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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — Chapter 55

The Xiao family hall, high-level gathered together.

Someone looked at Xiao Zhan’s father and son with a mocking face.

There were also some teenagers who peeked at Wang Yanran, Luo Xian’er, and Xiao Yan’er with stunning faces.

These three people are so beautiful, their temperament is dusty, like a fairy.

“Yanran niece, I wonder what happened to your sudden visit?”

Xiao Zhan asked with a smile.

A sense of foreboding arose in his heart.

I feel that Wang Yanran came over this time to withdraw from marriage.

After all, the gap between the two is too big, how could Wang Yanran be willing to marry into the Xiao family?

Even if Wang Yanran agrees, I am afraid that the Wang family will not agree.

Everyone knows this.

Even the juniors of the Xiao family felt that the two were not suitable, and the elders of the Xiao family had always persuaded him to withdraw the marriage contract.

After all, the strong in this world are respected, and if Wang Wei does not miss the old feelings one day, maybe he will destroy the Xiao family because of this.

But how willing Xiao Zhan is.

The current Wang family has been promoted to a four-star family.

Wang Lin was reborn in Nirvana, broke through to the realm of Transformation God, and loved Wang Yanran the most.

If Wang Yanran is married into the door, will their Xiao family still lack pills in the future?

In the future, his son also has a big backer, maybe he can soar into the sky.

Under such a huge temptation, Xiao Zhan was naturally unwilling to withdraw from marriage.

“Uncle Shaw, I’m here to quit the marriage.”

Wang Yanran was not in the mood to talk to a stranger at this time.

Now she just wants to quickly withdraw from the marriage contract and return her own free body.

Sure enough….

Everyone had such an expression on their faces, and for a while, they gloated at Xiao Zhan’s father and son.

I have to say that Xiao Zhan is really wasteful.

After being a patriarch for more than ten years, he actually did not have a bit of the prestige of the patriarch.


Being withdrawn from marriage in public, Xiao Zhan couldn’t bear it anymore, and he stood up and questioned.

“Is this what your father meant, or did you mean it?”

“Does it matter?”

Wang Yanran’s expression was cold, and her momentum exploded, and she pressed against this “Uncle Xiao” of her.

She was very disgusted with Xiao Zhan, knowing that the two were impossible, and refused to withdraw from the marriage.

Now he even dares to give her a face, do you really think that she will miss the friendship of her father?

Without that relationship, Xiao Zhan didn’t even have the qualifications to see her.

“You, good!”

Xiao Zhan clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, then he did it with a decadent face.

A few years of fantasy, in the end, is still empty.

“Divine Sea Realm…”

Everyone in the Xiao family looked at Wang Yanran in shock, but they were relieved in an instant.

Wang Yanran’s talent is not bad, and there is a huge supply of resources.

It is not surprising that he broke through to the Divine Sea Realm at the age of sixteen.


Xiao Huo, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, shrugged his shoulders, involved the wound, and he croaked his teeth in pain, and his appearance looked a little funny.

Xiao Huo sneered.

“When Wang Wei saw that I was very talented, he couldn’t wait to get engaged.”

“Now that I’m a waste, you can’t wait to come to the door and quit the marriage.”


The two words hehe are full of irony, and it is almost directly said that the Wang family is following the trend.

“What the hell are you trying to say?”

Wang Yanran’s beautiful eyes showed killing intent, and the atmosphere in the hall was instantly cold to the extreme.

“Waste! Quickly kneel down and apologize to Miss Wang. “

The Xiao family panicked and looked at Xiao Huo with an angry face.

I can’t wait to slap Xiao Huo to death.

Even the concubine of the four-star family dared to mock, is this because the Xiao family died not fast enough?

“Kneel down and apologize?”

Xiao Huo sneered.

“Great Elder, if your grandson is dismissed from marriage in public, will you make your grandson kneel down and apologize?”

“You~you little beast…”

The Great Elder was once again blown up by Xiao Huo’s poisonous tongue.


Seeing this, Wang Yanran became even more disgusted with the Xiao family.

There are outsiders who can fight internally, and it is difficult for the Xiao family not to fall behind.

But none of this has anything to do with her, and she is not here to see the play.

Wang Yanran looked at Xiao Zhan and said coldly.

“Hand over the marriage book!”

Xiao Zhan also knew that nothing could be done, and immediately took out a box.


Xiao Huo stopped his father’s movements, looked at Xiao Yanran, and said coldly.

“I Xiao Huo knows that I am not worthy of you, even if you don’t come to withdraw from the marriage, I will withdraw the marriage contract.”


Speaking of this, Xiao Huo’s voice became angry.

“I don’t care if you quit the marriage in public, but have you ever considered my father?”

“If this matter gets out, what will my father’s face be?”

“How else to take charge of the Xiao family?”


Luo Xian’er, who had been silent, suddenly became strange in her eyes.

She glanced at everyone in the Xiao family.

Luo Xian’er didn’t need to think about it to guess that the Xiao family was very infighting.

Xiao Huo was scolded by the Great Elder in public for waste and small beasts.

What face does this father and son have to speak of?

Now in front of the four-star family, clamoring for face.

Wouldn’t you want to take advantage of this not to quit the marriage?


[Find data].

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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