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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 011

Seeing Kaido’s return, everyone who was dangling in the palace immediately straightened their waist, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Just now, Quinn was beaten and almost died, even if he is an animal capable person, it is estimated that it will take several days to return to normal. At this special moment, no one dares to behave a little out of line, and if it attracts the attention of Boss Kaido, it is likely to become the next Quinn. Will die!

Kaido also did not pay attention to them, also because Kaido is now more and more integrated with the original body, and he is also very calm about his subordinates’ fear of himself, and walked straight into the palace.

Kaido sat on the sofa, and soon several women from Wano Country brought drinks and food in front of Kaido, and Kaido also began to eat and drink, just after the battle, it was definitely very comfortable to be able to eat.

Came to this world, crossed to Kaido, and finally allowed himself to eat and drink well, and also with Saiyan blood, Kaido also felt hungry when he saw food, and in the previous life because of stomach problems, Kaido could not eat so comfortably.

At this time, a herald pirate said to Kaido: “Lord Kaido, Lord Fei Sextuplet has arrived, do you need to pass them over?” ”

“It’s pretty fast!” Kaido was also a little surprised, and then said: “Let them come!” ”


A minute later, six men of various heights walked in, and Kaido glanced at them, with the tallest black Maria being the most eye-catching.

‘It’s really beautiful!’ Kaido said in his heart, after all, Kaido’s height is here, if he wants to find a partner for himself, at present, only Black Maria in the entire Hundred Beast Pirate Group meets his requirements.

And Black Maria also saw Kaido looking at her, and also threw a wink at Kaido.

Kaido looked at the rest of the people again, Runma, Peggy Wan, Sasaki, and Fuzvo had all seen it through anime in their previous lives, and Kebar was a man in his thirties, wearing a black outfit, a little similar to Ember’s clothes, and wearing the same metal mask as Jack on his mouth.

After glancing at a few people, Run, Fuzifu, and Kebar were all wearing masks or face shields, and they couldn’t see their appearance at all, Kaido said flatly: “Since you’re here, let’s sit and eat together!” After that, Kaido continued to drink and eat meat.

Among them, the fish man Sasaki also immediately sat down when he heard this: “Hahahaha, it seems that Mr. Kaido has a good appetite today!” Although I don’t know what Mr. Kaido asked us to do, it is a very happy thing to be able to sit and drink with Mr. Kaido. ”

The rest of the people also sat down, they all knew, just now Quinn was defeated by Governor Kaido’s stick, and now he is still unconscious!

I guess this guy made some mistake! That’s good news for them! If Quinn stepped down, there would be a chance to make up for it among them.

Soon, Runmei and Kebar both took off their masks, which also allowed Kaido to see their appearance clearly, in the original work, Runti was in the battle of Ghost Island, and until the defeat, he did not take off the mask, which made many fans a little curious about Runti’s appearance, and now it seems that Runti looks very beautiful, and Kebar is also a normal person.

And when Kaido was eating, he also began to check how the combat effectiveness of flying sextuplets was.

‘Fuz Fu, animal line, ancient species, cat fruit, saber-toothed tiger form, armed color domineering (advanced), see and smell color domineering (intermediate), comprehensive strength estimation: weak big kanban level. ’

‘Sasaki, animal line, ancient species, dragon fruit, triceratops form, armed color domineering (advanced), seeing color domineering (intermediate), comprehensive strength estimate: strong flying sextuplets. ’

‘Black Maria, animal line, ancient species, spider fruit, format, rose ancient tarantula form, armed color domineering (intermediate), seeing color domineering (intermediate), comprehensive strength estimate: flying sextuplets. ’

‘Runti, animal line, ancient species, dragon fruit, swollen head dragon form, armed color domineering (intermediate), seeing and smelling color domineering (intermediate), comprehensive strength estimate: flying sextuplets. ’

‘Peggywan, animal line, ancient species, dragon fruit, spinosaurus form, armed color domineering (intermediate), seeing color domineering (elementary), comprehensive strength estimate: weak flying sextuplets. ’

‘Kebar, animal line, bird fruit, owl form, armed color domineering (intermediate), seeing and smelling color domineering (intermediate), comprehensive strength estimation: real level. ’

After reading the combat effectiveness of Fei Sextuplets, Kaido also looked calm, and through the detection of combat effectiveness, Kaido also knew what the ranking of these combat powers looked like.

After all, the so-called combat effectiveness, in the previous life, under some pirate post bars and netizens, has long had some sorting, but now with the system, the system also intimately lists the level of combat effectiveness.

The first is the imperial level, the following is the imperial deputy level, the big kanban level, the flying sextuplet level, the real fight level, the endower level, the cannon fodder level, and the ant level.

Now Kaido’s combat power is the strong general royal level, which can be regarded as a top, but I don’t know what kind of level is above the general emperor level.

After the flying sextets sat down, Kaido stopped talking, drinking wine and eating meat to himself.

During this period, Fuz Fu and Sasaki had already toasted Kaido with wine glasses, and Kaido also took the wine bowl and drank with them in the air, and Black Maria was also kneeling next to Kaido at this time to pour wine for him.

And Kaido also looked at the black Maria next to him with some surprise, and the black Maria also showed a charming smile to Kaido, and then the whole delicate body snuggled on Kaido’s body.

Immediately Kaido smelled the faint floral fragrance of black Maria, if it was changed to such a big beauty close to him in his previous life, Kaido’s heart would definitely beat faster, but now he is very calm, even if the beauty is around, his heart is without waves, and he continues to drink.

Soon, the girl with long sky-blue and pink striped hair couldn’t help it, and said dissatisfiedly: “Hey, Kaido, what are you calling us over!” Is it just a meal together? ”

Peigwan, who was next to him, was taken aback by Runda, and immediately stood up and apologized: “Hey, sister, you are so rude, Lord Kaido rarely invites us to dinner, isn’t this enough?” Sorry! Kaido-sama, sister she drank too much. ”

Kaido suddenly smiled, this Rundy is exactly the same as in the original book! A little bold, he said: “In fact, there is nothing at all, just ask you to come over and have a meal together, if you have something, you can also leave first.” ”

Although Kaido said so, but Kaido please eat, who dares to leave the table for no reason! Is it a long life?

And Fuzfer couldn’t help it at this time, and asked: “Governor Kaido, I heard that you hit Quinn today, did that guy make any mistake?” ”

(New book for collection).

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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