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Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice — Chapter 8

Wang Lin left the Luo family satisfied, and sent a message to Wang Wei by the way, asking him to go to the Luo family to hire a dowry, the kind that did not give a dowry.

In two days, his 500th birthday will be right, just right for his wife.

He had to go back and get ready.

As for Luo Xian’er’s famous marriage scene, Wang Lin was not interested in watching it.

Wang Lin was also not worried that Luo Xian’er would be in danger.

People are the daughters of destiny with purple gold destiny.

Instead of worrying about her, it is better to worry more about yourself and whether you will choke to death when eating.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully marrying the daughter of destiny, rewarding 3,000 qi luck points, rewarding the Emperor Sutra, and the Zhou Tian Star Decision. ] 】

When Wang Lin returned to the cave mansion, he heard the sound of the system, which made him stunned.

“Is this okay? I haven’t married her yet. “

[Why not?] As long as the other party agrees, then she is the host’s Taoist. 】

“We are different. 】

[This system is not human, why abide by human rules?] 】

You this….

Are you an oil drum?

“Your sudden commotion almost flashed the old man’s waist.”

“But you are a particular system, the old man likes it.”

“Claim your reward.”

The system is so sensible, Wang Lin expressed great satisfaction.

Sure enough, the system plug-in, eternal God!

A vast amount of information poured into Wang Lin’s mind like a torrent.


“Damn old thief, cunning old thief, shameless old thief …”

Compared with Wang Lin’s joy, Luo Xian’er gritted her teeth angrily, and her mentality exploded.

She originally thought that she had fused her three-life body, had an invincible physique, and knew the future, and she was destined to rise to the top in this life, defeat Tianjiao, and push the invincible hand in the world.

Luo Xian’er was preparing to sharpen the knife Huo Huo, and the first step to become an emperor was to behead her fiancé first.

Then find Wang Lin old thief to settle the account.

But I never expected that before she left the novice village, the most powerful boss came to the door.

What is even more hateful is that Wang Lin’s old thief wants to marry her and does not give her a dowry, is this trying to prostitute her in vain?

She had never seen such a brazen person.

Originally, I wanted to lie to Wang Lin and quickly become stronger, and then turn my face and not recognize people, and beheaded Wang Lin’s old thief.

If she can’t kill Wang Lin’s old thief, then she will leave Daqing Mountain with her family and temporarily avoid Wang Lin’s old thief’s edge.

Now it seems that she thinks too much.

Wang Lin’s old thief was wise and thoughtful, and he must have guessed her thoughts.

Perhaps, Wang Lin has already made people stare at her and the Luo family.

If she does something, it may be destroyed.

“Damn it…”

The more Luo Xian’er thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became.

“You old thief is so shameless, you wait for me, sooner or later I will make you pay for it.”

“Today’s shame, and the future murderous revenge, I, Luoxian’er…”

“Miss, miss…”

Just when Luo Xian’er was secretly cursing, a little maid hurriedly ran over.

Hearing the little maid’s voice, Luo Xian’er put away her emotions, and her eyes became extremely cold.

The beautiful eyes showed awe-inspiring killing intent.

If you say that she and Wang Lin are enemies of life and death.

Then she and this fiancé are unending enemies.

I can’t wait to pull out the other party’s cramps and light the sky lantern.

“Ah, Miss…”

The little maid was immediately frightened by Luo Xian’er’s terrifying momentum, and her face turned pale.

Why is the young lady’s momentum so terrifying!?

The little maid’s small body stood in place, shivering.


“Lao Zu, what does this mean?”

Wang Wei received Wang Lin’s message, and his first reaction was whether Wang Lin’s transmission jade was lost.

After being picked up by the enemy, he deliberately sent this kind of message, wanting to blow Wang Lin’s mentality and make Wang Lin unsafe.

After all, Wang Lin has been single for hundreds of years and has never expressed the idea of marrying a wife and having children.

When the limit is approaching, he said that he would marry a wife, and he would not directly put Wang Huan in order.

The second reaction was to quickly send a message to Wang Lin to confirm.

After receiving the reply, Wang Wei was silent.

Deep silence.

Lao Zu, is this the old iron tree blooming?

Or did the ancestors know that there was no hope of breakthrough, so they wanted to leave their descendants?

“Father, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing that his father looked wrong, Wang Yanran put down his chopsticks and asked softly.

“Lao Zu wants to marry a wife and have children.”

Wang Wei said in a deep voice.


Wang Yanran was dumbfounded, and her small mouth was slightly open.

This, this, this… How is that possible!?

“In that case, let’s do it, why should the husband be entangled?”

Although the beautiful woman on the side was also shocked.

But she also knew that since it was Wang Lin’s explanation, they would definitely do it beautifully.

“What Yun’er said is true.”

Wang Wei nodded, didn’t think much about it, and immediately notified the elders of the family and jointly went to the door to get engaged.

After all, it is the first marriage of the ancestor, and the noodles must be done enough.


[Find data].

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Villain: The old man has done good deeds all his life, and helped justice

Status: Ongoing Author:


Wang Lin was reincarnated and reborn in a fantasy world. After five hundred years of painstaking practice, he finally came to his senses and was about to lie down, but the system was activated.
As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can get various rewards.
[It is detected that the host is consistent with the system, the family system is successfully activated, and the chaotic golden lotus is rewarded! 】
[It is detected that the host and the Daughter of D...


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