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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 022

Hearing Quinn say this, Kaido also frowned, he didn’t expect that the technology of transforming people was so troublesome!

Originally, according to Kaido’s idea, the technology of transforming people was promoted to the endowments, so that the strength of these people could be rapidly improved, but he did not expect that since a transformation person needed to spend so much money, he immediately decided to apply the technology of transforming people to high-level combat power.

Kaido asked tentatively, “What about Jack!” Do you think he can withstand the technology of transforming people? ”

“If it’s Jack, there should be no problem.” Quinn said with a flattering smile.

Hearing Quinn’s words, Kaido decided to use the transformation technique for his loyal subordinate, and spoke: “Then Jack is good, just use your technology to improve Jack’s strength, instead of making those who give the endowment stronger, it is better to let Jack, the big Kanban continue to become stronger, and become my right arm.” ”

“It’s a really good idea.” Quinn listened to it and laughed happily, compared to letting those useless subordinates, Quinn is also more optimistic about Jack, and Jack is also what he watched grow up, although it is also a big Kanban, but Jack is also quite respectful of himself.

Kaido also did not ink, and asked: “Just give priority to Jack the technology, how much money is needed, let’s say it bluntly!” Kaido also decided to prioritize the technology and funds for transforming people on the big Kanban of Jack.

And Jack is only 26 years old now, and the potential in the future is still very large, and it may be possible to surpass Ember and Quinn in the future, and it is still possible to invest in him.

“This, 5 billion Bailey!” Quinn said a number.

Hearing this amount, Kaido was also a little surprised, and finally agreed: “Okay, where you go to Ember to allocate funds, just say that I agree, then you go and do a good job.” ”

Hearing that Kaido agreed without thinking, Quinn secretly cursed in his heart, he wanted less, and he knew that he would ask for more money.

“Don’t worry! Brother Kaido, leave it to me! Quinn happily turned and ran out.

After sending Quinn down, Kaido continued to train, and Black Maria was watching, just now the conversation between Quinn and Kaido she stood silently next to her, and did not speak, and now she is also playing the shamisen next to her, watching Kaido’s training.

Kaido asked while training, “By the way, Maria, you seem to be from Wano Country!” ”

“Yes, Lord Kaido.” Black Maria replied.

“Then you should know a lot about the country of Wano! Tell me what you think of the country of Wano under the rule of the Great Serpent? Kaido continued to do the sit-ups and asked flatly.

In the original work, Kaido quite dislikes the big snake guy, and after becoming Kaido, Kaido also intends to take back all the power of the country of Wano, so naturally he has to find a reason to get rid of the black carbon snake.

Black Maria was a little puzzled, but she also heard some voices, and tentatively said: “The country of Wano under the rule of the great snake can be said to be a mess, except for the capital of flowers, the other five townships have been scourged, but because of Lord Kaido, everything is still stable in the country of Wa.” ”

Kaido continued to ask, “It seems that the food of Wano Country cannot be self-sufficient, right? ”

Black Maria was a little puzzled, why would Lord Kaido ask these things today, after all, Lord Kaido had never cared about these things before, but still replied: “Well, it seems to be!” Because we built factories in Wano Country, the water in the rivers could not be drunk or irrigated, so there was a shortage of food, and only the land around the flower capital had clean water and fertile fields. ”

“Is that so?” Kaido replied flatly, there are still two years to go, Wang Luffy will come to the country of peace, and he must become stronger before that, not only Kaido, but also the strength of the entire Hundred Beast Pirate Group will be improved.

In the country of Wano Kaido does not want to have a second voice, power recovery is necessary, so that you can also gather the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and all the financial and material resources of the Country of Wa, the way to quickly improve the strength is nothing more than the devil fruit and technology, it just so happens that the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has both, plus Kaido as a traverser has the advantage of knowing the plot, as long as you get some talents into your hands in advance, then the strength of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group can be quickly improved.

Of course, the strength improvement of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is secondary, the main thing is that Kaido’s own strength needs to be improved, and with the Saiyan bloodline, he can only make himself stronger through training.

The world combat effectiveness in One Piece is very different, the strength of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is basically supported by Kaido, the strength of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is also supported by Whitebeard, and the strength of the BIGMOM Pirate Group is the same, it can be said that the captain’s combat effectiveness accounts for 80% of the entire Pirate Group.

Just like in the original book, as long as Kaido is defeated, then the morale of the entire Hundred Beast Pirate Group will completely collapse, and on the other hand, Wang Luffy and their side, even if Kaido has defeated Wang Luffy, the Straw Hat Pirates and the Samurai Alliance still have this resistance.

Thinking of his own defeat in the original work, Kaido was inexplicably angry, simply inexplicably defeated, Monchi Dnika Joyboy Wang Luffy has been sit-ups, and the samurai who followed Wang Luffy also have the ability to sit-ups. On the contrary, as the strongest creature in the land, sea and air, Kaido did not have a single sit-up, and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, a large number of animal fruit ability, it seems that except for Jack and Runmei who sit-up once, the rest of the people do not have the ability to sit-up.

Thinking of this, Kaido’s desire to become stronger has increased a little, and he will definitely beat Wang Luffy in this life.

(New book for collection).

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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