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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 034

Kaido is now very confident in his strength, after obtaining the Saiyan bloodline, Kaido can feel that he is getting stronger every day of training, and the combat effectiveness test also tells Kaido that he is indeed getting stronger, when he just crossed over, he was a strong general royal level, and now he has reached the weak king level, in just half a month, his strength has been raised a notch, and if he continues to cultivate at this speed, he may not be invincible in a short time, At that time, it will be possible for one person to single out the three generals or the four emperors.

As for that Im of the World Government, he has lived for eight hundred years, and his strength must have reached a terrifying realm, but Kaido believes that as long as he has the continuous cultivation of Saiyan blood, even if that Im is strong, he can defeat it.

“No, the little woman has always believed in Kaido-sama.” Black Maria said gently: “It’s just that the little woman is puzzled, but Lord Kaido is sure that Whitebeard will definitely be defeated, why don’t we take this opportunity to occupy the territory of the Whitebeard Pirate Group to expand our power!” ”

Kaido listened and was just about to answer, at this time Ember came to the training ground and spoke: “Brother Kaido, Quinn, they are back.” ”

“Oh?” Kaido was a little happy to hear it, and Quinn had called the other day, saying that he had found Caesar and was on his way to bring Caesar back.

Ember looked at the newspaper on the table and spoke, “Brother Kaido, you also know about Fire Fist Ace?” ”

“Well, already know.” Kaido grinned wickedly and replied, “In a week’s time, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely go to war with the Navy headquarters, and it will definitely be a rare battle.” ”

Ember listened and nodded in his heart, because after seeing today’s big news, he was also shocked, but after reacting, he also found that the Navy headquarters publicly executed the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, Fire Fist Ace, which is equivalent to an open provocation against the Whitebeard Pirate Group, I am afraid that war is inevitable, but this also means that the Whitebeard Pirate Group will be empty like never before, which is a good opportunity! And once the Navy headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirate Group go to war, the Whitebeard Pirate Group will inevitably suffer heavy losses, and said seriously: “Brother Kaido, the next battle between the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the Navy is probably inevitable, what do we need to do next?” ”

The corner of Kaido’s mouth showed a fierceness: “I plan to participate in this war to help Whitebeard, although even with my help, the Whitebeard Pirates are estimated to be defeated, but I still want to take a look, it can be regarded as going to Whitebeard to send him to the end, after all, now he is no longer worthy of the world’s strongest name, and he just took this opportunity to try my strength.” ”

“So it is, the current whitebeard is indeed not worthy of the strongest in the world.” Ember listened to it and said with feeling, after seeing Kaido’s transformation, Ember firmly believed that as long as Brother Kaido can master the power after transformation, then it can definitely change the world, he found that he was still worried about the acre and three points of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, with the strength of Brother Kaido, if you want to seize the territory of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, you can directly grab it, there is no need to steal the house when they are away.

Kaido ordered again, “Didn’t you just say that Quinn and they came back?” Go and call them all! ”


At this time, in the port of Ghost Island, the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates were carrying the equipment one by one from the ship, and Ember flew over at this time and landed in front of Quinn and Caesar, Caesar saw the appearance of Ember, and was immediately startled: “Yan, Flame Ember.” ”

“Whoops, scum, you’re here!” Quinn said with a happy smile.

And Jack and the rest of the flying sextuplets also looked over. Ember said grimly, “Come with me!” Brother Kaido wants to see you. ”

“It’s still so annoying!” A lewd smile appeared on Quinn’s fat face, and he looked at Caesar and said: “Whoops, Brother Caesar, now we can do research together like before, rest assured, with our Hundred Beast Pirates, the world government can’t take you.” ”

“Oh, as long as I can continue to experiment, everything is fine, but Quinn, there are still a lot of things in Punk Hassad that have not been brought out!” Caesar also showed a sad smile when he listened, compared to cooperating with Doflamingo, cooperating with Kaido, the four emperors of pirates, is obviously higher, not to mention how can Doflamingo be compared with the four emperors of pirates!

Soon, a group of people followed behind Ember, and Ember noticed that behind Caesar, there was also a beautiful woman with long green hair, and said coldly: “Who is she?” ”

Caesar also explained: “Her name is Monet, and she is my secretary. ”

Quinn said with a look of displeasure: “Bastard Ember, little Monet-chan is a natural ability, is there any problem with taking her to meet Brother Kaido?” “This time he brought Caesar back, and also brought back a lot of research materials, which can be described as a great achievement, and he is naturally a little proud of Ember, the head of the big Kanban whose strength is slightly higher than him, after all, Brother Kaido has always been very partial to Ember before, which makes Quinn very dissatisfied.

Ember was a little surprised to hear that the other party was a natural ability, but he didn’t say much, turned around and continued to walk towards the front.

“Little Monet, come with you! You are a natural ability, and Brother Kaido will definitely value you very much. With that, Quinn threw a wink at a green-haired beauty in the back.

“Yes, Lord Quinn.” Monet returned a standard smile, and at the same time his heart was a little solemn, he was about to meet the emperor of the sea, and even the young lord had to be afraid of the four emperors of the three, and the hundred beasts were more than Kaido.

This reminded Monet of his mission, and he definitely could not let the young master down. When the Hundred Beast Pirates came to Punk Hassad, they lost without any resistance, it should not be said that it was defeated, it was Caesar this guy who voluntarily surrendered, although the two sides are indeed a big gap in strength, but for Caesar’s skinless and faceless, surrender before the fight is also quite speechless.

And this guy also encouraged the direct betrayal of the young lord together, which made Monet angry at that time, but Monet did not have the slightest way, after all, if he did not obey Caesar’s orders at that time, it is estimated that he would be killed by Caesar at that time.

And at that time, the Hundred Beast Pirates Group had already surrounded the research room, even if she wanted to escape, she couldn’t help it, and reported this matter to the young lord Doflamingo, although Doflamingo was angry, but only let her continue to go undercover by Caesar’s side, if she could, get Kaido’s trust, and pass more intelligence back for the family.

For the next fate, Monet is still a little flustered, after all, this is a hundred beast pirate group! It is the pirate group of the four emperors, and it can be described as a strong person like a cloud.

(New book for collection).

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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