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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 006

Kaido looked at Ember, a loyal subordinate in the original work, but unfortunately was killed by Solon in the end, and then sucked dry of life by the green bull bastard, life and death are unknown.

However, now that Kaido has Saiyan bloodline, even if he really meets Wang Luffy, he is not afraid, and he must be hammered to death this time.

Looking at Ember seriously, he asked, “Ember, you have been with me for more than thirty years!” ”

Ember, who was wearing a mask, did not know the expression at this time, and replied lightly: “Well, I was saved by Brother Kaido when I was 12 years old, and now if you do the math, it has been thirty-three years. ”

Kaido grinned, and also said with some emotion: “Speaking of which, we have been in the country of Wano for more than twenty years, until after killing Mitsuki Ota eighteen years ago, no one in the country of Wano can resist us, but it has made us a little degenerate, look at me, now we have gained a lot of weight.” ”

Ember also smiled when he listened: “Brother Kaido, this is not fat, you don’t have a little fat on your body, all are muscles, Quinn’s idiot is really fat.” ”

Kaido also smiled gently, Kaido is still clear about his figure, twenty years ago he was slender, but now himself, although the body is also very strong, but the proportion of the body and legs is very uncoordinated, although this strength is stronger, but it will sacrifice some speed. Even if the upper body is full of muscles, but it is indeed a little fat, or in other words, he is completely a muscular man now, even if the strength will be stronger, but Kaido still prefers the appearance of his youth.

Looks like we’ll have to find a way to extend your life!’ Kaido secretly said in his heart, he is now 57 years old, it is the prime of life, even if there is a Saiyan bloodline that can make Kaido continue to become stronger, but the life expectancy is limited, although the life span of the ghost race is longer than that of humans, but Kaido does not want to end up as sad as the white beard in his old age.

Either go to Luo, who has the fruit of the operation, and let him use the immortal surgery for himself, or he can only go to pure gold.

“Bastard Ember, you guy actually said bad things about me behind my back.” At this time, Quinn in the distance rushed over with a boar car, and just as soon as he came over, he heard Ember saying bad things about him, which made Quinn angry, jumped down from the car, and said with a funny look: “I’m just worried that if I really lose weight, I’m too handsome, even if I don’t lose weight, I’m the number one and most popular super handsome guy in Wano Country.” ”

“As far as you’re concerned, you have a relationship with Shuai?” Ember listened even more speechlessly.

Kaido looked at Quinn, his eyes froze slightly, when the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the Straw Hat gang fought in the original work, it was the most pitted of this goods, and directly countered thousands of subordinates, typical pig teammates.

And Quinn and the few Givers brought over by Quinn also had a translucent panel next to them, and Kaido secretly said in his heart: ‘Show me Quinn’s combat power. ’

The electronic voice soon appeared: ‘Quinn, animal line, ancient species, dragon fruit, brachiosaur form, armed color domineering (advanced), seeing and smelling color domineering (advanced), strength estimation: weak emperor deputy level. ’

Kaido looked at the evaluation of Quinn, is it really only a weak emperor deputy level? A little weaker than Ember, then what about the rest!

Soon, Kaido also glanced at the rest of the funny, and the electronic voice: ‘West Eight, armed color domineering (elementary), seeing and smelling color domineering (beginner), strength estimation: cannon fodder level. ’

‘Old Goose, armed color domineering (elementary), strength estimate: weak cannon fodder level. ’

‘Daxi, armed color domineering (entry), strength estimation, strong ant level. ’

‘Old black, armed color domineering (elementary), seeing and smelling color domineering (beginner), strength estimation, strong cannon fodder level. ’

Looking at the strength of several laughters, Kaido was a little speechless, this is again cannon fodder level, and it is again ant level, no need to think, there is no minimum combat effectiveness only lower.

However, it seems that the cannon fodder level should be slightly more powerful than the ant level! After all, only one of these funny people is an ant-level, and the rest are cannon fodder.

It turns out that there is a combat power system now, so wait and take a look at the combat power in your Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

After all, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group also has a strict hierarchical order, and the highest is Captain Hundred Beast Kaido.

This is followed by the three plagues, Ember of the Flame, Quinn of the Epidemic, and Jack of the Drought.

After that, there are the six strongest Shinda, flying sextuplets, which are Fuz För, Sasaki, Black Maria, Runma, Peggy Wan, and Kebal.

Five of them appeared in the anime in the previous life, and the last Kebal, through the memory of the original body, Kaido knew that he turned out to be Ember’s subordinate, animal line, bird fruit owl form, and it was also Ember who recommended Kebar to become a flying sextuplet.

Then there are the numberers, but the numberers are all ancient giants with huge bodies, belonging to war weapons, these people have no subordinates, and they cannot leave Ghost Island without Kaido’s order.

After that, it was a real fight, and it really planned to be the backbone of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and the number of people was enough to have dozens of people.

Further down are the givers who have obtained the ability of the Devil Fruit after eating the artificial devil fruit, these people are equivalent to the level of the captain of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and they can lead a squad alone to carry out tasks, and they can also be the deputy of the real fight.

Finally, there are the hilars and the waiters, the hilars are those who have failed to eat the artificial devil fruit and have deprived the rest of their facial expressions except laughter, and the waiters are those who have not taken the devil fruit.

Of course, among the waiting and hilarious people, there are also some people who are team leaders, after all, as long as the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has strength, it can challenge its superiors.

‘Just let people go and call subordinates of all levels to take a look.’ Thinking of this, Kaido looked at Quinn.

And Kaido’s indifferent eyes looked at Quinn, which immediately frightened Quinn, and secretly said: ‘Damn, it must be this bastard Ember who secretly hit my little report, Brother Kaido’s eyes are a little wrong when he looks at me! ’

This made Quinn more and more panicked in his heart, and began to think about recent things, and he didn’t seem to have messed up anything recently! There is no problem on the quarry side, there is no problem on the business side, and the artificial devil fruit has already sent Jack to get it, there should be nothing left.

Soon, Quinn checked himself, there was no mistake these days, and suddenly his waist straightened, and he looked at Kaido with a flattering look: “Brother Kaido, I have to say that your domineering is really getting more and more powerful!” The overlord color domineering just now is so strong, the entire ghost island is trembling! It’s amazing. ”

Kaido said indifferently: “If you slap the horse, you will be exempt!” By the way, has anything happened recently? ”

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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