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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 007

Ember clasped his hands to his chest and said indifferently: “There is indeed one thing, about a month ago, Klockdar, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, was arrested by Colonel Smog of the Navy Headquarters for stealing the country, and now there is a vacant position in the Seven Wuhai. ”

“Klockdar defeated?” Kaido was a little surprised to hear, has the plot already come here? Straw Hat Luffy has now defeated grams; Lockdal, then the next plot should be the empty island chapter!

Anilu can be said to be a very humiliated boss in the early stage of One Piece, straw hat Luffy is obviously the Nika fruit, the bug of the rubber fruit was stuck in the early stage, and the thunder fruit was restrained by the rubber fruit, which is simply psychedelic manipulation!

Ember listened and nodded, “Yes, there is currently a vacancy in the position of His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, but I think the World Government should soon find a new pirate to fill this vacant position!” After all, His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, the Navy Headquarters and the Four Emperors are one of the three major forces that balance each other. ”

Quinn listened to the sneer, and said disdainfully: “Klockdar is just a piece of trash, what a big news!” And it’s just one thing about the Great Passage. ”

Then, Quinn said flatteringly: “By the way, boss, this time Joker produced 200 artificial devil fruit SMILE, if it goes well, there should be about 20 people who can obtain the devil fruit ability.” ”

The trading of the Devil Fruit, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and Doflamingo have been trading for several years, but the trade of the artificial Devil Fruit only began last year, however, Kaido has also provided the Hundred Beast Pirate Group with hundreds of artificial Devil Fruits, but the disadvantages of the artificial Devil Fruit are also known, there is only a one-tenth chance of obtaining the ability of the Devil Fruit, and if you fail, you will become a hilar.

“Speaking of SMILE, I suddenly remembered something.” Kaido suddenly reacted and looked at Ember and said, “In the country of Wano, there is a little girl named Xiaoyu, who is the ability of the dango fruit, her ability can control animals, and she can also control the giver and real fight who took the artificial demon fruit of the animal line. ”

Kaido is clear that Xiaoyu in the original work can be said to be the natural enemy of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and there are hundreds of artificial devil fruit abilities in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and Xiao Yu’s ability has finished them.

Thinking of the defeat of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group in the original book is inexplicable, which makes Kaido very angry, and clears some hidden dangers in advance, after all, Kaido knows very well that his enemy is Wang Luffy, the son of destiny, this time, Kaido absolutely wants to hammer this Nika Joyboy.

Quinn was stunned when he listened, his eyes bulged out, and said, “Manipulate the endowment and the real fight?” Is there such a powerful devil fruit? ”

Kaido ignored Quinn’s surprise and ordered Ember: “The person seems to be in Jiuli, Ember, you send someone to find her.” ”


Kaido looked at the two again and asked, “Is there anything else going on lately?” ”

Ember listened and thought for a while, and continued: “It’s basically gone, it must be said that there are some powerful newcomers on the Great Passage now, such as Eustace Kidd, Torafalga Ro, Red Flag X Drake and other pirate rising stars!” The world government spends a lot of time reporting on these people. ”

Kaido listened to the familiar name and pondered in his heart again, while Quinn was full of disdain: “These rookie pirates are a fart!” Whether or not you can come to the new world is still a question! ”

“By the way, there is one more thing, Brother Kaido. Tonight is the big snake’s birthday banquet, an invitation sent to us, you can’t go or not! ”

“Yes.” Kaido did not refuse, chose to agree, the black carbon snake is Kaido’s ally, but it is indeed a proper waste, and obviously a waste does not know it, wait until you are familiar with the power and take time to kill him!

Influenced by his previous life, Kaido still likes to hold power in his own hands, which is the most appropriate, and said to Ember: “Ember, you go and find out that little jade for me, I have something to talk to Quinn.” ”


Watching Ember leave, it suddenly made Quinn’s palms sweat a little, and his heart was even more panicked. What’s going on! Why did Brother Kaido leave me alone!

“So, Brother Kaido, do you have something you want to tell me?”

Kaido looked at Quinn with a calm face, leaving Quinn just to test his strength, for the strength of this body, Kaido has not experimented, and Quinn is definitely a good training object.

“Quinn! We have been stationed in Wano Country for more than 20 years! ”

“Yes, Brother Kaido, it has been about twenty-six years since entering the country of Wano.” Quinn also didn’t know what Brother Kaido was going to say, so he would answer whatever Kaido asked.

Kaido said in a deep voice, “Since we killed Mitsuki Ota, there has been no more opposition to us in the country of Wano, although there are still some scattered samurai, but it is not a climate. But this situation will not last long, sooner or later the war will break out. ”

Quinn was a little surprised when he heard this: “Brother Kaido, are you worried about the prophecy left by the light moon eighteen years ago?” “After all, this prophecy Black Carbon Great Snake will be chanted for a while every year, but Quinn did not expect that Brother Kaido would also care about this.

Then, Quinn flattered and said: “However, Brother Kaido, you don’t have to worry too much, even if that prophecy is true, now the country of Wano is completely under our control, the number of our Hundred Beast Pirate Group exceeds 20,000, if you add some overseas pirate groups, the number is nearly 30,000, and in Wazhi Country, there are also five thousand ninja troops and five thousand samurai troops in the hands of the black charcoal snake, and the current country of Wano can be said to be a copper wall and an iron wall.” ”

“I’m not interested in that prophecy or something, I’m talking about the rest, this sea will soon be uncalm, we must be prepared.” Kaido snorted coldly, he came to this world, and he also became the fourth emperor, he must have something to do! In his previous life, he did nothing, and now he has become Kaido, and he combines the Saiyan bloodline, not only to become the strongest, but also to swallow the rest of the four emperors, just like the emperors in the previous life, taking the whole world into his own hands.

Looking at Quinn, he was no longer around the corner, and said coldly: “Quinn, look at the fat of your body, now the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is too comfortable in the country of Wazhi, I decided to carry out some reforms to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and conduct some special training for the cadres.” ”

“What? Special training? Quinn listened dumbfounded, how come there is suddenly a special training! And with their current age, how much room for improvement is there!

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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