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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 037

And Monet heard that Kaido immediately guessed her true identity, and was also a little panicked, and hurriedly explained: “Lord Kaido is joking, I am just Master’s secretary, not an undercover agent.” ”

And Caesar was also a little surprised, he guessed that Monet may be an undercover agent sent by Joker to his side, but how did Kaido know about this, and he didn’t tell Quinn at all!

“You don’t have to explain that much, and I didn’t say what to do with you. Doflamingo will only play some small tricks that are not on the table. Kaido snorted coldly, but he knew how loyal Monet was to Doflamingo, but in the original book he was willing to die for Doflamingo, and said grimly: “I’m afraid you don’t know!” After seeing that the domineering cultivation has reached the extreme, you can hear the inner voice of others. ”

“What?” Hearing this, both Caesar and Monet were shocked, along with Quinn and Black Maria.

Of course, Kaido’s words are just to scare them, and he can’t see and hear more about the future, and hear the inner voice of others.

Quinn also looked at Monet in disbelief and asked, “Monet-chan, are you really Joker’s bastard.” ”

And Monet was also panicked at this time, not knowing what to do at all, while Black Maria said charmingly: “Whether she is or not, she is a suspicious target, and that guy Joker is also bold enough to dare to send undercover agents to our pirate group.” ”

“Lord Kaido, can she be left to me to deal with? Whether she is a spy or not, I promise to help you interrogate her. ”

Hearing the words of Black Maria, Monet was even more panicked in her heart, at this time she wanted to escape, but in the face of these strong people, she had no possibility of escaping at all, once she wanted to escape again, wouldn’t this be more solid to her identity as a spy? Firmly: “Lord Kaido, I am definitely not an undercover agent of anyone, I am just a secretary of the master.” ”

“Okay, it doesn’t matter if this kind of thing happens.” Kaido interrupted grimly, looked at Monet, and said with a sinister smile: “Take a closer look, you seem to look quite good, it’s okay to put it next to you to raise your eyes.” ”

“Lord Kaido…” Black Maria listened and pushed Kaido with an arrogant voice, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Kaido put his arm around Black Maria’s willow waist and ridiculed: “She is a doll at best, she can only see, she can’t use it, if you really use her, her small body is estimated to be able to kill her directly.” ”

“Brother Kaido, you don’t want Monet-chan, it’s better to let Monet-chan follow me!” I’m going to do research for Brother Kaido, and I want a secretary too. Qui was also flattering at this time, he didn’t care if Monet was undercover, anyway, even if Monet was undercover, Doflamingo was only a few pounds and a few pounds! Not in their eyes at all.

“Okay, if you do research, do it well, don’t think about it, there are some things you can’t grasp.” Kaido ignored Quinn’s request and ordered, “Royalist.” ”

|“ After listening to Kaido’s order, the royalist ran to Kaido on his long legs.

“Call Doflamingo.” Kaido ordered directly.

“Yes.” The royal emperor listened and immediately took out the phone worm, and soon dialed the phone, and the phone worm immediately turned into the appearance of Doflamingo, and said coldly: “Hey…”

“Joker, you’ve been doing pretty well lately!” Kaido looked at the phone bug in front of him, and the corners of his mouth hooked a touch of teasing.

And Doflamingo, who was far away in Dressrosa, heard Kaido’s greeting, and scolded his mother angrily in his heart, can he be okay now? Caesar was captured, along with the equipment in the laboratory, and according to Doflamingo’s temper, he had to die.

But the person who snatched Caesar was Kaido, this monster who was so strong and unreasonable, no matter how angry he was in his heart, he had to endure it: “Fu Fu, it’s not bad!” But I want to congratulate Mr. Kaido, I didn’t expect you to find Caesar’s location, what a surprise! ”

“No way! I don’t like to be pinched by people, although SMILE technology is not a lifeblood for me, but being led by the nose like this makes me very uncomfortable. The corners of Kaido’s mouth raised slightly, and he spoke: “We have known each other for so many years, let’s not talk about it!” In the future, I will still let you help me sell weapons, our business will not be broken, but the production plant of SMILE, I need to hold it in my hand, of course, I can pay for it, or I can exchange it with people. ”

“People?” When Doflamingo heard this, he immediately felt a little bad.

“Monet, it’s the undercover agent you planted next to Caesar.” Kaido said grimly: “A natural ability, you are really willing to give up!” She turned out to be Caesar’s secretary. ”

“Fu Fu, what are you talking about! Mr. Kaido. Doflamingo said with a sad smile, he did not believe that Monet had been discovered by Kaido so quickly.

Kaido saw that Doflamingo didn’t admit it, and he didn’t bother to deal with him, and said grimly: “Don’t admit it?” Forget it, I don’t care if you admit it or not, let’s still say the SMILE artificial devil fruit production plant! I’m bound to get that stuff. ”

Doflamingo was shocked in his heart at this time, regardless of whether Kaido found out Monet’s undercover identity, but as long as Kaido had some doubts, then it was simply difficult for Monet to want to deliver news to him in the powerful Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and said with a sinister smile: “Fu Fu Fu, even now that Mr. Kaido has obtained Caesar, then it seems that there is not much use for me to hold this factory, then I will sell it to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group cheaply!” One price, three billion Baileys, the entire factory plus the little Terrans who cultivate artificial devil fruits are packed together. ”

“Okay, deal.” Kaido was also very decisive and said, “After a while, I will let people bring the factory back.” After that, Kaido hung up the phone.

Kaido looked at Monet and ordered, “From now on, you will be Maria’s subordinate, and don’t contact Doflamingo in the future.” ”

“Yes.” Monet did not dare to say anything more, and respectfully saluted Kaido: “However, Lord Kaido, I am not Doflamingo’s subordinate, I am just a secretary of the Master.” ”

“Okay, you all go get busy! Lao Tzu is going to train. Saying that, Kaido did not listen to Monet’s explanation, took off his cape, walked directly to take the barbell weighing tens of tons and began to continue training.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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