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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 023

When Kaido wanted to become stronger and burst King Luffy, Black Maria opened her mouth and asked: “Lord Kaido has never cared about the affairs of the country of Wano on weekdays, why did he suddenly ask about the country of Wano today!” ”

Kaido’s Kaido after returning to his senses did not hide it: “The big snake is too wasteful, I don’t need him anymore.” ”

Black Maria was a little surprised, but expected, just looked at Kaido with a charming smile and asked, “Is Lord Kaido planning to be a general himself?” ”

“Why, can’t I do it?” Kaido said in an icy voice.

“No, the country of Wano was originally Lord Kaido, and it is only natural that Lord Kaido should be the general of the country of Wa.” Black Maria smiled charmingly, and then replied: “Rather, this is the whole hope of the Hundred Beast Pirates, in fact, many people have long hoped to be able to kill the Black Carbon Great Snake, this guy has always been active as an ally of our Hundred Beast Pirates, and most of the resources of the country of Wano have entered the pocket of the General’s Mansion, and everyone has long been unhappy with him.” ”

Kaido also snorted coldly and said contemptuously: “Let this waste be a general for more than twenty years, and the country of Wano is still being treated as this hanging sample, it is simply a waste, and the power of the country of Wano should also take him back.” ”

Black Maria was not surprised that Kaido wanted to take back the power of the Wano Country, and asked, “So, when is Lord Kaido going to start.” ”

“Let’s talk about it later!” Kaido now wants to improve his strength and then participate in the top war, and only by going to the top war can he be clearer about the gap between himself and the world’s top combat power.

Seeing that Kaido didn’t say anything more, Black Maria didn’t dare to say anything indiscriminately, after all, Kaido is usually cloudy, even if he is now sure that he is Kaido’s woman, Black Maria does not dare to easily touch Kaido’s brows, not to mention that now Kaido’s temper seems to be worse than before, even if his temper is bad before, at most, it is angry with some insignificant little minions, but now not only Quinn, but also sextuplets, even the big and young master are also locked up, Black Maria couldn’t figure out Kaido’s veins either.

Finally, the day’s training was over, Kaido spat out a turbid breath in his mouth, and looked at his panel: ‘Kaido, animal line, phantom beast species, fish and fruit, green dragon form, overlord color domineering (top), seeing and smelling color domineering (top), armed color domineering (top), comprehensive strength estimation: strong general royal level. ’

‘I’ve been training for two days, but I still haven’t been able to break through? Kaido secretly said in his heart, after all, the original Kaido seems to be the peak of the strong general royal level! It seems that it is not so easy to break through this threshold!

‘I’ve only been training for two days, so what’s the hurry!’ Kaido calmed down in his heart, although he has only been training for two days, but Kaido can feel his growth, not to mention anything else, in terms of Hailou stone handcuffs, he has really adapted to the 50% purity of Hailou stone handcuffs now!

Kaido looked at the one-handcuff on each wrist of his hand, and also decided to increase the purity of the sea lou stone, and Black Maria came over with the key at this time and said, “Lord Kaido…”

Kaido looked at the key handed over by Black Maria, Kaido also immediately untied the sea lou stone handcuffs on his hand, looked at the two pairs of sea lou stone handcuffs with 100% purity next to him, and immediately went over to pick it up, at this time Kaido felt a trace of powerlessness, as well as the unusable demon fruit, and there seemed to be no feeling in addition.

Soon, Kaido put on a 100% pure Hailou stone handcuff and found that he didn’t seem to have much impression of himself.

Is this really 100% pure sea lou stone? It doesn’t seem to make me feel too weak! Thinking of this, Kaido looked at the black Maria next to him, walked directly over, and in the surprised eyes of the black Maria, handcuffed the Hailou stone to the slender wrist of the black Maria.

Suddenly, Black Maria was shocked, and then there was a sense of powerlessness throughout the body, and the delicate body slowly fell, Kaido looked at it and immediately stepped forward to hold it, and Black Maria was a little puzzled, and at the same time there was some panic in her eyes, because she really couldn’t use her strength now, she didn’t even have the strength to stand up, and said very weakly: “Kai, Lord Kaido, why did you lock the little woman, did the little woman make any mistake?” ”

“No, no, no, I just want to try to see if this is 100% pure sea lou stone, it seems to be true!” Sorry, Maria. Kaido grinned, and then took the key to help Black Maria remove the handcuffs of the sea tower stone on Hao’s wrist.

Without the shackles of the sea lou stone, and the strength of the black maria quickly recovered, and just about to stand up, he saw that Kaido had put the 100% purity sea lou stone handcuffs on his wrist.

“Lord Kaido, you are…” Black Maria was a little surprised, just now she experienced the power of 100% pure sea lou stone, for the ability is definitely Tianke, after wearing it, the body can’t try it out at all, but after Lord Kaido put it on, how does it seem to have no effect at all.

Kaido grinned wickedly: “It’s nothing, it’s a kind of training!” I have decided that I will wear it until I completely overcome its weaknesses, although there is some weakness in my body, but I should be able to adapt to it soon. ”

“This, Lord Kaido, this is a 100% pure Hailou stone handcuff!” Black Maria was shocked, if it were not for the 100% purity of the sea lou stone handcuffs, then she was also able to move when she was handcuffed, and she also had some combat effectiveness, but the sea lou stone handcuffs with 100% purity were no different from the sea, as long as it was the ability should be weak and weak.

“There is no difficulty that cannot be overcome, even if the capable people are afraid of the sea, I must completely overcome this difficulty, otherwise it will be a fatal weakness.” Kaido said with a firm look in his eyes, and then said to Black Maria: “Let’s go!” Let’s go to dinner! Maria. ”

“Yes, Lord Kaido.” Shocked in her heart, Black Maria followed behind Kaido, looking at the 100% pure Sea Lou stone handcuffs, which really had no effect on Lord Kaido, and the more she looked forward to Kaido.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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