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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 013

“It’s so powerful, it’s a complete second kill!” “Isn’t that nonsense? Even Lord Quinn of the Great Kanban was killed by Governor Kaido’s move. “Too strong, is this the power of the Four Emperors of Pirates?” Most of the members of the surrounding Hundred Beast Pirates have also seen Kaido’s power for the first time.

Because of the clear hierarchy concept in the Hundred Beast Pirates, the waiting and hilarious people basically follow the Fu to do things, and the Fu is to follow the orders of the real fight, and the real fight is directly under the orders of the big Kanban, and they naturally have no chance to see Kaido’s power.

“Hmm, that’s really good!” Kaido is now more and more proud in his heart, sure enough, there is no harm without comparison, although Kaido knows that he is very strong, but how strong he is, Kaido does not know, only through the fight with others can he be clear about the gap between himself and others. The strength of Fei Suplet is not weak, each of them is a sea thief with a reward of hundreds of millions of Baileys, but in the face of himself, no one can bear his own rod, this is himself, the power of Kaido the hundred beasts.

Kaido ordered his subordinates: “Hey, take them all down for treatment, they should all be alive.” ”

“Yes, Governor Kaido.”

After fighting with the flying sextets, Kaido felt that his control of his body had become more and more proficient, and turned and walked towards the castle.

Back in the palace, Kaido directly lay on the sofa, closed his eyes and began to rest, and at this time, Kaido felt a pair of soft jade hands pressing his thighs, Kaido opened his eyes, and it was black Maria who was helping him massage.

And Black Maria also showed a charming smile, and the whole person also lay in Kaido’s arms, and her soft hands stroked Kaido’s chest and said: “Lord Kaido, or go to the little woman’s room to rest!” The little woman can serve the adults well. ”

In the face of such a beautiful person, he also sat up and gently hugged Black Maria, and Black Maria was also full of charm.

Being teased by Black Maria like this, this made Kaido’s inner evil fire a little unsuppressable, looking at Black Maria’s seductive red lips, Kaido directly and rudely hugged it, and gnawed on Black Maria’s sexy red lips.

This made Black Maria a little stunned, because Kaido usually never took the initiative to kiss her, but took the initiative to kiss Kaido. Half a minute later, Kaido let go of Black Maria and grinned, “Oh, yes! The technology has improved a lot! Now I’m going to the training ground, if you want to serve me, wait for the evening! ”

“Yes, Lord Kaido.” There was some resentment in Black Maria’s eyes, but she couldn’t disobey Kaido’s orders.

Kaido also got up from the sofa and cursed inwardly: ‘Damn, now is not the time to rest! Even if you have a blessing, you have to wait until the evening to enjoy it. In two years, the straw hat kid is coming to the new world! You have to improve your strength as soon as possible. ’

And now Kaido has obtained the bloodline of the Saiyan, and he can definitely break the original bottleneck, surpass the general emperor level, and reach a stronger realm.

That’s right, go to training, now Kaido decided to improve his strength through training, which is also the most direct, Saiyan has unlimited potential, as long as you train you can continue to become stronger.

Kaido, who had just turned around, ordered Black Maria: “By the way, Black Maria, call Yamato over and let him come to the training ground to meet me.” ”


For Yamato, Kaido doesn’t know how to deal with her, although it is Kaido’s daughter, but this thing is a proper black heart cotton, in the original book Kaido was defeated by Wang Luffy, this guy is still happy, and has always called himself ‘Mitsuki Ota’, which is simply speechless.

When Mitsuki Ota died, Yamato was only 8 years old, and I don’t understand why 8-year-old Yamato has been worshipping Mitsuki Ota, and he couldn’t understand Yamato’s behavior at all when he watched anime in his previous life.

However, now that he has become Kaido, he has learned about Yamato’s unfilial behavior, and he must correct it well.

Of course, Kaido is not too hopeful about whether it can be corrected, and it is a big deal to keep it locked up and not give her a chance to meet Wang Luffy.

Because of the fusion of Kaido’s memories, Kaido is very clear about the attitude of the predecessor towards Yamato, and he is still more spoiled and indulgent for Yamato, even if Yamato claims to be a man and Mitsuki Ota, Kaido also let her come around, and also recognizes Yamato’s identity as his son.

If you think about it, it is simply strange, BIGMOM has so many children, and in the end, no matter who obeys BIGMOM, although there is a reign of terror, but Kaido only has such a daughter Yamato, why is the relationship between father and daughter so stiff! No, this is not a bad father-daughter relationship, it is completely rebellious!

While thinking about this, when he came to the training ground, Kaido looked at the training equipment placed here, all tailored for Kaido, and there were a lot of handcuffs and iron chains hanging inside, these handcuffs and iron chains were made of sea lou stone, but the purity was only about thirty percent, and after wearing it, it would make people feel weak, and it would also make people unable to use the devil fruit, which Kaido used for training.

“It is estimated that this barbell piece weighs several tons!” Kaido looked at the huge barbell placed in front of him, the huge barbell piece was about 7 meters tall, about the same height as Kaido, and there were a total of six barbell pieces in a barbell, and then Kaido came to the side and saw that the barbell piece said 30t.

“30 tons, is it so heavy?” Kaido was also shocked when he looked at it, one barbell piece has 30 tons, so isn’t there six pieces here 180 tons? Originally, he thought that this barbell piece would weigh only a few tons, but now this weight is simply beyond his imagination.

Kaido walked up, squatted slightly, shouldered the barbell, and immediately felt the weight, and then got up, really lifted the bar of more than one hundred and eighty tons, and Kaido did not feel too tired, and then Kaido continued to lift weights and began to exercise.

After lifting weights hundreds of times in a row, Kaido finally felt some fatigue, and slowly put down the barbell estimated to be two hundred tons, Kaido took a fancy to the sea lou stone handcuffs hanging on the clip, this thing has always been used by Kaido to train, in the world of One Piece, the devil fruit ability is afraid of sea water, but also afraid of sea lou stone, Kaido wants to see if he can have this weakness after obtaining the Saiyan bloodline.

(New book for collection).

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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