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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 017

Kaido looked at the black Maria behind him, not knowing what he was thinking, his cheeks were crimson, and from time to time he let out a foolish laugh, and asked, “What’s wrong with you?” Black Maria. ”

And Black Maria at this time is completely without the calmness of the past, hearing Kaido’s words are a little nervous, obviously the eldest sister of the veranda, usually often serve Lord Kaido, but now hearing that Lord Kaido wants to marry herself, her heart is also a little unbelievable: “Lord Kaido, do you really want to marry me?” ”

Kaido listened and asked with some curiosity: “Is there any problem?” Didn’t you say that you served me alone? Have you ever served other men? ”

“No, absolutely not, the little woman has definitely only served you, Lord Kaido.” Black Maria panicked, she really only served Kaido alone, and she couldn’t look at the rest of the men in the country of Wano, and the rest of the men who saw her beauty would be trained by Black Maria to become her slave, and the only person she adored in the entire country of Wano was Kaido.

“It’s just that the little woman feels that happiness came too suddenly.” Black Maria’s face turned a little rosy and said, “It’s just, why does Lord Kaido keep calling the little woman Black Maria!” If you can, please ask Lord Kaido to call me Mary in the future. ”

“Oh, then I’ll call you Mary.” Kaido also responded, ridiculing: “I’m going to train next, so you can continue to get busy!” ”

Black Maria listened and immediately said, “It’s okay, the little woman wants to be by Kaido-sama’s side.” ”

Kaido did not object and returned to the training ground to continue training.

I trained until the afternoon, looking like the time was about to come, today is the birthday dinner of the black charcoal snake, although for Kaido, it doesn’t matter if he goes or not, but Kaido also plans to go, and now his stomach is hungry.

After putting down the dumbbells, Kaido was also sweating at this time, I have to say that the original body is still very important to training, although he sweated a lot, but Kaido did not feel too tired, is this the endurance of the animal Devil Fruit awakener? Moreover, Kaido can feel that the influence of Hailou stone on himself seems to be small, is he adapting to the handcuffs of Hailou Stone with 30% purity?

Is this the power of Saiyan bloodline? Could it be that I really overcame the weakness of Hailou Stone so quickly.

Kaido was also very puzzled in his heart, after all, the Monkey King in Dragon Ball Z, when he went to Namek, just cultivated in the gravity room for a few days, and his combat effectiveness increased dozens of times, which is simply exaggerated.

Kaido knows that the Saiyan talent and ability to overcome weaknesses are quite strong, and the tail of the Saiyans in the original book is their weakness, but Sun Wukong and Vegeta have overcome this weakness through training, it seems that their previous ideas can be successful, as long as they pass training, they may be able to overcome the weakness of the Devil Fruit Fear of Water.

Fixing this attention, Kaido immediately ordered: “Maria, tomorrow find me a pair of 100% pure sea lou stone handcuffs.” “In this training ground, there are only 70% purity Hailou stone handcuffs at most, and there are no Hailou stone handcuffs with 100% purity.

The original body does not have the bloodline of the Saiyan, no matter how you cultivate, you will be suppressed by the sea lou stone, and it is impossible to overcome the weakness of the ability to fear the sea water and the sea lou stone, but now Kaido can completely overcome these difficulties with the Saiyan bloodline.

“Do you need such a high-purity Hailou stone handcuff?” Black Maria was also a little surprised, but she would carry out Kaido’s order, and then nodded: “I know, I will order people to do it.” ”

Then Kaido stood up and asked, “Maria, what do you think of this big snake guy!” ”

Hearing Kaido’s words, Black Maria thought for a moment and replied, “General Great Serpent?” , lewd, timid and so on! In the country of Wano, there is not much good side to the Great Snake General. ”

The corners of Kaido’s mouth hooked a curve, for the black carbon snake, in Kaido’s plan, this guy also needs to be eliminated, although there is no sign of betraying himself, but Kaido needs Kaido to need Kazuno Country does not need him, throws the towel aside, picks up his feather cloak and puts it on: “Hmm, let’s go!” Go to the country of peace, today the big snake actually set up a banquet, then go for it! ”

Black Maria looked at Kaido’s wrists still with the handcuffs of the Sea Lou Stone on her wrists and asked, “Lord Kaido, don’t you untie the Sea Lou Stone handcuffs in your hands?” ”

Kaido didn’t think so, and said calmly: “It’s okay, the purity of this sea lou stone is only thirty percent, it doesn’t have much impact on my actions, and it can’t make me feel weak, I have basically overcome the 30% purity of the sea lou stone handcuffs now, and the subsequent training will continue to improve the purity of the sea lou stone, moreover, I also want to try to see if wearing the sea lou stone handcuffs for a long time can play a training role, by the way, you help me ask Quinn when you turn back, Can you build me a gravity chamber that can control gravity? ”

“Quinn was knocked unconscious by you, Lord Kaido, today, and should still be in bed now!” Black Maria laughed and said charmingly, “Don’t worry, I’ll ask Quinn.” ”

“Well, let’s go!”

“Yes.” Following Kaido, it also made Black Maria also have some emotion, obviously the strength of Lord Kaido is already so strong, and he is still training at any time.

The country of Wa, the capital of flowers, the shogun’s house.

At this time, this place is very lively, the banquet is about to start, not only the ninjas and samurai of Wano Country, but also the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group are basically coming, even Quinn and Fei Wufeng, who were knocked unconscious by Kaido during the day, appeared on the scene with bandages wrapped around their bodies at this time, and it should really be said that they are animal abilities, and their resilience is fast.

“Lord Kaido, the Protector of the Kingdom…” At this moment, the guard at the door suddenly shouted, and suddenly the originally lively General’s Mansion suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at the gate.

I saw Kaido enter the venue with Black Mary, and the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group said respectfully: “Governor Kaido…”

“Hmm, it’s all here! It looks like I’m late! Kaido looked at everyone at the banquet, Quinn in the big show has arrived, the other five people in the flying quintet, Fuz Fu, Sasaki, Runma, Peggiwan, and Kebal are also there, but several of them are wrapped in bandages, and the ability to look at the animal line is strong, he beat him this morning, and after bandaging his injuries, he can come to the banquet in the evening.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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