure out why Wang Lin rejuvenated overnight.

But now is not the time to say that.

They were also not qualified to ask Wang Lin.

“Slow down!”

At this time, an old man suddenly shouted.

Wang Lin glanced at him, his eyes cold.

Xu Xichen of Qinglongmen actually dared to make trouble at his wedding, which he did not expect.

After all, he had not offended the Qinglongmen.

Wang Lin also did not believe it, and Qinglongmen had a mortal feud with him because of Zhang Dingwei.

There must be a reason for this that he does not know.

“Go on.”

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze.

The most important thing at the moment is to continue to worship with Luo Xian’er.

When the final ceremony is completed, it is not too late to find Xu Xichen to settle the account.

“Husband and wife!”

Wang Sheng directly skipped the Erbai High Hall.

“Wang Lin, you are simply lawless.”

Xu Xichen was angry, and the momentum of the Nine Heavens of the Yuan Fetal Realm burst out, pointing at Luo Xian’er and saying.

“This daughter is my apprentice’s fiancée, and you actually forcibly married my apprentice’s fiancée and injured him, you are simply deceiving people.”

“Xu Xichen, is your Qinglongmen trying to wage war against my Alchemy Guild?”

Before Wang Lin could answer, a group of old men surrounded Xu Xichen, and their eyes were awe-inspiring.

The highest cultivation of these old men was only the Triple Heaven of the Yuan Fetal Realm, and their momentum was vain, and they were not at the same level as Xu Xichen at all.

But they didn’t panic at all.

Because they were all elders of the Alchemist Guild.

As we all know, the most unprovoked person in the cultivation world is the alchemist.

The Alchemist Guild is a free alliance formed by alchemists, covering three thousand domains.

Members come from various families and sects, or are scattered cultivators.

There are also alchemists cultivated by the Alchemist Guild itself.

“You immediately roll for the old man, and in the future, you Qinglongmen Hugh wants to ask the Dan Master from the Alchemist Guild to refine the pill.”

Li Rongzhi was furious.

Wang Lin has a guiding grace for him, and now he sees Xu Xichen making a big fuss about Wang Lin’s wedding.

If it weren’t for his strength, he couldn’t wait to be born immediately and crush Xu Xichen’s bones.

In his opinion, let alone Wang Lin forcibly marrying the fiancée of Xu Xichen’s disciple.

Even if Wang Lin wanted to marry all the women of the Qinglongmen, the Qinglongmen must be respectfully offered.

“Master Li Danshi, don’t deceive people too much.”

Xu Xichen’s momentum was rising day by day, and he did not give face to these dozen old men at all.

Obviously, when he came, he was ready to offend the Alchemist Guild.

After all, Wang Lin is a fourth-grade alchemist, and if he wants to capture his wife Luo Xian’er and return to the sect, how is it possible not to offend the alchemist guild?

Anyway, they have the Qinglongmen in this matter, and the Alchemist Guild can’t do anything about the Qinglongmen.

You know, the combat power of the Alchemist Guild is not strong at all, but the strong is the appeal.

Moreover, if the Dan Master of the Alchemist Guild is not reasonable, it cannot be sanctioned against other forces.

Moreover, the Alchemist Guild is not a monolith, to put it bluntly, it is an exchange meeting of alchemists, and the members of it have their own small groups.

When Wang Lin dies, who will fight against a dead man and his Qinglongmen?

What’s more, the cause of this matter is only because of a woman, who can’t make a big move.

This matter is a big deal, and no one’s face is good-looking.

It’s a big deal to apologize to these Dan masters.


Xu Xichen turned his head to look at Wang Lin, and his gaze became solemn.

I thought that Wang Lin’s limit was approaching, but I didn’t expect Wang Lin to break through.

This is troublesome.

If you don’t kill Wang Lin, it will definitely be an endless disaster.

“Could it be that Wang Lin has already obtained the chance inheritance from Luo Xian’er? Yes, it must be so, otherwise how could Wang Lin marry her? “

Xu Xichen, who thought he had guessed, showed greedy in his eyes.

He risked offending the Alchemist Guild in order to obtain the chance inheritance from Luo Xian’er.

Now that he knows that this inheritance is so extraordinary, Xu Xichen can still bear it.

Immediately shouted angrily at Wang Lin.

“Master Wang Dan, my Qinglongmen is not an unreasonable person, as long as you return this girl to my apprentice, this matter will be stopped.”

Under the public, he did not have the courage to kill Wang Lin.

But in private, he still has that guts.

“Your Qinglongmen is simply looking for death.”

It is indeed inappropriate to open a killing ring on the wedding day, but Wang Lin is not very particular about this.

Xu Xichen has all coerced this job, if he still does not dare to make a move, it will be too pedantic.

Wang Lin’s eyes were cold, and he reached out to Xu Xichen.

A Zhenyuan handprint was like the hand of Optimus, and it seemed to contain a dazzling starry sky in his hand.


Xu Xichen’s face changed drastically, he actually couldn’t move, and he was bound by Wang Lin’s Zhenyuan handprint.

His eyes widened and filled with fear.

What kind of cultivation is Wang Lin?


As soon as Xu Xichen’s thoughts started, he was pinched into powder.

“Xian’er, you go back to the cave room first, I’ll go back when I go.”

Wang Lin’s words did not fall, and the person had disappeared in place, leaving a group of confused guests alone.

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, they all see confusion in each other’s eyes.


[Find data].

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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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