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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 001

“Is stomach cancer in the middle stage?” Wang Lei looked at the hospital report in his hand.

A few days ago, Wang Lei felt a sharp pain in the stomach and vomited out blood, and came to the hospital for this examination, and the result has become stomach cancer? I used to know that I had stomach problems, and I had been taking medicine for several years, but I didn’t expect to come to this step?

At this moment, seeing this result, Wang Lei was desperate in his heart, and he didn’t know how to get out of the hospital.

Many people say that everyone is on the same starting line, but what about the truth? Some people stand at the top as soon as they are born, but some people run around for food and clothing, and fate is actually the most unfair!

The hemp rope is specially picked and broken!

Of course, what kind of people have what kind of way of living.

Wang Lei is an ordinary office worker who commutes to and from work like a puppet.

“Hey~ Did you live 365 days a year, or did you live a day and repeat it 365 times?”

Wang Lei pondered this question while waiting for the bus at work.

Day after day, the infinite repetition of life made Wang Lei more and more numb.

Wang Lei only has a junior high school education, and when he was young, he always felt that he would have great achievements and was pretentious!

So I dropped out of school early and entered society, thinking that I could make a big difference!

As a result, reality gave him a big fight.

I worked as a network administrator, worked in sales, repaired cars, and worked as a chef, and could have eaten and drunk without worry.

But half a year ago, my father found out that he had cancer, and all the money in the family was used for treatment, and now there are still 200,000 yuan of treatment fees that have not been paid, and if they do not pay the hospital the day after tomorrow, they will be taken home. Waiting for death!

No way, Wang Lei and his mother begged all their relatives, but no one lent them money, after all, with the current situation of their family, they were unable to repay the money, and they were afraid that they would not come back if they lent it out!

Is it cruel? In reality, there are a lot of these people!

Some people go to the bar and spend hundreds of thousands in one night, while some people beg everyone for hundreds of thousands of lives!

Wang Lei was also going to go to the boss today to see if he could advance his salary, but he was scolded by the boss, and he felt stomach pain on the way back, and while visiting his father, he also did an examination by the way, but found that he also suffered from cancer.

It’s really bad luck to pick hard people, thinking of this, Wang Lei’s inner mood is a little manic: Mother-in-law, you obviously said that good people have good rewards, where is this good reward! We have been burning incense to worship the Buddha, saying that the Buddha will bless us!

At this moment, an old lady fell to the ground and convulsed, and Wang Lei looked around and there were no people, some just vehicles passing by in a hurry.

Because of his father’s cancer, Wang Lei’s original smart phone was sold, and he only had an old second-hand Nokia in his hand, and he could only make calls.

As a 21st century Wang Lei of course, dare not help at will, after all, many real cases are in his mind, and his father and mother have been robbed of money for helping the elderly, and they also warned themselves not to help the elderly, this kind of thing has happened at home, Wang Lei is even more afraid to help the elderly.

All Wang Lei can do is call 120.

But it backfired, and when Wang Lei called, the old lady stood up by herself, came to his side, and fell down.

Wang Lei, who had just finished the call, was not yet concentrated, and when he saw someone falling in front of him, he subconsciously helped him.

Then the old lady fell in front of Wang Lei, and immediately 2 men and a woman came out and shouted:

“Hit someone.”

“How can you kill an old man!”

“Now the old man has fainted.”

After hearing the shout, people gathered more and more, pointing at Wang Lei.

Wang Lei’s heart suddenly sank, feeling bad, trying to explain, but so pale and weak.

Someone on the side called the police and called 120.

Not long after, the old lady was pulled away by ambulance, and Wang Lei was taken to the police station for questioning.

After a simple explanation, let him go home and wait for news, and keep the phone open.

Back in the rented house, the original house was sold to pay for treatment.

Wang Lei looked at his increasingly haggard mother cooking.

Remembering today’s experience, looking at the scene in front of me, I still couldn’t hold back my tears.

Hearing the crying, Wang Lei’s mother turned around, “What’s wrong son?” What is such an adult crying about. ”

Wang Lei’s mother comforted him with tears. She thought she was crying because she couldn’t borrow money, but this was also expected by her, at this juncture, any relatives and friends would look at them like a plague.

“It’s okay if you can’t borrow it, just think of a way, let’s eat first.” Wang Lei’s mother completely lost the gentleness of the past, and was full of exhaustion.

Wang Lei looked at his haggard mother and cried even louder, not knowing why he wanted to cry bitterly, as if there was an aura called despair shrouded the room.

Looking at his son, he cried even harder, didn’t say anything, and held him in his arms.

“What can be done! I have already thought of any way, if it doesn’t work, it will not be cured. The mother also said with tears in her eyes.

I don’t know how long it took, Wang Lei was not crying, looking at his tired mother still did not say what happened today, did not want to add distress to his mother, as for his stomach cancer, Wang Lei did not know how to speak, after all, if you want to save your father, you can’t live.

In the end, Wang Lei still did not speak, although Wang Lei is only in his twenties now, but he really feels that there is no point in living.

The second police station called and asked Wang Lei to go to the police station to coordinate.

After receiving the call, Wang Lei said goodbye to his mother, and after coming to the police station, a group of people suddenly came out, three of whom were the three people who jumped out after the old lady fell.

“That’s him, my wife and I saw him stun the old lady with my own eyes.”

Another man said: “That’s right, I saw him hit people and filmed it, just in time to shoot the scene where he knocked the old lady unconscious.” ”

Saying that, he took out his mobile phone, and a picture appeared that looked like he had pushed down the old lady.

Everyone looked at the picture even more angrily, and they were about to make a move on Wang Lei, and Wang Lei’s face turned red with anger, and he roared: “Are you just wronged like this?” After saying this, he felt a little unable to lift his chest in anger.

“Stop, this is the police station!” After several policemen stopped the crowd

Looking at Wang Lei, he said, “Now they want you to compensate 100,000 yuan for medical expenses.” Coordinate yourselves. ”

Wang Lei almost collapsed after hearing 100,000 and explained: “I didn’t hit, you guys check the monitoring!” ”

Hearing Wang Lei’s unwilling voice, a policeman said: “Your position is exactly the blind spot,” after saying that, he called up the monitoring, and only saw a billboard and an old lady who fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the police officer asked: “Didn’t you record a video?” ”

“Didn’t you tell you yesterday when you asked? My phone can’t record videos. Said taking out his Nokia.

When the police heard this, he said: “Then there is no way, they have physical evidence, and you have nothing, you can coordinate it yourself.” ”

“100,000, just 100,000 is over, otherwise you will wait to go to jail!” The men spoke.

“100,000 is still less! Now the old lady can’t speak when she wakes up, and it costs a lot of money to take care of her after falling stupid! ”


(New book for collection).

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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