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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 015

Kaido didn’t want to talk to Yamato anymore, and asked directly: “That’s it, Yamato, I think I’ve put up with you enough, but everything has to have a degree.” I asked you once at the end, do you plan to be my Kaido’s daughter, the Princess Oni of the Hundred Beast Pirates, or do you plan to do shit Mitsuki Ota, if you plan to be that shit Mitsuki Ota, then don’t blame Lao Tzu for not missing the father-daughter relationship. ”

Yamato was slightly stunned when he listened, and then clenched the mace in his hand and said coldly: “I don’t want to be the daughter of this guy of yours, I am Mitsuki Ota, if I can’t be Ota, then I’d rather die.” ”

Kaido listened to his face livid, this is really a strong contrarian to himself! Kaido was not a good temper, but now after integrating into the blood of the Saiyan, his temper is even more irritable, and with a ‘boom’, a powerful overlord-colored domineering burst out on Kaido’s body, and the overlord-colored domineering formed a powerful domineering sea and rushed towards the surroundings.

Suddenly, Yamato and Black Maria were both washed by the overlord-colored domineering sea, and all of a sudden both of them felt pressure, and the weak Black Maria couldn’t bear it, and the body couldn’t stop kneeling, supporting the ground with both hands, otherwise he fainted.

And Yamato also felt Kaido’s powerful overlord-colored domineering storm, and his heart was also shocked, but without the slightest intimidation, the same powerful overlord-colored domineering on his body burst out, colliding with Kaido’s domineering, but compared with Kaido, Yamato’s domineering is much weaker, and the momentum is completely weaker than Kaido.

But Yamato is also a woman with the spirit of a king, even if she is not as domineering and powerful as Kaido, she is standing straight and straight, and her beautiful eyes are not at all intimidated by Kaido’s eyes.

Soon, Kaido’s overlord-colored domineering weakened, and people with overlord-colored domineering were more stubborn people, often deciding one thing, not hitting the south wall and not looking back, even if they hit the south wall, they would continue to bump, Kaido understood that it was not an easy thing to get Yamato to give up Mitsuki Ota.

But Kaido knew that two years later, Wang Luffy would come at that time, and he had no extra time to waste on Yamato.

Kaido looked at Yamato coldly: “Do you really think that Laozi does not dare to slaughter you?” Yamato, in this country of peace, what kind of fate will happen to those who dare to disobey Lao Tzu’s orders? ”

“Lord Kaido…” Black Maria was also a little stunned, she didn’t expect that Lord Kaido, who was accustomed to Yamato, would say such words, it seems that Lord Kaido’s tolerance for Yamato Young Master has reached the limit.

After all, I think it is also, as the fourth emperor, when did Kaido suffer such a grievance, that is, in the body of his daughter Yamato, which made Kaido feel helpless.

Yamato listened and grinned, looked directly at Kaido with both eyes, and replied loudly: “I never wanted to be a Princess Onihime, and I didn’t want to be your daughter, under Mitsuki Ota, I want to become a samurai like Lord Ota, and you want to kill me, then from now on, Kaido, I will sever the father-son relationship with you, and you are no longer my father, if you want to kill me, then come!” ”

Kaido’s face is a little ugly, but all this seems to be expected by Kaido, after all, after reading the original work, Kaido understands what kind of goods Yamato is, if it is the original body, he will definitely not break off the father-daughter relationship with Yamato, and will continue to tolerate Yamato Hulai, but Kaido will not get used to her, in the end, Yamato is only the daughter of the original body, not his.

Especially Yamato’s words, let Kaido hate, as if he was sure that Kaido did not dare to take her, it was simply death, but Yamato did not know, the current Kaido will definitely not get used to Yamato.

At this time, the black Maria in the back was also stunned, standing silently behind, trying to reduce her sense of existence.

“Well, if the father and daughter have come to this point, then it won’t be interesting.” Kaido opened his Hailou stone handcuffs at this time, looked at Yamato coldly, and said: “If that’s the case, then from now on, you will not be my daughter, so I want to ask, what is your identity now!” ”

“Under is Mitsuki Ota.” Yamato said firmly.

Kaido heard this answer, and it was completely expected, he could only say that the original body was still too benevolent to Yamato, and he should learn BIGMOM to treat such an disobedient unfilial son, and there are too few heirs in the original body, only Yamato such a daughter, if there are dozens of children like BIGMOM, then there will be no such bad things at all, and if you disobey, you will directly enter the cold palace.

Now that the soul has crossed into Kaido’s body, Kaido naturally wants to change some things in his original body, anyway, he is still young, and he is giving birth to a few more.

For Yamato, Kaido did not pay much attention, and Yamato was still so rebellious, which also made Kaido unhappy, and said coldly: “If you really plan to be Mitsuki Ota, then it is better to make enlightenment, because this means that from now on, you will be my enemy.” ”

Yamato listened firmly, “This is better, I definitely want to open the country for Wano, and I will definitely defeat you, Kaido.” ”

“Very well, then, now I am in front of you.” Kaido said in a grim voice.

And Yamato clenched the mace in his hand at this time, but she was unusually calm, once she challenged Kaido many times, and also tried to sneak attack to kill Kaido, but no matter what, she couldn’t win Kaido, so Yamato was very clear about the gap between his strength and Kaido, and now he couldn’t defeat Kaido at all, and spoke: “Now I’m not your opponent, but I will definitely defeat you and let the country of Kaido open the country.” ”

Hearing this, Kaido was slightly stunned, how he felt a little familiar, there was a little Wang Luffy’s tone.

“Well, you can’t win me now, do you think there will be a future? I said, from now on, we are the enemy. Saying that, Kaido clenched the mace, and in an instant purple lightning appeared on the mace, and under the shock of Yamato and Black Maria, Kaido rushed towards Yamato at an extreme speed: “Thunder gossip…”

Yamato didn’t expect Kaido to take the initiative to attack her, even before, he sneaked up on Kaido, or wanted to challenge Kaido, it was after he was prepared first, and Kaido fought back after he started first, and the first time he faced Kaido’s first move, Yamato didn’t have any preparation at all, and took Kaido with a stick with his face firmly.

With a loud bang, after the mace collided with Yamato’s body, the rod burst out of the air, and then Yamato’s body was knocked out, hit the wall, and then crashed through dozens of walls in a row, flying for thousands of meters before stopping.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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