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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — Chapter 35

“Bringing Xian’er here is really a wise decision.”

Wang Lin said darkly.

Although he didn’t see what kind of physique Ye Tian was, he was sure that it was absolutely extraordinary.

And Wu Xianwu must have seen it.

If he rashly attacked Ye Tian and killed Ye Tian with one blow, Wu Xianwu would probably make a move to stop him.

Because the Trutian Dao Academy cultivated peerless Tianjiao, the Truncated Heaven Church gave rich rewards.

It is not comparable to his alchemy fee.

Now, Luo Xian’er also showed her extraordinary, no worse than Ye Tian.

Wang Lin also let Luo Xian’er join the Heaven-Cutting Dao Academy.

It is estimated that Wu Xianwu is weighing gains and losses.

Thinking like this, Wang Lin suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

“Hmph, presumptuous!”

Wu Xianwu snorted coldly, and his voice sounded like rolling thunder.

His body was like a sharp sword, revealing a peerless edge that pierced the sky, staring coldly into the distance.

The other party actually dared to scan the Heaven-Cutting Dao Academy with his divine sense, was this when he didn’t exist?

You know, scanning others with divine sense is a taboo in the cultivation world.

Wu Xianwu’s eyes showed killing intent, if the other party had no background.

Then kill it.

Although he wanted to take two rewards, he recommended Luo Xian’er and Ye Tian to the Heaven-Cutting Dao Academy.

However, fish and bear’s paw cannot have both.

He chose Wang Lin.

You can not only get a reward, but also befriend Wang Lin.

“Taoist friends and anger, I have no malice.”

A middle-aged man who seemed to have not bathed in several months rushed over with an anxious look.

“My son Ye Tian encountered a crisis here, so he rushed to come, and asked Daoist friends not to blame.”

“This is Ye’s gift to the Taoist, and I hope that the Taoist friend must accept it.”

Ye Fu explained, and then his face showed flesh pain, and he took out a jade bottle and threw it to Wu Xianwu.

“Taoist friends are polite.”

Wu Xianwu swept his senses, his face was beaming, his sleeves flicked, and he put the jade bottle into the storage ring.

Looking at Ye Fu’s eyes again, he suddenly became a lot kinder.

He decided to wait and see, maybe there would be unexpected gains.

“The Son of Destiny is really difficult to deal with.” Wang Lin sighed secretly.

Ye Fu understands people too well, and it is an apology and a reparation.

I’m afraid that Ye Fu will not leave this time until he helps Ye Tian solve the crisis.

Sure enough, I saw Ye Fu continue to say with his hand.

“Daoist, Ye Mou knows a little about the art of talisman making, and wants to join the Heaven-Cutting Dao Academy as a mentor, I don’t know?”

Wu Xianwu did not answer immediately, he glanced at Wang Lin.

Seeing Wang Lin frowning and pondering, he secretly scolded an old fox.


Wu Xianwu bowed his head slightly and said with a smile.

“Brother Ye, continue to come, then sit down and have a cup of tea together.”

“Thank you!”

Ye Fu hesitated slightly, then nodded.

Although he would now love to check on his son’s injuries and stand up for him.

But Ye Fu is not a Xiaobai who does not understand anything.

The man who almost killed his son is probably a big deal.

This can be seen from the two people drinking tea here in front of him.

This is not the place to drink tea.

Many thoughts flashed, and Ye Fu looked at Wang Lin and asked.

“I wonder what this Taoist friend is called?”

“Old man Wang Lin.”

Wang Lin’s tone was flat.

“It turned out to be Wang Danshi, who has long admired the daimyo.”

Ye Fu was a little shocked.

He had heard of Wang Lin’s daimyo.

However, according to rumors, Wang Lin is a mortal body who has practiced waste, trapped in the Purple Mansion Realm for hundreds of years.

Why did he suddenly break through to the Seventh Heaven of the Yuan Fetal Realm?

Drinking is wrong.

“Ye Daoyou must want to know who the person who injured your son is, right?”

Wang Lin was too lazy to talk nonsense with the two men and said directly.

“She is the wife of the old man, Ye Daoyou cut the way.”

“So it is.”

Ye Fu’s eyes were cold.

At the same time, he was relieved that it was not Tianjiao with a big background.

Wu Xianwu needs to befriend Wang Lin, he doesn’t need to.

With his cultivation of the Six Heavens of the Divine Realm, he thought that killing Wang Lin was as simple as pinching an ant to death.

“Hahaha, the fight between the juniors is just that, this is more conducive to their growth, why should the two of them be entangled in this?”

Wu Xianwu smiled and played round.

“Brother Wu is right!”

Ye Fu nodded.

Even if he wants to kill Wang Lin, he has to find a place where there is no one.

Killing the Dan Master of the Alchemist Guild for no reason, that kind of consequence is too serious.

“Ye Daoyou, your son is too ignorant and has been staring at my wife.”

Wang Lin sneered.

Ye Fu actually threw his face at him, it really gave you face.

The old man will teach you a truth today.

Alchemists are not to be disgraced.

Wang Lin’s face was gloomy, and he said coldly.

“If you don’t give the old man a satisfactory explanation, the old man can’t spare him.”


Ye Fu was furious.

His son was almost killed, and before he could settle the account with Wang Lin, Wang Lin actually sued the wicked first.

Want him to apologize?

Do you really think that his cultivation is a decoration?

Ye Fu was silent for a while and said.

“What does Wang Danshi want?”

Can’t afford to mess with it, can’t afford to mess with it at all.

If Wang Lin was more serious, then their father and son could be on the wanted list of the Alchemist Guild.

“The old man wants him to die, can he?”

Wang Lin said coldly.

He really wanted to kill Ye Fu father and son.

However, Ye Fu just said that he “slightly understood” the symbol, and it is estimated that he did not really understand a little.

After all, the father who is the son of destiny with the other party must have something extraordinary.

I’m afraid that he and Wu Xianwu combined may be able to defeat Ye Fu, but they should not be able to kill them.

Wang Lin felt that he should stabilize his hand first, and first use the thousand luck points rewarded by the system.

It is not too late to improve your cultivation and deal with Ye Fu again.

At present, the most important thing is to stabilize Ye Fu first, and it is best to trick something good to come out.


Ye Fu’s forehead was bruised, and he glanced at Wu Xianwu.

Immediately, as if he had made a major decision, he stood up and bowed to Wang Lin.

“I also asked Senior Wang to spare Xiao’er once, I, Ye, am willing to owe Wang Danshi a favor, I don’t know?”

“Human favors?”

Wang Lin sneered.

The protagonist uses human favors to prostitute whitely.

After all, people have atmospheric transport protection bodies, which are more effective than eating face fruits.

But what are you Ye Fu?


[Find data].

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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