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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 032

Quinn listened a little ridiculously: “Well! The Hundred Beast Pirate Group has always spoken with strength, I guess you should be able to become a real fighter! If you’re lucky, you can become a flying sextuplet. ”

“What?” Caesar listened with some dissatisfaction, that is to say, this genius went to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and he had to be pressed by you Quinn, which made Caesar very unhappy in his heart.

“As far as he still wants to become a flying sextet.” Quinn’s words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of flying sextuplets.

Quinn also did not pay attention to the words of flying sexters, he understood the value of Caesar, not in combat, but in scientific research, although scientific research technology is a little worse than him, but it is definitely a rare talent, so Quinn values Caesar very much, comforted: “Brother Caesar, in fact, you don’t have to worry, now Brother Kaido attaches great importance to scientific research, and wants me to form a scientific research team, so you will definitely be reused.” ”

“Let me help you ask!” Then took out the phone worm from his arms and dialed the phone worm, and a girl’s voice immediately came from the phone worm: “Hey, this is the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, I am the royal emperor, may I ask which one you are looking for.” ”

“Whoops, Bao, immediately lend to Brother Kaido, I have important matters to report here.” Quinn said with a smile.


Oni Island, the training place, Kaido was training as always, and next to him were two girls, both of them Black Maria’s subordinates, who were sent here to serve Kaido, and suddenly, a girl with short blonde hair, wearing a red kimono, and stepping on a clog appeared: “Lord Kaido, Lord Quinn is calling.” ”

“O royalist!” Kaido looked at the girl and said with a cold expression, the royal emperor’s figure was very small, but there was a piece of paper on his face, completely covering his face, and there was only a huge eye on the paper.

Because the royalist is the ability to eat the SMILE mole fruit, the face has been assimilated with the mole, which can be said to be a complete mouse face, probably inferiority or not wanting Kaido to see her face, so he blocked his face with paper.

After all, taking SMILE Devil Fruit has huge side effects, even if you obtain the ability of Devil Fruit, your body will appear in some animal forms.

But for the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, which is committed to improving its combat power, it doesn’t matter what it looks like.

It’s just that Kaido still feels a pity, when the emperor did not take SMILE, he still looked very cute, but now after taking SMILE, he completely has a mouse face, but after taking the SMILE artificial devil fruit, the royalist also obtained a special ability to monitor.

Soon, the phone worm held in the royalist’s hand rang Quinn’s voice: “Brother Kaido, my side is already in Punk Hassad, everything is going well.” ”

Soon, the appearance of the phone worm changed, and Caesar’s voice came from inside: “Hello Mr. Kaido, I am the maker of SMILE, Caesar, I am willing to join the Hundred Beast Pirates to cooperate with Mr. Kaido.” ”

“Very well, Caesar, you can ask for anything right now.” Kaido also sat on the sofa and said with a cold face.

Caesar listened and immediately flattered: “Oh, Mr. Kaido, I have taken the initiative to surrender, so I would like to ask what kind of position I can get if I join your group.” ”

Hearing that Caesar wanted the position directly from the beginning, Kaido was slightly unhappy and said coldly: “Zhenda, and also the main scientific researcher of the scientific research team of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.” ”

“I plan to form a scientific research team for you and Quinn to do research together, and the status of this scientific research team member can be equal to that of the big Kanban, in short, you only need to do your original work, and the rest don’t have to think too much.”

Hearing Kaido’s words, Caesar understood that although the status of the scientific research team can be comparable to the big kanban, it is just a virtual title, and his real power is only a real title. However, if you can back the Four Emperors Pirate Group, you don’t have to worry about the pursuit of the world government in the future, not to mention that if you don’t agree, you will also be taken away by Quinn and them.

“Mr. Kaido, I hope to be able to bring all the Punk Hassad and experimental subjects with me, and if you want to make SMILE, you also need to go to Dressrosa, because the research base for cultivating SMILE is located in the underground port of Dressrosa.”

Kaido listened and said directly: “I didn’t ask him about this, I’ll go and talk to him over there, the important thing for you now is to take away all the equipment you can take, and then come back to the country of Wano, by the way, Caesar, there should be an artificial devil fruit made by Vegapunk in Punk Hasad!” ”

Caesar was also a little shocked when he heard this, how could Kaido know that there was an artificial devil fruit made of Vegapunk here! But hearing Kaido’s words of such confirmation, Caesar also replied: “There is indeed such a man-made devil fruit. ”

“Quinn, go and get me that artificial devil fruit.” After listening to this, Kaido ordered Quinn: “You can discuss the rest of the matter yourself, I will wait for you on Ghost Island.” ”

“No problem, Brother Kaido.” After Quinn finished answering, he found that the phone had been hung up, and also buttoned the phone and said: “Okay, little ones, let’s quickly take the device away, and then leave Punk Hassad!” ”

On the side of the ghost island, the royalist put down the phone worm and said, “Governor Kaido, then do you need to contact the Joker side now.” ”

“No hurry, wait until Quinn and they bring Caesar over first!” Kaido was also not in a hurry, said with a flat face, and then got up again and began to continue training.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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