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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — Chapter 36

“Okay, the old man will sell you this favor.”

Wang Lin showed a satisfied smile, but there was a hint of mockery hidden in the depths of his eyes.

“Thank you Wang Danshi for being magnanimous.”

Ye Fu suppressed his anger and said with his hands.

It was obviously he who suffered a loss, but he had to lick his face and apologize.

This feeling is too humiliating.

“Wang Lin old thief, if you want my Ye Fu’s favor, I’m afraid you won’t be able to enjoy it.”

“Let you live for a while longer, and when you return home, it will be the day of your death.” Ye Fu thought secretly.

“Where Ye Daoyou spoke, the old man is also conditional.”

Wang Lin smiled and said.

“The old man wants you to do something now.”

Ye Fu’s face sank, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

“Please also ask Master Wang Danshi to order.”


Wang Lin bowed his head in satisfaction and said solemnly.

“I heard that there is a strange fire in the ‘Fallen Sun Jedi’, and the old man doesn’t want you to bring the alien fire, you just need to go and find out the news.”

“That’s not too much to ask, isn’t it?”

Not too much?

Ye Fu really couldn’t help but make a move.

As its name suggests, the Jedi is rumored to be the place where a great sun falls.

The hot waves inside contain solar fire poison, and even entering the Divine Fire Realm is dangerous.

The Cave Void Realm and the Avatar God Realm can only turn around the periphery.

If he dares to go deeper, he will definitely die for the rest of his life.

Even if you get lucky enough to come out alive, you will be poisoned by the sun.

The light is a regression, and the heavy is a short life.

Besides, can he leave now?

I’m afraid that as soon as he leaves on the front foot, Wang Lin will attack Ye Tian.

Wang Lin wanted his father and son to die.

Thinking of this, Ye Fu made a determination to kill Wang Lin and said coldly.

“Master Wang Dan, please forgive Ye Mou for being unable to do it with low strength, you can change the conditions.”


Wang Lin looked cold.

“Ye Daoyou, this is what you personally promised, do you want to break your word?”

“Or are you kidding the old man?”

Wu Xianwu, who had been watching the play, shook his head.

He originally thought that Ye Fu was a smart person, but he didn’t expect it to be.

In his opinion, Ye Fu’s decision was simply extremely stupid.

Wang Lin is a fourth-grade alchemist who can refine elixirs that transform the Divine Realm.

I don’t know how much the Transformation God Realm begged Wang Lin to refine pills.

Where do you need Ye Fu’s favor?

Well, now it’s okay, stealing chickens is not a loss of rice.

If Ye Fu didn’t agree, he would have completely offended Wang Lin.

In fact, what Wu Xianwu didn’t know was that Ye Fu was not stupid.

The reason why Ye Fu dared to say this was because he really had this confidence.

Ye Fu is a master of the four-rank talisman and is also a “high-minded” profession.

His face, favor, is invincible, and no one dares not to give him face.

Although Ye Fu has been a waste drunkard for more than ten years, the arrogance engraved in his bones has not reversed it for a while.

“Brother Wu, help the old man scare him.”

Wang Lin turned his gaze, calculated his heart, and said to Wu Xianwu.


Wu Xianwu, who received the news, did not hesitate at all, and his momentum exploded.

The fierce sword qi locked Ye Fu.

Wu Xianwu’s eyes were full of killing intent, and he looked at Ye Fu coldly.

However, my heart was full of joy.

It’s not easy.

Although Wang Lin did not say to give him alchemy, but with this favor, he did not believe that Wang Lin was kind enough to refuse.

In fact, with Wu Xianwu’s status, it is not difficult to find a fourth-grade alchemist to refine pills.

But finding one with a success rate of more than ninety is too difficult.

The elixir of the Transformation God Realm was extremely precious, and Wu Xianwu did not dare to find someone to refine the pill at will.

In case the refining is wasted, he will have to give others a huge amount of alchemy luck.

Even if it is refined, the quality is not as good as that Wang Lin has refined.

It is precisely because of this that Wu Xianwu is so flattering to Wang Lin.

“And slowly.”

Ye Fu finally reacted, his face was indeed worthless to Wang Lin.

It looks like heaviest bleeding is going to be today.

“Master Wang Dan, please forgive Ye’s rudeness, this is a reparation, and please Wang Danshi must accept it.”

Ye Fu held a storage ring in both hands, bowed and saluted, and his attitude was extremely humble.

The moment he bent down, his eyes were full of complete killing intent.


Wang Lin smiled with satisfaction, this is just decent.

Alchemists are not shameful, it’s just talk.

Wang Lin made a move, and his divine sense probed into it, and there were 100 million top-grade spirit stones, which can only be said to be okay.

“Ye Daoyou is a spell maker, right?”

After receiving the gift, Wang Lin said faintly.

“Master Wang Danshi looks up to Ye too much.”

Ye Fu said lightly, too lazy to answer Wang Lin’s question.

You can really pretend… Wang Lin smiled coldly.

“The old man said it bluntly, you give the old man ten thousand miles transfer talismans, ten fourth-grade heavenly thunder talismans, and this matter will be stopped.”

“If you can’t take it, then don’t blame the old man for not giving you face.”

In the end, Wang Lin’s tone was full of menace.


Hearing this, Ye Fu was furious, and his long hair danced wildly.

I thought that Wang Lin had collected his 100 million spirit stones, and this matter had already been revealed.

Unexpectedly, this was Wang Lin’s real purpose.

Although he is a fourth-grade talisman master, the materials for refining talismans are extremely precious.

After hundreds of years of accumulation, there are not many four-rank talismans.

Especially the Ten Thousand Miles Transfer Talisman, he only had ten in total, which was reserved for his son.

As soon as Wang Lin spoke, he had to leave most of his family, which he could not bear no matter what.

At this moment, Ye Fu had already developed killing intent towards Wang Lin.

It’s a big deal to kill Wang Lin and continue to remain incognito in a different place.

With the thought together, Ye Fu gave up.

He can be incognito, his son cannot.

“That old man can only be a good man to the end, and send your father and son a ride.”

Wang Lin smiled.

For how to grasp people’s hearts, Wang Lin is already a pure fire.

From Ye Fu’s three words of impossibility means that it is possible.

If it was really impossible, Ye Fu would definitely not talk nonsense, and he would turn around and flee the Heaven Cutting Academy with Ye Tian.

“Good ~ okay, I hope Wang Danshi can keep his promise.”

Ye Fu’s momentum frustrated, and he gritted his teeth and said.

Enduring the severe pain, he threw twenty talismans to Wang Lin.

“Ye Daoyou, be honest, don’t deceive people in the future, this is not good.”

Wang Lin got the talisman and did not forget to ridicule the phrase Ye Fu said “slightly understood”.

“Wang Danshi taught a lesson.”

Ye Fu’s face was difficult to see the extreme.

This is a talisman worth at least one billion top-grade spirit stones.

How many Transformation God Realms have worked hard for a lifetime, and they can’t accumulate so much.

Now because of a few words, he was taken away by Wang Linkeng.

Ye Fu’s heart was dripping blood, and he couldn’t wait to cut Wang Lin by a thousand cuts.

And Wu Xianwu.

If Wu Xianwu hadn’t been acting as Wang Lin’s thug, he wouldn’t have been so passive.


Seeing this, Wu Xianwu’s eyes straightened.

I never expected that Ye Fu was a fourth-grade talisman maker.

Doesn’t you say you understand a little?

Wu Xianwu’s killing intent skyrocketed, and this time he really had a killing intent on Ye Fu.

If he had known that Ye Fu was a fourth-grade talisman maker, why would he jump left and right, not a person inside and out?

Now the benefits have not been reaped, and they have offended Ye Fu.

“The old thief is shameless, the old thief you pit me…”

While Wu Xianwu was angry, he cursed Wang Lin in his heart.

Until now, he couldn’t guess that he was miserable by Wang Lin.

“Brother Wu…”

Wang Lin smiled meaningfully at Wu Xianwu.

“Uh, Brother Wang, please say!”

The corner of Wu Xianwu’s mouth twitched, and he finally knew why so many Avatar Realms were scolding Wang Lin as an old thief behind his back.

This calculation is indeed an old thief.

Knowing that Wang Lin had calculated him, he couldn’t say anything yet.

This feeling, holding back

“The old man suddenly has an understanding of Dan Dao and wants to retreat, you see?”

Wang Lin said with a smile.

“Oh, then congratulations to Brother Wang, the matter of your lady is wrapped up in me.”

Wu Xianwu understood in seconds and said seriously.

“Okay, if you can do it well, the old man will help you refine a furnace of pills for free.”

Wang Lin knows a truth that you can’t be too mean, and it’s not good to eat alone.

Give others a little favor.

“Thank you, Brother Wang.”

Wu Xianwu was overjoyed, and the resentment against Wang Lin just now instantly dissipated.

Offend Ye Fu and offend.

Anyway, he didn’t suffer a loss.

This wave, he also made numbness.

It’s just that he doesn’t earn as much as Wang Lin.


[Find data].

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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