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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 025

“Transformation?” Ember was a little puzzled.

“Do you know the transformation of the fur clan?” Kaido grinned.

“Fur people?” Hearing this, Ember immediately reacted to Kaido’s abnormal behavior just now, and was surprised: “I remember that the fur tribe seems to be able to transform into the moon lion form when they see the full moon, can it be that Brother Kaido can you too?” ”

It is said that the fur tribe is a natural warrior, each fur tribe is very powerful, and seeing the transformation after the moon, it can make the fur tribe gain exponential strength, it is difficult to imagine, if Brother Kaido can also transform like the fur tribe, the already strong Brother Kaido can reach what point. It’s just that I haven’t heard of Brother Kaido having this ability before!

Kaido also said in advance: “I don’t know if I can transform, so I just want to give it a try.” ”

“Is it a kind of devil fruit developed by Big Brother Kaido?” Ember asked with some excitement.

Looking at Ember like this, Kaido was also a little worried, completely when he saw the moon there was no reaction, wouldn’t it be very embarrassing, hurriedly said: “Ember, I’m not sure if I can transform, I just want to give it a try, and you don’t have to have too high hopes for me.” ”

Later, Kaido also continued to explain: “The reason why I didn’t experiment on Ghost Island was because I was worried that if I saw the moon and really reacted, I was afraid that there would be some trouble. ”

“I see, Brother Kaido.” Ember didn’t ask anything more.

After two hours of driving, I finally came to an uninhabited island, which is very far from Wano Country and Oni Island, even if it really turns out of control, there is no need to worry about endangering the base camp.

Soon, on the island, Kaido still wore a hat to cover his eyes, and Ember followed Kaido, the two walked towards the depths of the uninhabited island, Kaido spoke: “Ember, if I really transform in a while, there may be a situation of losing your mind, if that happens, you don’t care about anything, run quickly, because if I transform, my strength will increase tenfold.” ”

“I see, Brother Kaido.” Ember nodded, also looking forward to Kaido’s transformation.

Kaido continued, “Of course, maybe nothing will happen to the moon when you see it, so don’t expect too much from me. ”

Ember believed Kaido very firmly: “No, I believe that Brother Kaido must be Joey Boi, so it is not surprising that he will bring me any miracles.” ”

Kaido was speechless when he listened, how could Ember believe him so much! Being so expected by his subordinates really made Kaido a little stressed, if he didn’t react at all after looking up at the moon, wouldn’t it be very embarrassing, and Kaido also felt that the chance of failure was quite large, after all, he didn’t even have a tail, how could he transform successfully!

But now he can only bite the bullet and say, “It’s almost the same here.” With that, Kaido took off his hat, then threw it aside, and looked up at the moon.

Looking at the bright light of the moon, the full moon, Kaido was a little excited in his heart, but he was very calm when he saw it, but after more than ten seconds, Kaido’s body did not change at all, and Kaido did not have any emotional changes, and said with some regret: “It seems that it can’t be done!” ”

“No, Brother Kaido, your Hailou stone handcuffs haven’t been taken off yet.” Ember next to him immediately reminded.

Hearing Ember’s words, Kaido was a little speechless, whether the Saiyan bloodline had anything to do with the Devil Fruit, but Kaido still took off his sea lou stone handcuffs, and at the same time transformed into a dragon form, and a long dragon tail grew behind him.

I secretly said in my heart: ‘Now I have a tail!’ But this seems to be a little different from the monkey’s tail! ’

Kaido did not hesitate, continued to look up at the sky, and after more than ten seconds, Kaido sighed: “It seems that it can’t work!” We…” Saying this, suddenly Kaido felt a heat in his mind, and then the whole person’s consciousness completely disappeared.

“Brother Kaido…” Ember who was next to Kaido watched Kaido suddenly stop talking, and at the same time his face was sluggish, and the pupils of his eyes turned red, which made Ember a little nervous, and continued to shout: “Brother Kaido, you, are you okay!” ”

‘Knock’, ‘Knock’, Kaido’s heartbeat keeps coming out, and the sound is getting louder and louder, when the heart beats, the muscles on Kaido’s body are also beating, and the body is pumping, making Ember also a little afraid, and the heart is shocked: ‘Heartbeat, is this the legendary Joey Boi’s heartbeat? The sound of the drum of liberation? ’

“Brother Kaido…” shouted Ember, wanting to return Kaido’s sanity, but in the next second, Kaido suddenly had fangs in his mouth, and the originally cyan dragon scales appeared on it at this time, and then his body began to swell.

Ember looked at Kaido, whose body was getting bigger and bigger, and his body couldn’t stop retreating, because the blood in his body was telling him to run away quickly.

‘If I transform, my strength will increase tenfold…’ At this moment, Ember remembered the words of Brother Kaido before, and thought that Brother Kaido’s strength would increase tenfold, it was unimaginable! Immediately shouted loudly: “Brother Kaido, you are sober!” ”

Seeing that Kaido did not react at all, he continued to transform, his body grew larger and larger, and black hair grew on top of his cyan skin, and soon turned into a huge orangutan with a height of seventy meters and horns.

A roar, based on this horned gorilla, formed a hurricane around it, blowing Ember’s body directly out, and the furious momentum ploughed all the surrounding trees and trees, turning the surroundings into a bare patch.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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