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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 008

“Quinn, start with you! Over the years, you have been greedy for enjoyment, eating, drinking and having fun all day, so let me check whether your strength has regressed as a big board for the Hundred Beast Pirates. ”

Hearing this, Quinn’s face immediately turned green, and he quickly raised his short and stubby arm and hurriedly waved his hand and refused: “No, no, no, big brother Kaido, I, me, hey, I have a stomachache now, I want to…” Saying that, Quinn directly squatted on the ground and covered his stomach to perform his funny performance.

Looking at Quinn’s appearance, Kaido’s face turned dark, and he said coldly: “Less come to this set, even if you want to, you have to hold it back for me, I’m ready to attack, get ready!” Quinn. ”

Quinn saw that Kaido was not fooled at this time, and immediately stood up and hurriedly shouted: “Wait a minute, big brother, I suddenly remembered, I still have something…”

Kaido smiled viciously, licked his lips, clenched his fists, and said, “Less fucking nonsense, take the trick…”

With the thunderous explosion, the iron fist the size of a casserole carried the power of opening the mountain cracking stone, and poured it into Quinn’s belly, swinging a circle of flesh waves!


Quinn’s eyes were instantly bloodshot, a large mouthful of blood spewed out, and his body also flew back upside down under the powerful force, crashing straight into the distant mountain rocks!

“Boom!” Smoke and dust are rising into the sky!

“Lord Quinn!”

Not far away, the Batman, Alpaca Man and other little brothers were so scared that they almost suffocated, wanting to rescue Quinn, but it was Boss Kaido who beat Quinn, and they didn’t dare to have any trespass! The smoke gradually dissipated, and the impact site was buried by rubble.

Kaido took a step forward, and his body also began to change, quickly transforming into a dragon human form, shouting to the place where the rubble was buried: “Quinn, hurry up and give me up.” ”

For a long time, just when the younger brothers wondered if Quinn had been killed, a stout hoof stuck out from the pile of rubble!


The hooves stomped on the ground hard, emitting a dull tremor, and soon, a fifteen-meter-tall and extremely huge brachiosaurus appeared in everyone’s field of vision!

Dragon Fruit, Ancient Species, Brachiosaurus Form!

“! Hurt Lao Tzu! Quinn roared up to the sky, even sunglasses could not hide the anger in his eyes, but reason quickly disappeared under severe pain. Because when he saw Brother Kaido, who appeared in front of him, had transformed into a dragon human form, and was holding a mace in his hand, his waist was no longer painful, and his legs were not sore.

All anger and dissatisfaction are gone! Even scared back to human form!

“Wait! Brother Kaido! Are you trying to kill me? Quinn vomited blood and begged for mercy, he could feel the punch just now, at least he broke two ribs, even if the animal line ability is amazing, he doesn’t have such training!

And what does that mean! Directly even the Devil Fruit was used, and it was still in the dragon form, is this really training? It feels like Brother Kaido is going to kill him!

“That’s right! If you have fasted a little too much, then use your fists and feet! With that, Kaido threw the mace aside and clenched his fists.

“It’s not a mace problem at all, is it!” Quinn shouted even more frightened as he looked at it.

‘Death is determined, Brother Kaido in the form of a dragon man, how can I win! ’

Soon, Quinn knelt directly on the ground and begged for mercy at Kaido: “Brother Kaido, I surrender, I admit defeat.” ”

Every member of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group knows that Brother Kaido’s emotions are ever-changing, and he often does some bizarre things, so he simply surrenders directly, anyway, the so-called special training must be beaten.

If it’s Ember that gets out, he doesn’t mind a real knife and a real gun, but fighting with Brother Kaido, to put it ugly, Brother Kaido stands there and doesn’t fight back, he may not be able to hurt Brother Kaido! After all, Brother Kaido is the strongest creature in the famous New World, and no one can leave scars on Big Brother except that Mitsuki Oda! Fight with Brother Kaido, that’s looking for death!

“Surrender? Fuck, Lao Tzu does not accept surrender! “Kaido’s violent temper came up at once, he just punched, and I don’t know what his strength is now! As a result, the guy Quinn wanted to surrender, just kidding! Shouted angrily: “Quinn, you are the big Kanban of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, can you have a little bit of interest, if you don’t take out the momentum of the big Kanban, I won’t show mercy!” ”

If you beat someone unilaterally and pass it out and have a bad impact, but fight in the name of special training, then it’s no problem!

“Bastard, you actually underestimate me!”

The clay man also has three points of anger, not to mention a murderous and tyrannical pirate!

Seeing that Brother Kaido was iron-hearted and wanted to beat himself, Quinn couldn’t help but be angry, everything in the group relied on strength to speak, and he had long wanted to challenge this big brother!

“Brother Kaido, let you see the terrifying power of the ancient species! Quinn roared, his body quickly expanded and enlarged, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a fifteen-meter-tall, huge brachiosaurus! That mountain-like terrifying human body shape is terrifying just to look at, even among all ancient species, the body size of Brachiosaurus can be ranked at the forefront!

“Big brother bastard, let you see the true power of the Brachiosaurus!”

Quinn angrily retreated until about a hundred meters away, he stopped, his right hoof slammed into the ground, kicking up a lot of dust!

Kaido knew that Quinn was accumulating, and he also wanted to see how strong Quinn’s all-out blow was, and Kaido was quite confident in the defense of his body, and hooked his finger at Quinn defiantly: “Come on!” Quinn, let me see your strength. ”

And the Batman and other subordinates next to him are also very excited at this time, and the battle between the big kanban and Governor Kaido is rare!

“Watch me crash into you!” After a short period of recharge, Quinn roared angrily, moving his heavy limbs to rush towards Kaido, and with each step, the ground trembled! When the distance between the two sides was close to about twenty meters, Quinn’s muscles tensed, and his limbs slammed the ground, while arching and exerting force!

“Queen Rocket Launcher!”

The huge brachiosaurus body ejected out, like a huge cannonball, and instantly appeared in front of Kaido, wrapped around the armed color domineering brain door and slammed into Kaido’s chest!

With a muffled sound of ‘touch’, Kaido was shocked by Quinn’s impact and flew out upside down, leaving two deep marks on the ground with his feet, sliding more than twenty meters away.

Kaido touched his chest that had just been hit, and even Kaido was surprised by the defense of his body, Quinn’s blow just now, since he couldn’t even feel pain, it was as if he was just pushed by Quinn, looking at Quinn and said coldly: “This is your all-out blow?” ”

“It didn’t work at all.” “Brother Quinn’s attack turned out to be completely ineffective.” “It’s just that Boss Kaido took a few steps back.” The laughers and others who were watching the battle on the side were also stunned at this time, and the attack of the big kanban was completely ineffective in the face of Boss Kaido, and the strength of Boss Kaido was simply unimaginable.

“Damn it! How could it be, my all-out blow turned out to be completely ineffective. Kui said with a look of disbelief.

(New book for collection).

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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