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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 014

The weakness of the Saiyans in the original book is the tail, but whether it is Kakarot or Vegeta, it is a weakness such as the tail that is overcome.

Without hesitation, Kaido stepped forward and put the handcuffs directly on his wrist, and immediately Kaido felt a sense of weakness, as if it was the feeling of detachment.

But fortunately, this is only a thirty% pure Hailou stone handcuff, although it will make Kaido feel a little detached, but Kaido has also done this kind of training before, so he can adapt.

“Hmm, this feeling, is this the suppression of the capable by the sea lou stone?” Kaido grinned wickedly, trying to use the Devil Fruit ability, his arm began to change, and the feeling of weakness became more obvious, and the Sea Lou Stone was obviously suppressing Kaido’s Devil Fruit ability.

Then, Kaido looked at the rest of the training equipment, picked up a thirty-ton dumbbell and began to practice his wrist strength.

Half an hour later, Black Maria took Yamato to the training ground, looking at Kaido who was training at this time, Yamato directly rushed towards Kaido, hit him with a mace, and shouted in his mouth: “Kaido, let me die!” ”

Kaido, who was training, also noticed a murderous woman with white hair and horns, this woman was Yamato.

Swinging the barbell in his hand, blocking Yamato’s mace attack, pushing it away, looking at the long-haired girl in front of him, with horns very similar to him, isn’t this his daughter Yamato!

This really fucking wants to kill him as soon as we meet! Although I saw One Piece in my previous life, I was quite unhappy with Yamato’s unfilial daughter, it was simply a pit goods, even more pit goods than Quinn’s guy.

This girl will worship Ota and become an enmity with him, not only becoming a demon, but also openly rebelling against the water in the decisive battle with the Straw Hat Regiment, which brings great trouble. Even if he was beaten into the magma, his life and death were uncertain, this girl did not feel sad, as if he died a stranger.

But Kaido didn’t expect that Yamato’s girl was so malicious to him, and as soon as they met, he hit him in the face with a mace, and after crossing over to Kaido, now Kaido only wants to slap this unfilial girl to death.

Anyway, he is the daughter of the original Kaido, and not his own daughter, although the original Kaido has always tolerated Yamato’s rebellious daughter, but now Kaido can’t bear it, and at the same time decided in his heart, if it can’t be used for me, I’ll keep it locked up, after all, Yamato is also the daughter of the original body, in terms of bloodline, now she is also her own daughter, although she doesn’t have any feelings, but she can’t directly beat her to death!

“Do you want to kill me as soon as you come up? Yamato. Kaido said with some emotion.

Looking at the void panel beside Yamato, the electronic voice also detected the combat strength: ‘Yamato, animal line, phantom beast species, canine fruit and large mouth true god form, overlord color domineering (advanced) armed color domineering (advanced) seeing and hearing color domineering (advanced), comprehensive strength estimation: emperor deputy level. ’

Kaido looked a little surprised, does Yamato’s strength have the rank of emperor and vice? Like Ember, except that Ember is now in his forties, and it is already very difficult to improve his strength, and Yamato is only 26 years old now, and there is still a lot of possibility for his strength to improve in the future. It’s a pity that this unfilial son wants to kill himself as soon as they meet, which makes Kaido really distressed, and such a powerful combat power cannot be used by him.

Black Maria next to him was also a little speechless, for the discord between Lord Kaido and Master Yamato, it has long been known to everyone in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, did not expect that Master Yamato had just taken advantage of Lord Kaido’s training to sneak attack, feeling like he really wanted to kill Lord Kaido, and said with some bitterness: “Young Master Yamato, how can you be so rude!” Lord Kaido is your father. ”

Yamato listened and snorted coldly: “Hmph, I don’t have such a father, and I don’t want to have one, I will defeat you one day, Kaido.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Kaido’s face became even more ugly, and after putting down the barbell, he said coldly: “It seems that you really hate my biological father!” Yamato, do you like that waste from Mitsuki Ota so much? ”

“You are not allowed to insult Ota-sama, Kaido.” Yamato listened and looked at Kaido with an angry look on his face, and roared, “In the next step, I want to become a man like Mitsuki Ota,”

Kaido sat on the chair at this time and asked with some doubt: “Mitsuki Ota, it’s just a waste, I really don’t understand, you were only eight years old when he died, why did you become his brain dead fan, and it is unbelievable that you can last for so many years.” ”

Yamato listened even more angrily: “People like you don’t understand the greatness of Lord Ota at all, and from beginning to end, you, a coward, dare not fight Lord Ota head-on, and defeating Lord Ota by despicable means is simply a shame for a samurai.” ”

Black Maria was also a little angry when she heard this: “Master Yamato, Lord Kaido is your father, you can’t say that about Lord Kaido.” ”

“Hmph, I don’t have that kind of father.” Yamato snorted coldly, and was very disdainful of Kaido: “Moreover, it is not called Yamato in the lower part, and it is called Mitsuki Ota in the lower name.” ”

Kaido listened to the sigh, it was indeed incomprehensible, it was really the hateful old thief of Oda, who set Yamato’s character like this in order to help Wang Luffy.

To Kaido’s feeling, Yamato is simply a brain-dead fan of Mitsuki Ota’s ashes, and it took eighteen years for the original body to not be able to convince her, can he really convince her?

Looking at Yamato, he instinctively compared with BIGMOM, and suddenly felt sadness. BIGMOM has so many children, and Lingling is also very cruel to her own children, and if she disobeys, she will be directly drained of her soul, but Lingling’s children can become the power of the BIGMOM pirate group.

And she is such a daughter, she still doesn’t listen to herself, and she has developed an anti-bone boy, which is simply speechless.

‘The tuba is wasted, let’s practice a trumpet of your own! Kaido secretly said in his heart, although he knew that Yamato was his daughter, but Kaido did not recognize it in his heart, especially Yamato was still so rebellious, which made Kaido hate Yamato’s daughter even more in his heart, whether it was a son or a daughter, or give birth again!

At this time, Kaido somewhat wanted to drive Yamato away, but after driving her away! Let her form a group of pirates to attack herself? Isn’t this full of food and holding on to find something?

However, if Yamato is not honest, then Kaido does not plan to give Yamato so much freedom, you can not kill you for the sake of the original body, after all, Yamato is also Kaido’s daughter, lock it up.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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