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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — Chapter 58


Xiao Yan’er blocked this blow for Xiao Huo, and she was instantly blasted away.

The spirit weapon on his body flashed with dazzling light.

After landing, Xiao Yan’er looked at Luo Xian’er with a shocked expression.

You know, she is the sixth heaven of the Divine Sea Realm.

Practicing saint-level exercises, he has had various great medicines to nourish the flesh since he was a child.

The combat power of one body is far beyond the same level, if you add this body spirit weapon, and the Purple Mansion Realm can pass the move.

As a result, she was actually defeated by Luo Xian’er with a punch.

Moreover, Luo Xian’er did not give her full strength.

“Who the hell are you?”

Xiao Yan’er was shocked in her heart, and it was a little difficult to accept this cruel fact.

She felt that Luo Xian’er was definitely not the Tianjiao of Daqingshan.

It must be a descendant of some great sect.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, it’s you, something, but not much!”

Seeing this, Luo Xian’er smiled contemptuously.

Just now, Xiao Yan’er’s high-flying posture was always in her heart.

I thought it was a powerful character, but I didn’t expect it to be just that.

With her current physical body, her blood and qi are like an ocean, even if she does not use the Divine Sea, she can beat Xiao Yan’er to death alive with the power of qi and blood alone.

The main thing is that Luo Xian’er’s boxing technique is too terrifying.

It seems like a simple punch, but it is wrapped in a general trend.

While strengthening the power, this “momentum” can also effectively restrain the enemy’s actions, so that the enemy has to take her punch.

It perfectly interprets the power to descend ten times, and one force to break ten thousand laws.

In the face of absolute power, all are floating clouds.

It was precisely because of this that Luo Xian’er did not waste time learning brilliant occult skills.

The Heavenly Emperor Fist was enough for her to use.

When her realm is more profound, she will directly cultivate magical powers.


Everyone in the Xiao family turned pale, looked at Wang Lin, and then at Luo Xian’er.

At this time, Xiao Huo couldn’t care about the ring grandfather, and he stared at Luo Xian’er.

The woman had just wanted to punch him to death.

Could it be that the Wang family is going to destroy his Xiao family?

Thinking of this, Xiao Huo’s scalp exploded.

“Master Wang Dan, are you going to do right with my Xiao family?”

Seeing that Xiao Yan’er was beaten again, the old woman questioned Wang Lin again.

After all, she is Xiao Yan’er’s protector, if this can be ignored, then she doesn’t have to mess around.

Wang Lin glanced at her, and a sword light appeared in his eyes, instantly strangling the old woman into powder.

“Xian’er, kill them all.”

After speaking, Wang Lin continued to perform the soul search technique.

The Xiao family is now too busy to take care of themselves, even if he kills Xiao Yan’er.

The Xiao family sent at most one Cave Void Realm over.

Even if Wang Lin can’t beat it, he can let Loli Zilinger come out.

As for the Xiao family’s Divine Fire Realm, that old immortal was eroded by the decline of heaven and man.

Every shot means one step closer to death.

So I have been closing my door and dare not make a move at all.

It is also impossible for the Xiao family to send the ancestor of the town clan for the sake of a concubine.

“Stop, I was wrong, please senior…”

When Xiao Zhan heard Wang Lin’s words, his face turned white with fright, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to beg for mercy.

It’s just that before he finished speaking, a flying sword flew in front of him, and the sword swallowed.


Zhenyuan overflowed, and the juniors of the Xiao family were killed and injured in an instant.

The Great Elder wanted to take his grandson to escape, but he bumped into Luo Xian’er’s fist head-on.

The bodies of the grandfather and grandson exploded and sputtered on Xiao Huo’s body.

Xiao Huo’s eyes widened, and his mind roared.

How could this be!

In his thoughts, Wang Lin should be excited by his strong self-confidence.

Even if Wang Lin wanted to kill him, he would take care of his identity and would not easily attack him.

But now…

Xiao Huo glanced at the broken limbs on the ground, and his eyes were red.


“Brother Xiao Huo, go quickly!”

Xiao Yan’er was bombarded again, and all the internal organs that were shocked by Luo Xian’er’s powerful fist were misplaced.

Luo Xian’er’s fist technique was too terrifying, wrapped in a general momentum, restraining her, as if falling into a quagmire.

Let her have no escape, no escape.

If you don’t make a hard connection, then you have to punch Luo Xian’er.

And the spirit weapon on her body cannot completely resist the bombardment of the “force” of the lower fist.

If this continues, or a few punches, she will be beaten to death.

At this thought, a sense of frustration rose in Xiao Yaner’s heart.

Her exquisite mysterious skills turned out to be bells and whistles in front of Luo Xian’er.


Wang Yanran’s sharp sword technique cut off Xiao Zhan’s arm with a sword.

You can even see that a layer of ice has formed at the broken arm of Xiao Zhan.

“Let’s go!”

Xiao Zhan roared angrily at his son.

Immediately looked at Wang Yanran, his eyes widened, a fierce tiger phantom appeared, and he killed it with a knife.

“No, father, I’m not leaving!”

Xiao Huo’s eyes cracked and he rushed up.

Wang Yanran glanced at him, and his impression of Xiao Huo changed.

Although Xiao Huo likes to die, he is not useless.

At least he could not even take his life for his father.


In Wang Yanran’s storage ring, eight more spirit swords flew out, one of which was as fast as lightning to penetrate Xiao Huo.

Immediately, the nine swords flew together, the swords shot out, and in a few breaths, Xiao Zhan was strangled.

“Stop, I’m the concubine of the six-star family, you…”


Luo Xian’er’s eyes were cold, since Wang Lin let her kill, it meant that Xiao Yan’er’s family was not enough.

The fist wrapped the general trend of heaven and earth, and the terrifying boundless power almost exploded Xiao Yaner’s body.


Xiao Yan’er fell in front of Xiao Huo, dying.

The radiant spirit weapon on his body also became dim.

“Sister Yeona~”

Xiao Huo’s eyes were blood-red and he picked up Xiao Yan’er.

Although he was pierced by Wang Yanran’s sword, his vitality was extremely tenacious, and his wounds faintly had a tendency to heal.

“I’m okay!”

Xiao Yan’er took a strong breath and used the life-saving hole card left by her father.

A middle-aged man’s phantom appeared, with a figure-eight beard on his face and a majestic expression.

Glancing around, there was surprise in his eyes.

Although Wang Lin has changed greatly, the breath on Wang Lin’s body will not be wrong.

So he recognized Wang Lin at a glance.

Xiao Tianxiang looked at the remnant soul in Wang Lin’s hand, and his eyes showed a hot color.

This is the remnant soul of the Divine Fire Realm.

If he also searched for his soul, he might be able to break through to the Divine Fire Realm.

“Dad, help me kill this devil!”

Xiao Yan’er’s eyes showed hatred.

“Don’t worry!”

The daughter was seriously injured, although it made Xiao Tianxiang extremely angry.

But what he is thinking about now is how to maximize the benefits.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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