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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 010

After all, Kaido himself is domineering, but I didn’t know how to use it before, but just now Quinn’s attack made Kaido’s body instinctively release the armed color domineering, and Kaido instantly mastered how to use it.

Thinking of this, Kaido picked up the mace on the ground, and in the battle just now, the overlord color domineering, armed color domineering are easy to use, then come and try your own tricks. Grinning, “Next, it’s time for me to attack again, Quinn, are you ready?” If you can take this trick, the special training is over. ”

“Just take the next move!” Quinn was immediately excited when he heard this, as long as he could take the next move, he could end this painful training, although it was only a few minutes from the beginning of the training to now, but he really didn’t want this training for a second.

“Wait a minute, Boss Kaido, this action is…” Quinn’s little eyes suddenly widened, and when he saw the purple thunder and lightning wrapped around his big brother’s mace, he was scared and almost went into cardiac arrest!

“That move!”


Kaido leaned forward, spitting out a faint mist in his mouth, and around his body, dazzling purple arcs swam around, half of which condensed on the mace!

Although Kaido does not know what the principle of the original body’s moves is, as long as the armed color and the overlord color are wrapped around the mace, and when Kaido holds the mace, the memory of the muscles of his body is also told to him, not to mention, now that he has the Saiyan bloodline, he can create his own moves.

“Zi la la la!”

There are more and more golden arcs wrapped around the mace, and even the original posture cannot be seen clearly, and it makes a harsh noise!

“It’s coming!”

Quinn’s eyes widened, staring at his eldest brother in the charge, and when he saw the domineering color, he also locked the other party with all his strength!

At this moment, Kaido suddenly disappeared!

“Can’t see clearly!” Quinn was so frightened that he didn’t see the movements of Brother Kaido at all, and he couldn’t capture the location of Brother Kaido!

In the next second, a dazzling mace appeared in front of you!

‘Too fast…’ At this time, only this sentence appeared in Quinn’s mind….


Kaido roared and swung his mace, condensing the strength of his whole body with a blow, and slammed it on Quinn’s brain, right in the bullseye!

“Gossip !!”


With a clear bone cracking sound, Quinn’s glasses shattered, his eyes turned white, and his huge body turned into a stream of light and flew out upside down, and even emitted a sonic boom!

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

Rocks, woods, everything along the way was destroyed, even the peaks were pierced, as if it was not humans who were galloping, but terrifying deadly shells!


Finally, spanning thousands of meters away, Quinn crashed headlong into the Skull Mountain wrapped outside the Ghost Island Palace, and with him as the center, a large number of cracks cracked!

The rounded body embedded in the rock obviously lost consciousness!

“It’s really powerful!” Kaido looked at Quinn embedded in the rock in the distance, and couldn’t help but feel his strength.

From the breath, it feels that Quinn has fainted now, and in the original book he can stun Wang Luffy with a stick, and it seems that he can also stun Quinn with a stick.

“Brother Quinn was actually killed in seconds.” “It’s unbelievable.” “Or rather, it’s really worthy of Governor Kaido, it’s simply amazing.” The surrounding givers and real fights were also excited at this time.

Kaido put the mace on his shoulder and grinned, “Hmm, it seems to be overdoing it!” However, he is an awakened person of animal ability, so there should be no problem! ”

“Hey, you guys, go take care of Quinn’s injuries, don’t let him die.”

“Yes, Boss Kaido!”

A few people snorted, immediately jumped on the boar car, and rushed to Skull Mountain, afraid that if there was a delay, Quinn would braid.

That’s Boss Kaido’s big move, thunder gossip!

I haven’t heard of it yet, who can survive after taking this trick!

“Wait a minute…” Kaido looked at the men and asked, “You guys seem to be really fighting!” I remember you might be called Speed Square! ”

The horse girl named Speed immediately said, “Yes, Governor Kaido. ”

Kaido also looked at the rest of the people, because the overlord-colored domineering outbreak just now, the laughers and the waiters seemed to be stunned by the domineering, and the real fight and the giver were still able to stand up.

Kaido also clicked on their panel to check their combat effectiveness.

‘Spid, artificial animal horse horse fruit, armed color domineering (intermediate) see smell color domineering (elementary), strength estimation: real level. ’

‘Poker, artificial animal line rattlesnake fruit, armed color domineering (intermediate), seeing and smelling color domineering (elementary), strength estimation: real level. ’

‘Bat Man, artificial animal line bat fruit, armed color domineering (intermediate), see color domineering (elementary), strength estimation, weak true level. ’

“Rat people, artificial animals are rat fruits, armed color domineering (intermediate), seeing and smelling color domineering (elementary), strength estimation, giving the endowment level.”

“Alpaca man, artificial animal line alpaca fruit, armed color domineering (intermediate), seeing and smelling color domineering (elementary), strength estimation: give the endowment level.”

“Armadillo people, artificial animals are armadillo fruits, armed color domineering (intermediate), seeing and smelling color domineering (elementary), strength estimation, strong endowment level.”

Looking at the strength of these people, Kaido also had a number in his heart, and asked: “Do you have a bounty?” ”

Hearing this, Spid, who was a real fighter, was the first to speak: “As pirates, we naturally have bounties, but most of our bounties are not high, and my words are only 56 million Bailey’s bounty.” ”

“I also have a bounty of 32 million.” “I’m a bounty of 16 million Baileys.” “I have a bounty of twenty million Baileys.” Hearing Kaido asking about their bounty, one by one, the real beaters and givers also immediately burst out their bounties.

Kaido listened and was silent for a moment, is there only a bounty of tens of millions of Baileys for the endowment level and the real level? There is not even a hundred million of them.

However, they are also crew members, and if these are really captains, they should be able to have a bounty of more than 100 million.

Without getting too entangled immediately, Kaido continued, “You guys go and call the flying sextuplets to see me. ”

“Yes.” Hearing Kaido’s order, Fu and Zhenda took Quinn, who had fainted, to treatment, and at the same time assigned people to inform the flying sextuplets.

Soon, Kaido returned to the castle.

“Boss Kaido is back!”

(New book for collection).

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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