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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 026

“Such a strong momentum…” Ember panicked in his heart at this time, from the body of the huge horned gorilla, Ember felt the fear from the bloodline, and had to quickly escape, immediately flew towards the pirate ship, and immediately said after landing on the boat: “Return immediately, run.” ”

And the real hit Holdem on the ship was also shocked: “Lord Ember, what is that!” How can there be such a big monster on the island! What about Boss Kaido! ”

Ember’s face was livid, and he said solemnly: “That’s Brother Kaido, in short, run quickly, Brother Kaido doesn’t seem to be able to control that force.” ”

And at this time, the huge horned orangutan roared and smashed the ground, ‘Whoops…’ after a roar, the surrounding ground was ploughed aside by a powerful storm again, and at the same time countless currents appeared around the huge orangutan, as well as dozens of energy balls, I saw that the huge orangutan opened the blood basin mouth, dozens of energy balls began to converge in front of the gorilla’s mouth, and gradually formed a purple-black energy bomb, the next second, the huge orangutan roared, the high-density energy ball was knocked out, The powerful energy wind pressure split the sea in half.

‘Boom’, the energy bomb exploded dozens of kilometers away, and suddenly smashed out a fireball thousands of meters high, the powerful storm wind and sea water spread around, and the embers dozens of kilometers away and the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group also felt the strong wind generated by the explosion, at this time they were all stunned, obviously such a distance to explode, they can even feel the hot wind blown by the explosion here.

“Quick, run away!” At this moment, everyone reacted, if Boss Kaido also fired that kind of energy bomb towards them, it would be a fool’s game.

And Ember was also shocked at this time, no wonder Brother Kaido wanted to come to the uninhabited island to test, if Brother Kaido transformed in the Ghost Island or the Country of Wa, this destructive power of the Ghost Island and the Country of Wano would definitely be destroyed.

The ‘boom…’ sea water shook wave after wave and spread around, and at this time Ember felt the impact of the huge wave.

In the farther away Wano Country and Oni Island, a slight shaking of the ground was felt at this time, and people were also curious: “What’s going on!” “Is it an earthquake?”

But the people near the coast were shocked, because they could feel the wind blowing from afar, and they found: “Look over there, there seems to be a fire on the sea!” “What the hell is going on! There really seems to be a fire over there just now. ”

On the uninhabited island, the huge horned orangutan roared again, and then like a gorilla, he beat his chest with both hands, and saw a little rabbit on the ground, and the desire to kill made the horned orangutan raise his huge fist and punch the little rabbit on the ground, directly beating the little rabbit into meat sludge.

And at this time, after Ember ordered Holdham and others to retreat, he immediately flew to the sky to observe the horned gorilla below, and the power of the energy bomb that Kaido spit out just now really scared him, this destructive power and distance, fortunately there was no direction of the country of Chaohe and the ghost island just now, otherwise the energy bomb could really hit the ghost island from a distance of more than a hundred kilometers.

“Map cannon? It seems to have seen it today. Ember couldn’t help but be solemn.

Seeing Kaido on the uninhabited island at this time torturing the creatures on the island, any animals and plants were the targets of his destruction, and Ember did not dare to call Kaido to calm down at this time, in case Kaido heard his voice, not only did not stop, but also attacked him, it would be over.

Although Brother Kaido reminded him that he must escape once he loses his mind, if Brother Kaido’s transformation is the same as that of the fur clan, then as long as he waits until dawn and the moon disappears, the transformation should be lifted!

Looking at the continuous destruction, every punch down, you can smash a big pit on the island, but it is also lucky, the huge horned orangutan just attacks with his fist, and does not use the energy cannon like he just started, otherwise I am afraid that the entire uninhabited island will not be able to help him toss.

Soon, the entire ground of the uninhabited island was ploughed by the horned orangutan, and the horned orangutan walked towards the coast very dissatisfied, directly into the seawater, which made Ember frown slightly, and secretly said: ‘After entering the sea, will it be restored to its original state?’ After all, in Ember’s opinion, Kaido’s transformation should belong to the ability of the Devil Fruit, but Ember also did not understand why Kaido was obviously the ability of the Green Dragon Fruit, why he transformed into a gorilla, or whether this was the racial talent ability of Brother Kaido.

However, after entering the sea horned orangutan, after the sea water just submerged half of its body, the horned gorilla did feel the powerlessness brought by the seawater, which made the horned gorilla even more violent.

After an angry roar, the surrounding sea water was blown away by the momentum of the horned gorilla, and at a depth of tens of meters, it was blown out of a vacuum, and then, the horned gorilla opened its mouth, and the energy condensed in its mouth again.

‘Boom’, the horned gorilla spit out an energy cannon in its mouth, the energy cannon wrapped in a strong wind, pushing the sea water to both sides, forcibly dividing the sea, until dozens of kilometers away, the energy cannon exploded, a flame ball full of Mount Everest height appeared, and then the powerful thrust formed by the sea water directly pushed the horned gorilla out and landed on the uninhabited island again.

The horned gorilla became even more angry at this time, feeling that this sea seemed to be its enemy, and energy bombs appeared in his mouth again, and several energy bombs of ‘boom…’ expanded towards the sea water in front of him.

‘Boom boom…’ Because the distance was closer this time, the power of the explosion was more obvious, and powerful waves of flame energy struck towards the surroundings.

This ember was startled, and he asked himself that he had flown high enough and far, and was already at a safe distance, but this kind of attack, feeling that even if the aftermath hit him, he was afraid that he would die, and immediately accelerated his speed and quickly retreated.

The powerful waves are hitting the surroundings wave after wave, just like a sea earthquake, and each explosion of energy bombs can cause a strong tsunami.

Looking at the horned gorilla who constantly released energy bombs to bomb the sea on the uninhabited island, Ember once again stayed away from the uninhabited island, and at the same time was glad that he brought Brother Kaido to the uninhabited island, otherwise he would completely lose his mind, and his strength was ten times stronger, even if God came, I am afraid that he could not stop it.

And seeing Kaido’s transformation, this also made Ember more certain, Brother Kaido is Joey Boi, or even if Brother Kaido is not Joy Boi, it is better than Joey Boi, the person who can change the world, only Big Brother Kaido, as long as Big Brother Kaido can completely master the power after transformation, then overthrowing the rule of Draco and the world government is definitely not a problem.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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