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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 012

Kaido replied lightly: “No, it’s just two moves with him, who knew that this guy was so impatient to fight, hey…”

At this time, Fuzfer directly said his inner thoughts: “Governor Kaido, the strength of this guy Quinn is not good, the position of the big Kanban is better than let me come!” ”

Kaido listened and looked at Fortune, this guy does have the strength of the big Kanban, although it is a weak Kanban level strength, but he is also the strongest one among the flying six, in the original work, Fuzi has always wanted to challenge the big Kanban, and now he is also the first to jump out and want to challenge the big Kanban, it seems that he is very dissatisfied with his current status! He said, “Yes!” Aren’t the rules already in place? As long as you can defeat any big Kanban, you can become the new big Kanban of the Hundred Beast Pirates. ”

“So be it! A few of you together, as long as you join forces to hold out in my hands for half an hour, I will agree to you to challenge Jack or Ember. ”

Hearing Kaido’s words, several people couldn’t help swallowing their spit: “Do you want to hold out in the hands of Governor Kaido for half an hour?” ”

Kaido looked at the few of them and grinned: “That’s right, by the way, let me see your strength!” ”

Black Maria immediately refused: “I will not participate in my words.” ”

Seeing that Black Maria refused, and the rest of the people were mutual support, Fuzifer took the lead in deciding: “Well, I also want to see the true power of Governor Kaido, and it is definitely a rare thing to have the opportunity to fight a top powerhouse like Governor Kaido.” ”

“Count me in too.” Sasaki is also the decision.

Runnian also signed up immediately: “Then I want to join too, although I have no interest in challenging the big kanban, but I also want to fight with Kaido-sama.” ”

“Sister…” Peggy Wan was also a little surprised to hear it, and then said: “If my sister has joined, then I will join too.” ”

“Then I’ll be fine too.” Kebar finally decided.

“Okay, let’s go! Let’s go outside. Kaido grinned.

Hefei Sextuplet came outside, Kaido was very happy at this time, he came to the world of One Piece, became a hundred beasts Kaido, must adapt to the power of this body as soon as possible, after all, even if he becomes the strongest creature in the land, sea and air, there is still Monchi D Joeyboy Nika Wang Luffy waiting for him in the future, even if Kaido can kill Wang Luffy in advance, there is the world government, the five old stars, and the mysterious Im, he must increase his strength, Kaido, who has Saiyan blood, has unlimited potential.

A clearing, waiting around, laughers, givers and real fights are all around, this is a rare battle scene for Lord Kaido! And the opponent is still five of the flying sextets.

“Hmm, a few of you come together!” Kaido was grinning with a mace, through the battle with Quinn just now, Kaido is very confident in his physical defense, Quinn’s armed color domineering is also advanced, but still can’t break the defense Kaido, Kaido estimates that if you want to break the defense against yourself, you must also be a top armed color domineering.

And the Fuzfu people also understood Kaido’s strength, and the five immediately stood in the pentagonal position and surrounded Kaido in the middle, after all, the opponent is Kaido, and it is not too careful to be careful.

Between the five people have used the Devil Fruit ability, all transformed into the strongest human and animal forms, originally their height is much shorter than Kaido, but after the transformation, the height of the five people has also increased a lot, basically they are almost the same height as Kaido.

“Let’s go together.” Fuzfer roared and rushed towards Kaido first, as did the others.

Kaido watched the other party rush up, and for the confidence of his defense, Kaido planned to see how their attack power was first.

“Finger gun…” poked Kaido’s body with a hardened finger of armed color, making Kaido feel some pain, but the finger gun did not penetrate Kaido’s skin.

“Horned dragon impact…” Sasaki, who transformed into a triceratops, slammed into Kaido’s body with three horns on his head, and Kaido did not retreat, and the three horns stabbed Kaido’s body, but there was no way to penetrate Kaido’s skin, but after making Kaido retreat more than ten meters, Kaido grinned viciously: “The strength is good, but it’s not enough…”

Saying that, Kaido threw out the Sasaki in the form of a triceratops with a force in his hand, and smashed Kebar who just wanted to attack.

“Run head gun…” Run Tian is also not at all, a head mallet smashed down towards Kaido, Kaido also does not dodge, also uses the head mallet to fight back, although Run Tian is very good at the head mallet, and the head is also very iron, but Kaido’s head is more iron, with the move that Run Tian is best at, the hammer of Run Tian flew out.

Subsequently, the attacks of several people fell on Kaido’s body, and Kaido also completely withstood their attacks, their attacks fell on Kaido’s body, basically unable to break Kaido’s defenses, suddenly clenched the mace in his hand, looked at Peggy Wan who rushed over, and roared lowly: “Thunder gossip…”

A quick and violent stick swung out, Peggy Wan completely used his face to catch the mace, a stick went down to beat Peggy Wan out, the speed of ejection was so fast, it quickly fell on the stone wall behind, ‘boom’ a loud sound, Peggy Wan’s whole person fell directly into the stone wall, and then the entire stone wall collapsed, and the rubble fell down to bury Peggy Wan below.

“Xiao Pei…” Runtian saw that Peggy Wan was sent out, and immediately said angrily: “It’s hateful! Dare to hurt Pei, I will definitely kill you, Kaido…”

Saying that, Runnian rushed towards Kaido, and Kaido snorted coldly and swung a stick again.

“Thunder gossip…” Another stick fell on Runtian’s body, and Runtian, like Pejiwan just now, was knocked out with one blow, and her body kept rolling on the ground, flying for thousands of meters before stopping.

And Kaido was not soft on the other three at all, one person hit them with a stick, even if Fuzifu and others wanted to defend, but in the face of the absolute strength gap, defense was meaningless.

The five sticks solved all five people, knocked them all hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters away, and all of them were knocked back into human form and fell to the ground unconscious.

(New book for collection).

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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